I'm an older, well experianced, Carpenter, with 3 Boys all in their late 20's. If I haven't thought of it, sex wise ,they have. Or their mother! I've met more sexie ass girls having them boys ,than one could meet at the bars.
Interests If It has to do with nature, I'm all in. Things like; fucking in hay mows, or by the stream, pond, lake, resevoir, ocean, beach, or even a small creak. Fuk, a puddle works for me! I was born on Lake Erie, while Mom and Dad were out fishing back in 1960. My friends say, With a last name like Ott, you swim like an Otter. Some times I feel like an Otter out of water tho
Favorite Books Klondike Mike is my favorite book, with High Society comming in a close second. Pent house, Playboy, and the bible, all in there too
Favorite Movies Shawshank redemption, One Flew Over the Coo-coo's Nest, The Outlaw Josie Whales, Pelican Brief, First Blood, And Yosemity Sam, along with Debbie Does Dallas!
Favorite Music Johnny Cash Was My first hero, Cat Stevens, Jethro Tull, Ekustic Hooka, Greatful Dead, Carlos Santana, Jimmy Hendrics, Tree 63, John Sabastion Bach, And My own drumms.