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Eat shit and...

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Scientists in Japan synthesize meat out of feces.

I thought McDonalds had been doing that for years?
Sorry Plow. I just can't bring myself to click.
I think you might be right about McDonalds.
EwwChef, neither can I
Do we have a brave soul, willing to click and report back?
Quote by Hollywood3
EwwChef, neither can I
Do we have a brave soul, willing to click and report back?

It was terrible chef, and Holly,
don't do it.
Quote by scooter
Quote by Hollywood3
EwwChef, neither can I
Do we have a brave soul, willing to click and report back?

It was terrible chef, and Holly,
don't do it.

You're my hero
The Japanese don't have room for cows... ... and if they did the meat would already be microwaved.

Sorry I just couldn't pass that up
Some things you just can't Un-see. So I think you're a brave man Scootie-scoot!
Jesus J. could you have sized down them heifers a bit?
Haha, that's amazing!
This is why I love japanese people, they're so out of the box.
And by the way, wanting to price it the same as ordinary meat, means expensive when it's from Japan. They sure know how to put prices on meat.

I'm pondering if it's to be considered vegetarian or not... I'd say it's an in betweener.
Most of Japan's meat comes from Australia and the US. It costs a lot to ship cattle, live or sliced and diced over that distance.

Nobody in their right mind would eat that sh*t would they? Ewww
If nothing else, this thread has made for some good, clean, tasteful fun.
When catnip suggested that this new delicacy might be an in betweener,
It put me in mind of all those congressman Wiener jokes on that other thread.

Thanks Mr. Plow
Quote by nicola
Most of Japan's meat comes from Australia and the US.

I hear they take your best pieces too! Leaving the second best for you Aussies.Hx0K6PVHTqdKVFnA
I wouldn't eat shit. Then again, some people's cooking tastes like it was made out of shit.

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I don't really understand the logic of it, other than as a novelty item.

The article talks about the reasons for excrement-meat being due to environment concerns and cruelty to animals involved in the meat industry.


We've already had synthetic meat-alternatives available for ages... veggie-burgers, tofu-dogs, and whatever else they use for faux-bologna etc.

The reason the meat industry still exists despite all these alternative products is because people still want to eat real meat.

I highly doubt someone who is concerned with environmental/animal issues will bypass the tofu aisle in favour of the shit-kebabs...
Quote by Dancing_Doll
I highly doubt someone who is concerned with environmental/animal issues will bypass the tofu aisle in favour of the shit-kebabs...

Quote by Dancing_Doll
I highly doubt someone who is concerned with environmental/animal issues will bypass the tofu aisle in favour of the shit-kebabs...

I would; Give me a shit burger over tofu any day of the week
Quote by chefkathleen
Jesus J. could you have sized down them heifers a bit?

I shrunk the 3 to 8 is that ok now I know you and nic do appreciate it
It couldn't be any worse than chicken hotdogs or turkey bologna.
"Happiness is doing it rotten your own way."Isaac Asimov (1994)
Quote by standingbear
It couldn't be any worse than chicken hotdogs or turkey bologna.

Ack! Or turkey bacon! Man, that's bad!
I think the idea isn't all that bad. After all, it's only the protein from the sewage. Maybe it tastes like shit, but if we're coming up on a global food shortage, this sort of out of the box thinking is what's required if we're gonna get through it without a bushloads of wars over minor resources.

Next challenge; make meat out of all the that you find around online. Show me what you can do, Japan!
Eat shit and get a fatal liver disease.
