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Decorating the Newlywed - Part 4

"Decorating new home leads to wife with hubby's friend - continued"

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Little did the bopping husband know, that right then his beautiful, 27-year-old, brunette wife had a mouth and throatful of his friend's enormous cock. That his friend was literally fucking her face with his huge member, while Shelley moaned as best as she could in lust.

The unsuspecting husband turned the wheel into the street before the one his house was on. He was oblivious to the fact that, as he sang contentedly, his new wife had once more wrapped her slender fingers, bearing the wedding ring he had given her only a few weeks ago, around Connor's hard shaft.

That she was sucking, licking, and bobbing her head hard and fast, while she jerked his cock into her mouth. That she was teasing him and spurring him on with her lust-filled words to 'cum in her mouth’ and telling him that she really wanted him to.

As Hayden turned into the road his and Shelley's house was on, his old friend obliged his sexy wife. She slid her lips up and down his eleven-inch dick again and again, sucking his solid cock harder and faster than she had ever sucked Hayden's.

And so, as the unaware husband turned to pull onto the driveway, music blaring from the stereo, Connor growled as his huge cock exploded inside his wife's pretty mouth. His dick soaked her throat, tonsils, tongue, teeth, and mouth in his hot, sticky cum. So much so that it began leaking from the sides of her mouth as more and more pumped lustfully into her hungry mouth.

While Hayden turned off the car and grabbed the food under one arm and the wood gloss in the other, leaving the other paint pots in the back seat, his stunning wife swallowed a huge load of his friend's thick cum.

She felt it slide down her throat before Connor pulled his throbbing cock from her cum-sticky lips and blasted huge loads of his potent seed all over Shelley's beautiful face, hair, chest, cleavage, gypsy top, painting shirt, and jeans.

And so, as Hayden struggled to the door with his heavy load, balancing carefully to get his keys from his pocket, he was completely unaware that not very far away his friend was decorating his newlywed wife with another huge load. His hot, sticky, thick, white cum.

Turning the key in the lock, Hayden opened the door surprisingly easily and walked inside. He was oblivious to the last few shots of cum spurting into his wife's mouth. And of his friend dragging his dick over her soft, luscious lips as she stared up at him, covered in his cum. Her mouth and hands filled to overflowing with his potent seed.

And as reality suddenly dawned on Shelley and Connor, Hayden turned to kick the door closed behind him, before heading down the hall.


If the sudden realisation hadn't snapped Shelley out of her lust-blinded state, the sudden slamming of the front door signalling that Hayden had just come back would have.

As instantly riddled with guilt as she was, all the hot newly-married wife could think of right then was that she was kneeling in front of Connor, his dick resting on her lips, and she was completely covered with his cum.

Panic instantly set in, as it seemed to with Connor, who moved faster than Shelley had ever seen anyone move before.

One instant his softening cock was resting tantalisingly on her soft lips, and the next he had quickly stuffed the still thick shaft back into his jeans, pulled them up and buckled them, before she had even thought of what to do.

Granted he had knocked over the remainder of the paint-filled water over her and the floor, so now with the effects of their earlier paint fight the room looked a complete mess. But that should have been the last thing on her mind as she still knelt there holding a handful and mouthful of his cum, literally painted in the hot, sticky seed.

However, Shelley had no time to think, let alone move, after that. As suddenly Hayden appeared, handsome, loving and smiling, in the doorway. A brown bag under one arm and two tubs of wood gloss held in his hands.

And Shelley's heart froze as she stared at him with wide eyes, Connor only seemingly a little more relaxed.

Her heart froze in her chest as she realized that here she was, kneeling on the floor with her hair slightly messed up, though still held back in its ponytail. Her painting top was half open, and missing most of the buttons, and her gypsy top was pulled half down to one side.

Her clothes half exposed one of her large, 32E tits. While her face, hair, chest, cleavage, and arms were totally covered in Connor's cum. And her hands were cupped in front of her full of the pearly seed! Not to mention that her mouth, which she only just realised she had manage to shut, was full of the same thick seed that painted her lips to a glossy shine!

The small moment of silence that passed seemed like forever to the frozen wife, as she felt the warmth of Connor's thick cum still slowly oozing down her throat. She stared in shock at her husband who smiled at her in the doorway, waiting for the end of her marriage.

However, that moment never came.

As after that slightest of moments, Hayden grinned as he looked at the two of them, much to Shelley, and apparently Connor's astonishment.

"I take it you two haven't been decorating much? Except each other, then?" he said with open amusement.

And Shelley's eyes flicked to Connor's, who was apparently as stumped as she was. And then Hayden's words dawned on her.

He had said 'decorating each other'. Not how Connor had 'decorated her'!

It was then that Shelley suddenly noticed the paint-filled water that was covering Connor. She looked down at the mix of blobs of the same white paint-water that he had flung at her earlier and knocked all over and around her just then. Then at the huge globs of cum covering her.

The two, while not the same colour or texture, and definitely not the same taste or temperature, must have looked similar enough from Hayden's perspective. Not to mention that the thought she would be covered in his friend's cum would be the last suggestion to appear to her loving husband's mind.

So, with the two together, he obviously thought that what covered her and what she held cupped in her hands, and soaked her face, hair, skin and clothes, was all from the paint-water!

Relief suddenly flooded through the stunning brunette wife of three weeks. She realised that Hayden didn't realise he was looking at his new wife covered in his friend's hot cum. Nor did he suspect that she had just given him a mind-blowing blowjob.

All he thought was that the two had had a paint fight, which they had, and that he had caught them covered in the stuff. And that obviously from the state of her, Connor had won.

Hayden's friend was only a moment behind her in clocking on to what Shelley's husband meant.

He suddenly broke out in a grin. Relief at not getting caught after his friend's wife had sucked him off being the only thing beyond amusement, of all things, painting his expression.

That was when Shelley once more felt guilt envelope her, as she watched Connor and Hayden grin boyishly at each other while she knelt there soaked in cum, with it still filling her mouth almost to bursting.

She had actually cheated on Hayden. On her husband. On the man she had only married a few weeks ago, who she had been with for five years before!

And now here she was, holding his friend's cum in her mouth and hands, feeling it slide down her throat slowly and hotly, at the same time that it gently slid down between her large, heavy breasts.

And all the while Hayden was unaware of what he was looking at. While Connor seemed to not feel guilty at all. And she had felt relief at not having gotten caught! Hayden had every right to hate her, and all she could think of was herself!

But, oh, she loved him with all of her heart, and she hadn't been herself, she hadn't been in control, it had all just happened! If she could go back, she would!

And it wasn't like she had slept with Connor anyway.

Stopping, Shelley realised that she was trying to rationalise the whole thing away. How could she rationalise away giving her husband's friend a blowjob? And then kneeling in front of her husband covered in his cum?

Oh, but it would destroy Hayden to know! And he didn't now. And he didn't have to. If she never told him, then surely everything would be alright from then on? Telling him would only hurt him and there was nothing she could do about it.

As all of these thoughts blinked through the beautiful brunette's mind. Shelley looked between her husband and the man who had just had his dick in her mouth and down her throat not moments before, no doubt while her husband had been pulling up to the house! Fuck! What was she going to do?

"Yeah, Shelley decided to start a paint fight. But she didn't realise who she was messing with," Connor joked in reply to Hayden, in the tone he always had. As if he hadn't just face fucked his friend's new wife moments before.

Hayden grinned amusedly, and adjusted the bag under his arm awkwardly, eyeing her amusedly at the obvious proof of Connor's statement that he had won.

"So much for decorating, ah, babe?" he asked her with an amused grin.

And all Shelley could do was smile carefully so as not to let any of the cum filling her mouth dribble out. Hayden would surely question why she had 'paint-water' in her mouth, if he didn't question her covered in it.

"She gave it her best shot, man. But in the end I think I was too much for her," Connor replied to his friend.

Shelley shot him a dangerous glance, which Hayden, thankfully, took as a sign she didn't want to be outdone. Though it did make him ask her a question.

"It seems Connor here decorated you pretty good, babe. You didn't let him, did you?" her loving, sweet, husband asked, obviously meaning did she let him win. However, it was the fact that he waited for her to answer that set Shelley's mind a flurry

She stared at him, unsure of what to say or do. She knew that he hadn't got a clue that her mouth was filled with his friend's thick cum, and so that was why she couldn't answer. But she equally knew that as he wasn't aware of that he was waiting for her to answer.

So, Shelley did the only thing that came to mind right then...she swallowed.

Feeling the hot, thick, sticky cum slowly slide down her throat as she swallowed as quietly and discreetly as possible, while looking into her husband's face, Shelley felt both guilt and a twang of horny lust flush through her.

The thick, hot seed slowly slid down her throat and filled her belly, as Connor, obviously aware of what she had to do, and even more obvious from his grin approving of it, watched her with a smile.

Fuck! She was swallowing her husband's friend's huge load of cum right in front of her husband while he watched her! He was waiting for her to answer, while she knelt covered in cum, and holding a handful in her cupped hands, which he mistook as all paint-water from the paint fight.

Fuck, she felt so guilty. But also, so turned on at the same time for some strange reason. Especially as she felt her belly fill with Connor's huge load. Oh, fuck!

"It was kind of a surprise," she replied finally, her mouth still thickly coated in Connor's cum, once she could actually answer. And her heart beat rapidly at the sound of her own voice.

"I don't think she expected me to cover her in so much, so quickly," Connor added, with a sly grin at her.

Hayden simply laughed unaware. Shelley stared at him wondering how he could be so carefree after what they had just done.

"Well, at least you had fun while I was out," Hayden said amusedly, as he watched the 'paint-water' drip between Shelley's fingers onto her clothes.

Despite the total guilt the hot wife felt, Shelley couldn't help but think that her husband had no idea how relevant his words were. Connor's smile, however, said that Hayden really had hit the nail on the head. So to speak.

For Shelley's part she simply gave her sweet husband a weak smile, still unsure what to do as she knelt there holding a handful of his friend's potent seed while being literally soaked and covered in it.

Her heart was racing in her chest as she tasted the salty liquid in her mouth, and it's thick warmth in her throat and belly.

It was then that Hayden suddenly remembered the bag under his arm.

"Anyway, I brought food," he said, sounding more than a little pleased with himself, "And the gloss. The paint is in the back of the car. But I suggest we eat while everything's still hot."

Connor voiced his approval to this, clapping his hands together. The hands that had been pulling Hayden's wife's face onto his dick not long ago as he fucked her mouth hard and fast.

"Though I think you should get cleaned up a bit first, babe," her loving husband said to Shelley as he held back an obvious chuckle.

Shelley's cheeks turned bright red at her husband's smile, before she glanced at her handful of his friend's warm cum. What the hell was she going to do with that?

"Yeah, I will," she replied in as steady and normal voice as she could, trying hard to appear as if nothing were wrong at all, "You two should go ahead. I'll get cleaned up and meet you in the kitchen."

She added a forced smile to try to sell that idea. At least then she could find a way of dealing with what she held in her hands.

Hayden smiled at her, about to reply, no doubt with some caring comment, when Connor, grinning amusedly, folded his arms and spoke up first.

"I think you should just rub it in, Shelley. I mean, it's 'only' paint and water at the end of the day. And you'll be having a shower later. Why get cleaned up now when you'll only get covered with more paint later?" her husband's friend asked, and Shelley stared at him wide-eyed.

He knew she wasn't covered in 'paint-water', and he wanted her...? He was suggesting, in front of Hayden, that she should rub his cum into her skin in front of her husband!?

Shelley felt a twinge of lust pulse through her at that thought. It would be so naughty after all.

However, instantly it was squashed by the intense guilt that consumed her. Unlike Connor apparently, who seemed perfectly fine with having betrayed his friend.

However, it was the unanswered question of the possible insinuation that hung in the air that set her heart beating faster. What did he mean that she will only get covered with more paint later? Surely, he wasn't...? No. No, he may not feel guilty but he wouldn't seriously think that this would happen again?

No, he must have actually meant it literally, so as to make it sound a more convincing proposition to get Hayden's agreement. Which from the amused glint in her husband's eye, Shelley thought it may have.

However, Connor grabbed one of the spare painting sheets from the corner and moved toward her. For all appearances he moved as if he were simply swaggering as the winner of a paint fight, not from the smugness of having cum all over his friend's pretty wife's face, tits, and in her mouth.

"Come on, Shelley, the food will be cold," he began, as if he were going to hand her the sheet.

However, as he got close enough, Shelley opened her mouth to say 'thanks', but then Connor moved as swift as a snake, slapping her hand from underneath with a grin, "Too slow!"

The slap knocked Shelley's hand up, and the handful of cum splashed into her face and open mouth. It dripped down her cheeks and chin to splatter onto her jean-clad legs, half-open painting shirt, and askew white gypsy-top.

Shelley gave a surprised shout the moment Connor hit her hands towards her, and everything happened at once. Then she was sitting there with even more of his warm, sticky cum covering her face, in shock.

Wiping her eyes with her cum-coated hands, Shelley stared at the two men as they laughed amusedly.

Hayden obviously thought that Connor had covered her again in that 'paint-water' that soaked the floor and dripped from the empty water pot. And Connor, no doubt, as he had splashed more of his cum all over her face…right in front of her husband.

"Connor! You're such an ass!" Shelley exclaimed, not exactly angry with him, but more in surprise at what he had done.

This, however, made Hayden and his friend laugh even more.

Here she was, dripping with his friend's cum, some had even gone into her mouth, and all her loving husband could do was find it amusing! Not that he knew it was his friend's potent seed, though. But still.

"Looks like he got you again, babe," Hayden said amusedly, though with more than a hint of deep affection.

Shelley wiped her face with her hands, looking at them as they glistened with his friend's sticky seed. Her wedding ring was dull with the thick coating. Then she looked up at them both.

Guilt still suffused her, dampening quickly the sudden fire that burnt within her body at the thought. How could she tell him? And why was Connor so ok with it all? No. More than ok. Joking about it all?

She had no time to think, however, as she felt another thick glob of cum run passed her nose onto her top lip.

"You're such assholes," she said, as she wiped her eyes and lips, rubbing her cum-covered hands on her painting shirt...the shirt that had belonged to Hayden.

The two found the comment amusing still, obviously assuming she was just sore at losing. The pretty wife was sore, just not at losing. Her neck and jaw still ached from all the cock sucking she had done on Connor's huge eleven-inch dick.

"Hayden, can I have that sheet now? Unless you want me sitting here drenched in...paint and water," she asked, only just stopping herself from saying 'your friend's cum' at the last minute.

Hayden smiled as he nodded to Connor, who smiled to himself smugly as he tossed the sheet to her.

"Shame we don't have a camera," he said as he looked, as if all innocently joking, between Hayden and her.  Shelley picked up the sheet and began wiping her cum-covered face, "I would've loved a picture of that."

Shelley felt her heart beat faster momentarily at the thought of keeping a picture of her covered in Connor's cum. Something that Hayden would no doubt laugh at with his friend, as he remained completely unaware of the fact he was actually looking at his new wife painted in his friend's potent seed.

That thought brought to mind an awareness that she still had cum in her mouth. However, her body reacted instinctively, swallowing the small amount before she could actually decide what to do.

The feel of the warm, thick liquid slowly sliding down her throat to join the rest of the huge load Connor had so graciously given her felt both incredibly hot, and oh such a turn on. But it also made the stunning brunette wife feel even more guilty. Her husband of just three weeks, the man she loved completely, was standing not far away! Fuck! She had no idea what she was going to do.

Wiping her face and chest, which seemed to brush as much of Connor's cum into her skin as the sheet managed to soak up, Shelley then ran the sheet quickly over her hair and clothes.

Then she stood up and wiped her hands, looking around the floor before she looked up at the two men opposite her, who were watching amusedly.

The room was as plastered with paint-water and cum as she had been. Well, she had received most of the latter, but some had managed to coat the floor. The room looked like the paint pot and water had exploded.

"What a mess," she commented as she eyed the room, the cum-stained sheet bunched up in her hands.

"That's what you get for 'playing with me'," Connor replied.

Shelley didn't miss the insinuation at the end.

Shelley mock frowned as she threw the sheet at Hayden's friend, who deflected it away with an amused laugh.

She still felt guilty, even if Connor didn't. But until she decided what she was going to do she had to appear as if everything was normal.

Fuck, what was she going to do? Worry, horniness, and concern flooded through her all at once. She had to think, but now was not the time.

"Come on you two, let's eat," Hayden said with a grin, as he half turned in the doorway, "We've still got plenty of decorating to do. Of the house, not each other," he added with amusement.

And as Connor laughed, Shelley smiled faintly, part of her finding his teasing amusing though the guilt still outweighed it all.

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"Alright, I'm starving," Connor replied, patting his stomach, "After a workout like that I need to recuperate some energy," he added, apparently meaning the paint fight. Though Shelley was all too aware of what her husband's friend really meant.

Clearing her throat, which felt a little sore after having such a huge cock shoved down it repeatedly, Shelley took a deep breath.

She tried hard not to suddenly feel the cum that was still stickily pooled between her large breasts, which she had forgotten about, or the taste of Connor's salty seed coating the inside of her mouth.

"You didn't buy me too much, did you, Hayden?" Shelley asked, as she concentrated on not concentrating on the two feelings.

And then added without thinking, "'Because I'm not too hungry now."

The words left her mouth without thought, though they were completely true. And from the sudden amused smile on Connor's face, Shelley realised why. She wasn't hungry because her stomach was full of a huge load of his cum.

The beautiful brunette wife's cheeks reddened once again as she looked from Connor to Hayden.

"Just eat what you like, babe," he replied warmly, and Shelley felt her cheeks deepen as embarrassment and guilt washed over her like a tidal wave.

"Yeah," was all Connor said.

However, it was the look in his eyes that twisted the 'what you like' of Hayden's words into something sexually insinuating.

Shelley felt her cum-filled stomach turn, before she followed the two men out of the room and headed towards the kitchen, her mind reeling.

Hayden had done himself proud, as usual, with what he had bought back for them. Though Shelley had been telling the truth when she had said she wasn't too hungry.

She was full of his friend's hot, thick cum. And so, while Hayden ate happily, and Connor ate hungrily, obviously not lying about needing to recuperate after the energy he had used having his dick sucked earlier, Shelley only ate a small amount. Though it was only partly because of how much she had swallowed earlier.

The other reason was because her mind was thinking hard on what she should do. And that made her appetite vanish completely. And it squashed any fleeting feelings that momentarily tingled her pussy at the thought of what had happened, and how horny she had been throughout the day. Let alone when the image of that eleven-inch cock of Connors - eleven fucking hard inches! - flashed into her mind.

And so, the three of them ate. Connor and Hayden laughed as if the former hadn't had the latter's wife's lips around his dick a short while before. And all the while Shelley chimed in every now and then to prevent her sweet, loving husband thinking there was something wrong, while she wracked her brain trying to think of what to do.

If she told Hayden he would never forgive her. 'Oh, by the way, honey, I sucked your friend's cock while you were out and let him cum down my throat and all over my face and tits. Yeah, that was his cum all over me when you came in.'

Yep, that would hurt him and ruin their marriage, which had only just started. And after five years too.

Or she could not tell him. At least that way he wouldn't get hurt. Though how she could handle carrying around this huge amount of guilt she had no idea. Not to mention that she had cheated on him. Whether he knew or not, did it matter still?

Maybe she could just forget it had ever happened. It wasn't like she had clearly and rationally decided to give his friend a blowjob or let him cum all over her. It had just kind of happened.

And telling him would only hurt him and make things worse. She hadn’t been able to help herself. And it wouldn't happen again. It was just an accident.

And so, Shelley's thoughts went on, rationalising as much as she could until she straightened and determinately squashed the guilt inside her.

It hadn't been her fault. It had just happened. And it wouldn't do any good now. And it wouldn't happen again. So, it was best just not to say anything. And try to forget the feeling of cum filling her stomach and still lying between her large, heavy breasts.

That latter was soon solved, however, as Shelley straightened the gypsy top Connor had pulled down to one side, when he pulled his hands out from feeling her up. And when Hayden smiled and gave her a hug as his friend went to get the paint from the back of the car. The large glob of cum was warmly pressed into her soft but firm flesh at that.

As Connor returned, placing the paint in what would be the lounge, Shelley tried vainly to adjust her painting shirt that now hung mostly open and buttonless. It showed off her gypsy top-clad impressive rack.

As Hayden went to put the wood gloss in the lounge, Shelley retied her ponytail from the mess Connor had made of it before following.

Leaning against the doorframe, she watched the two men eye the room for where to paint next. All as if nothing had happened from the moment they had entered earlier.

Shelley thought that if she was going to pull this off, she had to think that nothing had happened either. And so, folding her arms beneath her impressive chest, she smiled at the two, trying hard to squash the feelings of guilt and the oh so real image of Connor's huge eleven-inch hard cock that 'sprang' into her mind. Just as the real thing had sprung into her face earlier...

Clear thoughts, clear thoughts.

"Will you two be alright finishing off in here, or do you need any help?" she asked calmly.

"No, we're good, babe," Hayden answered, as he looked at her over his shoulder, his tone warm and soft, "You go finish your room. I know you want it done."

Shelley smiled lovingly at her husband, he knew her so well, before she once more stamped down the feelings and images in her mind. Though she did manage to keep a serene face as she blew him a kiss and made her way back into the room next door.

The light streamed through as the sun stood proud in a blue sky spottled with fluffy white clouds. Shelley smiled at the scene through the large French doors. She did have to really stamp out the images that instantly flooded back into her mind when she entered the room. Her on her knees, with that big fucking cock pumping into her mouth and down her throat...

And all of that cum surging down her throat into her stomach, filling her mouth, covering her face and...

Fuck, the room was a mess.

Feeling butterflies raging in her stomach as her breathing deepened, Shelley bit her cum-coated lip and forced herself to remain calm. Not guilty or horny. No, neither.

She grabbed one of the sheets, not the already cum-stained one though, and wiped up the floor from the paint-water and pearly seed, before filling the water pot up again.

As she did, the sexy brunette wife hoped that one day she would be able to walk into this room without seeing that scene flash into her mind. If not she would never be able to look as if everything was normal.

She was right though, telling Hayden would only make things worse now. And so with flat resolve, Mrs Shelley Winters put the fact that she had sucked her husband's friend off not long ago in that very room out of her mind, and turned once more to finish the decorating.

For a while Shelley thought that she might actually pull it off.

The banter and laughter from the other room, and the sound of the radio playing, soon helped take the newlywed wife's mind off what had happened. And the soothing act of painting the wall white seemed to help her relax and forget that she had anything to feel guilty for.

It was the only thing she could do after all. It was.

And so, the room began to slowly take on a more beautiful light, as Shelley painted the wall Connor had pressed her against earlier. The sun and warm weather soaked through the open French doors, quickly drying what hadn't already dried on the other walls and let in the peaceful sound of the neighbourhood.

In fact, it all went so well that when Connor called through to ask if she wanted a coffee as well, Shelley didn't even think of what had happened as she replied that she would.

Though the hot brunette wife was about to find out how quickly that serenity could be shattered, and how swiftly those feelings and images could return.


"Alright, man, I'll leave yours in the lounge," Connor said, as Hayden nodded and continued through the house to the bathroom.

Taking the mug he had used for Shelley's coffee in his hand, he carefully made his way through into the room where his friend's stunning wife was finishing off painting the wall.

As he entered, however, Connor stood for a moment and let himself drink in and appreciate the sudden sight that filled his eyes.

His friend's wife was stretching to finish painting the section above her head, her jeans tight around her long legs and firm ass, and her half-unbuttoned painting shirt hanging loosely over her flat stomach. That latter exposed her large, glorious rack in that dick-hardening white gypsy top. Her dark, wavy brunette hair still hung down her slender back, somehow accentuating her slim waist, in its ponytail. And her beautiful face was fixed and concentrating on the method at hand.

The thought that he had had this stunningly gorgeous woman on her knees, sucking his dick, in that very room, after pushing her against that very wall she now painted and kissing her hard, while feeling those huge tits up, made Connor's dick stir even more. The glorious sight of his friend's wife in the glow of the room, as the sunshine of another glorious Shorehaven day spilt through those large French doors, hardened him again.

It was strange in a way though, Connor thought, as he watched Shelley continue to paint, unaware of his presence in the doorway.

He should feel guilty for what they had done earlier. Hayden was his long-time friend after all. And they had been through so much together. Not to mention that he knew how much his friend loved Shelley and how much she loved him too.

So, the fact that he had had his dick in her mouth and throat, before cumming all over her face and tits, not to mention in her mouth, should have made him feel ashamed.

It had at first, though granted lust had taken over him then. Connor defied any man to resist a woman this hot on her knees in front of them. But he hadn't felt even the slightest bit guilty since he had pumped his balls down Shelley's throat and all over her pretty face.

In fact, quite the opposite. He still thought of Hayden as his dear old friend. But fuck, Shelley was the hottest woman he had ever seen, and that was saying something in this City. And if he was honest with himself, he would very much want that stunning woman on her knees in front of him again, despite her being married to his friend.

The question was, would Shelley?

Oh, she had been more than enthusiastic earlier. More than by far. And it had been her who first brought up the fact that she was cheating on Hayden. But that had been in the midst of unexpected and all-consuming passion. Since then she had had a clear mind.

Well, there was only one way to find out. Because getting his dick inside Shelley would be so fucking amazing. All thoughts of Hayden left Connor's mind as he once more let his eyes drift over Shelley's hot, luscious body.


"Want your coffee on the table?" Shelley heard Connor ask from behind her.

She felt her heart leap from surprise. She hadn't heard him come into the room.

Turning to look over her shoulder at him and smiling, Shelley nodded gently, still holding the brush above her head.

"Yeah, thanks," she said, her mind still silent and serene.

Connor smiled and walked over, placing the mug on the table behind her before putting his hands half in his pockets and watching her from behind a moment. Shelley was about to ask him where Hayden was when Connor spoke first.

"You missed a bit," he said, and then suddenly Shelley felt him slap her tight ass as he came to stand beside her.

The beautiful brunette almost jumped from the sudden contact. But it was the sudden shattering of her serenity at the sight of Connor's smugly interested expression that set her heart racing in her chest. Images of looking up at him while she had all eleven inches of his cock down her throat suddenly flooded back into her mind.

"Connor," she said finally, "You shouldn't do that. I'm married to your friend remember."

"Yeah, I remember you telling me that," her husband's friend replied, as he momentarily touched her cheek with his fingers, just as he had when she had been sucking his dick.

And Shelley remembered that she had more than once said about being married while...

Her heart beat faster, and a tingle of electricity passed through her sexy body, though guilt once more consumed her.

Brushing his hand from her cheek, she turned to look at where she had been painting, trying hard not to look at Hayden's friend.

"Connor, that was a mistake. You know that," she said in a weak tone, her heart warring with the guilt. And the wondering why she suddenly felt horniness stirring within her. It had been wrong, "Let's just forget it happened. Please."

Connor remained silent for a moment. Though when he spoke, he once more touched her cheek and gently turned her face to look at him. He smiled a smile that was somehow considerate, hungry, and resolved all at the same time.

"If that's what you want, Shelley," he said in a surprisingly considerate tone, and Shelley felt her heart pumping hard in her chest, "Don't forget your coffee."

And with that her husband's friend gave her a half smile and let his hand fall away from her soft face. Then he walked out of the room calling for Hayden to hurry up so that they could get some work done, bantering as usual.

Shelley stood there for a moment, her heart pulsing furiously and her body a mix of guilt and slowly stirring horniness at the thoughts that crashed unbidden into her mind.

She loved Hayden, yes. Connor had a big, long, hard, thick eleven-inch fucking oh so good cock. But she loved Hayden, and he was all she wanted. Oh, it had felt so good in her mouth! How could any woman ever fit that thing inside her though? But she had swallowed it all, so maybe...

Fuck, that must feel like a baseball bat! What would it feel like? No! Hayden! She loved only Hayden and wanted only Hayden. She had been married only a few weeks and was not some cock-hungry whore.

Besides, she had Hayden to satisfy her voracious sexual appetite, she didn't need Connor and his huge dick.

No. Hayden. Yes, Hayden. Fuck, what 'would' it feel like having a dick that big?

Guilt and stirring horniness wound the pretty wife's insides up as she turned to paint with more force. She tried to force the images and thoughts of both from her mind as she painted with more vigour than she ever had before.

It may have worked as well. It started to anyway. However, Connor seemed to have different ideas.

A little while after her husband's friend had left the room, Shelley had finished her coffee and had gone to wash the mug, when she noticed Hayden and Connor sitting drinking theirs.

Neither noticed her as she lingered by the doorway. However, in the light and from the angle she had caught sight of them at, Shelley could see her handsome husband's back while Connor sat facing her on an angle.

But it was, for some strange reason, the outline of Connor's bulging jeans that caught the beautiful newlywed wife's eyes. And for a few seconds Shelley stared, unable to tear her eyes away, at the bulging material.

She remembered vividly the size, width, and hardness of what her husband's friend had hidden there...straining to get out. And how it had felt in her mouth. How it had stretched her lips when they tightly wrapped around it. How it felt pushing down her throat. How much cum his huge balls had shot all over her.

Her heart raced and pounded until she thought its force might make the two men look around. That was when the hot wife let out a deep breath, and almost dropped her mug from the electricity coursing through her veins. And when she noticed her wedding ring.

Trying to push the thought of seeing that same ring next to her husband's friend's hard, naked cock as she pumped her fist up and down it, Shelley remembered that she did have a husband. Moreover, that he was the man she loved with all of her heart.

Guilt once more consumed the sexy wife. However, her heart still raced with pulsing and slowly growing horniness as she moved silently to wash the mug.

Not long after that, Hayden called to her to come and give her opinion on some new idea he had for the lounge.

Standing there, feet away from his friend, whose eyes watched her with deep and open interest, Shelley's heart continued to race, and her blood continued to boil. And that was even though she tried hard to keep her mind on what her sweet husband was saying.

However, for a few moments Hayden left the room to go pick some wood railing he had left in one of the other rooms. He was gone less than a minute. However, in that minute, and the moment his feet left the door, Connor moved closer to her and Shelley felt her breathing deepen.

"Connor..." Shelley said warningly, as he reached out to gently cup the side of her face with his hand.

"You're beautiful, Shelley," he replied as if not hearing her tone.

His eyes seemed sincere, as if he meant nothing more than the compliment. However, as Shelley stared into his eyes, lost for words as her mind and body reeled between rational guilt and the instinctual reaction to the memories flashing before her mind's eye, Connor let his fingers slowly trace down her face.

Gently, he slid them down her graceful neck, before dancing across the exposed top of her chest.

His fingers almost reached her tantalising cleavage. Shelley's breathing was growing deeper and heavier by the minute, pushing that glorious rack out in a way that would make any man's dick hard, when suddenly the two of them heard Hayden approaching.

Connor's hand immediately left her as he stepped back. Though as her husband walked in, he at least seemed composed, whereas Shelley's cheeks heated. She still continued to breathe deeply, and her body was a wrack of rushing feelings.

Things only got worse from then on.

The next time, Shelley had offered to make coffee, and was in the kitchen when suddenly she felt a pair of strong hands grab her tight jean-clad ass. They squeezed hard before they slid around to hold her hips.

"I like mine really hot," she heard Connor say from behind her, as he gently, but firmly, pressed his bulging jeans into her ass from behind.

Her heart leapt as she could still hear Hayden singing along to the radio in the room next door as his friend pressed her gently against the kitchen counter from behind. Connor held her hips, his bulging, straining jeans, pressed firmly into her tight ass.

Breathing heavy, Shelley managed to keep herself quite composed this time.

"Connor, would you mind?" she asked, insinuating that she wanted space, "I don't think 'your friend' would like you pressing your..." she altered her words as a very clear image flashed into her mind, setting her stomach twisting in horniness, "...He wouldn't be best pleased seeing you like this."

"What about you?" her husband's 'friend' asked, as he confidently slid his hands around to rest on her flat stomach.

Then he lifted them oh so slowly until they rested not far beneath her large, heavy tits.

The feel of his hands on her body, the feel of his hard, big dick pressed against her tight ass, the confidence of his actions, the fact that Hayden was in the next room, the horniness that had been building within her stunning body since that morning, the naughtiness of the whole situation...all made Shelley's mind suddenly whirl and her pussy suddenly burn.

Though despite, at first, not knowing what to answer, she still managed to remain determined.

"I love Hayden," she said simply, meaning it for the obvious answer it was.

"I know. But you still haven't said you mind," he replied smugly.

And as his words settled in Shelley's mind, he quickly kissed her neck before he patted her stomach, slapped her ass hard enough that Hayden would surely have had to hear it in the next room, then moved away.

Written by The_Shadow_Rising
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