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Over 90 days ago
Male, 155
Burkina Faso


I admit it, I really like anal sex. It's tight, it's wrong (well, not really), and it's sexy as hell.

I've "tried it on" with almost every woman I've slept with (not bragging, but probably close to 40).

I can recall only 4 who were really into it. The majority weren't interested in even trying it.

So, fellow anal lovers, how many women have you had anal sex with? What percentage were into it? I'm guessing it's maybe only 10% of women (from my limited experience at least).
As philosophical as ever WMM!

Thanks for the replies.
I was listening to Interpol earlier (track below), and a line in there reminded me of an ex of mine, who always preferred the lights off during sex.

She wouldn't tell me why. In the end, I figured it out (nothing to do with my physical traits).

My question, why do you think some women prefer the lights out during sex? What's the most common cause?

A poll is attached, please vote.

Q. Why on earth would you want to know how long it takes for a guy to wank?

Find god's match for you?

Is Christian dating big business? I thought they all met each other at church and swapped numbers there?
Quote by cprivate
I honestly wish I could understand the female brain.
Today my wife went for a sleep, woke up 2 hours later and the world fell down on me for every reason under the sun... From nothing wrong to nothing right ... Why?

Time of the month?
After a couple of children (planned), I'm considering getting the snip.

I've been using nothing other than the pull-out method for a decade (good self control), but definitely don't want any more children, so something a bit more permanent and safer might be the way to go.

I am worried though that it may change the quality of my sex life. I know that sperm only makes up a small portion of ejaculate, but even so, am pretty sure that orgasms aren't going to be as good, despite what some people say.

So, who here has experience of it? I know it's painful for a day or so, that's irrelevant in the bigger scheme of things. I want to know what impact it has had on people here.
Quote by WellMadeMale

With a cast like that, I'd watch them paint walls, they are that good
I have a bad memory, but here's my list (I used to sleep around a lot before getting married):

German (it's true what they say, dirty birdie)

Best would have to be one of my English conquests, she used to be a professional dancer. Enough said...wore me out.
Quote by VickieLynn1
could you put cross dressers in a drop down under orientation

How is cross-dressing an orientation? You're a guy right? You still like women? So you're straight. Otherwise if you like guys, them you're gay, but like dressing as a woman while getting shagged.

No disrespect, but I don't see how it's an orientation.
Quote by flirter
The paramedic who came to resucitate whitney houston was heard calling over the radio 'its houston we have a problem '

I heard she was looking for more of a Amy Winehouse sound on her next record....
lafayettemister, thanks for the words of advice. You're right, I need to make time to do more of the things I / we used to enjoy, prior to having kids. I booked a restaurant for Valentine's Day, and organised a friend to babysit, I can't remember the last time just us 2 went out.

WellMadeMale - your answer doesn't surprise me in the slightest. lol.
I was soul searching when my wife said she wanted kids, and I said I didn't actually want any (she knew my stance before marriage).

In the end, she said she'd leave if I wasn't going to father children for her, and I thought I could perhaps change my lifetime mindset of not wanting kids, especially as I loved my wife to bits.

Long story short, 5 years later, I don't really like having kids. I have no free time, I have little fun anymore, and 2 kids screaming their heads off around the house every day.

It's not their fault, and I love having them around about 5% of the time.

Anyway, I still would rather not have had any kids.

Do you enjoy life more now having kids, than you did before? Would you rather go back to the days of enjoying your relationship with your partner, hitting restaurants, cinemas, clubs etc, having a heap of fun?

I'm mid 40's and regret the decision to not stick to my laurels.

What are your opinions?
I'm not sure what to do, we had a great cyber session and she seems really nice.

Here's the pic she sent me:

You think his bread is buttered on both sides?

It was strange, he's a rugby player, tough guy image etc.

Maybe I'm old fashioned, but you watch those things in private or with your partner don't you, not your mates?
So, I went out for a drink in the pub with a guy who's the husband of my wife's friend last night.

To cut a long story short, him and his very pissed mate got thrown out, while I was playing pool, and as there was nowhere else to go at that time of night, we ended up walking back to his place.

His wife and kid were asleep, the drunk ass mate fell asleep on the couch, and unbelieveably he puts on a porn film. I've not watched one in maybe 20 years.

Anyway, it was really uncomfortable. I left as soon as I'd finished my beer.

It's not really the done thing is it, to put on a porno, with mates around? What was the intention, I get horny and then what?
Crazy ass stunts there. Great video, nice track too.
Some good advice there.

Thanks Olivia and everyone else.
Dear Olivia,

My wife has a fantasy which she makes me perform on a regular basis, and I desperately need advice.

In our sex games, she insists I dress up as a burglar with black trousers and sweater, white sneakers and balaclava, she locks the house and pretends to be asleep. I have to break a small window to get my hand through to reach the door lock, and then head to the bedroom, where the whole forced fantasy comes into play. She's never been hotter between the sheets. Vanilla sex just does nothing for her.

One time the neighbours called the police, which excited her even more.

It's costing me a fortune in window repairs, I cut my hand once, and I've had to call a dozen different glaziers this year alone, so they don't ask questions about all the apparent break-ins.

What should I do?

Quote by LittleMissBitch
-57 for you dude. duh.

Someone obviously doesn't share my sense of humor.

Good list Chase.
How do you rack them up?

10 credits:

- Taking out to dinner
- Going down on her (to orgasm)

5 credits:

- Flowers
- Mowing the lawn
- Helping with the shopping
- Take kids to school
- Watch some chick flick "starring" people you hate

1 credit:

- Listening to her prattle on about nonsense
- Take out the garbage
- Noticing she walked in the room

Add away.
Do you have sex with your partner when angry with them, or is it out of the question? My wife and I sometimes do, it often clears the air.

Have you said anything funny (bad) while at it under those circumstances?

I once told an ex to turn round while she was on top of me, so I didn't have to look at her face. Another time I told a different ex (funny that) to get on all fours so I could imagine she was someone else. lol. Bad I know.

Any good stories?
All true

I had unexpected sex this morning with my wife, first time in about a month. I had to check the calendar to see if I'd forgotten my birthday, or if it was our 5th year wedding anniversary or something.

Alas, no.

Anyone else in the same boat? We used to shag like rabbits before we were hitched. I'm suing her for false advertising.