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I ran to catch up with Summer before she got inside of her parents' house. Realizing that I was behind her, she spun around to face me.

"Get the fuck away from me. I’m not going to throw myself at you again. I appreciate your help last night, but I’m not going to beg you to let me thank you.”

“It’s not like that Summer. It’s...”

“You’re not gay. You’ve already told me you had a girlfriend. I don’t get it. I don’t get shot down, like ever.”

“I’m not shooting you down!”

“It sure as shit doesn’t feel that way. Whatever it is, I’m done with this.” She turned and continued walking towards the door to her parent’s house.

I knew that if Summer walked through that door, I’d never see her again. I also knew that the only way to stop her would be to make her understand why I was so nervous, which would mean confessing my past.

“I was a cuckold.”


“My last girlfriend… we had a different kind of relationship. I was her cuckold.”

She stared back at me, either in confusion or disbelief. Probably both. We were still outside and our voices were a little raised.

“Can we talk about this inside?”

We went into her parent’s living room and I did my best to explain things to Summer, telling her as much as I could to help her understand while leaving out as many of the most embarrassing details as possible. Once I started talking, I didn’t want to stop out of fear that I wouldn’t be able to start up again. It meant the whole time that I was recounting my experience with Melissa I wasn’t getting any kind of feedback from Summer and had no idea what she thought about any of it.

When I was done she starred back at me with a blank expression. Very slowly a smile came across her face.

“That’s fucking hot.”

That wasn’t the reaction that I was expecting, or wanted.

“You really did all of that?”

All that and a whole lot more. “Yes, but it was years ago. I’m a different person now and I’ve put all of that behind me.”

“If you didn’t like it, why did you do it?”

“It’s complicated. I was young, thought that I was in love, was still a virgin… Melissa was my only sexual outlet. She manipulated me. At the time it felt like my options were what she was offering or nothing at all… and doing things with her was better than nothing so I went along with it.”

“Oh, come on, there’s no way you did all of that just because your girlfriend told you to!”

I really didn’t want to tell Summer about being in chastity and how the desperation that created made me a lot more willing to do things that I normally wouldn’t do and how once I’d done them, Melissa had a way of making it seem normal.

“Like I said, it’s complicated… and it’s all in the past now.”

“Ok, so let me get this straight then. You don’t want to fuck me because your ex-girlfriend fucked a bunch of black guys, made fun of your dick and because I was with a black guy you think I might make fun of your dick too?”

“No, it’s not that I don’t want to have sex with you, I think that you’re gorgeous and I’ve thought so since the first time that I saw you ten years ago. I’m just nervous because my last girlfriend fucked with my self-confidence. I’m just worried that if you’re used to something bigger, that I might be a disappointment, and I still don’t have much experience.”

“I see…”

I could tell that she was trying to process what I was saying and I think that I was getting through to her. Even if she didn’t fully understand, I could tell by the way her demeanour had changed that she no longer felt like I’d been rejecting her.

“Please don’t tell anyone this. It was years ago, and it’s taken me a long time to put it behind me. And obviously, I’m still not completely over it.”

“Can I ask you how small is it?”

“I don’t know. Probably average, I think. Maybe on the smaller side of average? This is the kind of thing that’s hard to explain. Melissa really messed with my head. Her definition of ‘small’ was anything that wasn’t ‘big’ and the guys that she’d have sex with were huge.”

“Lucky girl.” I could tell by the look on Summer’s face that she didn’t mean to say that out loud. “Grey, I’m sorry I didn’t mean...”

“It’s ok.” I was used to it.

“I fucked an Asian guy once.” Again, that same look appeared on her face.

I let her off the hook by laughing.

“So have you had sex with anyone since Melissa?”

“Not really. I’ve gone on dates and stuff, but nothing that’s ever worked out. Nothing ever felt right. Things feel right with you, like really right. I wouldn’t be telling you all of this stuff if they didn’t.”

“Let’s go upstairs,” she said with a smile that nearly went from ear to ear.

I wasn’t really expecting that at all. “Really?”

“Yeah, really. Let’s go.”

As nervous as I was, I wasn’t going to fuck this up again. I took her by the hand and she led me upstairs to her old bedroom. It was a surreal moment in many ways. When I stood at her front door ten years ago and saw her pussy peeking out from under her towel, I’d dreamt and fantasized hundreds of times about fucking her. In my fantasy version of that day, she dropped her towel and beckoned me upstairs. Here I was ten years later, walking hand in hand up those same stairs and headed to her bedroom.

Once upstairs, she led me down a hallway to a door at the far end. It opened to what was clearly a teenager’s bedroom that hadn’t been updated since she’d moved out… but I wasn’t there to critique the décor.

We stood beside her bed and began to make out, kissing and groping each other as our hands explored each other’s bodies. She pulled her lips away from mine for a second, “Take my shirt off,” and so I did, and she immediately took mine off in response. “My pants,” she blurted out prompting me to remove them for her. Just like the night before, Summer was once again in her bra and panties standing before me, except this time she was much closer and I knew that it would end much differently. She got down on her knees in front of me and began tugging at my belt to get my pants off.

“It’s been a while, for you. Let me suck your dick. Cum in my mouth. Get the first one out of the way before we fuck. You’ll be able to get it up again?”

“Definitely,” I had no doubt with this goddess in the room.

Almost before I’d even answered her, Summer had my cock out. She stroked it with her hand but it was already hard and couldn’t get any harder. Without warning, she quickly moved her hand away and took my whole cock in her mouth, first wrapping her lips around the head of my cock and then very quickly deep-throated it. It took all of the willpower in the world to not cum right then and there. For the first time that I could remember, I really felt like a man. I was standing there while a beautiful woman was down on her knees pleasuring me.

Summer’s hands were free and she took off her own bra, exposing her incredible tits for the first time. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on them but if I thought about it too much I knew that I’d cum even faster. I didn’t have a lot of experience when it came to getting a blow job, but Summer was amazing. I couldn’t imagine anyone doing it better.

She sucked my cock without using her hands at all, keeping the length of my cock in her mouth the whole time working her lips up and down the shaft with a vice-like grip as she twirled her tongue around the head. Most of the time she had her hands on my ass, encouraging me to fuck her mouth, occasionally moving one hand to the front to hold, support and massage my balls… her hand, lips and tongue moving in concert to coax the cum out of me.

Not surprisingly, I didn’t last long. I tensed up and sensing that I was about to cum Summer sucked even harder. My knees buckled as I shot what must have been a giant load in her mouth. She didn’t stop sucking the whole time, her tongue darted all around the head of my cock as she swallowed shot after shot of cum. She finally pulled her mouth away from my cock as it began to soften.

“Was that good?”

“Amazing… the best…” I couldn’t think straight, much less make sense when I spoke.

Summer stood up and for the first time I got a good look at her tits and I was in love. They were big, probably C cups but somehow still perky. They looked too perfect to be real, and at that moment, I wondered if they were fake but soon found out that they were indeed all natural.

I reached out to caress them and on the first touch, I was overwhelmed by how badly I wanted to have her nipples in my mouth. As I leaned into her, we fell back into her bed, I half tripped as I realized that my pants were still wrapped around my ankles. I began licking her nipples, alternating from her left to right breast all the while trying to kick my pants off.

“Slow down babe, we’ve got hours to play.”

What an amazing thing to hear, and she was right. I was so desperate and nervous that I was rushing things. I stood up and as calmly as I could, I took off all my clothes. As I did, I fell in love with the image before me. Summer was one of the most beautiful women that I’d ever seen, someone who I’d literally dreamt about, and here she was practically naked in bed waiting for me to fuck her.

I laid back down next to her and went back to work on her nipples, kissing and licking each one in turn. The sound of her soft moans was already making my cock hard again, even though I’d just cum a few minutes ago. She stretched her arms up above her head giving me full access to her chest, and spread her legs at the same time encouraging me to explore other parts of her body as well. While still focusing my mouth on her breasts, I reached down and firmly touched the inside of her thigh and worked my hand towards her pussy. Her panties were soaked.

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“Lick my pussy, babe.”

Summer had taken to calling me babe, and I liked the sound of it. I like the sound of her telling me to go down on her even more. If there was one thing that I was confident in sexually it was my oral skills. Years of being with Melissa and not being able to do much else with her trained me well.

Summer raised her ass off the bed allowing me to pull her panties off, revealing the first clear view of her that I’d ever seen. It was a sight to behold. Like the rest of her, Summer’s pussy was perfect. The soft folds of her lips, the tip of her clit jutting forward and her enticing opening that I couldn’t wait to fuck were all on clear display for me to see.

I put all of my experience into making Summer cum. I think she was as surprised as she was excited by my ability. It was incredible to have my tongue buried deep inside the pussy that I’d first caught a glimpse of ten years ago. All of my dreams were coming true. I used every trick and technique that I knew and I could tell that I was driving Summer wild. It felt great to pay her back for the incredible sucking that she’d given my dick.

As I was working on her pussy, Summer began to moan out words of encouragement. She wasn’t shy about letting me know what she liked and what she didn’t. After just a few minutes of following her lead, sliding two fingers in and out of her while my tongue furiously lapped her clit, Summer’s whole body began to spasm and I could tell that she was orgasming. Her legs clenched up, squeezing my head between her thighs and holding my mouth on her pussy as I continued to lick through her orgasm.

My cock had been hard for a while now. As Summer relaxed after cumming, I was able to get on my knees and position myself between her spread legs – my erect cock pointed right at her pussy.

“That’s it, babe, give me that cock. Fuck me.”

She was so wet that I slid in with almost no resistance. Summer let out a long soft moan as I pushed myself in to the hilt. I got on top of her and we kissed as I began to move my cock in and out of her. I was a little grateful for how wet she was. As much as it felt amazing, it made her a little less tight and gave me some confidence that I might last more than a few minutes.

I’m sure that if she hadn’t blown me that I’d have cum already. I just couldn’t believe that I was inside of this beautiful woman. I tried to distract myself, but Summer made that impossible. Within seconds I discovered her love of dirty talk.

“You like that little cunt, babe?”

“I love it,” I said eagerly.

“It’s been worn in by a lot of black cocks. Fuck it like you want to make it yours. Fuck it nice and hard, babe.”

I picked up my pace and did my best to give it to her hard.

“That’s it, babe. Show me what a man you are. Give me that cock. Make me take it. Fuck me, babe, fuck me.”

“Summer, I’m going to cum.”

“You’re going to cum? Is my black cock loving pussy going to make you cum? Does it turn you on knowing that you’re fucking a black cock whore?”

I couldn’t take it anymore. I wasn’t sure if I could cum in her or not, so I pulled out – and just in time. As soon as I pulled out of her, jets of cum shot out of my cock covering her chest and stomach. It was an incredible amount of cum, especially considering that I’d just cum about a half hour ago. A giant smile broke out over her face. She reached down and stroked my cock draining every last drop from my balls.

I laid down beside Summer and the two of us stayed there in silence. My head was still racing and I was trying to make sense of what had just happened. I think she was in some sort of post-orgasm bliss, although I sure if she was glowing from the one I gave her or the one she just gave me. I could tell that she took more than enough pride in making me cum so hard. Eventually, she broke the silence.

“Can I ask you something?”

“After that, you can ask me anything you want!”

“Did you like the things that I said? I mean when we were fucking.”

“I guess so, yeah.”

“You came really hard. Does it turn you on knowing that I normally date black guys?”

I wasn’t sure how to answer her, and my hesitation was obvious. She answered her own question in a way.

“Grey, you shot a monster load when I called myself a ‘black-cock loving whore’. I said that because I thought it would make you cum and it did - hard.”

She was probably right, but I didn’t want to admit it to either of us.

“It’s ok, you know. You shouldn’t be embarrassed or whatever. We all have our kinks.”

“What are yours then?”

“Black guys with big dicks,” she said with a laugh while giving me a hug.

“Can I tell you something?”

“Of course.”

“Ten years ago, when we first met… when my buddy and I came to pick you up… I saw your pussy.”

“You did?”

“Yeah, I was standing by the front door and you appeared at the top of the stairs wearing only a towel. From where I was standing, I could see right up that towel. It was the first time I’d ever seen a naked girl. I’ve jerked off hundreds of times thinking about that day.”

Summer began laughing hard. “I pulled that stunt with a lot of guys back then.”


She was still laughing. “Yeah… you told me that your friend was supposed to pick me up. I probably thought that he was cute. I guess when I saw you show up, I thought you were cute too. If a cute guy was coming to pick me up for the first time, I’d always make sure to jump in the shower before he showed up, that way I could stand at the top of the stairs in my towel and apologize for running late. Really, I just wanted an excuse to flash my pussy.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “You naughty little tease!”

“It’s probably why I became a stripper.”

And now I was floored. “You’re a stripper?” I asked in disbelief.

“Not anymore. You saw my condo, stripping paid that off in five years.”

It occurred to me that I didn’t know what she did for a living. “So what do you do now?”

“Well…” her hesitation had me worried, “I have a sugar daddy.”

I’d heard the term before and had an idea of what it meant, but I wasn’t exactly sure.

“What does that mean?”

“It means there’s a man in my life who takes care of my financial needs.”

I was beginning to think that I’d just had sex with a prostitute, but she set me straight before I even had to ask.

“I don’t have sex with him, ever. Not once.”

“Who is he? Why does he do it then?”

“His name is Matthew. He’s a really successful older gentleman, in his seventies. He used to come to the club and watch me dance. We got to know each other and he kept encouraging me to quit stripping. I didn’t get it, he’d pay big money for a private dance but he’d tell me to keep my clothes on and we’d just talk. He spent most of the time trying to convince me to not dance. Anyway, he ended up giving me an offer I couldn’t refuse. If I quit the club and went to school, he’d pay my bills – all of them.”

It didn’t make sense to me that someone would do that and not get anything in return. There had to be something that she wasn’t telling me.

“Really?” Not exactly the probing follow-up question that I wanted to ask, but I was still confused.

“Yup. I own my condo outright and Matthew takes care of everything else. I don’t even see my bills, they get mailed to his house and he pays them.”

“And he does this without getting anything in return?”

“I offered to fuck him once and he stopped talking to me for a month. He was insulted.”

“I don’t get why he would do that.”

“Neither do I really, but I’m grateful. We talk a lot, I go to visit him too but it’s not like he’s a lonely guy. He’s always on the go. He just told me that he saw something in me and didn’t think stripping was the right for me. He wanted me to aim higher.”

“So, are you?”

“I got my psychology degree thanks to him. I’m going to law school in September.”


We laid there for at least another hour, just talking and getting to know each other a little better. As the day wore on, we both realized that we had things to do and there was the awkward truth hanging over the situation - her parents would eventually be coming home from work.

We got dressed and made our way down to the living room were Summer gathered her things and we prepared to leave.

“You’re a good guy, Grey. A lot of people don’t understand my situation with Matthew. They don’t believe me and think that I’m like an escort or something. I get judged a lot. That’s what Jalen and I were fighting about.”

“Well… given what I told you about my past I’m not really in a position to judge what other people get up to.”

Summer leaned up and kissed my cheek. “Come with me.”

She led me to the front of the house and assumed that we were leaving, but Summer had other plans.

“Is this the spot where you first saw my pussy?” she asked as she rubbed my cock through my pants.

It was, and I nodded my head, “yes.”

“I want you to think about that day while I suck your dick again.” Melissa never allowed me to cum three times in a day. Summer was an angel.

It was the perfect way to end what had already been the perfect day. Before leaving, I got Summer’s phone number and we made tentative plans to grab a drink or something over the next couple of days. I didn’t really care what we did. I just wanted to see her again. For the first time since breaking up with Melissa, I really felt like I’d connected with someone and thought that this could turn out to be something special.

Written by GreyMatter
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