Hi Folks
Just announcing some new features with the latest release of Lush. As always, any problems let me know.
Advanced Search
- Filter by category
- Exact phrase search
- Sort results by average score, # votes
Deactivate your Account
Deactivate your account, rather than delete it (which is final). Renders your profile page invisible, but everything remains intact.
You will need to activate your account again before you can use it.
Attach Images to Private Messages
Upload and attach images to private messages.
You can now upload (or drag and drop in modern browsers) one or images into a private message.
Friends Requests
- A friends request can now have an optional message attached to it.
- Split out private messages and friend requests into separate views, with unread counts for each on the tab menu.
- Added an All Stories link on your profile page so that you can view the statistics for all your stories in one place.
- Fixed a bug on the authors page where the average score was shown, even if the author chose not to allow votes on their stories.
- Added a privacy setting to only allow private messages from friends.
Good work Gav.
For the story searches, I'd prefer all the boxes unchecked at the start when using the advanced search. You're normally after something specific if you are selecting particular categories.
Or is everyone happy this way around?
Great work, thanks Gav. I'm liking the new inbox feature.
I have one tiny suggestion, it was not on the list you showed me and I totally forgot until now. Would it be possible to have the option to open the little black box on the friend you want to message from the drop down menu that comes up when you hover over a friends name? As it is now, they have to poke you to open the black box or you have to go to their profile. Just a suggestion. Everything looks fantastic (as usual).
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
I keep going to send a message, and accidently clicking on the upload file button.
Can you make them the other way round please, so the send message has the emphasis, and the upload file is the normal chromey button!
The attach files to messages is a great addition. Its pretty much email now without the need to pop in a URL which means adding your files to a host, or here. Great work guys, Awesome stuff.
I especially like the option to add a message to a friend request (I've already started looking more favourably on people who take the trouble to add a little note), and the split between friend requests and other private messages.
I found the split in our inbox quite practical! Well Done Gav.
I have two other suggestions if I may:
Whenever I receive a pm from the site that an author I am following submited a new story I will leave it my inbox as a reminder to read later. However, as time goes by and other pms come in, I have to search the link for the stories in my inbox... If there was a tab (just like the friend request tab) for new stories it would be easier to keep track of my "to-do" list.
It would also be great to have a "reading list" of stories you save to read later, sometimes I see a story I would love to read but dont have the time, and later don´t rember wich one it was or where I saw it.
Due to overwhelming demand, I've added a send online message option to the popup menu on your friends list. There’s no need now to have to visit their profile page to send a message.
I've also had reports about mail going missing. The unread count in the header is made up of private messages and friend requests. When people were clicking through they didnt see the bubbles above the tabs showing the breakdown of unread. Hopefully now its a bit more obvious now!
@1curiouscat Good idea. Maybe we need a notification’s tab, for all the system generated messages you receive.
I would like to publicly thank you gav in addition to my msg I sent. The addition of the PM in the drop down will make everyone happy, thanks again. All the other changes are great. I know it's tough with tens of thousands of people wanting this and that, we appreciate everything you guys do.
thank gav great stuff. now just one request. could you put cross dressers in a drop down under orientation
Would it be horrible to move the attach file area above the text box?
I can certainly try and move it above the text area. Nic asked me to remove the red button, it took the focus away from the send button.
Quick observation. When logging in now I can no longer hit "enter" on my keyboard after typing my login and password. I have to mouse over to "login" instead. Not a big deal, but worthy of note.
When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates Sorry, I noticed the same thing too with my dev version. I will get it fixed for the next publish, either today or tomorrow.