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Life With Summer: My Second Cuckold Relationship Pt. 01

"A chance encounter leads to old ways. The journey begins..."

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Author's Notes

"It’s recommended that you read my first series “Becoming Melissa’s Cuckold” before reading this series. Although this story took place several years afterwards, it will refer to and build on events and experienced detailed in that series. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Like that story, this one is also based on true events."

I first met Summer when I was in my junior year of high school. We ended up meeting again later in life, but when I mentioned the time that we met and the day that we’d spent together all those years ago, she had no memory of it at all. I, on the other hand, had a good reason to remember meeting her back in the day. It was the first time I ever saw a girl’s pussy.

We went to different high schools – she went to a Catholic school that was down the street from the school that I went to – but we had a common friend named Nick. One day towards the end of our junior year, Nick told me that there was a beach party on the Friday before our exam week. There were three high schools in our town and everyone was heading to the beach that day.

When the Friday rolled around, we jumped in Nick’s car after school with plans to head down to the beach. He mentioned that he had to pick his friend Summer up at her place. Her school had gotten out before ours and she’d gone home to change for the beach and we had to pick her up along the way.

When we got to her house, it was up to me to let her know that we were there while Nick waited in the car. Her mother answered the door, told me that Summer was still getting ready and would be down in a few minutes. I waited at the bottom of a staircase that led up to the second level. It was all open concept, so the stairs and the landing on the second floor were fully exposed.

It was on that second-floor landing that one of the most beautiful girls that I’ve ever seen suddenly appeared. When I’d asked Nick if Summer was hot, he said, “She’s alright.” I don’t know if he was just playing it cool or if he was lowering my expectations just to fuck with me but Summer was a knockout. Sharon Stone was a popular actress at the time and Summer looked like she could have been a softer, more innocent teenaged twin of hers. She was tall, thin, had long bleach blond hair, and the kind of tight body that only a young woman could have. She was an absolute Goddess.

That alone would have been reason enough to never forget meeting her, but there’s much more to that first meeting. Summer had just gotten out of the shower and appeared wearing only towel wrapped around her torso. From my vantage point on the first floor looking up to the second, I could see right up the towel and that was the first time that I’d ever see a girl’s pussy. At first, I didn’t get the best view, but at that age, just seeing between a girl’s legs and being able to make out a tuft of shaved pubic hair was almost enough to make me cum in my virgin pants. While we were talking though, Summer took a step forward with one foot as she moved to support herself on the railing which left her legs parted enough where I could see the soft folds of her pussy lips peeking through her trimmed bush. It was a sight that I’d never forget.

After doing my best to explain that I was Nick’s friend - I was still in a state of shock from seeing this girl’s pussy and fumbled my words because of it - she finished getting ready and we headed off to the beach. We spent a few hours together but as the night wore on, Summer separated herself from Nick and me and ended up spending most of her time hanging out with an older, cooler crowd. I wanted so much more from her, but that peek at her pussy sustained me through years of high school masturbation.

I crushed on her hard for months, but was never able to hang out with her again. Not long afterwards, Nick and I had a falling out and he was my only connection to Summer. I’d occasionally see her at the mall, but I could never think of a reason – or have the courage – to approach her, especially if she knew that Nick and I weren’t friends anymore. After a year or so, I stopped seeing Summer at all.

A full ten years passed before I ever saw Summer again. I was late meeting some friends for a drink at our local pub. When I finally got there, they’d already left. I decided to stay for a drink before heading back home. As I was leaving, there was a commotion happening out in the parking lot. There was a woman in a shouting match with a huge black guy. I immediately recognized the woman as Summer. The soft-featured, clean-cut beach bunny that I remembered was gone and replaced by a low-cut top, leather pants and high-heeled vixen who still somehow managed to look like Sharon Stone, albeit the femme fatale of ‘Basic Instinct’ now that she was a little older.

I casually watched from a distance. I was concerned for her but the guy that she was fighting with was so huge that I wouldn’t have been able to do anything if things had taken a turn for the worse. Calling 911 would have been my only option.

They fought and argued for another few minutes before the guy said, “You know what, fuck you!” turned his back on her, walked to his truck and drove off without her.

Summer stood in the parking lot still fuming, but she looked uncertain about what she was going to do next. I could tell that she was drunk and visibly furious. I wasn’t sure if I should approach her, but it was after midnight and she seemed to be all on her own now.

I walked towards her cautiously, doing my best to look unthreatening. She hadn’t noticed me at all, so as I got closer I called out her name.


She looked surprised to see me standing there but clearly didn’t recognize me.

“Leave me the fuck alone!”

“It’s me, Grey – remember me?”

“No, I don’t. Now fuck off!”

“I’ll leave but it’s late and it looks like you’re on your own. I just want to make sure that you’re okay.”

“Do I fucking look okay to you, asshole?”

She didn’t. It looked like she was drunk to the point of being sloppy and her tears had caused her mascara to run down her cheeks.

“Can I call you a cab or something?”

“My purse is in my boyfriend’s truck, I don’t have money for a cab.”

“Where do you live? I can give you some money to get home.”

“I live downtown… a cab is like $100.”

I wanted to help, but I wasn’t about to fork out $100.

“Why don’t we go back into the pub, we can figure something out.”

She paused for a moment, I guess to weigh her options. I was offering the only one so she wiped her tears and mascara from her cheeks and began walking towards me.

“My name is Summer”

“I know, we met a long time ago. My name is Grey.”

Summer went to the washroom and cleaned herself up. I don’t know how she did it in such a short time, but she walked in looking like a mess and came out looking like the Goddess that I remember.

We had a round of drinks and I tried to get her to remember me but she had no recollection at all. She vaguely remembered my old buddy Nick, but said that she went to the beach so often back then that all of the days bled into one and no individual day stood out in her memory anymore.

“Well, that’s the story… Nick and I picked you up, the three of us went to the beach and you ditched us for some guys on the senior football team.”

“I don’t remember, but yeah that sounds like me. I was a brat, but I’ve changed since then.”

“Have you ever!” I shot back without thinking.

“Ha! Yeah. Most of this is because of my boyfriend Jalen. He likes a sexy sophisticated look. I’d be happier in sweats. I guess if you haven’t seen me since we were kids this look must come as a bit of a surprise. It’s a little risqué in a suburban pub.”

“I lived in the city after high school and my girlfriend at the time had a similar look. I don’t expect to see it here, but I’m used to it.”

“You dated a girl like me?”

I wasn’t sure if she was curious or doubting me.

“Yeah, kind of like you but with more of an alternative edge. Equally out of step in the suburbs, anyway.”

“Wow. I picture you with like a preppy girl or something like that. Someone like who I used to be.”

“Yeah… it was a couple of years back. Things are different now.”

And they had been. It took me a long time to get over my relationship with Melissa but it was all behind me now. I hadn’t been with anyone since Melissa, but I’d dated a bit and every one of those dates was with a nice, normal girl who had a regular understanding of dating. Nothing had ever quite ‘clicked’ with any of them, but being a cuckold was in my past.

It was getting close to closing time and we still hadn’t figured out where Summer was going to go for the night. I would have invited her to stay at my place, but since breaking up with Melissa a few years earlier, I’d been living with my parents. I decided to just bite the bullet and give her the $100 to pay for a cab home.

“That’s super generous of you, Grey, but…”

She was hesitating and I could sense a big ask coming.

“Jalen and I don’t live together, but if he’s waiting for me at my place, I don’t really want to go home. Not tonight. I think we both need to cool down.”

“What can we do then?”

“You’ve already been so nice to me and I feel bad even asking this, but do you think you could drive me home? If Jalen isn’t there, I’ll be okay, but if he is I’ll have to go to my girlfriend’s house. I don’t know if a cab driver will wait for me or if $100 will cover it.”

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She asked with a smile and fluttering eyes that I couldn’t say no to. It was after 1 am and it would take me at least an hour and half to get downtown and back. I was already pretty exhausted and ready for bed but I couldn’t abandon her.

“Okay. I’ll take you home.”

“Thank you so much! You’re the best!”

We chatted as we drove downtown, but at some point, Summer drifted off to sleep. As we approached the city, I had to wake her up because I wasn’t exactly sure where she lived. She gave me directions to her building and I knew it well. She lived in the same complex that one of Melissa's boyfriends -Tayshaun - lived in, but in the building opposite his. The two buildings shared a parking lot. Just being there brought back a flood of emotions and memories.

“I owe you so much already… but if you could just walk me to my door?”

“No problem.”

We made our way inside the building. The layout of Summer’s building was identical to Tayshaun’s building. Being there left me with a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. Before heading to her apartment, we had to stop by the front desk to get a spare key for her place. Then we made our way to her place, she checked the door and it was still locked – probably a sign that Jalen wasn’t there. When she opened the door, the lights were out. A quick search showed that the place was empty. Jalen wasn’t there, and it didn’t look like he had been either. Satisfied, I was ready to head back home.

“It looks like you’re good. Safe and sound. I should be heading back home now.”


Summer looked nervous.

“I know how much you’ve done for me tonight, but can I ask for one last favor?”


“I don’t really want to be alone tonight. Will you spend the night?”

I was taken aback by her asking that, not entirely sure what she meant by it. Did she just want me to crash there because she was still worried about Jalen coming by or after mentioning how much she felt like she owed me, did she have something else in mind?

“I mean like, as a friend. I just don’t want to be alone tonight.”

My hopes and dreams a little dashed, but I agreed anyway.

Already tired, I took up a place on her couch. We chatted for a bit and she told me over and over again how grateful she was. It was nearly 3 am and I was ready to pass out. Summer made her way to her bedroom, leaving her door – which was visible from my position on her couch – open. Although I couldn’t see her, I could tell from the clothes flying around in her room that she was getting undressed. I would have done anything to sneak a peek, but as it turned out, I didn’t need to. Minutes later, Summer came out of her bedroom, wearing only her bra and panties. My jaw must have hit the floor and I had no idea if I was able to hide my reaction, but Summer had a perfect body. Slim, toned and fit… she must have been a fitness nut.

“If you need to use the washroom, now would be the time. I need to wash up and I’ll be in there for a while.”

“I’m okay, thanks.”

And with that, she disappeared into her bathroom. She was in there for a while and I drifted off to sleep. Maybe a half hour later, she casually woke me up.

Again emerging from her bedroom in just her bra and panties, she announced, “Don’t mind me. I’m just getting a glass of water before bed. Can I get you anything?”

I opened my eyes to see her perfection and it was breathtaking. In high school – and to be honest, many times since – I’d jerked off while thinking about her hundreds of times, and here I was in her apartment, on her couch with her standing no more than ten feet away from me, half naked.

“I’m okay,” was all I could muster. I didn’t want to close my eyes, but I needed to. If I looked any longer, I was going to get a hard-on and if she noticed, not only would she think that I was a creep but she’d likely kick me out and I was way too tired to drive home now.

I had a really restless night’s sleep. Her couch was a bit of an art installation and wasn’t the most comfortable to sleep on. Not to mention how awkward it was just to be in her apartment. Even at the time, it occurred to me how oddly comfortable Summer was with having a complete stranger in her house while she slept. I think most women would have been terrified, worried that I was a creep or a murderer but she was totally at ease, enough to walk around half naked in front of me. Maybe all of that was her drunken judgement but it was as odd to me then as it still is now.

The next morning, I woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon cooking. It took me a minute to remember where I was and what had happened the night before. Summer had clearly been up for a while. She was fully dressed, a little more modestly than the night before but still looking great and ready for the day ahead. I learned something about her then that would remain true the whole time that we were together – no matter how much she drank, Summer never ended up having a hangover.

“Morning, Sunshine! Did you sleep okay on the couch?”

“Yeah, fine.” I was still groggy.

“I’m cooking you eggs and bacon. I hope that’s okay?”

“I don’t eat meat actually.”

“Cool, more bacon for me!”

Summer was clearly in a better mood than she had been in the night before. A bit of her tougher exterior had melted away and she was chipper and seemed more youthful. A little bit closer to the Summer that I briefly knew all of those years ago.

As we ate breakfast, she hit me with another favour.

“My mum called this morning. Apparently, when she woke up and went to get the morning paper, my purse, my cell phone and all my things that were in Jalen’s truck were dumped on her doorstep. I guess we’re through.”

“I’m sorry…”

“Don’t be.”

“I guess that’s good then.”

“Definitely. Listen, I have one last final favour to ask you. Since all of my stuff is back in the burbs and you’re headed out that way, do you think you could drop me off at my parent’s place?”

“No problem.”

After breakfast, we gathered our things and headed back out to the suburbs. For most of the car ride, we were both pretty quiet. I hadn’t slept that well and wasn’t a morning person so I was okay with that, but I had a sense that Summer wanted to say something but couldn’t bring herself to say it. I noticed a few times that it looked like she was going to say something before hesitating and stopping herself. We were getting close to her parents' house. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever see her again and felt like I had nothing to lose so I just came out and asked her.

“It seems like you want to tell me something?”

“Sort of. Not tell you something, ask you something.”

“What is it?”

“I don’t want to mess things up.”

“What do you mean, mess what up?”

She ignored my question and jumped right to hers.

“Why didn’t you try to fuck me last night?”

I was not expecting that at all!


“Last night, didn’t you want to fuck me? You could have. I’d have gone for it for sure.”

“You were upset, and drunk… you’d just gotten into a fight with your boyfriend…”

“I know, but I asked you to spend the night…”

“’As friends,’ you said.”

“Yeah, but I mean… most guys know what that really means – especially after I told you how much I owed you. And I left my bedroom door open. I actually waited there for you to follow me in. Then I came out into the living room twice in just my bra and panties and you didn’t make a move.”

She sounded hurt and confused. Meanwhile, I was struggling to focus on driving because my heart was racing just thinking about what she was saying and hating myself for missing out on the opportunity of a lifetime.

“I just… I don’t know… it’s like I said, you were drunk and upset. I didn’t want to take advantage of you.”

“You’re a nice guy, Grey.”

She left it at that. I had so much that I wanted to say, but couldn’t. I didn’t know if it was a ten-year-old lust boiling to the surface or not, but felt genuine chemistry with Summer after spending less than a day with her. I obviously didn’t want to admit this to Summer, but being with Melissa left me with some self-confidence issues, especially when it came to my penis size. Having seen Jalen, I made some assumptions and even if I wasn’t trying to be respectful, I doubt that I would have made a move anyway – as much as I wanted to. That was all too much to explain, but I hated that Summer thought that I was rejecting her and I wasn’t sure if I’d said enough to convince her otherwise.

When we got to Summer’s parents' place I was worried that might be the last that I saw of her. She had other plans. I parked in front of her house, the same place that Nick had parked all those years ago. Getting ready to say ‘goodbye’, hoping that it wouldn’t be too awkward and wondering if I should ask for her number, Summer interrupted my thoughts.

“You know, my parents are at work. How about we sneak up to my old bedroom and fuck?”

The bluntness of her words combined with the mischievous smile on her face got my cock hard in an instant. I was nervous with all of my insecurities that I had running through my head. Summer sensed my hesitation and when I didn’t jump at the opportunity, she reacted.

“You know what, fuck you.”

Summer got out of my car, slammed the door and ran up to her parents' house. I had a decision to make and only a second to make it. Either I let her go, allowing her to think that I’d rejected her and never seeing her again or make some attempt to explain things and hopefully try to salvage something with her. I decided to get out of the car and follow her.

Written by GreyMatter
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