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Decorating the Newlywed - Part 5

"Decorating new home leads to wife with hubby's friend - continued"

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Shelley breathed harder, her mind racing at Connor’s words. She did love Hayden. But she hadn't said she minded. Why? She only wanted Hayden's touch.

She glanced over her shoulder quickly, however Connor was already disappearing through the doorway and heading back through to where her husband was.

While his actions hadn't been anything obviously 'inappropriate', he hadn't grabbed her breasts or anything yet, they were still not exactly something a guy's friend should be doing to his friend's wife.

Or, for that matter, something a newlywed wife should be letting her new husband's friend do to her.

However, emboldened by her lack of direct resistance, despite her heartfelt protests, Connor grew more daring.

Once, as she was bending over to pick up the paint to start on the wood around the room with the French doors, Connor suddenly came up behind her. His hands found her slim waist, and his bulging jeans pressed firmly into her ass before Shelley could realise what was happening.

"Fuck, now this is a position I like you in," he commented, as he ran one hand up her slender back before grabbing her hip again.

Shelley, both shocked and turned on by the brazenness of Hayden's friend, quickly straightened and backed away from him. Her cheeks turned a deep crimson from embarrassment and the blood pumping from her racing heart.

"But then I think you'll look good in any position," he added with a pleased smile, as his eyes looked her up and down as if he were seeing straight through her clothes.

"That's something you'll never know," she said as calmly and confidently as she could, trying to redress the balance.

She had to show him she didn't want him to keep this up. It wasn't fair on Hayden. Would she have minded though if it had been fair? Was that the only reason? Did she like his attention? No, she was married to his friend.

A small, amused and smug smile lifted the corner of Connor's lips, his eyes smiling also as if he were enjoying a chase.

"You looked good on your knees," was all he said. And Shelley's cheeks flared brightly.

Amused at getting one over her, Connor once more let his eyes wander over her completely before he turned to go. Letting herself calm down for a moment, Shelley quickly grew determined to not let him affect her like that again.

More wary, Shelley felt pleased with herself as she calmly managed to avoid a few more times Connor tried it on with her. She moved out of his reach as he tried to pat her ass, or run his hand on her thigh, or make a comment. She even found Hayden to avoid his actions, and draped herself lovingly over her husband in front of him, lavishly kissing him or running her hand over his chest.

Though she found it slightly confusing when she saw how, surely not jealous, Connor became of her attention. Especially when she kissed Hayden fully and he squeezed her ass as his arms were around her.

Part of her hoped that seeing her with her husband, his friend, would make Connor realise it was he that she loved, and only he should touch her like Connor had been.

Though a small part of the brunette wife's mind did wonder at why she felt a small pang of amusement at the look in Hayden's friend's eyes as he watched them.

Surely, she wasn't enjoying it? The more Shelley touched Hayden, though, the more she grew evermore alive and needful. Especially as she saw the same look sparking in her husband's eyes.

However, Connor was not to be outdone. And Shelley noticed that the more she managed to avoid him, the more determined her husband's friend became.

Until once Connor managed to feel her ass, even holding it for a few seconds, while all three of them were discussing something. They were right next to Hayden!

Shelley couldn't overtly struggle however she did manage to move around to Hayden's other side, away from his friend, under the guise of taking a closer look at what they were talking about.

However, that moment spurred Connor on. And once again he managed to catch Shelley while she made coffee. Only this time instead of pressing against her from behind, he turned her gently around by her wrist and smiled as he stood with his face only inches from hers.

"Do you think these counters are strong enough?" he asked, as he raised her hands to his chest. Then he cinched her slender waist with his strong hands and lifted her to sit on the edge of the counter.

It all happened at once and Shelley was sitting with him standing between her slightly parted legs before she realised what had happened. Her heart raced again as she heard Hayden in the next room.

"Connor, I'm your friend's wife," she said, as she looked into his eyes and gently pushed him back.

Sliding off the counter she once more stood before him. His hands, however, remained on her gentle hips.

"Does that mean it's wrong for me to imagine whether these counters would be strong enough?" he asked, the unfinished words insinuated strongly in the air.

Shelley's cheeks reddened again.

"No," she answered honestly.

Her mind tried to shut out the idea he had implanted there, of her perched on the edge of the counter, legs spread, Connor standing between her legs with that huge eleven-inch cock.

She pushed the images from her mind forcefully and took a hold of his wrists, gently pulling his hands from her waist as she spoke with resolve, "But it does mean you shouldn't try to find out."

"Just tell me to stop and I'll stop," her husband's friend said with more than a hint of confidence in his voice.

Shelley felt her heart pounding as she looked into his eyes, held his hands towards him and, with a little forcing perhaps, opened her mouth to say 'stop'.

Suddenly Hayden called from the other room.

Snapping out of the moment, Shelley smiled and shook her head. She knew now that she was in control of herself.

"Behave," she said, as she moved and walked out of the kitchen, not noticing the small smile on Connor's face as he watched her go. Ignorant of why he seemed amused.

It was for that reason, that twenty minutes later, Connor left Hayden painting the window frames in the lounge and came to stand in the doorway as Shelley painted the wood around the wall white in her room.

Not noticing Hayden's friend as she ran the brush back and forth along the wood, Shelley smiled to herself.

"Hello, sexy," her husband's friend suddenly said in a low voice from behind her, as his hand deftly slipped onto her waist and slid around to her stomach. He gently pulled her soft, luscious body back against his.

That firm bulge once again pressed teasingly into Shelley's tight ass. A shiver shot down her spine. She would have liked to think it was all because of the sudden shock of unexpected contact.

"Connor, we can't keep doing this," Shelley began to say, as her husband's friend's other hand slipped onto her hip before suddenly, he turned her around.

"You're right," he replied just as lowly, his expression one of a naughty boy doing something he shouldn't. Why did that send butterflies into Shelley's stomach? And why was he talking so quietly? "This tension is getting too much."

Smiling faintly at the slightly humour-intended remark, Shelley left Connor's hands holding her waist, her hand still gripping the brush loaded with paint.

"Connor," she began again, however Hayden's friend cut her off as he raised his hand once more to cup one side of her face.

"You really are beautiful, Shelley," he said, and Shelley couldn't help but smile a little deeper at the compliment, not to mention the utter focus in the man's attention on her.

"You're stunning," he continued, his hand slowly sliding down her neck once more. His fingers traced gently down the bare skin exposed by the gypsy top she wore. Shelley's heart beat a little faster, however this time Connor didn't stop.

"And sexy," he continued, as his hand slowly descended to gently cup her large breast.

Her husband's friend only held her big, heavy breast a moment, his fingers not even squeezing. However, the touch sent a bolt of pure electricity through Shelley's entire body that lingered teasingly as Connor's hand slid down to once more hold her waist tightly.

Their eyes never left each other, and Shelley began breathing hard, her glorious rack rising and falling tantalisingly. She didn't know what to do.

Part of her was suddenly horny as hell, due to the thought that crossed the other part of her. Connor hadn't done anything so her, his friend's new wife, in the whole time of him trying to touch her. Even when he had an opportunity to try.

The sudden change in his brazenness was so unexpected that Shelley didn't know what to do for a moment. When she did, she placed her right hand on Connor's chest and spoke.

"Connor, I'm your friend's wife," she said a touch breathily, and suddenly felt the wall press against her back as she realised that he had pushed her against it gently, "I'm married to your friend."

Still his eyes didn't change from hers. And Shelley's heart pounded.

"You're so incredibly hot though, Shelley," he replied, before once again doing something surprising.

He quickly moved to kiss her slender neck once, twice, moving down towards her shoulder, three times, just on her collar bone, before she could stop him.

All the stunning wife could do, as her large brown eyes sizzled with a faint light at the tender kisses, was breathe his name.

Before she could collect herself to push him back, her husband's friend spoke, kissing gently up her neck again.

"You like me kissing you, don't you, Shelley?" he said, and Shelley felt her blood boiling as it sped through her veins. Her mind spun, "I turn you on more than Hayden, don't I?"

The sudden mentioning of her husband's name brought Shelley sharply back into reality. Pushing Connor back with her hand on his chest, Shelley's eyes suddenly went wide.

"Hayden," she said, sounding as if she had just been woken up with a bucket of ice water, "Connor, where's Hayden?"

"He's painting next door," he replied calmly, tracing his other hand down her cheek and neck.

His eyes wandered as far as the teasing cleavage rising and falling beneath her stretched gypsy top.

"He doesn't know I've got you against the wall he's painting, don't worry."

His words inflamed her body even more. His unashamed boldness intensified it all even more. Especially when he spoke again.

"Hayden!" Connor called, as he looked down into Shelley's red-cheeked face with a playful smile.

"Yeah?" Shelley heard her sweet husband call back.

"How you getting on, man?" Connor asked, and Shelley's eyes widened as he slowly slid his hand from her waist to gently cup one of her large breasts.

"Not much to go now, mate," Shelley listened as Hayden, her husband of only a few weeks, replied while Connor softly squeezed her large, heavy breast in his hand. She couldn't move from the intensity of the situation!

"How's Shelley getting on?"

Connor squeezed her big breast hard, pushing firmly against her as she breathed heavily, staring with shining eyes into his.

"She's on fire, man," Connor replied to his friend as he groped his wife. Hayden was oblivious to how true his friend's words were.

Shelley felt her pussy blaze and her mind scream. She shouldn't be letting this guy, her husband's friend, touch her like this. But, fuck, staring into Connor's eyes as his hand roughly squeezed her breast through her top while he spoke to Hayden, her husband who she loved so much, in the next room...

Fuck, why was it so fucking hot!

"Connor," Shelley whispered so Hayden wouldn't hear. Her voice was a little shaky as her body felt like it was alive with electricity.

Suddenly, however, before the hot wife could tell her husband's friend that they shouldn't be doing this, Shelley heard Hayden's phone ring.

"One sec Con," Hayden called, before Shelley heard him answer the phone.

"Sure thing," Connor replied, before he lowered his voice so only Shelley could hear him, "I think Shelley wants my attention anyway."

It took all of Shelley's determination to speak as Connor slid his hand from her large breast to her face.

"Connor, I love Hayden," she began, feeling as if she had said the same thing countless times before, "And you're his friend."

Smiling as he held her waist and face, Connor replied.

"I know you do, Shelley. You two make a great couple," he said, as he stared deep into her eyes.

And then his fingers once more went to her face, tracing her lips tenderly as he spoke, before he slid them down her chin, down her neck, down her chest, and traced the exposed tops of her firm breasts, "I just think we should have long, hot, sex."

Shelley's breathing deepened. Her impressive chest heaved as she stared into his face, listening to Hayden speaking next door on the phone as her body began to burn with lust.

"Hayden and I only got married three weeks ago, Connor. You were at our wedding. And you want me to have sex with you?" she asked disbelievingly.

Her heart skipped a beat as she actually said the words. She couldn't believe she was having this conversation with her husband's best friend. But somehow saying those words only seemed to make the fire burning through her body grow more rampant.

"That didn't bother you when you had my dick in your mouth," he teased, as his fingers lightly brushed down over her large rack.

Then he moved his hand to take a hold of hers as it rested still on his chest. Damn him for reminding her of how she'd behaved earlier.

"And you said I'm bigger than Hayden," he continued softly, as he took her hand and began lowering it, "Imagine what it would feel like, having all eleven inches filling and stretching your burning, hot, pussy."

Shelley's breath caught at that last, as Connor finally placed her hand on his hard, bulging jeans. Electricity abruptly shocked from where her fingers felt his hardness, all through her sexy 27-year-old just-married body.

Thoughts and images flashed through the young wife's head of just how it would feel. Shivers ran across her soft skin, and her pussy ached...blazing Hayden's voice was the only sound besides their breathing.

"Connor," Shelley said negatively

Her voice shook with nervousness and lust, breathy and hot, as Hayden's friend began squeezing his bulging jeans with her hand.

Fuck, he felt so big and hard. He 'was' so fucking big and hard. Fuck, how could any woman take all of that?

"Just say you don't want me, and I'll stop," he said, squeezing through his jeans even harder. By now Shelley's big tits were heaving up and down rapidly.

"I love Hayden," she replied, trying determinedly, her throat suddenly dry. Fuck, he felt so huge.

Connor smiled, and Shelley was unsure why, until she felt the hand that had been holding hers to his crotch suddenly stroke her cheek. Meanwhile, her hand still remained gently squeezing his hard dick through his jeans. The pretty wife was about to move when suddenly Connor did.

"I know. But you're going to love it even more when we fuck," he said confidently, and then, as Shelley could hear her husband of three weeks speaking in the next room, Connor's lips gently touched hers.

Hayden's friend kissed her gently a few times, and all the while Shelley's hand continued to massage his hefty bulge. When Connor moved his face away after the third kiss, Shelley thought her body was going to fry him with how hot she felt.

Staring deep into her eyes, Connor unbuttoned the top button of his jeans. And then he once more took her hand and slowly slid it down until Shelley's fingers, with a spark of fire, touched his ragingly hard eleven-inch confined dick for the second time that day.

The gorgeous young wife's heart stopped.

And then her fingers gently, and awkwardly, wrapped around the thick shaft of their own accord. While her mind shouted stop.

The look of rapture on Hayden's friend's face as his friend's wife wrapped her soft, slender fingers around his thick dick, awkwardly squeezing and feeling the hard meat, sent shivers through the young wife's body.

It was then that Shelley realised she was losing control, of herself and the situation. She opened her mouth to say they had to stop. However, different words came out.

"Connor, Hayden's next door. We can't," she began, and then suddenly she felt a wave of pleasure literally rip through every fibre of her being.

It took the stunning newlywed wife a moment before she realised that Connor had managed to unbutton the top button on her jeans also, and had slid his hand inside her jeans before three of his fingers sank deep into her hot and fucking horny pussy.

"Oh, fuck! Connor. Hayden. Fuck."

Shelley let her head fall back against the wall as she stared into Connor's eyes. His fingers and thumb worked furtively and relentlessly in and out of her hot pussy.

Here she was, a newlywed wife that had only been married three weeks, in the house that she and her husband had just bought so they could start a family, pressed firmly against one of the walls. And all the while, her husband's friend's fingers were teasing her pussy, and her fist squeezed his huge dick, while her husband was in the next room talking on the phone and could walk in through the open doors any moment.

All of this only made the intense pleasure building in her body even more powerful.

Connor slowed his hand movements so that he was moving his fingers gently, even tenderly. Shelley felt her mouth open but nothing but deep, satisfied breath come out.

She had needed sex all day. Fuck, she was so hot. But this, they shouldn't…

Then Connor's lips met hers again gently, kissing once, twice, three times softly. But each time their lips met Shelley felt a bolt of pure pleasure lance from Connor's attention on her blazing pussy.

"I want to fuck you," Connor suddenly said in a lust-filled intense tone, as he stared heatedly into her eyes. Shelley felt her pussy tingle at those blatant and uncompromising words.

"Connor, we have to stop," Shelley breathed raggedly, her heart and mind pounding swiftly.

Her husband's friend seemed about to say something, though what Shelley didn't know, when suddenly the illicit pair heard Hayden call from the other room.

Lust filled the gorgeous brunette wife, however. And as Connor stopped kissing her soft lips to gently tease her neck with his, Shelley answered. Her hand still tightly squeezing Connor’s stiff cock beneath his jeans, as his fingers continued to tease her pussy.

"Yeah, baby?" she called back hotly and more than a little breathily.

It only seemed to make her hotter, in her already lust-burning state, that she was pressed against the wall with Hayden's friend's fingers in her pussy and her fist around his cock while she called back to him.

"I'm going to have to head out," her husband of a few weeks called back.

And even in her lust-filled, and preoccupied, state, Shelley could tell that he was searching for something next door, no doubt his keys.

The feel of Connor's fingers hotly teasing her married pussy made it extremely difficult for the newlywed wife to release her grip on her husband's friend's raging dick.

However, with all the willpower Shelley could muster, she managed to pull her hand from within Connor's jeans and with a pleading look pull his hand from her body.

Her body ached to be touched the moment his fingers left her, and, fuck, she felt like every inch of her skin was tingling with electric life!

No sooner had Shelley pulled Connor's hand from down her jeans than Hayden walked through into the doorway.

He was completely unaware of his wife's previous situation, or the fact that her jeans were still unbuttoned though now covered by the remaining buttoned up portion of her painting shirt.

Connor was grinning like a Cheshire cat as the hot wife looked over to her husband of a few weeks more than a little flustered.

It took a moment for her to gather her thoughts, as her pussy throbbed with hunger.

"What's up, man?" Connor asked, beating her to the question.

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"Ah, that was my dad. He and my brother need some help with that work at home," Hayden replied to both of them.

Shelley nodded, remembering through her rather unsettled state what her husband's father had said earlier that day.

"I won't be long though, babe."

That last was added for Shelley. However, the hot wife, still lost in raging horniness, took a moment to register what the love of her life had said.

"Oh," Shelley said a little dejectedly, before she folded her arms beneath her impressive breasts. Her heart still pounded hard in her chest.

"Do you have to go, babe?" the stunning brunette wife added, thinking that with Hayden around her Connor wouldn't try anything on again. She hoped, anyway. Well, at least if she stuck to him like glue anyway.

Hayden's warm smile lit a fire of guilt in Shelley's stomach, all loving and warm.

And here she was, just having been pressed against the wall with her hand down his friend's jeans squeezing his huge cock, while his were down her jeans teasing her burning hot pussy like only Hayden should. And then there was earlier.

"I won't be long," he replied caringly, and Shelley felt her cheeks heat, "They really need my help."

"But what about decorating?" she asked, trying to think of some way to make her husband stay. Shelley didn't trust his friend without him there. Did she trust herself now?

"You and Connor can carry on without me. I'll help when I get back," he answered, as he walked over and kissed her gently, unaware that his friend had been doing just that not long ago. Shelley felt her heart sink and her pussy blaze, "I won't be long."

Shelley knew there was no way of talking Hayden out of it. And if today had been any normal day she wouldn't have thought twice about him going to help his family.

But right then she really wanted him to stay. No, she really needed him to. But she couldn't exactly tell him why. Oh, honey, I don't want you to go help your family as your friend might try something on with me while you're not here.

The pretty wife shut out any of the thoughts that she had had her hand down his jeans as much as he had hers.

But then, he had started it all.

Did that excuse her though?

Nodding slightly, Shelley resigned herself to the fact that she was going to have to deal with Connor on her own.

Eleven thick inches.

Breathing harder, the sexy wife tried to ignore the neediness of her burning pussy and aching 27-year-old body.

"Take as long as you need," Connor said in a tone that Hayden would have only thought of as his usual confident self.

However, as her husband's friend stood a little behind her Shelley could hear the predatory tone in his voice. Her stomach clenched, and her body shivered.

Hayden nodded with a small smile, and Shelley returned it with a forced one of her own, before he gently kissed her again. Then turned to head out the room.

The moment Hayden's back was turned Shelley felt Connor move closer. And as her husband of a few weeks turned into the hall and headed towards the front door, disappearing out of sight, Shelley turned abruptly to finally tell his friend to stop as he had asked her.

However, Connor's lips found hers before she could speak. And less than a thought later, Shelley felt herself slam firmly against the wall as her husband's friend's lips gently kissed hers. And she responded softly and instinctively.

That was until the beautiful newlywed's mind cleared long enough for her to pull her face from his.

Shelley's breathing deepened as Connor ran his hand up over her flat stomach and firm, round breast to cup her face. Teasingly he kissed her neck as his other hand pulled her hand once more to his unbuttoned bulging jeans.

Shelley's mind and body reeled in a mix of passion and confusion, as she listened to her husband's footsteps as he made his short way to the front door.

Shaking from the intense lust rushing through her sexy, newly married body, Shelley breathed harder. Her new husband's friend began kissing the tops of her breasts, and her hand squeezed unconsciously around his thick, heavy bulging jeans.

"Connor," Shelley breathed, once more forcing herself to tell him to stop.

However, once more fate intervened, giving her husband's friend a few more seconds to spur on the lust blazing and pulsing through her veins. Those feelings continued to break down all resistance in the dedicated wife as she heard Hayden open the front door and call back to them, interrupting her protest.

"I'll see you soon," her sweet, loving husband called from up the hall, unaware of his friend's lips gently kissing his wife's neck and cleavage.

"Bye, baby. I love you," Shelley answered half-rapturously, as her eyes shut at the feeling of Connor's lips and the pulsing bulge in her hand.

Her other hand ran unconsciously through Hayden's friend's hair as she breathed in deeply.

The irony of the automatic, though sincere and heartfelt, response, was lost on the gorgeous brunette wife as Connor's attention set her lust-infused body alight. She was letting her husband's friend press her against the wall, and touch her like only he should, while she was feeling his bulging cock through his jeans. The same cock she had had stuffed in her mouth and down her throat a few hours early. All while telling her husband that she loved him.

And then Connor’s hand descended swiftly. And three of his fingers once more slid deftly into her burning pussy.

And with a breathy moan, Shelley's eyes closed, and she rested her head back against the wall.

"Love you too, babe," Hayden called, and Shelley breathed deeper as his friend's fingers sent waves of pleasure through her hot body.

"Later, mate," Connor called between kissing her slender neck softly. Shelley's fingers tightened around his throbbing bulge. Her hand holding those eleven inches. That hard, big, thick shaft.

And then, as less than a heartbeat passed, though to the stunning wife it seemed like hours of pleasure, Shelley heard the door close behind Hayden. Her husband of only a few weeks. The man she loved. The man she wanted to spend her whole life with and raise a family with. They were actually trying for right then.

And as if the sound had shocked Connor out of his kissing-her-neck daze, Hayden's friend broke his focus and stared deep into her eyes, as Shelley's impressive chest heaved lustfully. His fingers slid from her blazing hot pussy.

"Let's have sex," came the three simple words.

And for a long moment Shelley stared searchingly into Connor's face, panting heavily.

Consumed with lust that had built up throughout the entire day, and all that had happened in it, it was at that moment that Shelley knew she was actually going to sleep with her husband's friend.

Well, not exactly 'sleep'. That she was actually going to have sex with Hayden's friend, only a few weeks after they had gotten married.

It was then that Shelley realised she had given in.

She loved Hayden with all of her heart. She wanted to be with only him. But, fuck, she wanted, no, she needed, to know what Connor's huge eleven inches felt like filling her pussy, fucking her hard and fast, like he had her mouth and throat.

His confidence, the whole naughtiness of the situation...fuck, she thought she could scratch through the walls she was so horny.

She just had to have the release that only he could give her. Not to mention that she had already cheated on Hayden earlier by sucking his friend's dick, swallowing his cum, and not only letting him cum all over her face and chest, but kneeling like that while she was talking to Hayden as well.

She had already gone that far...she may as well feel what that huge cock felt like inside her. It was just sex. And it wasn't like she was going to keep having sex with Connor. It was Hot sex. With that huge cock. Fucking her so good.

The thoughts flashed through the knockout wife's mind swiftly. However, consumed as she was, Shelley already knew.

And so, she stared deep into Connor's eyes, her own large dark brown eyes blazing. Her long ponytail hung over one shoulder as her chest heaved hotly. And while her husband of a few weeks walked the short distance from the door to his car, Mrs Shelley Winters, the stunningly sexy newlywed wife, said the three words that would change hers, Connor's, and Hayden's lives forever.

"Fuck me, Connor," she said in a hot, breathy voice, before grabbing his face with both hands and mashing her lips to his.

Connor's hands found Shelley's slim waist as their tongues danced passionately and he pressed her firmly against the wall. All while Hayden walked unaware from the house.


Mr Hayden Winters walked calmly and happily from the front door to his car, tossing his mobile onto the passenger seat as he climbed in and looked up at the sky. He figured that the best hours of daylight were behind the day, and in an hour or so the sun would start to set. Where had the day gone?

Meanwhile, back in the house, the newly married husband's knockout wife had her lips locked furiously with his friend, their tongues dancing hotly as they kissed passionately.

As Hayden got in the car, Shelley helped Connor fully unbutton her tight jeans, before helping him in a breathy rush push them down between kisses. Her black lace underwear followed swiftly as her painting shirt hung to her mid-thighs. That same shirt that had belonged to Hayden.

Then she began earnestly attacking Connor’s own jeans and boxers, desperate to release that huge, thick cock once more. All despite the fact that she was newly married to the man she loved, and that he was still sitting outside the front of the house.

As Hayden started the engine, his friend's jeans and boxers hit the floor. And as the oblivious husband backed the car from the driveway, Connor pressed Shelley against the wall, the two kissing illicitly and hotly.

Connor’s ragingly hard eleven-inch dick pressed firmly into the new wife's belly, setting her pussy afire and making her body ache to feel it inside her. Connor then pulled her hair from the ponytail, letting it once more fall in its dark brown wavy lengths.

And so, as Hayden Winters headed down the street on his way to help his parents, his hot, sexy wife gripped his friend's shirt, her eyes blazing with the heat of pure horny lust as the two continued to kiss fervently.

Then Connor's hands reached down, sliding over her glorious big tits to grab tightly to her tight, bare ass beneath her painting shirt. In one swift and strong movement, he lifted her up, still pressed against the freshly painted wall.

Their tongues danced and Shelley's legs lightly wrapped around his.

And as Hayden began his journey home, his wife was about to begin her own journey...down the long, thick, eleven-inch hard pole of his friend's hard dick.


His friend's wife was a fucking knockout. She was fucking stunning. With those long, smooth legs, that slim waist, flat stomach, huge, heavy tits, that tight ass. Not to mention that fucking beautiful face with those large brown eyes and soft, luscious lips, and that gorgeous dark wavy brunette hair. Fuck, she was so hot, and so soft and horny too.

All these thoughts made Connor's dick harden even more as he stared into Shelley's beautiful face and large eyes, their lips smacking loudly as he lifted her against the wall.

Her smooth legs gently wrapped to cling to his side, her feet resting on the back of his knees, as he held her by his grip on her tight, naked ass. He held her steady above his rock-hard eleven-inch shaft.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Shelley?" Connor asked, more rhetorically now than serious, as he kissed her soft lips, "I'm not Hayden, you know."

That last set the gorgeous wife's eyes sparkling.

"Fuck, stop teasing me, Connor, and put it in me," she breathed hotly, her body shaking gently from how turned on she was.

Connor thought for a moment of asking her to beg for his cock, but he had waited too fucking long to sink his dick inside Hayden's pretty wife now. And, fuck, he wasn't going to wait anymore.

And so, with a look of complete smug satisfaction at the thought of actually getting his dick into his friend's hot and sexy wife, Connor began to lower Shelley slowly onto his dick.

The feel of her the moment the thick head of his cock touched her pussy sent a shot of pure pleasure through his body, and a deep breathy sigh of complete pleasure and shudder through Shelley's.

This was it. He was actually going to fuck Hayden's newlywed wife. Connor smiled a deep smug smile as he began lowering Shelley onto his spearing, hard cock.


Mrs Shelley Winters' eyes squeezed tightly shut, her mouth hanging open as her head rested back against the wall. Deep, long breaths escaped, as her fingernails slowly dug deeper and deeper into her husband's friend's shoulder through his top.

Inch by hot, hard, fucking thick inch, slowly, oh so fucking painfully slowly, sank into her burningly horny pussy. It stretched her until Shelley felt as if she could scream. But no sound came from her voice.

The moment Connor's thick cock-head, the same one she had had shoved down her throat earlier, had touched her unprotected pussy had almost made the hot wife cum.

The knowledge that this was her husband's friend, that she had only been married three weeks, that she was actually, and really, cheating on Hayden, who was now not in the house...fuck!

This was the house her and Hayden were trying to start a family in!

And that Connor was about to stuff her with eleven inches - fucking eleven inches! - of big, thick, long, hard, naked cock...fuck, Shelley would have moaned loudly.

However, the thick head had suddenly pushed into her, and every breath left her body in an instant.

This was it, she actually had Hayden's friend's big dick inside her! And, fuck, was he enormous!

For what seemed like an eternity, her husband's friend slowly and gently lowered her ass down onto his humungous invading shaft, careful to let her adjust to the size and width, for which she was grateful.

Fuck, she had never imagined a dick this big, let alone took one. Oh, shit, Hayden was impressive, but fuck, his friend was something else.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, Shelley felt Connor hold her steady on his cock, hard against the wall.

Oh, fuck, she felt like she was impaled on a steel rod. Fuck, she felt so full. Her burning, tingling pussy gripped the thick shaft like a vice as it filled and stretched her married body until the gorgeous, busty brunette thought she would burst.

For a long moment, all Shelley could do was fight to catch her breath. Her impressive chest heaved beneath the only clothes she was left wearing – her black lace bra, her white gypsy top, and Hayden's old shirt that hung half-unbuttoned.

"Fuck!" she panted tightly, as her eyes were still held shut and her fingers flexed hard into Connor's shoulder, "Fuck!"

When the stunningly sexy 27-year-old wife could finally move, she slowly opened her eyes.

They now shone with pure pleasure and horny lust, and she stared into the enraptured face of her husband's friend as he relished in the feel of having his big dick buried inside his friend's gorgeous wife.

Smiling sexily, Shelley traced a finger over Connor's lips. Her body felt alive as the thick cock filling her pussy pulsed erotically.

"You've got your dick in me," she said half-breathily. She sounded half-excited and half-amazed. This was really happening. Fuck, it felt so good.

"Almost all of it," Connor half-grunted in response, his voice as tight as the feel of her pussy gripping around his thick, hard shaft.

Shelley felt a wave of intense pleasure surge through her already cock-stuffed body as she heard her husband's friend tell her that he still had three more inches to go.

Fuck. He was already an inch deeper inside her than Hayden...her loving, sweet husband of just a few weeks...had ever been. And, fuck, she felt as if his huge dick was probing into her womb. There was no way she was going to be able to take all eleven inches. Fuck, she'd split open!

"You're so big!" she breathed excitedly, her eyes sparkling as a dirty, excited smile spread her beautiful lips, "And you're so bad. Having your big dick inside your friend's wife. Mmm."

That last made the stunning newlywed wife moan softly, purring in pleasure as lust coursed through her veins. Connor's face broke into a deep, smug smile and he flexed his thick rod inside her, sending a wave of shivering pleasure surging through her sexy body.

Biting her bottom lip with an excited moan, Shelley stared into her husband's friend's eyes with her own sparkling large brown eyes glittering with lust.

"I only got married to your friend a few weeks ago," the gorgeous and busty brunette purred erotically.

Passion suffused her mind so that all that existed was the feel of Connor's huge pole inside her. And the desperate need to be pleased raged through every inch of her hot body.

Tracing her fingernails down either side of Hayden's friend's face, Shelley stared intently, and oh so hotly, into his eyes, "So come on and fuck me, Connor. Show me how you want to treat your friend's wife."

With those words Connor's grip on Shelley's hot ass instantly tightened. And without further comment his lips mashed hard against hers as he pressed her firmly against the wall for support.

In one swift, sharp, and oh so hotly strong motion, he pulled almost all of the eight inches of his ragingly hard cock out of her hungry pussy…then rammed hard back into her. This impaled Shelley hard against the wall. Connor gave a deep grunt which matched Shelley's as all the air was suddenly driven from her lungs.

"Ungh!" the stunning new wife grunted forcefully as nine inches of hard dick rammed deep into her hot, tight, married pussy. Impaling and stretching her in a blur of intense pleasure against the wall.

"Oh, fuck!" Shelley gasped tightly, as she struggled to breathe. Her nails clawed wildly at Connor's neck as her eyes widened.

The gorgeous brunette newlywed, however, didn't have time to think. Her husband's friend swiftly pulled almost all of that impressive dick from her vice-like pussy again. Then he quickly began pummelling into her married, but oh so very horny, body. And the room filled with the sounds of hot, illicit, cheating, sex.

"Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Ungh. Fuck. Um," Mrs Shelley Winters moaned repeatedly.

Her eyes squeezed shut as Connor repeatedly jack-hammered nine inches of his thick, solid cock in and out of her pussy. His hands firmly held her ass as he held her up against the wall. And Shelley's legs quickly wrapped firmly around his waist, gripping him as her big tits bounced within her top and half-open painting shirt. Her fingers dug through his top into his skin as he fucked the life out of her against the wall.

"Uh, fuck, you're tight, Shelley. Ughn. Or maybe Hayden's just never fucked you this deep before," Connor growled tightly between grunts, as he continued ramming his hard nine inches into her.

No doubt he was trying to stuff the other two inches into her already cock-stuffed pussy. Fuck, that sent a fire through Shelley's body.

"Hayden's a fucking lucky guy, ugn, having you as his wife. Fuck!"

The feel of her husband's friend slamming nine inches of his dick into her very welcoming and unprotected pussy, slamming her tight ass against the wall, as he said those words that Shelley did not doubt he meant, just made the whole situation that much incredibly hotter. And Shelley's blood boiled more.

"Ohmngh. Ngh. Ungh. Fuck. Mmm. Well, he's not here fucking me, Connor. Ungh. You are. Oh, fuck. Yes. Ughn," she groaned breathily in reply, as she opened her eyes/

The sight of the man's face who was fucking her turned her on even more. It was her husband's friend! He was really fucking her! And, fuck, with his huge fucking big, hard dick.

Oh, fuck, it felt so good inside her.

"Oh, fuck, you're going to tear me open with your, unm, big fucking cock! Oh, ugh, yes. Ngnm."

Written by The_Shadow_Rising
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