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Decorating The Newlywed - Part 2

"Decorating new home leads to wife with hubby's friend - continued"

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"Now we're even," the beautiful wife said, as she watched her husband's friend stare at her in shocked disbelief, "Quits?"

Connor's hand grabbed his brush quickly, and once again flicked water and paint at her. This time though Shelley was able to shield herself somewhat beneath her arm as he replied.

"Oh, not now, Mrs Winters. You shouldn't start what you aren't willing to finish," he announced.

And with a laugh, as she flicked her brush at him again and ran to grab the paint pot for more 'ammo', Shelley replied.

"It wasn't me that started it. You did," she said, as she ducked behind the table from Connor's next throw before launching her own retaliation, "Just call it quits. I have the whole pot."

"Yeah? Well, I've got the water," he responded. Then emphasised his point with a cold splash that sent water down the back of her shirt, just missing coating her ponytail, as she tried to duck out of the way.

Shelley exclaimed as the cold water suddenly soaked her back. Then she thickly loaded her brush and stood up.

"Right, Mr McAlister, you just wait!" she threatened mock-angrily, as she paced after him around the table.

"Now, don't be hasty," Connor said, holding the water in one hand and raising his other to fend her off, "Let's be reasonable about this."

"You should have thought about that before you started this," she said warningly, a smile on her beautiful face as she came to his side of the table, "It's just like you said, don't start something you aren't willing to finish."

Connor held his hand up, eyeing the fully loaded brush in her raised hand.

"You're right..." he said suddenly, and with a quick movement tossed some more water at her before trying to dodge out of the way.

"You bastard!" Shelley exclaimed playfully, the front of her shirt getting covered in thick blobs of essentially watered-down paint.

With that, the stunning newlywed brunette hefted the paintbrush as hard as she could and lashed out. Huge strands of thick white paint flung across the room to splatter the wall opposite, the floor, the rags in the corner, and Connor in the middle.

The splattering of her husband's friend with large gobs of paint was short-lived, however, as Connor quickly moved. He rushed towards her with the bowl of thick water/paint in his hands.

"No, no, no!" she repeated, backing away from him as he moved ever closer. And then as he prepared to throw, Shelley flicked the brush at him again.

Connor, caught unguarded this time, almost lost his hold on the water pot. And instead of flinging the water at her, he grabbed her wrist so that she could no longer fling paint at him from the brush.

Shelley quickly tried to toss paint at him from the pot as she laughed. However, Connor, as equally amused, tipped the water pot first. That sent a thick white gush towards her which Shelley barely moved back from, though some did splatter the front of her shirt.

In the moment she was off guard, Connor swiftly placed the bowl behind him on the decorating table so that he could quickly grab a hold of the paint pot with her. That stopped Shelley from covering him in a pot full of white paint.

Both of them tried to pull the pot their way, as Shelley tried to free her hand with the brush in it. However, neither could budge the other.

That was until Shelley tried to stand on Connor's foot to make him lose one or the other. Her husband's friend, however, moved first, and she lost her grip on the paint pot.

Connor must have had enough of being covered in paint, quite speckled as he was, as instead of using it to threaten her he hurriedly added that to the table behind him.

Or maybe it was the fact that his momentary inattention had given Shelley an instant to once again flick her wrist and spray a thin strand of white paint across his hair.

Either way, Connor wasted little time in trying to pull the brush from her fingers as they both danced around in a circle laughing. Paint fell and sprayed on them, the wall, and the floor as they struggled with each other.

"Give in, you've lost," Connor growled in concentration, as he tried to reach the brush with his free hand only to have Shelley prevent him with her free hand.

"Never!" she growled in response triumphantly, as she managed to wipe the edge of the brush on his forehead.

That seemed to do it then, as Connor suddenly shifted tactics and pulled his hand from hers. Instead of reaching for the brush again, his fingers swiftly moved to begin tickling her ribs through her painting shirt.

Caught off-guard, Shelley stumbled and began laughing hysterically, trying to fend off Connor's fingers from tickling her.

"Stop! Stop!" she giggled, as she gripped the paintbrush, trying vainly to push his fingers away while attacking him with the wet brush.

"Getting some of your own medicine now, huh?" her husband's friend taunted, as he managed to brush the paintbrush against her cheek. That caused Shelley to playfully gasp as she giggled on, "Just give me the brush and it's all over."

"No! No!" the beautiful brunette wife giggled hysterically, as she gripped tighter. The brush was now held halfway between his and her face as she continued to try to fend his tickling assault off, "Never!"

And so, the pair danced in a stalemate for a few seconds more, before Shelley managed to return the tickling favour with a ticklish jab in the ribs for Connor.

This, however, only caused him to redouble his efforts. And once again the room was filled with Shelley giggling hysterically.

Over and over the two play-fought to try and control the paintbrush, while trying to distract each other with tickling, spinning this way and that. Until suddenly, Connor moved, and Shelley suddenly felt herself slam against the unpainted wall opposite the one she had painted first.

Trapped and unable to move, Shelley kept her grip on the brush's handle while trying to flick paint at Connor. She vainly tried to fend off his other hand, as his fingers danced along her ribs making her laugh loudly.

And then, in her desperate state, Shelley began to bite out at Connor's cheek as she laughed, trying vainly to surprise him so that he would leave an opening for her to escape.

As she did, he pinned her wrist to the wall, despite the fact that the move allowed her to flick paint on him. His other hand kept tickling her as they both laughed.

Once, twice, three times, she missed, and then the fourth time her teeth nipped his scalp, though not roughly. A fifth time he moved his head in time, but the sixth she nipped his cheek.

However, it wasn't enough. Connor redoubled his efforts again, and Shelley laughed hysterically, writhing in his grip.

Both of them were caught up in the moment. The hot newlywed wife laughed and struggled in the play-fight, biting out, missing, missing, nipping his cheek, missing, nipping his chin...

...and then suddenly in the struggle, as Shelley bit out and Connor tried to move, their lips met accidentally...

Caught up in the moment, lost in the adrenaline of the play-fight, their lips mashed together. And without thinking both Shelley and Connor kissed forcefully. Once, twice, three times, before Shelley instinctively parted her lips. Her eyes closed as her tongue darted into Connor's mouth, pressing her lips firmly to his.

Caught up in the moment, Connor's tongue danced back with his friend's wife's as his hand abruptly froze on her slender waist. Shelley's hand rested on his and held him firmly in place, as his other hand flexed on the wrist he held against the wall.

The paintbrush was forgotten, as they both began to kiss passionately. They breathed heavily as their tongues danced and their lips smacked loudly, filling the room with the hot sound.

"Ohm," Shelley breathed loudly, as she pressed her lips instinctively against Connor's.

She arched her back as all of the repressed horniness from both earlier in the day and when Hayden had left flooded rapidly through her body.

The stunning brunette tried vainly to push off the wall, to wrap her arms around Connor's neck, however his strong hands held her firmly in place. That stirred and increased the raging lust rampaging like a torrent through her hot, 27-year-old newlywed body.

Neither could think clearly. Both were lost in the moment, and the instincts of mating overrode them instantly.

Shelley's young, hot body yearned for that strong touch. And Connor, though he had never looked at Shelley as anything but his friend's girl, knew instinctively that this woman was voluptuous and gorgeous.

Shelley's hand rapidly left Connor's on her waist and reached up to grab his neck. She pulled his face to hers, as she continued to writhe hornily against the wall, arching her back and breathing heavily into his mouth.

For his part, Connor moved closer to her. His jeans bulged as he moved close enough that every time Shelley arched her back, her luscious 32E tits pressed into his toned chest, sending hot horny electricity through both of them.

The two continued their lust-fuelled kiss a moment longer. Shelley's hand raked hornily through Connor's hair, until he reached up to take her hand. Their fingers entwined as he placed her other hand firmly against the wall above her head.

Arching her back as the whole restraint sent a blaze of horny lust searing through her body, Shelley moaned breathily into Connor's mouth as her tongue danced fervently with his.

For a moment he simply held her there. And then slowly his fingers un-entwined. Then oh so slowly they began to gently slide down her wrist, down her bare forearm, onto her arm and shoulder.

They then cupped her face to his as Shelley kept her hand above her, ever-increasingly writhing as her pussy began to blaze hungrily. Before they slowly slid down, over Hayden's paint-covered shirt, to cup one of Mrs Shelley Winter's large, heavy, 32E breasts.

"Ohm!" Shelley moaned breathily between kisses, as her husband's friend's hand gently began to squeeze her large breast through her top.

His fingers sank into the large, soft but firm, flesh as he squeezed and pressed his palm and fingers into it firmly.

"Fuck!" Connor breathed at the feel of his friend's new wife's tits moulding around his hand and fingers as he squeezed firmer.

"Mmph," Shelly moaned deeper though still breathily, as her eyes fluttered from the feel of this man's strong hands on her large breast. Fuck, but this is just what she needed!

And then horniness overtook Connor, and he roughly pressed his hand hard against Shelley's heavy breast. He squeezed firmly before groping roughly, much to the brunette wife's delight. She reached around to claw at his neck, passion beginning to take over them both.

Pulling at her shirt neck as she pulled his mouth to hers, her nails digging into his neck as she arched her back in pleasure, Connor pulled hard. And Shelley felt as three of the buttons instantly popped free of Hayden's blue shirt.

Instantly Connor's hand found its way into the now half-unbuttoned shirt, grabbing and roughly groping her big, firm breast through her gypsy top.

His fingers squeezed so hard and his palm pressed and moved so firm, that Shelley wondered if Connor was trying to actually push her tits out of the neckline of her gypsy top.

Whatever he was doing, to the sexy brunette newlywed it felt incredible. And so, Shelley moaned breathily into his mouth, clawing at his neck and arching her back, so that she pressed her big tits into his incessantly-searching hand.

The paintbrush, long discarded, now fell out of Shelley's hand, as pleasure surged through her. Her body buzzed from instinctual horny need.

All thoughts of the paint fight, play fighting, and who they were, were lost on the horny pair. Right then, they were just a horny guy and a horny woman, and they needed that tension released.

As the paintbrush clattered to the floor, spreading more paint on the uncarpeted room, Connor relaxed his grip and Shelley's hand went to his chest.

It ran down his toned body as he once more gave her large breast a firm squeeze, before grabbing her face with one hand and her slim waist with the other.

Kissing hot and fierce, the pair, oblivious, and right then uncaring where Hayden was, ran their hands on each other, up and down. And Shelley clawed at Connor while he pulled her lips to his.

Their mouths pressed firmly, their lips continuously smacking lewdly and loudly, and their tongues dancing rapidly, as both felt like they would burn up with horniness any instant.

For a few more, passion-filled, minutes, the pair remained lip-locked.

Until Connor broke the kiss and began passionately kissing down Shelley's slender neck.

Rolling her eyes in pleasure as she draped her arms around his neck, Shelley breathed heavily. Her impressive rack rose and fell, stretching the material confining it.

Then she opened her eyes, looking around wildly as she ran her hand through Connor's hair, his lips sending shivers through her whole body.

Suddenly, lust consumed her, and the hot wife couldn't take anymore.

Grabbing his face, Shelley pulled his mouth from her neck and mashed her lips once more to his, kissing so hotly. Their tongues danced so fiercely that often their lips didn't meet as their tongues danced.

And Shelley, with one hand gripping Connor's face and pulling him to her, let her other hand slide down his strong chest. Reaching to his jeans, she attempted to unbutton them. However, when one hand didn't work, her other swiftly joined it. She pulled and yanked at the button as Connor kissed her hard, holding her waist.

Finally, the tough material opened.

Moaning breathily, she opened her eyes to stare into his as their lips kissed once, twice, three times without their tongues.

Then Shelley ran her hand up a little way under Connor's shirt and vest, letting the feel of his toned stomach send a shockwave to her already blazing pussy.

Then her hand slid down into his unbuttoned jeans, under his boxers.

The moment the fingers of her right hand deftly wrapped around his hard length, Shelley's heart skipped a beat and she breathed deeply.

Breaking the kiss, she stared deep into Connor's eyes, her own blazing with heat that should have scoured him away.

Fuck! He was...restrained as he was Shelley couldn't tell, but he felt enormous!

Her heart raced, her eyes wide, her impressive chest heaving as she stared into her new husband's friend's eyes. Her hand was full of ragingly hard, and apparently enormous, cock-meat. Shelley's mind continued to reel, still enflamed with lust and passion.

She had to see it. She had to see big was he!?

Staring deep into Connor's eyes, Shelley quickly kissed his lips.

Then she leaned back against the wall and bit her bottom lip, her eyes sparkling with lust.

She always loved spontaneous impulsiveness, and such always turned her on, just like when Hayden was like that. The same worked when she was.

And now apparently when both she and Connor were.

Though right then all Mrs Shelley Winters could think of was the hot guy in front of her, the incredible horniness pounding through her veins, and the fucking huge dick that was pulsing in her hand.

Leaning back against the unpainted wall, the large French doors open, she stared deep into Connor's, her husband's friend's, eyes.

Shelley smiled teasingly as her eyes sparkled, and she oh so slowly began sinking to her knees in front of him.


Hayden Winters pulled into the parking space he had managed to find in front of the hardware store and turned off the engine, just as a song he really didn't care for began its first notes on the radio. Thankful for his lucky escape, Hayden stepped out of the car and headed inside.

Unbeknownst to the perusing husband of three weeks, back at the house he and his new wife were going to call their home, Shelley and Connor had begun throwing paint at each other. They were dodging around the room as Connor spilled the tin into the water and Shelley took advantage as she could.

As Hayden found the aisle with the paint in it and began walking up, Connor rushed towards Shelley with the bowl of paint-water, and the gorgeous brunette backed away around the table.

As Hayden looked through the various pots, finally finding the colour he was after before heading to the checkout, Connor's fingers found his wife's ribs. Hayden’s best friend tickled his wife as they struggled for the loaded paintbrush in her hand.

Then, as Hayden handed over the money and began to make his way out, Shelley backed hard against the wall, squirming and struggling in Connor's strong grip.

Hayden left the store, though it took him a couple of minutes before he could drag himself away from the man handing flyers out who must have turned up after he had gone inside. He didn't remember him being there when he went in. He placed the paint in the backseat.

While the newlywed husband climbed in the front and turned the ignition, Connor and Shelley struggled.

The young wife bit out until their lips met. And as Hayden backed out of the space, ready to head for his family's house for the next leg of his journey, his beautiful wife of three weeks was pinned against the unpainted wall, her lips pressed firmly against his friend's as their tongues danced and their hands roamed.

Connor reached to grab and squeeze Shelley’s large, firm tits like only Hayden should have, and Shelley's hands roamed his body, as she moaned breathily into his mouth from the feel of his strong hands and hot kiss.

As Hayden once more pulled out onto the road and began his journey to his parents, he was oblivious to what his new wife and friend were up to back at their house. He was ignorant of the fact that Shelley's right hand slowly descended into Connor's jeans to wrap her fingers around his huge, hard cock as lust consumed her.

As the radio came back on, much to the new husband's delight, and as Hayden began singing along to Simple Minds 'Don't You Forget About Me', Shelley's eyes glazed and burned as she slowly knelt before his friend.


As Shelley slowly began lowering herself to her knees, sliding down against the wall, Connor watched her intently.

His face instinctually burned with lust, just like hers. Neither had yet understood what they were really doing, as lust simply drove them on impulse.

However, before her jean-clad knees touched the ground, her painting shirt half undone and now missing most of the buttons, her husband's friend's hand rested oh so softly on her shoulder and gently began to help push her to her knees.

Finally, Shelley felt the floor beneath her, as she knelt in front of Connor. She stared up at him as she breathed heavily, forcing her big 32E tits tightly against her white gypsy top, as her heart raced in her chest.

Releasing that thick cock, and pulling her hand from inside his jeans, Shelley looked up at her husband's friend with a horny, heavy look.

A small smile of anticipation formed on her beautiful, soft lips. Then she lowered her eyes down his toned body until they stared straight ahead.

Her face now level with where that huge monster awaited hidden, Shelley breathed even heavier as she reached up with both of her hands and began to finish the job she had started on Connor's jean buttons.

Most of the zip had already been undone, and so soon the beautiful newlywed wife was opening the tops of his jeans oh so slowly.

Her head was dizzied from the blood and fire pumping through her veins at how hot and horny she felt right then. Oh, he had felt so big! Then Shelley reached around to take hold of both the waist of the jeans and boxers beneath at Connor's hips.

With one more look up into Connor's now intensely focused and ragingly hungry face, Shelley yanked his jeans and boxers down as she lowered her face to finally get a good look at the monster she had held a few moments before.

Without warning, her new husband's friend's thick, solid cock sprang straight out and slapped firmly against the new wife's cheek. Its heat and width stirred as Shelley gasped in surprise.

Leaning her head back, Shelley's eyes widened as the monster cock slid across her cheek until she finally moved far enough back. Her head now rested right against the wall behind her, and finally, the rigid head sprang from her cheek to hover hard and close to her soft, pink lips.

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She stared in astonishment at the enormous, firm rod in front of her face. Her warm, heavy breath tickled the large head less than half an inch from her mouth. Shelley felt her heart race, her hands still gripping tightly to Connor's jeans, now around his ankles.

"Connor, you're..." was all the newlywed brunette could say, before she released her grip on his jeans. Then resting her left hand on her own leg, slowly, as if in a dream, because only in a dream could such an incredible, huge, cock exist, she raised her right hand. Gently, she wrapped her slender fingers around the firm, pulsing shaft.

Her heart raced within her chest, and Shelley couldn't tear her eyes from the enormous meat before her.

Judging from the fact her slender hand could only barely reach around the thick shaft, and that it covered so small amount of its incredible length, Shelley reckoned, quite shockingly, that Connor's beautiful and oh so hard dick had to be about...eleven inches!

Her eyes widened even more at the realisation. Running her hand slowly from base to tip, Shelley looked up with wide, gleaming eyes.

"You're so big," she half-breathed. Her large tits heaved within their confines as she breathed heavier and faster, "I've never seen one so big."

Connor, for his part, remained silent, lost in the feel of Shelley's hand wrapped around his thick shaft and the sight of this incredibly hot woman on her knees in front of him.

For what seemed like an eternity, Shelley simply knelt before him, her head against the wall, breathing hard as she ran her hand slowly up and down the ragingly hard shaft, staring in awe.

What would something like this feel like inside her? That is, if she could fit this monster inside her! That sent a shudder through the hot wife's body and a blazing lance of lust straight through her pussy.

Awe once more began to quickly be replaced by maddening horniness. And the more Shelly stared at the long, thick shaft in her hand, the more her body hungered for it.

With all rational thoughts still burned out of their minds, Shelley once more looked up into Connor's eyes. The eyes of her husband's friend. Her own lust blazed.

That was when she spoke.

"I want to feel this in my mouth," she said huskily.

A shiver of pleasure rushed through every nerve in her body as her hand tightened around the thick cock. Then it began slowly, but firmly, jacking up and down.

"Fuck!" Connor grunted as Shelley began jacking her fist a little faster up and down his eleven-inch dick.

Smiling up at him, his face growing even more lustfully intense, Shelley breathed heavily. Her body tingled all over.

"Do you want me to suck your cock, Connor?" she asked hornily, her eyes blazing as her fist began pounding faster and tighter up and down that thick shaft.

"Fuck," Connor breathed, as he raised his hand from her shoulder and stroked her hair, "Yeah, Shelley. Suck my dick, baby."

With glowing eyes, the hot newly married wife smiled a dirty smile.

Then she leaned that little distance forward and planted her soft lips on the head of Connor's large, thick cock.

"Uh," her husband's friend breathed at the feel of the gentle kiss.

And a wave of electricity ran through Shelley's body at the feel and sound.

Kissing slowly around the thick head, Shelley, with Connor's hand still resting lightly on her head, slowly began to kiss down the underside of his long, hard shaft. She gently pressed her kisses as if tenderly kissing a lover, until she began to kiss his large, heavy balls at the base.

Kissing them once, then twice, Shelley parted her lips slightly and brushed her warm tongue against the heavy flesh the next time her lips kissed.

Again, then once more. Then the sexy brunette looked up into Connor's eyes, as he stared hornily down at her, as she opened her mouth and sucked each into her hot, wet mouth one at a time.

Letting her tongue dance around each, she sucked gently on each just as she had when kissing Connor earlier.

After each one had received its due attention, Shelley once more kissed the base of that hard cock. Then her eyes met Connor's again, and she teasingly extended her tongue. She slowly licked all the way up the long, oh-so-hard, eleven-inch shaft, before once more kissing the tender head.

"Fuck!" Connor muttered as he shuddered.

Shelley smiled playfully. She wondered if he would cum soon. If she had carried on teasing him, he no doubt would have. However, Shelley wanted to feel this huge, hard meat in her mouth. She bet he tasted good.

"What do you want me to do, Connor?" she asked both breathily and huskily, her chest heaving as her tightly gripping fist began to slowly move up and down his cock again.

"Put my dick in your mouth, Shelley," Connor almost groaned in desperation.

Shelley smiled teasingly, her lips so close to that large head.

"You want me to suck your big dick?" she breathed teasingly, each word said so erotically she wondered if Connor was going to thrust his hard shaft into her mouth right then and there, he looked so turned on.

Instead, her husband's friend nodded erratically, as his hand flexed on her head and his eyes burned brightly.

"Mmm," Shelley moaned playfully, as she looked into those heated eyes and gently moved her face forward.

Her lips pressed softly against the large head of that glorious cock.

With her eyes still staring deep into his, the gorgeous brunette wife slowly pushed forward.

Her lips ever so slowly parted as they began sliding over the large thick head. Until slowly, with a deep appreciative moan, Shelley sucked the thick head into her warm, wet mouth.

Her lips made a luscious 'O' around the wide shaft, as her fist gently, but firmly, squeezed tightly as she pumped slowly and firmly up and down the thick shaft.

Letting her tongue teasingly dance over and around the sensitive head, Shelley began slowly sliding her lips down a little more of the fat shaft, taking a little more of the long dick into her very welcoming mouth.

With only three inches buried inside her soft mouth, her eyes still on Connor's as his hand flexed more often from the hot feeling surrounding his cock, Shelley slowly slid her mouth off the thickness. She kissed the soft head as she did.

However, before she could once more wrap her soft, luscious lips around Connor's gloriously hard manhood, Shelley felt her ponytail brush against the wall behind her. That suddenly made her aware of just how close her head was to the solid surface.

As she looked up at him with an amused smile, Connor eyed her confusedly, obviously desperate to feel her mouth around his raging hard-on again.

"Something wrong?" he asked breathily, and Shelley smiled playfully as she gently shook her head.

"I'm a little close to the wall. If you want me to, you know, you'll have to move back a bit," she said, teasing him until suddenly understanding dawned on that horny face of his.

Shelley would have laughed if she wasn't so desperate to taste his huge cock again. Men were so easily confused when they thought with their dicks.

Connor did shuffle back towards the centre of the room, though, coming to stand by the side of the decorating table. Then Shelley shimmied forward on her knees, never letting her grip of his bobbing cock go, as she once more came to kneel in front of him.

Looking up as she brushed her ponytail back over her shoulder, just in time for Connor to stroke her cheek softly, Shelley smiled playfully.

"That's much better," she said sounding pleased, "Now I won't keep banging my head while I'm sucking on your big dick."

The words were so honestly, and simply, stated that they sent a bolt of electricity through Shelley's body. They also brought an amused, but very dirty, smile to Connor's face.

However, tightening her right hand around that shaft, Shelley wasted no time in opening her lips and lowering her mouth over that thick head.

Lowering her mouth down three inches of Connor's impressive cock, Shelley looked up at his face, as she sucked hard and slowly pumped her fist up and down the rest of the thick shaft. She swirled her tongue around the thick head like a luscious lollipop.

Mrs Shelley Winters continued to swirl her tongue around the thick head, sucking hard so her cheeks hollowed in, a couple more times before she slowly slid her lips down another inch. Then another.

Swallowing five inches of her husband's friend's thick cock, her lips wrapped tightly around the thick shaft filling her mouth, she felt the thick head press firmly against her throat.

Only then did the newlywed wife slide her lusciously soft lips once more up the glistening dick, until she almost let it pop from her mouth.

However, before she lost that glorious member that stretched her mouth so well, Shelley once again slid five inches into her mouth. She sucked hard as her tongue danced hotly around the thick shaft and her fist squeezed as it jacked up and down firmly.

"Mmph," the hot wife of three weeks moaned around Connor's thick cock, as she began to gradually bob her head up and down those five inches of hard meat, "Mmph."

"Fuck! Fuck, you suck dick good, Shelley. Ughm," Connor groaned between clenched teeth, as his friend's wife continued to suck hard on his huge dick. His hand flexed on her head as she bobbed back and forth.

Smiling around the thick cock stuffing her mouth full, Shelley redoubled her effort at the compliment. She began jacking harder as she bobbed her head back and forth until her wrist began to feel tired.

Sliding almost all of Connor's huge dick from her mouth, Shelley sucked hard on the large head as she released her grip on his cock. Grabbing his hip to rest her wrist, she took over with her left hand.

And as she sank all five inches back into her hot, wet, sucking mouth, her hand pumping back and forth along the rest of that monster shaft, Shelley noticed her wedding ring gleaming on her ring finger next to Connor's pulsing, naked cock as she fed it into her mouth.

It was then that reality suddenly dawned on the cock-sucking newlywed wife.

The realisation that here she was, only having been married to the man she loved with all of her heart for three weeks, having been with him for five years before that, in the house they planned to raise children in and were then trying for, on her knees with his own friend's naked dick shoved in her mouth, sucking hard as she jacked him off after they had made out against the wall, while Hayden, her husband, had gone out to get some paint and food.

All of this flashed through the beautiful brunette's mind, as her fist jacked, and she sucked hard. She shouldn't be doing this.

However, lust blazed through her body. Lust at this enormous thick cock deep in her mouth that turned her on so incredibly much. Lust at the whole situation. Lust at being on her knees, sucking her husband's friend off. Lust at actually cheating on her husband of three weeks.

She couldn't understand why any of that turned her on so much right then. If she had not been so turned on by Connor's incredible monster cock, she would never have thought that what she was doing was so hot.

But then, that thick cock pressed against her throat again before pushing deep into her esophagus, and Shelley swallowed six inches of Connor's huge dick.

Her eyes fixed on her wedding ring as it gleamed in the light, while she pumped harder on his dick and bobbed her head back and forth. Six inches of raging, pulsing dick filling her mouth and throat again and again...and sucking hard, again...

While part of her knew she should stop, lust filled her, and she continued sucking harder. She was quickly growing more and more turned on the more she stared at the gleaming gold ring on her finger, the ring Hayden had given her a few weeks ago.


"Mmph!" Shelley moaned around her mouthful of cock, sliding her hand up flat onto Connor's chest, as her body blazed with intense lust.

Pulling her mouth off his cock, Shelley once more sucked hard on the head. She swirled her tongue playfully around it, before she pulled her lips free and stared up at Connor.

Her fist was now pumping hard and fast along all eleven sloppy inches of his monster shaft.

"Fuck, this is hot," she breathed playfully, lust drowning out what was left of reason, "Your dick is so big and hard."

Shelley emphasised that last with a teasing suck on the head of Connor's huge dick, before jacking her fist harder and tighter.

"Mmm, you like watching my hand pump your cock, Connor?" she asked teasingly, her eyes sparkling as she stared into the pleasure-twisted face of Hayden's friend.

Oh, that thought sent tingles of fire through her body, "You like it when I wrap my lips around it...and suck?"

Once more the stunningly sexy newlywed emphasised her words by wrapping her soft, luscious lips around the thick cockhead. She twirled her tongue around and sucked noisily.

Connor's legs seemed to be growing weaker by the second.

"Fuck, Shelley," her husband's friend breathed, his face contorting.

Pulling her lips off noisily, Shelley smiled as she ran her tongue over them slowly.

"I bet it makes your dick hard seeing your friend's new wife on her knees in front of you," Shelley's lust-raged body blazed at those words.

And the sexy brunette smiled dirtily as understanding of the situation dawned on Connor's face. He too noticed the ring on her finger, now a gold blur as she pumped his thick cock furiously with her hand.

"Sucking your, mmm, big, hot cock like I should only Hayden's. Right after you pressed me against a wall, kissing me and feeling my big, soft tits. Like only he should?"

Returning a few inches of that solid shaft deep into her hot, sucking mouth, Shelley watched as a moment flashed over Connor's face. Then his hand tensed in her hair, and he groaned deeply.

Smiling around her mouthful of hard dick, Shelley sucked and licked the sensitive head. She thought that for a moment Connor had thought of putting an end to all of this, realising what they were doing, just as she had.

However, lust had consumed them both, and that moment swiftly passed as his friend's wife sucked hard on his thick shaft, sliding an inch, then two down her tight throat.

Then she pulled her mouth once more off his dick and jacked furiously with her left hand. Her wedding ring sparkled as she brushed a stray piece of hair from her face with her right hand.

"We shouldn't be doing this, Shelley," he said, a moment of clarity warring against his burning horniness. Though his hand still flexed on her head, not moving.

"No, we shouldn't," she replied, a pang of guilt being squashed by the rage of lust as she felt the hardness filling her hand pulse.

And so as the words left her mouth, Shelley looked up into Connor's eyes, her new husband's friend's eyes, and swallowed seven inches of his hard cock into her mouth and throat.

The quiet room suddenly filled with the loud, lewd sounds of Shelley sucking hard on Connor's solid shaft, as it slid between her soft lips. It pumped deep into her hot, wet mouth and throat as her fist jacked furiously and her head bobbed up and down rapidly.


"Mmph," Shelley moaned hotly around her husband's friend's dick, as she began to feel the lust suffusing her luscious body once more taking over. That feeling washed away all feelings of guilt in a tide of hot horniness.

Her eyes remained focused on her hand, as her fist blurred up and down Connor's rigid cock. Her focus locked on the sparkling light of her new wedding ring, as her fingers were wrapped around her husband's friend's dick, just like her soft lips.

Moaning breathily at that, Shelley let her tongue swirl playfully around the head of Connor's hot cock. Then she once more plunged seven inches into her mouth and down her throat.

The thick, hot dick felt good in Shelley's sucking mouth as she bobbed her head back and forth. Her lips slid easily along the thick shaft, as her fist flew, her ring sparked, and her body burned on fire. Fuck, this was so hot!

Struggling harder and relaxing her throat, Shelley breathed in deeply through her nose, before she tried to swallow another of Connor's thick inches.

Oh, his dick was so big and hard, she just had to see how much she could take!

After a couple of times of pushing the thick head down her throat, Shelley's eyes widened as she took eight inches of her husband's friend's glorious dick down her throat. Her lips gripped tightly to the shaft as she breathed hard, her fist pumping furiously as much as she could.

Sliding her lips almost completely off the long, solid shaft, Shelley let her tongue swirl teasingly around the thickness as she slowly fed the eight inches in and out, adjusting to its size.

Then she once more began in earnest to bob her beautiful face back and forth.

Her lips sucking hard up and down the thick cock, as she slowly slid her hand up Connor's chest, resting it flat on his shirt-covered body. She began bobbing her head up and down his enormous cock more enthusiastically.

"Mmph. Mmph," Shelley moaned enjoyably, as she sucked harder and harder. Eight inches of solid cock pumped between her soft, luscious lips and down her hot, tight, married throat, "Mmph!"

"Fuck, Shelley. Ughm. Fuck," Connor groaned deeply, as her tongue swirled and her cheeks sucked in and out, as his dick pumped lusciously in and out of her mouth, "You suck dick so fucking good. Oh, fuck!"

Shelley looked up at the compliment, and felt a surge of pride flood through her, as she focused on the face of her husband's friend. He seemed to be finding it hard to stand. His hand flexed more and more in her hair. And so she continued to suck his dick harder and with more enthusiasm.

"Mmm," the knockout brunette moaned breathily and satisfactorily, as she pulled Connor's dick from her throat and her lips from the large head.

Smiling prettily up at him, her fist once more began jacking furiously. Her wedding ring gleamed erotically against the hard flesh, "Your dick is so fucking hard," she added teasingly, before licking down then up the long shaft, sucking noisily on the large head, "And so fucking big!"

"Bigger than Hayden's?" Connor asked, obviously having gotten over any guilt he had felt at having his friend's new wife on her knees and sucking his dick furiously.

Shelley smiled around the mouthful of dick she had and nodded her head. She sucked hard and swirled her hot tongue rapidly around the impressive and sensitive shaft for emphasis. Then with a loud 'pop', she once more pulled her lips free of the thick shaft.

"So much bigger!" the gorgeous brunette wife of three weeks purred contentedly.

She looked at the huge rod in her hand before raising her eyes once more to rest on his. Then she sank all eight inches back into her mouth and throat lovingly.

"Fuck!" Connor grunted, his hand suddenly tensing in her hair, as the feel of the soft, hot warmth of Shelley's mouth engulfed most of his large dick.

"Ugh. Fuck. I can't believe you can take so much of my dick. Un," he added in a tight voice, as Shelley slid her lips up and down teasingly.

She enjoyed the feel of the enormous rod slowly sliding back and forth in her mouth and throat.

"Mmm, do you like me sucking your big dick, Connor?" she asked playfully, as she pulled the raging shaft from her lips long enough to speak.

Then she once more sank eight inches down her throat. Oh, she was determined to take the rest!

"Oh, fuck, Shelley. Uhm. Yeah. You're, ungh, fuck, so fucking good, baby," Hayden's friend replied tightly, and Shelley let her right hand flex on his chest. Her nails gently teased his body through his shirt as she slowly began bobbing her head up and down his thick cock.

"Fuck. Suck my dick, baby. Ugh.  Swallow my dick, Shelley. Yeah. Fuck. Show me how you sucked Hayden's cock on your honeymoon."

Written by The_Shadow_Rising
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