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Decorating The Newlywed - Part 8

"Decorating new home leads to wife with hubby's friend - continued"

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"Oh, Hayden…I LOVE YOU, BABY! Oh, I love you!" Shelley screamed honestly, as her husband’s friend's dick ploughed relentlessly in and out of her unprotected pussy.

The fact that she was telling her absent husband that she loved him, while she had sex with his friend, well that simply tipped the stunning brunette over the edge.

"Oh, Hayden, I love you. I love you. Oh, Hayden. Oh, baby. Hayden, I love Connor’s big cock in me! Mmm, Hayden, oh god, I love your friend fucking me! Oh, baby. Fuck me, Connor! Oh, so good. Mmm, oh, Hayden. I…I, oh, fuck, Connor, I...I’m cumming! Oh, fuck, I’m cumming!"

Her words of lust and passion turned into a wordless scream that filled the entire house it was so loud as Shelley suddenly tensed. Gripping a death grip on the furthest edge of the table, the whole world exploded in colours and the most intense ecstasy wracked her sexy, naked, twenty-seven-year-old just-married body.

Shaking and shuddering, Shelley could feel Connor continue to fuck her through her mind-blowing orgasm. Everything else seemed to cease to exist for an eternity, as pure ecstasy and lust tore through every part of her hot, well-fucked body.

Again and again, she shook and convulsed, screaming continuously and wordlessly as she came harder than ever. She was so tense that as Connor plunged his dick hard and fast into the tight, squeezing, vice-like, contracting pussy, his balls quickly began to tighten.

"Uh, Shelley. Uhn, Shelley, oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. I, fuck, I can't believe I'm about to cum in Hayden's wife! Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck! Here it comes, Shelley, you hot slut! Oh, fuck, take my cum baby! UGH!" her husband's friend roared gutturally.

Shelley's own mind and body-ripping orgasm slowly began to finally give way. Her weak arms suddenly gave way so that she slumped down. Her tight ass was high, as she was still impaled rigidly on Connor’s cock, gripping the edge of the table.

She was moaning and purring contentedly into the wood, as her large tits pressed softly into the tabletop. And then she heard Connor's growl.

He suddenly slammed his entire eleven-inch cock deep into her pussy, pressing her firmly into the table. And with a loud gasp, Shelley suddenly felt the thick head expand deep inside her.

"OHMPH!" Hayden's sexy wife of three weeks moaned erotically and wearily, as suddenly a huge, thick load of potent cum blasted deep into her unprotected womb.

The first was followed swiftly by a second, a third, a fourth, and a fifth.

Groaning deeply as Connor continued to empty his balls deep into her pussy, filling her womb with his hot, potent seed, and coating the insides of her pussy with his thick cum, Shelley shuddered. She drew in deep, oh-so-turned-on, breaths at the feeling of her husband's friend filling her with his cum.

Again and again, Connor's huge cock pumped large, thick globs of his potent cum deep into her unprotected pussy. And Shelley shuddered as a small orgasm passed through her body again at the thought and feeling.

But, fuck, he was cumming as much as he had all over her and down her throat earlier! Fuck! His cum was going to be filling her mouth if he carried on shooting so much into her.

"Oh, Connor, fill me with your cum! Mmph," Shelley purred hotly, as she lay her forehead on the table and revelled in the feel of Hayden's friend giving her his hot seed.

Panting deeply and still gripping tightly to the edge of the table, the hot brunette wife wondered where her husband was, what he was doing, and what he was thinking while his friend filled her womb with his thick, white seed.


"Uh! I'm actually cumming inside you, Shelley! Ugh, fuck, I'm actually cumming inside your sweet pussy. FUCK!" her husband's friend groaned half-smug and half-ecstatically, and Shelley sighed a deeply satisfied moan.

For what seemed like an eternity, Shelley's thoroughly fucked body took every drop of her husband's friend's thick, potent seed. Until finally, with a loud throaty shout, Connor's thick cock spasmed and shot one last heavy load deep into her womb.

Then he finally let go of her slim waist and slammed his hands wearily down either side of her. He held himself above her tired, oh-so-content, naked body, as she lay panting for breath beneath him, weakly impaled on his now softening dick.

For a long few minutes, the two of them remained where they were, both way too tired to move. And at least on Shelley's part, she was trying hard not to fall contentedly asleep after such good sex.

After all, it wouldn't do for Hayden to walk in and find her slumped over the decorating table with his friend's softening dick deep inside her from behind, both of them naked, red, and sweating, now, would it?

After about ten minutes, Connor finally pulled his now soft shaft from her well-fucked pussy, and Shelley sighed at the loss of the thick tool. Though the womb and pussy full of cum still made her feel extremely satisfied.

However, it was still a couple more minutes before Shelley felt her legs would be steady enough to hold her. And even then, as she weakly pushed herself upright on arms that didn't want to move, her legs shook, and she swayed from her pleasure-weakened state.

Turning to look at Connor, she saw that he was leaning against the wall still catching his breath, his soft, but still oh so impressive, dick hanging limp now.

Shelley smiled, as she brushed her hair back from her face. Her large, heavy tits heaved as she too caught her breath and glanced around the room.

They hadn't done anything since Hayden had been gone. Other than have sex that was.

"I guess we didn't get much done," she commented amusedly, as she looked around and began noticing her clothes lying strewn all around the room in various places.

"Oh, I don't know about that," Connor teased playfully with that smile of his, and Shelley found herself smiling even more as her cheeks reddened. Though why, after what they had just done, she didn't know.

"I guess you're right," she replied with a pleased smile, as she walked over to her jeans and underwear. Picking them up she had to lean against the wall by Connor as her legs threatened to give way under her.

As she was about to button up her jeans, she smiled and placed her hand on her flat stomach before looking up at Connor with an amused smirk.

"Though you've certainly decorated me today. All over me, and now inside me."

Smirking smugly, Connor leaned down to kiss her softly. One of his hands snuck up to give one of her big tits a heavy squeeze. Shelley broke the kiss with a laugh.

"You're a bad boy," she teased, as she playfully slapped his hand from her. Then with a twinkle in her eyes, she swayed over to her bra and gypsy shirt.

"So, when's Hayden going to be back, you think?" he asked, watching her from where he still stood by the wall naked. Shelley tried to keep her eyes on his face.

"I don't know. Could be any time," she answered honestly, as she hooked her bra on and pulled the straps up. She didn't even know how long they had been going at it! It seemed like hours. All good hours that is.

"So," Hayden's friend asked insinuatingly, as he moved up behind her and gently began kissing her naked shoulder and neck. He ran his hands around her waist, up her flat stomach, to cup her large, firm tits, "Any chance of round two?"

"No chance," she laughed amusedly. This guy was insatiable!

It wasn't enough that he had just fucked her, his friend's wife, but now he wanted to do her again!? Not that that thought didn't make her stomach flitter slightly. However... "There's no way we'd have enough time for that. Hayden's been gone a while already."

Pulling her white gypsy top up and over her head, she pulled it down over his hands that still playfully squeezed her 32E tits. Settling it on her shoulders, she turned around, his hands sliding down to cinch her slender waist.

"So, when?" he asked with that hunter's look in his eyes, and Shelley smiled even more amused.

"You do remember that I'm your friend's wife?" she asked, and he nodded simply. "And you're asking when we can have SEX again?"

Again, he nodded, and Shelley laughed lightly. Then she slapped his bare ass.

"I think you should get dressed. Hayden could be home any minute."

Smiling amusedly to herself, she began to move away. However, Connor pulled her back to him with a playful smile.

"I will when you tell me when," he said simply as he smiled down at her, and Shelley shook her head as she smiled.

Though as she did her eyes glanced down at the large, hanging cock between them. Her heart skipped a beat as the sight of the thing brought the question of how she had ever taken all of that inside her to mind. And then there was how fucking incredible it had felt.

"When Hayden's not about to walk in," she replied honestly, her heart beating faster as she realised that she was really going to have sex with Hayden's friend again! Oh, her pussy tingled at that thought. "Then you can have his wife however you want. Promise."

With that last Connor's smile deepened. He nodded and kissed her briefly before he too went to get dressed again.

Shelley was left with her heart almost beating out of her impressive chest, as she smiled and looked down at the ring gracing her left hand.

She loved Hayden with all of her heart. So, why had she just fucked his friend? And more importantly, why was she planning to let him have sex with her again? And why did that thought only turn her on, and not make her feel guilty!?

It's just sex. Just incredible' sex, she thought to herself as she looked at the ring Hayden had given her a few weeks ago. Besides, it had happened now, there was no turning back. And if Hayden didn't know then he wouldn't be hurt.

The gorgeous wife's rationalising, however, was abruptly cut short as she heard her phone ringing.

Looking around for it on the table, Shelley glanced and noticed the LED flashing on the floor, from where it had obviously fallen while Connor had been screwing her lights out. And while she had clung to the table for support.

Heading around and picking it up, the sexy brunette wife answered and smiled. She felt a flutter in her stomach as she heard Hayden's voice on the other end.

Looking over at Connor as he pulled his underwear on, finally covering his impressive cock, Shelley watched her husband's friend with interest as she lovingly said hello.


Hayden smiled as he heard his wife's sweet voice answer the phone. A warm feeling flooded through him like always.

Not that he would have felt that if he had known that not long before his call, Shelley had been plastered naked over the decorating table, while his friend stood behind her with his eleven-inch dick balls deep inside her.

Moreover, Connor had been shooting huge globs of cum deep inside Hayden’s wife’s unprotected pussy, as she came down from the most earth-shattering orgasm she had ever had.

And all after she had been relentlessly fucked from behind.

But, of course, the loving husband of only a few weeks didn't know that. And so, he smiled deeper as the feeling swept through him.

"Hey! I just thought I'd let you know that I've got a few more things to sort out over here. But I shouldn't be too long hopefully," the recent groom said caringly, as he leaned back against the kitchen counter in his parent's house.

It wouldn't be his much longer. Not once his and Shelley's new place was finished.

"That's good. I've missed you," his sweet wife replied warmly. Hayden replied that he had missed her too, not knowing that she was watching his friend pull his shirt over his toned chest avidly. All while her pussy still tingled from the fucking he had given her, the incredibly powerful orgasm she had had, and the amount of cum he had pumped into her hot body.

"You sound happy?" he asked sweetly and smiled deeper at his wife's reply.

"Because I'm happy to hear your voice," Shelley answered truthfully. Though the sound of contentment was largely because of how perfectly satisfied and relaxed she felt right then.

"When will you be back?" she added with open interest.

"Should be about half an hour or so. Just finishing up," he answered, as he glanced back at the work he and his family had been working on. He made sure that it was all set well, despite having checked it four times already after the last escapade.

That was when Hayden heard his wife suddenly giggle playfully.

"You alright?" he asked with an amused grin, as he looked around again and grabbed the beer his father had left for him.

"Yeah. Your friend's just being an ass," she replied with a broad smile that was apparent even in her voice. Little did the drinking husband know that his friend was actually cupping his wife's big tits, his fingers kneading them through her gypsy top, as he playfully kissed and nibbled her slender neck.

"He's always an ass," Hayden joked, before sipping his beer.

"Mhmph," Shelley mumbled into the phone in acknowledgement. Which was largely because her lips were mashing into his friend's, and her tongue dancing with his, as she squeezed his huge cock through his jeans with her left hand.

Though Hayden just thought she was avoiding replying while Connor was around.

"So, did you get much done? Or have you both been paint fighting again?" he asked again with playful amusement, before shaking his head to his brother's question of if he wanted a ride home. He'd only had one small beer after all.

Again, Shelley laughed playfully. Though it wasn't because of his question, as the husband of three weeks thought. But more because of the pleasure of his friend biting her impressive cleavage and neck.

"No. No, paint fighting, baby," his sexy wife answered, as she pushed his friend from her.

She shook her head with a teasing smirk, before holding her hand up to him to show him her wedding ring.

Connor shouted something in the background, though Hayden couldn't tell what he had said. Which was just as well.

Shelley, however, did.

"Shut up!" Hayden's wife shouted playfully after gasping, "No, we've been busy. Connor's been getting the 'hard to reach areas'. And I've been 'taking the hard stuff'. But I'm tired now. We've 'been at it' since you left."

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Hayden nodded as he swallowed the mouthful of beer. Then he looked around, nodding to his father as he came in with the last part that they needed from the garage.

"Alright then. Listen, hun, I'm going to have to go. Dad's here and I'm almost finished. So, I'll see you soon, yeah?" he said and heard Shelley mumble something at Connor before she came back onto the phone.

"Sure. Hurry home, babe," she replied caringly, and Hayden felt that warm sensation flood through him again. "I love you."

"Love you too," he said in reply.

Though perhaps he wouldn't have if he'd known that his wife was holding his friend's face into her cleavage again as she was pressed against the wall.

Hanging up the phone, Hayden was unaware that his friend had called out 'just fucking', to which his wife had thrown a paintbrush at him with a shocked smile. And of the 'Connor we have to stop' that she had mumbled, which he didn't quite catch as his friend's hands slid up her top to grope her wondrous tits. Over Hayden's favourite black lace bra of hers too.

No, as Hayden set back to work, happy that it was almost done, he remained blissfully unaware.  Oblivious to his wife's heated breathing, as she relished in his friend's mouth working on her tits, before she locked her lips with his, their tongues dancing illicitly.


While the phone had been a rather challenging affair, as Connor couldn't keep his hands off her, after Hayden had hung up it wasn't long before Shelley broke the kiss. She panted heavily as she suddenly felt turned on again.

She told Connor that they really had to get some decorating done. Other than her, that was. Or Hayden was going to wonder what they had been up to, however long it had been.

And so, understanding the implications, and that if he ever wanted to have sex with her again he would do it her way, Connor had quickly agreed.

And so, the two lewd lovers set about actually finishing the room off, which surprisingly they managed to almost do by the time Hayden came back.

They probably would have finished too. However, a couple of minutes before Hayden pulled onto the drive, as he was driving back home, Connor walked up behind the hot, sexy brunette and placed his strong hand on her tight, jean-clad ass.

"Damn, you've got a great ass," he said, and Shelley shook her head.

Her hair was once more back in its ponytail, swinging as it had while she had sucked his dick earlier.

"And you sure know how to compliment a woman," she replied with a smirk, stroking the door with the white-loaded brush.

"I know how to please one though, ah?" he asked smugly, as his hand slid onto her waist and his lips touched her neck.

"A MARRIED one. And to your FRIEND, nonetheless," she replied, as steadily as she could. Though her breathing betrayed his touch as she continued to paint the door.

"I didn't hear you complaining. Then or now," he said as his other hand, obviously having left his brush on the table, reached around her.

It purposefully slid down the neck of her top and under her bra, cupping her large, firm, naked breast and squeezing hard in time with his hot kisses.

Shelley's breathing deepened even more, and her tits heaved in his hands. Her pussy was on fire again.

Fuck, she was turning into a sex-hungry slut. Well, more than she usually was with Hayden anyway. But this was his friend! His friend that had his hand down her top and was mashing his hand into her naked breast as he kissed her neck. And she had only been married three weeks!

"That's because you're a persistent bastard," the hot brunette wife half-breathed and half-spoke in reply, still painting the door as her skin suddenly had Goosebumps from his touch.

"A persistent bastard with a big dick," Connor replied, and Shelley laughed lightly in slightly turned-on amusement.

His hand continuously kneaded her large, heavy breast and his lips danced on her neck and bare shoulder.

Unbeknownst to the illicit pair, Hayden's car had pulled up onto the driveway. He was getting out as Connor continued to squeeze Hayden’s wife's bare breast firmly.

And as Connor spoke, and Shelley laughed lightly, about to reply in her increasingly horny state, the two of them heard the door close behind Hayden as he walked in.

Connor, however, continued to grope Shelley's heavy breast down her top a few more times, despite her sudden panicky and whispered protests.

Then he pulled his hand from down her top and managed to take a few steps back, looking at the wall as if he had just painted it before Hayden came around the doorway.

Shelley, not having time to adjust her white gypsy top that now hung down on one side, off one shoulder, and almost exposing half of one of her large 32E tits, also didn’t have time to settle the sudden heat that had come into her face and her wide eyes.

She smiled and threw her arms around her loving husband to hide her appearance a moment. Hopefully, if he noticed the state of her clothes, fuck, her breast was still out of her bra, he would think her hug had done it. She hoped anyway.

"Hey!" her sweet husband replied, as he rubbed her back with amusement. "I haven't been gone that long."

"I know," she replied, as she unwound her arms and kissed him softly. Her eyes sparkled with both love and being shocked by what had just happened, "but I just missed you. Can't a wife miss her husband, hm?"

Hayden grinned and held up his hands as if in surrender, and Shelley laughed lightly as his arm went around her waist.

"Wow, you have got a lot done," he said, as he glanced around the room. Then he noticed the wet door and suddenly checked his arm in case he had brushed up against it. Which he hadn't, luckily.

"We put in a lot of effort, the two of us," Connor commented with a knowing smile, and Shelley felt her cheeks redden some more at the hidden meaning.

Though Hayden didn't pick it up at all as he nodded.

As if Connor would speak like that to his friend after he had just fucked his wife!

Somehow though, that seemed to send a flash of electricity through Shelley's very hot and extremely fine 27-year-old body.

"So I see. If we keep this up the whole house will be done in no time," Hayden said, as he grinned at the both of them.

"Especially if I give you a hand," Connor replied, sounding for all the world as if he was offering out of the kindness of his heart, and not because he wanted to fuck his friend's wife again, "The extra help will get it finished in no time. And 'I'm free', if you want me?"

"Sounds good. What do you think?" Hayden asked her, nodding to his friend.

Shelley looked over to Connor, who grinned with what she knew was implication. Oh, he had meant the fact that 'he was free' as an implication that SHE wasn't. That she was married. But still, why did that look turn her on? The memory of his huge cock filling her deep suddenly answered that. But, oh, she wasn't going to let him be in charge.

"He has some uses," she conceded with a pleased smile, as Connor raised his eyebrows, "I'm sure I could find something for him to do. MAYBE."

Shelly emphasised that last word, and Connor smiled. Oh, she loved a challenge.

"Alright then. That's all settled. What do you say we call it a night and head out to get something to eat?" Hayden asked, beaming with both love and happiness at her.

The mention of food made the beautiful brunette suddenly aware of the cum filling her stomach and her pussy. However, with butterflies suddenly forming and her eyes gently glinting at that thought as she looked up at her husband of a few weeks, Shelley nodded and smiled.

"Food it is," Connor agreed, rubbing his hands together.

"It's been a 'long', 'hard' day. Ah, Shelley? Need to restock some of that energy for the days to cum," he added with a wink.

Hayden laughed, obviously thinking his friend was just bantering about how much more stamina he had in decorating. Which Shelley thought was true in a way. Only she would bet her husband didn't think it was her, his sweet wife, that his friend had more stamina in decorating. Both outside, all over her face and tits, and inside. Filling her pussy with what felt like a gallon of thick, hot cum.

With a slight smile, Shelley turned and kissed Hayden fully on his lips, deliberately in front of Connor. Her wedding ring glinted at him as she held her husband's face, pressing her firm body against his before she turned and smiled.

"Come on then, if you’re coming. Don't keep us waiting," she teased innocently, and Connor just grinned.

"That'd be a first," he retorted, and Shelley's smile deepened at the obvious implication. He had given her two orgasms, well, big orgasms already. Oh, she was really going to have to show him who was in charge now. This was going to be fun.

And so, the three, laughing and joking, placed the brushes in the spirits and closed the pots before heading out of the house.

Hayden Winters was completely oblivious to any of the implications his wife or friend secretly made to each other the rest of the night. Or of Connor’s hands under her top, or her left hand down his jeans when Hayden headed to the bathroom or the bar.

Oh, it was a very good night indeed. The newly married Mrs Shelley Winters slept soundly that night…after all of her hard work and exhaustion that day.


It was two weeks later, however, before the new house was finally fully decorated. Walls, wood, carpets, and furniture, all done.

And in those whole two weeks, though Connor had stuck to his word and been around whenever they were decorating, he and Shelley had not had one chance to have sex again.

Of course, she and Hayden had oh, plenty of making up in that department, and she enjoyed that immensely, and was extremely satisfied. However, the stunning brunette wife of one month couldn't quite shake the nagging desire to once more feel that huge eleven-inch cock of her husband's friend buried all the way deep inside her hot, horny pussy.

However, it seemed not to be, as every chance the pair got to be alone, Hayden turned up within a couple of minutes. So, they couldn't get more than a fleeting passionate tongue-dancing kiss in a corner or another room.

Not that either of them could really be mad at him. She was his wife, and he didn't know they wanted to be alone so they could fuck each other's brains out, now did he!?

However, two weeks passed, and Connor and Hayden were sitting relaxing on the couch in the lounge, sweating and panting heavily from all the moving they had done that day.

But, damn, did the place look incredible! It had been a true labour of love. For Connor and Shelley that one night especially. And it had all paid off in the end, even if it had taken longer than expected.

Still, it was done now, and Connor and Hayden cracked open a beer, clanking their bottles together as they leaned back into the plush couch. They stretched out their legs and groaned in relaxation, finally glad to have nothing more to do that day.

The door closing announced that Shelley had come back from wherever it was that she had gone, and Hayden waited with a grin as he looked to his friend, who gave him the same look.

She had headed out early that morning and the two of them had rushed to get most of the house finished. And now Hayden was looking forward to seeing what his wife thought of the house they had made a home for themselves and their family.

Shelley didn't take long coming in. And when his knockout, beautiful wife walked through the lounge door, her face beaming with a stunning glow and her eyes shining, the one-month-long married man grinned broadly. He knew then that they had done a great job.

Standing there in her low-cut jeans, healed ankle boots, and high-cut belly top, Shelley looked stunning. And Hayden leaned back into the couch even more as he watched her lovingly.

"Well?" he asked, as he cast a hand around to indicate what they'd done to the place.

"Well..." she answered with a barely contained smile, "...I'm pregnant."

The sound of the two men's jaws dropping at the same time could have been heard around the neighbourhood, no doubt.

However, it didn't take Hayden long to jump out of his seat, his bottle falling to the floor and miraculously not tipping over, as he bounded over to her. He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up ecstatically.

Connor simply sat and stared in utter amazement as he watched the pair. The same thought flashing through his mind that had gone through Shelley's when she had first suspected and then found out.

Who had knocked her up? Was it her husband, with the amount of sex they had? Or was it his friend, that one night, with the huge amounts of cum he had pumped directly into her unprotected womb?

The timing would set right with the latter, and he had given her ten times as much cum as Hayden ever did. Fuck, that would be so hot if he had knocked his friend's new wife up! But damn, what would happen now!?

The smile Shelley flashed at him, and the kiss she blew as Hayden hugged her, said that the days of her sucking and begging for his cock had only just begun.

Leaning back onto the couch, as Hayden held Shelley tightly and the hot wife hugged him lovingly back, staring deep into his friend's eyes, Connor hoped that it was Hayden's baby. His friend deserved that.

And Connor just wanted to nail his wife. They would both win then.

The oddness of that thought didn't occur to him though, nor to Shelley as she celebrated with her sweet husband. Nor do either of them in the days and months to come as the bed springs squeaked while Hayden was at work, the couch creaked as he was in the shower, and his car's suspension was tested as he sat watching that big plasma in the lounge.

Though it was the time when he passed out and the illicit pair carried on next to him that was the hottest. And that was only the beginning.

As for the child, well...that would be telling.

- - -The End- - -

Written by The_Shadow_Rising
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