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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 81
New Zealand



Caught by a Kitten (Part 4)

Laura feels a need for a sexual safety-net, and is surprised by the one she finds.

I awoke next morning, refreshed after a heavenly night’s sleep, naked, in a bed seemingly impregnated with the fluids and scents of Sue-Ann and of our previous day’s loving. For awhile, I lay there luxuriating in sensual memories, but I couldn’t do so for long. Although it was Sunday, there was work that, before meeting Sue-Ann, I had promised to do over the weekend. For a start, I had several proposals to write for prese...

Local Affairs (3): Interlude

Andrea's friend Sarah returns Greg's briefcase, and they enjoy some quality time together.

Readers are advised to read “Local Affairs" parts 1 & 2 first.  Being awakened by a ringing phone before eight in the morning was not Greg’s idea of the leisurely Sunday lie-in he had hoped to have; but the melodious chuckle that greeted his rather surly “Hello” immediately dispelled his initial mood. It was Sarah. “Hi Greg – sorry to be ringing a bit early. I hope you’re not feeling too worn out.” “No, Sarah, I had a lov...

A Toast to Cyberlove

A pantoum (Malay verse form) celebrating the wedding of cherished friends who met online.

There’s something to be said for online dating As this day’s joyous nuptials clearly show. Let’s not be backward in our celebrating; Let plentiful libations freely flow! As this day’s joyous nuptials clearly show, Two souls have found each other captivating. Let plentiful libations freely flow; Let’s drink a toast to cyberspatial mating. Two souls have found each other captivating Despite the pressures of life’s to-and-fr...

Caught by a Kitten (Part 3)

Laura and Sue-Ann enjoy a deeper intimacy.

Yet again I found myself having to concentrate on driving while in a state of inner turmoil. Part of me couldn’t wait to get home and feast on the soft, creamy-white body and succulent cunt of the lovely girl who sat beside me oozing sex – perhaps literally still oozing, after our bout in the changing room, but a cool voice in the back of my head was urging caution. I had become so deeply sceptical of the possibility that...

Caught by a Kitten (Part 2)

Laura and Sue-Ann surprise each other sexually while out shopping.

Arriving home I dashed into the house, locked the front door and rushed to my bedroom. I closed the curtains, turned on the bedside light, almost tearing at my clothes to expose my breasts and my cunt, flung myself on the bed and brought the simmering within me to the boil in an orgasm that left me breathless and shaking, Then another, and another… not stopping until I was sated and spent. Eventually I undressed completel...

Caught By A Kitten (Part 1)

Fifty-something Laura meets a young woman who finds her attractive.

The last time I saw her, she had been a gawky twelve-year-old, stuck awkwardly between childhood and womanhood. That was eight years ago. The difference took my breath away. I was fifty-three, and five years widowed. It had been a happy though childless marriage; but for several years before Phil died I had experienced feelings of growing curiosity about sex with a woman. I had done nothing positive about this, but found...

Catching Up (Part 6)

Joanna and Fenella have phone sex.

After the bright, brisk Hello with which she answered the phone, Fenella’s next words, Oh Jo, how lovely, came at a lower, more intimate pitch, with a throaty, feline vibrancy that sent pleasurable shivers over my skin. “Are you back home now?” “Yes, I’ve been home for a while.” I took a breath to steady myself, then went on: “I’ve been reading. About you. And about Pilar…” “Oh…?” Her voice softened still more to a silkil...

Catching Up (Part 5)

Joanna learns more about Fenella than she bargained for.

My route home took me through relatively undamaged areas that were free of roadblocks and time-consuming diversions. My elderly neighbour Fred Curtis was out mowing his front lawn and gave me a cheery wave as I turned into my driveway. He stopped his labours and came over. My heart sank - Fred could be very talkative and hard to get away from; but he had always been a good neighbour and very kind to me, so I owed it to hi...

Catching Up (Part 4)

Reality catches up with Jo, her aunt gives her the comfort she needs, and she hears from Fenella.

A poem by another of Fen’s and my favourite French poets begins with a couple of lines about languorous ecstasy and amorous fatigue (the whole poem, C’est l’extase langoureuse, has been beautifully set by Gabriel Fauré). “Amorous fatigue” – yes, that was Gemma and me in spades by the time we had got back to her place and showered and changed. Neither of us felt like cooking, so Gemma phoned out for pizzas, and we sat at h...

The Renaissance of Veronica

What she most feared opens a door to unimagined joy.

Veronica Page had always been what convention described as “faithful” to Ken, and had never strayed from their marital bed; yet in recent years she had, with growing frequency, felt passingly tempted. But never by men; it had always been women for whom she had at first been surprised to feel stirrings of desire. Those feelings had been thrust into dormancy during the few weeks between Ken’s belated diagnosis with terminal...

Catching Up (Part 3)

Joanna enjoys some distracting horseplay with her aunt.

Gemma’s suggestion of an afternoon’s horseriding was just the right prescription for me. To be out in the fresh country air, away from the inescapable wind-blown dust of the rubble-strewn, earthquake-stricken city, to empty my head of the stresses of the past few days and the emotional turmoil that Fenella had stirred up in me, and to focus mentally and physically on controlling a powerful, beautiful animal, using the ski...

Catching Up (Part 2)

Joanna seeks counsel and comfort from her aunt/lover.

“So you and the Famous Fatal Fenella have crossed paths again,” said my aunt Gemma, “but what a different girl she is now.” Her lovely green eyes twinkled in the kindly bantering way with which, over the years, she has greeted me on the many occasions when I have sought counsel and comfort from her. It was on the first such occasion, during a blissful summer holiday when I stayed with her while my parents were away overse...

Local Affairs (2): Beyond the Call of Duty

Greg has more sexual surprises.

New Zealand weather is notoriously changeful, and by the time Greg awoke on Saturday morning it had completely changed from the previous day’s torrential rain that had played a part in precipitating his sexual encounter with Andrea Hemsley. It was a glorious Christchurch summer morning, and brilliant sunshine already flooded the kitchen as he pottered preparing his breakfast of coffee and toast, his head still full of mem...

Catching Up (Part 1)

Joanna is reminded of a love that got away.

Tuesday 22 February 2011. Twelve fifty-five pm. That was when a devastating earthquake hit my home town of Christchurch, New Zealand, after which nothing in this city will ever be the same again. Unbeknown to me at the time, that same moment was also to trigger events after which, in a much happier way, nothing in my life can be the same again either. Not ever. I was one of the many city council and other public service s...

Local Affairs: (1): MILF and Two Sugars

A young local government officer gets the sexual surprise of his life.

It was raining heavily by the time Greg Somerfield parked outside Mrs Hemsley’s house. He looked at the distance to the house and cursed himself for not having brought an umbrella or a raincoat. He would have to choose between getting thoroughly wet and making an undignified dash to her front door. Grabbing his briefcase, he decided to hell with dignity. He quickly got out of the car, went to lock the door but fumbled and...