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Decorating The Newlywed - Part 1

"Decorating new home leads to wife with hubby's friend."

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Author's Notes

"~Decorating the Newlywed - aka, 'Do [Her] Yourself'~"

The smooth summer's breeze gave the day an almost magical feel as the sun set golden over the ocean horizon of the City of Taboo Dreams. The soft, unwinding of another productive, relaxing, and often illicit day would soon be slowly fading into the glow of the neon lights and streetlamps as the night life awoke.

As the sun set slowly, however, a large golden-red half-ball on the horizon, the gentle breeze stirred oh so lightly. It gently teased flags and leaves as it played across the vastness of the city of Shorehaven.

Smiling up at the red-orange sky as the bright red Cadillac drove leisurely down the street with the top down, Mrs Shelley Winters couldn't help but feel a tingle of magic run through her luscious twenty-seven-year-old newlywed body.

She closed her eyes and let the wind stream through her long, wavy, dark brunette hair, relishing in the soft melodies the radio played and the feel of the whole romantic atmosphere of the end of another perfect day.

Opening her large dark-brown eyes, Shelley turned with a loving smile to look at her new husband, the man of her dreams, as he sat driving beside her.

Hayden Winters. He was as stunning as the first moment Shelley had laid eyes on him five years ago. With his ruggedly attractive face, his styled light brown hair, his piercing green eyes, his fit and toned body, and that entrancing smile that had won her over from across the room when their eyes had first met.

Hayden always made her feel so warm inside. He made her feel safe. And he made her feel loved. Of course, he made her feel a lot of other things too, especially with his long seven-and-a-half-inch dick. Oh, that had made her feel a whole lot over the honeymoon they had just returned from.

That was why they were driving now, Shelley thought as she smiled deeper. Hayden looked over to her warmly, that stunning smile spreading his lips. Not his thrilling cock, of course. But the fact that they had just returned from their honeymoon.

They had only been back in Shorehaven a couple of days, but the house they had been considering buying had finally become theirs the day before they were due to return. And so, they had spent most of their time back finalising all of the paperwork with the agents. Though most of it had already been done prior to. They had just received the key to their dream home that afternoon.

So, after a long day, the two newlyweds were finally on their way to see their new house for the first time. The home they had planned to start their family in, which they had already begun trying for on the honeymoon.

Shelley couldn't wait. She had seen the house a couple of times before, but this time it was actually theirs. All theirs. Now they could finally walk in and feel that they had a home, instead of having to stay with Hayden's parents.

Leaning over, Shelley kissed her new husband firmly on the cheek. His new-day growth of stubble teased her soft lips before she rested her head on his shoulder. Hayden responded by placing his arm around her caringly as the pair continued on their way through Gainsborough, driving ever closer to the beginning of the rest of their lives, and the start of their dream.

"Can you believe the house is all ours?" Shelley asked contentedly. Her fingers twirled around his as she watched the houses and cars pass by in the romantic light of the setting sun.

"All ours," Hayden replied warmly, squeezing her softly and bringing a smile to the young wife's pretty face.

"I want to decorate the front room in white," she said, envisaging in her mind how it would look when it was finished. That room had stolen her heart the moment she had first laid eyes on it, "You know the one with the big French doors?"

Hayden smiled and nodded. He had heard her tell him what she wanted in every room of the house ever since the drive back from their first viewing. Still, he listened as if this was all brand new to him.

"Oh, it will look amazing in the summer. Especially when the sun sets," she continued, picturing the room in the current light.

"So long as the lounge has the Plasma on the wall and the marble grey below the dado rail, you can do what you want with the rest of the house," he replied, and Shelley smiled deeper to herself.

She would let Hayden think it was his idea to have the lounge decorated that way, it kept him happy. Though she knew it was as much her idea as his. And it kept him out of her hair when it came to deciding on how the rest of the house would look.

She loved him with every bit of her heart, but bless him, he had no artistic talent for matching colours or setting things out to look attractive.

"So, you won't mind my idea for the bedroom then?" she teased, and grinned as her husband took the bait.

"Well..." he began defensively, though with a large grin. He knew he had already lost that battle a long time ago.

And so, the newlywed couple continued their discussion, with no new developments on what Shelley had already decided. Though Hayden was getting slightly better with his suggestions. They drove on, turning to ascend the hill that led to where their new house awaited them.

As the car turned and pulled onto the driveway, Shelley felt a flutter of excitement and pride flood through her as her large dark brown eyes fell once more on the house of her dreams.

It was a large bungalow, situated on the top of a large hill in Gainsborough. It was in one of the most beautiful neighbourhoods this side of Shorevale Heights. And within the magical glow of the setting sun, the place really seemed like a picturesque fantasy come true.

The moment the car stopped, with a wide, bright smile, Shelley excitedly jumped out and half-ran to the front door leaving Hayden to try to catch up to her with an amused chuckle. Though she did wait for him to reach her before she actually turned the key and pushed the door open with a childish grin.

The house's front door let into the bungalow's long main hallway directly in front and two smaller passageways leading both left and right of the front door.

Those two were almost entirely the windows of the front of the house, allowing a flood of the deepening red light to bathe the undecorated corridors in a lush, warm glow. The light painted the walls of the first rooms on either side of the hallway in a glorious light.

When the estate agent had first told them that the two front rooms weren't actually connected to the front wall of the house, but instead stood a few feet back, both Shelley and Hayden had been dubious about the design, not to mention how it would look.

However, after first seeing the place, and how the windows gave the space an almost 'gallery' feel to it, that welcomed those who entered to journey deeper into the ever-more amazing layout, the two of them knew they had found their perfect home.

And now, as she stood there in the soft glow of the setting sun, letting her eyes take in that gallery area and the first hall that led into their new house, Shelley knew they had made the right decision.

Closing the door behind them, Shelley could feel Hayden's smile, as deep as hers, as he wrapped his arms around her waist, and she leaned back against him. Her eyes glowed with pure excitement and happiness.

This place was it. It was going to be their home. Their own home for them and their children, which they planned on having as soon as possible now. Well, as soon as they had decorated the place anyway.

Those thoughts brought both of the subjects to Mrs Shelley Winters' newly married mind.

"This place is going to look so gorgeous when it's finished," she said warmly, resting back against her new husband's chest.

"You always make the right choices," Hayden replied, gently kissing her hair.

Shelley drew in a deep, satisfied breath, which caused her full, heavy 32E breasts to heave gently.

"I almost want to start decorating it now," she teased, knowing full well that wasn't an option right then. But still, she did feel like it.

As predicted, and with a small self-amused smile on her face, Shelley listened as Hayden replied.

"I'll have time off next week, Shell, and then we can really get stuck in," her sweet husband said lovingly. Shelley turned with that amused smile still sparkling on her beautiful lips and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"But that doesn't mean we can't get a few little bits done before then," she commented and pursed her soft lips as Hayden grinned down at her.

"When have I ever been able to talk you out of anything once you've set your heart on it?" he teased, knowing full well that he was as excited to get the place done and moved into as she was.

Shelley's slight smile turned into a deep grin at that as she bounced up and down on her toes.

"Though we'll have to get help in to finish this place as quickly as you want it done," he added teasingly, and Shelley laughed. A soft musical sound.

"Well, your dad and your brother said they'd help," she replied, as she gently stroked his cheek.

"A good job too, Miss Demanding," he joked, and Shelley felt her stomach flutter slightly. Her eyes suddenly sparkled with a different light.

"You know it, bad boy," she teased, and Hayden smiled at her deeply, "Actually..." she began a little coyly, " you mention it, this is going to be the home for our kids..."

Hayden nodded, apparently not having cottoned on to what she was implying. Shelley just found that amusing and cute.

"And, well, we 'have' been trying..." she continued, looking up at him through her eyelashes. The meaning in her eyes now oh so clear.

Hayden didn't miss this one. His face suddenly took on the dawning of understanding and appeal. That only made the newlywed wife's eyes sparkle more as her heart began to pound.

"So, what do you say we christen the new house, Mr Winters?" she said in a deeper voice, her eyes now predatory as she ran her hands down to his chest, gripping a fistful of his shirt.

"Oh, now I think that sounds like a splendid idea, Mrs Winters," he replied just as huskily, as his hands rested on her slim waist. Then he backed her a little way down the hall.

Biting her lip, she backed away from the door. Headed passed the first rooms, and down to where the hall turned left away from what would be the lounge. Then they passed the kitchen and walked around into the rest of the house. Shelley stopped Hayden by the corner and looked deep into his eyes with a gaze of lust-filled love.

"Here?" her husband of a couple of weeks asked restrainedly, and as Shelley nodded his mouth met hers urgently.

And the newly married Mrs Shelley Winters moaned softly into his mouth as the two newlyweds began to swiftly pull at each other's clothes right there in the hallway.


A week later, Mrs Shelley Winters sat down on the edge of her and Hayden's bed that they shared at his parents' house, pulling her white-heeled shoes onto her feet.

She had just gotten dressed after having a quick shower, which Hayden was now in. She pulled on her white gypsy top. It strained ever-so-slightly over her large 32E breasts, and more often than not slipped slightly from one or both of her slender shoulders. It hung just over the top of her fitting blue jeans, that moulded beautifully around her tight ass and slender legs. And it covered Hayden's favourite black lace underwear, the matching pair that he had so closely came to pulling apart the week before in the hallway.

The pleasant memory made the gorgeous brunette wife smile deeply. He was always passionate, just the way she liked him. She never knew when or where Hayden would just grab or push her and begin tearing her clothes from her sexy body. But then neither did he. And, oh, it was Hayden's impulsiveness that turned her on so much.

Taking a deep breath, Shelley stood and tried to calm her now racing heart and reddening cheeks. She pushed the thought of jumping in the shower with her husband of a few weeks out of her mind. They had decorating to do if they were ever going to move into this gorgeous new house of theirs.

Letting her breath out, Shelley brushed her long, wavy, dark brown hair over her shoulders and tried her best to focus on other things. She was going to have to pull her hair up into a ponytail before she started painting, she didn't want it to get covered.

That line of reasoning went out of the window, however, the moment Hayden walked through from the bathroom wearing only his towel around his waist, dripping wet and...

Shelley once more felt that heat flooding through her body.

"Come on," she said as her sweet husband closed the door behind him. She sounded more than a little flustered. She was trying hard to keep her mind on the job at hand, "Or do you plan on letting me do all the decorating today?"

Hayden's amused smile didn't help matters. It sent a bolt of pure electricity running through every nerve in her body.

"I'll just get dressed," he replied, and with that allowed the towel to simply drop to the floor.

Shelley's already sparkling eyes gleamed instantly, and her breathing suddenly grew very rapid and very heavy.

Oh, how she just wanted to throw him on the bed right then…

That was when a knock came on the bedroom door.

"Hayden?" came the querying voice of her husband's father through the wood.

Shelley felt a mix of relief, after all they really had to get this house done, and irritation. Oh, she couldn't wait to have their own place. No more interruptions at such...'special'...moments.

"Yeah, dad?" her husband called in response, still standing completely naked in front of her with that entrancing smile of his. Oh, he knew she wanted him, damn him!

"Need to have a word, son," Hayden's father replied from outside the room, oblivious to the sheer amount of electricity being generated behind the door.

"I'll be down in a sec," her husband replied, and Shelley felt a twinge of disappointment. It looked like they'd have to wait to release that tension now.

And so, a few minutes later, though to the horny wife, it felt so agonisingly slow, both of the newlyweds made their way downstairs. They were ready to head out with Hayden's father and brother to try and get as much of the house finished as possible.

Well, that was until Hayden's father let them know that neither of them would be able to make it that day. Something to do with the downstairs bathroom flooding due to some shoddy plumbing work that had been done a couple of weeks ago by one of Hayden's brother's workmate's cousin's friends.

That seemed to temper down the electrical charge Shelley felt somewhat. With only the two of them, they wouldn't be able to get half as much finished as they had planned.

Twenty minutes later, the newlywed couple were once more heading along the broad streets and often tree-lined lanes of Gainsborough. They were debating how they were going to get the house finished by the end of the week, which seemed increasingly unlikely.

That was when Hayden's mobile rang, blasting the cheesiest ringtone ever from the convertible car as they turned onto another road a couple of blocks from the new house.

Hayden, of course, picked up the phone. His mirrored sunglasses glinted in the summer brightness as he leaned his elbow on the door, holding the wheel in one hand as he answered.

"Yeah, hello?" her sweet husband answered as brightly as ever, and Shelley smiled amusedly to herself as she brushed a strand of windswept hair away from her mouth.

After listening for a couple of minutes, Hayden laughed suddenly, a broad smile on his face as he listened.

"Kayaking? Are you kidding me, Connor. I'm a married man now," he replied amusedly, and Shelley's smile deepened.

Connor McAlister was Hayden's long, long-time friend. So long in fact that the two of them had known each other in high school, back when they used to speed around in Connor's Charger, even before either of them had their license.

Connor was a great guy though, incredible fun and the life and soul of any get-together, despite the fact he always skirted the edges of trouble. Though he was one of those guys that never seemed to get caught.

Shelley remembered one specific story Hayden had told her on their wedding day. Connor had been one of the guests that day, along with several other of Hayden's boyhood friends, one of which had been his best man.

The story had gone something like, at school Connor had managed to somehow, how was lost on all of them involved, get a crate of beer. They had all sat and drunk behind the stadium stands before heading into a history class, totally out of their heads. Connor had been the only one to not get detention, despite having slapped the teacher's ass on the way in. All of the others had sooner or later been found out, but Connor had somehow managed to escape unnoticed.

Still, the half-Scottish Connor was always planning some kind of adventure. The last time he had called, just before the wedding Shelley thought, he had planned a sky dive for the group of friends that still hung out a lot

Now that had been an experience and a half, especially as no one had been exactly sure where Connor had gotten the plane from.

That was why Shelley Winters sat smiling as she watched her husband of three weeks laughing while he drove and talked about Kayaking. She wondered what kind of craziness Hayden's friend was planning for them this time.

"How about in a couple of weeks?" her new husband replied to his friend, turning the car around another corner, "I can't, Con. Me and Shelley got that house. Yeah, you know the one on the hill? Mhm, yep, that's the one. Been trying to get it decorated so we can move in. Yeah, we're on our way over now. Got a few bits done, but still a lot to go before we can move in properly."

Hayden looked over to her, and even with his shades on Shelley could make out the amused expression on his face at his friend.

And then as Hayden finished his words, his expression suddenly changed to one of self-satisfaction as he grinned at her. He was up to something.

"Say, Connor, whereabouts are you anyway?" her loving husband asked his friend.

The movement of his face told Shelley he had just winked at her. Oh yes, he was definitely up to something.

Shelley watched him with amused consideration, trying to work out what her sweet husband was up to.

"At home, huh? And what are you up to?" he asked, a scheming grin on his face as he nodded to whatever his friend answered, "Well, what do you say I swing by and pick you up? We could use an extra hand on the house as dad had to pull out."

Shelley grinned at that and tutted. She shook her head in mock disapproval of putting his friend on the spot as Hayden looked to her triumphantly.

Her husband simply grinned deeper at her playful approval. Another set of hands would prove most useful that day after all, Shelley thought. Maybe they could get the place decorated by the end of the week now.

Connor was always full of energy after all. Today should go by very productively indeed, not to mention fun, if Hayden's friend had anything to do with it. Little did she know just how correct her thoughts would be...

"Alright then," Hayden said energetically, he always sounded vigorous when Connor was around, the man just had that effect on people. Connor had obviously agreed, no doubt enthusiastically as always, "We're nearly at the house now, so I'll drop Shelley off and I'll swing by and pick you up in a bit then. Yeah. Oh, and don't forget to wear something old. Paint and all that. Alright, man, I'll see you soon."

With that the phone beeped off and Hayden chuckled to himself as he turned the car into the road the house was on.

"Looks like we'll get it done as planned after all," her husband said proudly, as he switched hands on the wheel, resting his free arm behind her, "Connor will make up for two men, knowing him."

Shelley laughed lightly, that soft and musical sound, as she nodded. Both of them were unaware of the trueness those words would hold later.

"Just try not to get distracted on your way back," she teased, "I don't want to be stuck painting while you two are out having fun."

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"Of course not," he replied oh-so-innocently, and Shelley smiled in return.

And so, a few minutes later, Mrs Shelley Winters found herself standing in the hallway of her and Hayden's new home with the paint. The tables and brushes were all stacked up all over the place from the previous decorating trips they had made there the last week. Well, the previous short trips they'd made, anyway.

Shelley stood in the not-so-empty house, paint pots sitting around, as well as brushes and rollers, ladders and decorating tables. A couple of pieces of furniture were covered by large white cloths, such as the sofa in the lounge, or the few utensils in the kitchen.

The place looked, well, chaotic. But Shelley just breathed a sigh of relief knowing that soon all of the clutter and mess would be out, and a carpet would be down in each room with beautiful furniture. At least, she hoped it would be soon. They both had work again soon.

Still, even in its not-so-pristine state, Shelley couldn't help but smile and think of what a wonderful home the house was going to make for her and Hayden's kids.

Now that shouldn't be too long in coming, she hoped. After all, they tried for a baby often enough.

That thought made Shelley's cheeks heat, as the image of Hayden earlier suddenly flashed back into her mind. They would no doubt be trying again every day until it happened. She didn't mind the 'trying' part at all.

Though standing there right then, Shelley could just see what it would all be like when it was finished.

Shaking herself out of her reverie, the stunning brunette newlywed decided that she ought to get on with something. Before Hayden and Connor came back and found her doting there like a... well, she should just get started.

And so, heading into the first room on the right, Shelley smiled as she looked around her favourite room in the whole house. The room with the large French doors standing opposite the hallway door.

Searching through a pile of rags and large covering sheets, she pulled one of Karl's old shirts from the pile. A sky-blue thing spottled with various colours of paint from the last few days.

Pulling it on, Shelley smiled as it hung down her toned thighs as she buttoned it up nearly all the way to cover her gypsy top, which she loved way too much to get dirty. Though she did leave the top couple of buttons open. The gypsy top was moderately low-cut, after all, so any paint would land on her skin. Plus, the house was a little warm from the summer's sun.

Rolling up the cuffs, Shelley set one of the decorating tables up and opened a large can of white paint. Nodding to herself as she got the brushes and rollers ready, she looked around the room as she brushed her hair back with her fingers. She held it up and slipped a band on to hold her long, wavy-dark brunette hair in a ponytail.

Taking up a brush, she was determined to get the room done that day, even if it was somewhat large. So, ignoring the scraps of newspaper littering the floor, and the pile of rags and cloths in the corner of the otherwise empty room, Shelley loaded the brush. She walked to the wall by the door to the hall, the wall that made the other side to the lounge wall and began to paint.

The gorgeous brunette wife hadn't been painting long, though she had stopped briefly to open one of the large French doors - the fumes and slowly growing heat of the day had soon brought that idea to mind - when the sound of a car pulling up in front of the house announced that Hayden had returned with his friend

Well, that and Connor's ever-enthusiastic voice as he seemingly jumped out of the convertible rather than opening the door by the sound of Hayden's jest.

Continuing her up-and-down strokes, Shelley listened as the keys sounded in the door before Hayden pushed it open.

"Shelley, I'm back," her husband of three weeks called out, and Shelley smiled to herself. She liked the sound of that.

"No shit, Sherlock," Connor teased his friend before suddenly a song scratched on into the background and this time Hayden's friend announced the obvious, "And we brought a radio to liven this place up."

Shelley smiled amusedly and brightened more so as Hayden came to the door, a large grin on his handsome face.

"I knew I'd find you in here," he said before he leaned down and kissed her gently.

"Careful who you tease, Mr Winters," she warned him playfully, holding the paint brush up, "Or you may end up with a white nose."

Hayden grinned, as did Connor as he came to stand next to his friend holding the radio in his hand.

Connor McAlister, with his styled brown hair that occasionally flopped into a fringe, his enrapturing grey eyes, strong and toned though not muscular build, ever-present mischievous smile, and lively, adventurous personality, was always a presence.

The fact that he was of Scottish descent also added to his charm. Especially when he had turned up at their wedding wearing a kilt in his family's tartan.

Despite the fact that he knew they were painting, Connor had dressed little differently to usual. Though he did have a white and red plaid shirt on over what appeared to be a tight white vest and stone-washed jeans. His trainers looked a little painted up though, so perhaps this was his way of being prepared to decorate.

"I think she means it, Hayden," Connor jokingly warned his friend, and Shelley's amused smile turned on him next.

"Don't think you'll get away with it either, mister," she teased, and Connor held both of his hands up, as best as he could anyway while holding the radio in one hand.

"Don't shoot. I yield," he protested, and Shelley laughed lightly. He was such a joker, "At least I know who wears the pants in this house," He added to Hayden, and Shelley mockingly pulled a face as she flicked her wrist sending paint at him.

Connor however anticipated her move, dodging behind Hayden for protection. And so, the white paint shot out and plastered the one hall wall. Shelley held her hand to her mouth to hold back a giggle. Hayden grinned, looking from the wall to her.

"What colour were we going to paint the hall?" he asked with amusement in his voice.

"I guess white," she replied, still holding back her laughter.

"Looks good," her sweet husband replied, and she laughed as he did then.

Connor peaked out behind Hayden's shoulder then. But before he could say anything, probably something along the lines of whether it was safe to come out, Shelley spoke up.

"Come on, you two, stop wasting time. We've got a lot to do, so no slacking," she said, wielding her paintbrush like a stick.

Hayden grinned and nodded. However, Connor, of course, couldn't miss the opportunity.

"See, I knew she wore the pants," he jibed, and Shelley pursed her lips, holding back another laugh, as she held the paintbrush up again threateningly.

Holding his hands up, Connor smiled innocently, making sure to keep Hayden between him and her as they walked further down the hall.

Once out of sight though, her husband's old friend made a comment just conveniently loud enough for her to hear.

"Never mind the pants, I never knew you liked Dom's," he joked, and Hayden laughed.

"Don't you start, Connor McAlister, or I'll show you who's a Dom," she called amusedly down the hall. There was just no stopping that guy. Crazy

Both Hayden and Connor broke out in laughter at that. Shelley turned back to start painting the wall, shaking her head as she laughed lightly to herself. She would never get anything done if she carried on joking with that guy.

An hour or so passed before Shelley finally managed to finish the wall she had started. Not because it was large enough to take an hour to paint, but simply because she either had Hayden or Connor coming in every five minutes to ask if she wanted a coffee break already.

Or she was almost keeling over laughing in some of the things the three of them were saying. Or because Hayden kept sneaking in, with the excuse of needing the bathroom, and giving her sneaky kisses.

Not that she minded that last, though. But she was adamant to get this place finished by the end of the week, and at this rate, she wouldn't even get this room done by then!

Still, it was nice listening to the various tunes that popped up on the radio, even if she did have a little dance along with one or two of them instead of painting properly. So alright, she was as bad as either of the guys. But still, she would get her room finished, and there was only her painting it unlike in the lounge.

That was, at least, until she suddenly caught the end of Hayden's sentence before he came walking through to her, leaving Connor painting in the lounge.

"...Get some on the way," he finished as he came in, shades in his hand, with a warm smile for her.

"Get what?" she asked, as he walked over and held her slim waist gently, leaning down to kiss her tenderly.

"We're almost out of paint next door," he answered, as he once again leaned down to kiss her soft lips, this time a little more forcefully.

"Oh yeah?" she asked with a hint of playfulness, placing her free hand on his neck as she smiled and kissed him softly back.

"Yep," he answered with another kiss, "And I forgot to bring the wood gloss over from dad's this morning."

Shelley tutted teasingly, her eyes brightening as she stared into her husband's piercing green eyes. Those feelings that had faded from earlier came back quickly as the image of that morning once more flashed vividly into her mind.

"You'll have to go get it then, won't you?" she replied softly, more than a hint of the electricity coursing through her fine twenty-seven-year-old body coming through in her tone.

Hayden smiled as he kissed her again gently, once, twice, then three times. One of his strong hands slowly descended from her waist to grip her tight ass through his shirt, pulling her closer to him.

A faint thought passed through the newlywed wife's mind that it was a good job she had managed not to get paint on herself so far. She wasn't usually that lucky with decorating. Otherwise, her sweet loving husband would have covered himself. Not that either of them minded right then as they stared with ever-brighter eyes at each other.

"I suppose so," he said in reply before he kissed her deeply.

Shelley's eyes closed as she stood up on tip toes, kissing him enthusiastically back, her whole body almost quivering from his touch.

Finally, however, after too short a moment, Hayden broke the kiss. Shelley sank back onto her feet somewhat breathless and more than a little hot.

"It's a shame your friend is here, or I'd rip your clothes off right now," she almost growled hornily at her handsome husband, and Hayden grinned deeply.

He looked almost on the verge of tearing her clothes off anyway right then and there. Oh, how that made Shelley feel even more intensely turned on. She almost hoped he did.

"Shame. You'll have to wait till later, bad boy., she added teasingly, and Hayden's expression of disappointment almost made her laugh.

For a long moment the newly married couple stared into each other's eyes, words going unspoken, and the room filling with enough electricity to light the house for a month. Then the moment was broken by Connor calling from the other room.

"Where's the bathroom in here guys?" her husband's old friend called from down the hall, and both Hayden and Shelley grinned at each other. When they were alone.

"Follow the hall and take the second door on the left," Hayden called back, before he leaned down to kiss her on the nose, "I best get going. The sooner I'm gone, the sooner I'm back."

Shelley nodded with a smile, and once more hefted her paint brush.

"Yeah, you better. Or I'll never get this room finished," she replied playfully.

Hayden laughed lightly as he took a step back into the doorway.

"You should get Connor to help. He can't do much more in the lounge until I bring the paint back anyway," he suggested, and Shelley nodded, smiling as she let her eyes feast on the man she loved.

"Grab something for dinner while you're out?" she half-asked and half-reminded him. Then added, "And for Connor too, don't forget."

Hayden nodded with a grin as he raised his shades to his face.

"How could I ever forget Connor," he joked, and Shelley laughed, nodding in agreement, "See you soon, babe."

"Soon," she responded lovingly, "I love you."

"Love you too," Hayden replied caringly.

Then he tapped the doorframe and walked towards the front door. Both of them were unaware of how different things would be when they saw each other again.

Breathing a little heavier as her heart pumped quickly in her chest, Shelley heard Connor call from down the hall.

"Don't forget the paint, Hayden," he jibed good-naturedly, and Shelley could almost see her husband's amused smile.

"Yeah, yeah," he replied mockingly, no doubt pulling some face or sign as Connor laughed, "You two be good. Won't be long."

"Bye!" she and Connor called at the same time, and then the door closed behind Hayden.

Smiling contentedly, though her blood seemed to be boiling in her veins, Shelley turned to look where to paint next. She decided on the wall the door was on, opposite those lovely large French doors.

The radio blared on and it was a few minutes before Connor actually came through. Obviously, he had been using the last bit of paint he had. However, as he did, he brought the radio with him, placing it on the decorating table as Shelley was behind the door painting the wall.

"So, where do you want me?" he asked, placing his hands on his waist. Shelley half-turned to look at him, and almost burst out laughing when she did.

Completely unaware, Connor had managed to get paint right on the end of his nose. It made him look like some kind of clown the way he was standing.

"What's so funny?" he asked, and Shelley bit her lip to stop herself from actually laughing.

She walked over to him and unravelled one of her shirt sleeves, holding it over her hand as she wiped the paint off his nose.

"You looked like a clown," she teased, as she moved back grinning at him, rolling her sleeve up once more.

Hayden's friend cottoned on then and began laughing himself. He obviously imagined how funny he must have actually looked trying to appear all serious with a painted nose.

"Thanks," he said when he stopped laughing.

"No problem," she replied with an amused smile, as she once more returned to the wall, "You can start that side and work your way towards me. That will get this wall finished quicker."

Nodding, Connor looked around himself for a spare brush, having left his other paint-covered one in the would-be lounge room. Then he loaded his brush and began painting in the opposite corner to her.

As the two of them began painting, Shelley smiled to herself. She knew that she would get this room finished today.


Connor McAlister always enjoyed spending time with Hayden and Shelley. They were good fun, and as spontaneous as he was in their own way. Though no one was ever really as spontaneous as him, not that he had ever met.

Still, it was good fun joking and talking to Shelley while the two of them painted the wall white and listened to the radio.

The five minutes since they had started seemed to pass quite quickly, and they managed to make quite a good headway on the wall at the same time, even if Shelley did somehow manage to start flicking a few blobs of paint on herself when she reached up.

Not that she was short. It was just that the room was quite tall, and she had to stretch to reach for it and had overloaded her brush too much.

That reaching hung the loose shirt she was wearing over her large breasts. And somehow, even while hanging far from her, it emphasised her flat stomach and tight, round ass.

Not that Connor actually really looked. He had never looked at Shelley that way. Oh, he could acknowledge that she was a stunning woman, no doubt. But he had just never looked at her any other way than as his old friend's girlfriend, fiancée, and now wife.

Still, he did try to help her by offering to paint the higher places, for which she gratefully accepted. Though true to his nature he couldn't let that slide without a little bit of a joke.

As usual Shelley gave as good as he did. And as the two of them drew closer to each other, their brushes almost meeting on the wall to finish it, Connor was once again glad he had nothing to do that day. Hanging out with his friends was always the best option...

Little did the Scottish descendent know just how 'best' that option would be...


Hayden Winters drove contentedly, the radio playing on the same station Connor had put on while they were painting. The wind blew warmly through his hair.

The day couldn't get any better as far as the newlywed husband was concerned. He had his beautiful wife, their home was coming on as planned, they were both happy, and they were having a good day with his friend. What more could a guy ask for?

Turning down the road onto the highway that would take him into Downtown, Hayden leaned back in the car seat and tapped his fingers on the wheel along to the tune on the radio. It was a classic song that reminded him of the days he and Connor used to cruise in the latter's Charger.

Little did the husband of three weeks realise, as his wife and old friend were equally unaware of, what was about to unfold as Shelley and Connor's brushes swept up and down closer to each other.

Little did he know what his decision to bring his friend over to help decorate, or to have him help his wife while he went out leaving them alone, had begun, that ever-warmer summer's day in Shorehaven. Or what would follow after it.

If he did, Hayden may never have left them alone in their new house together.

As Mr Hayden Winters drove on, blissfully unaware of events unfolding, Mrs Shelley Winters continued painting, impulsiveness about to lead to unexpected pleasure.


Shelley smiled at Connor as she began painting the wall faster, as both of them competed to be the one to actually finish painting the last wide square on the wall. Up and down their arms moved, across and quicker, until both of them began laughing.

Both began to draw closer to the last portion. Suddenly Shelley bumped her side into Connor, unexpectedly for him, though intentionally for her. He staggered back, and with swift wrist movements Shelley covered the last remaining area triumphantly.

"I win!" she exclaimed victoriously, grinning widely as she turned to raise her arms.

"You cheated!" Connor replied, and Shelley laughed in response.

"Sore loser, Connor? Aww, what a shame," she teased, and laughed.

"Right..." Hayden's friend said with a playful grin, as he lifted his brush. And then with a flick of his wrist he sprayed her with paint from his brush.

Gasping, Shelley held up her hands as she froze for a moment at the sudden spots of white paint that coated her.

Connor, meanwhile, laughed very amusedly, before he walked over to the water pot to wash his brush.

"You did not just do that!" Shelley gasped, as she stared at his back in playful shock.

"That's what you get for cheating," Connor replied with amusement, as he stirred his brush in the water. He grinned over his shoulder at how she looked with flecks of paint covering her shirt and some on her pretty face.

"Right, you asked for it..." the newlywed wife retorted.

Then she instantly flicked her wrist, sending a large shower of thick paint blobs all over Connor's back and half-turned face. There was so much that her husband's old friend, stunned at the unexpected retaliation, twisted to try to defend himself.

A clutter and clatter marked the sound of the paint pot falling over. Huge globs of thick white paint ran into the water bowl, turning the barely white water thicker and more pearly white.

Stumbling back and knocking the table, Connor wiped his face as it was his turn to gasp and Shelley's turn to giggle in delight.

Written by The_Shadow_Rising
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