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Over 90 days ago
Male, 81
United States


Active Ink Slinger
Well, now! I'll be more than happy to make a donation to the "LushStories Survival Habitat"! A place for all of you wonderful Lushies to continue our lifestyle(s) while the rest of the world struggles. Of course, there may need to be many to support all the genre's here....
Active Ink Slinger
My deepest and sincerest sympathies for your loss, LushPrincess,

You are in my thoughts and prayers...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by fritzies
well, i hope you did like that and i swear there is more of that only for you. kisses your neck so what's for breakfast?

Something very special, called a "Shepard's Special"

A glass of milk and a piece of you!

Active Ink Slinger
Mine is up and running fine! I've recently added many songs.. The have good stuff on that site, but I would love to be able to add my own personal selections that aren't on their lists, or at least I can't find them...

Any way to add our own???
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Ling-Li
I appreciate everyone's input, truly!

((((QUOTES, IN PART!!))))

The next evening he came to me and told me he decided that he wanted to give it another try. He also said that he wasn't going to be calling the chat lines and he already deleted his profile from the dating website.


See? I told you he'd come begging....

You've done good, girl! But, I'll bet he's deleted nothing!
Active Ink Slinger
I'm with Rocco! I never expect nor ask for any type of sex from a girl... If she gives me some, then I'm the fortunate receiver and will reciprocate in kind and even more for her satisfaction, that's my ultimate goal... HER! SATISFACTION... AT ALL TIMES!!
Active Ink Slinger
Get well very soon, Web Monkey! All of your Lushie friends miss you...
Active Ink Slinger
Gee, you're almost as good as your (sister/mom/brother/dad)(pick as appropriate).

Wow! And I could have had a V8!
Active Ink Slinger
Hmmmmmm... I don't know what you're looking at, Rocco.... I've just looked from first to forth page and can't find her story...

The only one on page one is "Virtuous Vices", there is no "Virtuous Vices 2" showing.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by HoneyBee000
Quote by Zarathustra
Quote by iceman
Just as long as there isn't some other man around to bust up the fun, no problem. You men out there would be surprised at the number of single, pregnant, and very horny women there are out there... just waiting... and almost begging... to be fucked. I love getting together with a neglected and horny pregnant woman! When they are far enough along in the pregnancy to where penetration should be prevented, I'll just resort to lots of licking and nibbling... anything to give them a very nice cum (that's the most important thing, giving them a nice cum)!

Where, o man of ice, are these pregnant maids in dire need of coitus?

These ladies are with their caring men that want to be made love to rather than having a good fucking

These ladies aren't always with their caring men. Just walk around any shopping mall or large grocery store. You will see many pregnant women. Whether they are "attached" to a significant other or not is something you'll have to find out from them. It varies as to the best time to look around. But the ladies are out there.
Good luck and have fun!
Active Ink Slinger

"I'm a girl, I've got PMS and a gun! Just try fucking with me!!
Active Ink Slinger
I love that little article and what followed. I've dated well endowed women before and have notices various "little bulges" in their bra's.... but being the "ahem..... Gentleman" I am.... I'm afraid to ask what they have in there!

P.S. And, I have never, ever.... been falsely accused of being a "Gentleman"!
Active Ink Slinger
WOW! OUCH!! You know what they say, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!" These are some women who not only got even, but are many many steps ahead! I love it!!
Active Ink Slinger
Occassionaly, I send out group mailings to all on my friends list. Since I have slightly over 200, I'm soon at my maximum. Now, I realize that they are each counted as an individual mail and it does take up lots of server time in the distribution. But, why can't a group mailing to all on your friends list count as one only?? You do, after all, have that little box on the PM's to send to all friends! Many times I want to send to individuals and found I can't until the next day.... It does get rather frustrating!!
Active Ink Slinger
Welcome back to lovely Lush, Sweet Savanna! You've been missed by all
your friends. You go running off again and it will be a for you!!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Jillicious
So his wife was unsatisfied with him and she cheated on him? At least thats what I got out of it.
His wife would have most likely cheated on him anyways. Especially if he treats her like that.

His wife is most likely a member in good standing right her on Lush Stories.... And, that is "HER" other dirty little secret!
Active Ink Slinger
Here's another question for you, Gav...

Is there any way that your list of Friends currently on line can be added to your home page, along with the drop-down? Maybe listed across the top? And, possibly come and go as your friends arrive and depart??? There would still be the capability to hit the "friends" button at the top.
Active Ink Slinger
Just wondering... is there any way a person can add their own music to their playlist without resorting to the web site? I have several cd's that I'd love to make selections from and post on my list.

Whatever you're doing,,,,, just keep it up! I LOVE THIS PLACE!!
Active Ink Slinger
Hey Gav! Would it be possible to add that "little black box" to the drop-down on the "Friends" list? That way people wouldn't have to go to a person's profile to start a little conversation.
Active Ink Slinger
Just as long as there isn't some other man around to bust up the fun, no problem. You men out there would be surprised at the number of single, pregnant, and very horny women there are out there... just waiting... and almost begging... to be fucked. I love getting together with a neglected and horny pregnant woman! When they are far enough along in the pregnancy to where penetration should be prevented, I'll just resort to lots of licking and nibbling... anything to give them a very nice cum (that's the most important thing, giving them a nice cum)!
Active Ink Slinger
Yeah, it's me again, in the "Ask the Gals" section.

I love to cook. I was raised by mostly women and love it. I was taught to cook at a young age and could do a full meal by the time I was 12. While I don't prepare meals as much as I'd like, living in a small studio apartment, I am invited over to friends quite often. I'll get a call, "hey, why don't you come over and whip something nice up for dinner?" It's usually from one of their wives. I just go thru all of their cabinets, refrigerator and freezer to see what's available first. If they don't have much, I'll pick up something. I do use cook books for suggestions, but add my own personal touch to dishes.

My last dinner was a fresh salmon dinner. I picked up some fresh salmon and baked it on cedar planks, with thyme and lemon slices. There was also new potatoes, steamed with rosemary and wine, alone with fresh green beans with garlic and butter. For desert I did an apple crisp with a bourbon/butter sauce. His wife ran out and came back with some nice white wine to go with it all.
Active Ink Slinger
Being a man, I have to agree with all of the women. This guy just wants permission to go out and fuck other women. You can, of course just say "ok" and leave it at that...

OR! You can say "OK!" and as soon as he leaves for work or to go out... pack his shit up, put it all outside, and
change the locks on the doors. Just make a sign for all to see:

"And good riddance! Don't bother knocking or calling, I'm busy getting laid!"

Just remember, guys that "take a break" will always, always, always.... come back begging that "you're the one and only for me."
Active Ink Slinger
I too, have that "drool" problem and have discussed it with my doctor.
There are many causes, like age, physical fitness, medications, food,
internal physical problems. He even gave me a prostrate exam, which
turned out fine... no enlarged prostrate. As for increasing the amount
of semen, forget that... it can't be done. Talk to your doctor, and get
a referral to a urologist if necessary. The food you eat does affect how
your ejaculate tastes. Stay away from coffee, tea, sodas... anything with
caffine. Also, read meats. Eating lots of sweet fruits will change you from
bitter/salty to sweet/salty...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by chefkathleen
Good lord! Being a card carrying chocoholic the list could be huge!

Here's one. Homemade chocolate chip cookies right out of the oven and a big cold glass of milk to wash them down.

I'm in love with you, Chef!! When I was growing, my favorite was a homemade banana cake with tons of chocolate frosting, and a cold glass of milk. My mother even made that for me when I came home on leave while I was in the Navy... I'd eat about 1/4 to 1/3 at one sitting and a half gallon of milk! I could probably still go for that any time...

Start baking, Chef!
Active Ink Slinger
Thank you for the heads up, Nicola... I haven't personally run into this yet,
but I'll certainly be on the lookout and inform you of any I do find.

Keep up the excellent work on this wonderful site. I won't leave here for
all the tea in China!
Active Ink Slinger
I've used the chat window with many people and like it. We usually use that itsy bitsy one from the profile to set it up first, that way both are ready.

Speaking of that itsy-bitsy window on the profile, any way to get that added to the "Friends List" pulldown, so you don't have to go to the profile to use it?

You could name them "Mini-Chat" and "Maxi-Chat".... hehehe