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Bi-curious Male, 51
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Car Salesmen - Part 2

Edward takes Dan's wife on an unusual date and then she takes him home.

A sour feeling was lodged in his gut before Dan opened his eyes. The only positive thought he could conjure was that it was Friday. The last working day of the week would bring in a much needed break. The unrealistic sales target haunted him every morning and his wife sensed the change. The hopes of a great evening meal were crushed with a reminder that Kate was going out for dinner that night. The only saving grace was t...

Car Salesmen - Part 1

The young boss cannot resist the sexy wife of an employee.

Sunlight warmed her back and legs as Kate prepared lunches for herself and her husband, Dan. It was a glorious day and the patio doors allowed her to soak in the rays through her skirt suit. Kate worked in real estate and had a good feeling about a repeat viewing that day. Her ten thirty appointment was a previous customer. Mr. Billings owned several properties which he rented out. The large house with considerable acreag...

Mr. Mighty

A local intrepid superhero is tested in ways he never imagined.

"Why, oh why, can't I fly like Superman?" Eric Mighty asked the mirror in his modest bathroom. For a man of superhuman strength he did not feel very super. He could do so much more if only he could fly. The Auda City Police Department had issued him a special phone that had a signal almost anywhere, far better than a standard civilian model. What help could he provide when he had to deal with the same traffic as everyone...

A Fundraising Barbecue

I use my tits to raise more for charity.

Do not be deceived by appearances. I am a fairly normal, petite brunette. In most situations I am shy and reserved. You will not see me drawing the attention of crowds to feed my ego. Quiet conversation and close friends are my comfort blankets. There are times this part of me disappears and I almost forget who I am. Blame my husband for that. The only way I can describe it is that I have a foreign life within me. Two, ac...

Ally and Her Protective Mother

A slightly ridiculous, but hopefully fun continuation of Ally and her insatiable desires.

My heart was nearly back to normal. It had been racing, not just from the excitement of fucking Ally. The risk was beyond anything I had ever done before. We did it in the presence of her mother and Janice, my girlfriend. Janice and I have sex with other people, but we do not keep it secret from each other. This time I was because I had no idea how she would react to me having sex with her niece. Then there was Mary. I st...

Not Crossing The Line

Crossdressing brings me closer to a woman than I expected

When I was a kid I had a book called, ‘What Do People Do All Day?’ It made a start at teaching me about the variety of jobs that exist in the world. As an adult I feel it would be equally beneficial if there was a book as simple as that one which answered the question, ‘Why do people do the things they do?’ Part of the trouble is that I often do not even understand my own motivation, particularly for those things I feel u...

Ally, My Girlfriend's Niece Goes A Step Farther

Ally takes charge but the demands are enjoyable

After one of the wildest fucks of my life, I could not get Ally out of my mind. Her body felt so good and we both had a great time. She had introduced me to some new things and I was already hooked. From that point on, we kept making subtle eye contact with each other. Janice and I were serious, but we involved others in our sex life. With Ally being her niece, I did not expect Janice to approve of me choosing her as a pl...

Ally, My Girlfriend's Niece

Caught perving over a young woman, things take a turn for the better.

Adults always confused me when I was a kid. They always sat around talking and never did anything fun. When my parents said they had a fun evening with friends I could never work out which bit was supposed to be the fun part. Everything they did was dull to me. I still like to do more than just talk, but I sometimes struggle with the younger generation. Now that I am a bit older I feel a similar confusion the other way ar...

The Angel and The Whore

After watching his wife fuck another man, he can not hold back any longer.

We were still dating when I first called Jessica my angel. On our fifth anniversary, she declared that she wanted me to always call her Angel. Now that we have been married more than sixteen years, I only call her Jessica when doing official legal things like insurance papers. My hands were on her breasts. Each a little larger than could fit in my hands, her flesh bulged around my fingers. “May I suck one?” Angel leaned c...

Super Un-Hero

Just because someone has a special ability does not mean they want to be a hero.

It was not that Ed disliked people, he just never knew what to say to anyone. He was a social misfit. A nearly harmless one, but still mostly isolated. For a time he found his job mundane and mildly depressing. He could do extraordinary things, he just had no idea how to make an honest living with his gifts. Instead, he found a way to make his ordinary job exciting. Ed pushed the palette of fruit down to aisle two and spo...

One Day In 2335: Nina Watson, Newsreader

Nina herself becomes the top story.

“How much longer?” Little Jack rarely displayed patience. His sister, Lula, had some patience, just not for her little brother. “Mom is always on at the same time. If you can’t work it out you don’t need to know.” “Be nice to your brother, Lula.” I sat on the sofa and Jack climbed onto my lap. “Your mom will be on very soon.” Occasionally, I let the kids stay up late to see their mom on tv. She was a newsreader and it was...

One Day in 2335: Dexa, Morale Officer

Dexa fucks more guys before 6am than most whores do all day.

Growing up, I was lucky enough to live in a relatively peaceful region of the frontier. Not everyone had that luxury, and I have always been grateful to those who risked their lives to provide that peace. The Silicon Age had its head lodged so far up its rectum that no one was prepared for the social adjustments that were necessary when skin color no longer counted as a racial difference. There were endless wars on Earth,...

Sister-In-Law Meets The Neighbors (Getting To Know The Neighbors: Part 4)

I dare my neighbor to involve my sister-in-law in sexual activities and get more than I planned.

(This was published a couple years ago with an alternate ending. For those who read it before, only about a third of it is new.) The first few months in our new house had been a bit of a nightmare. My wife nearly qualified as having multiple personalities. To the general public she was a fairly normal woman. Then our neighbors got involved. Whenever Jeremy or Shelley were around, Debbie transformed into their bitch. In th...

The Show

Martha gets more than she expects in an amateur drama

Being on a stage had excited her for longer than she could remember. She knew this from stories her parents told anyone willing to listen to tales of their greatest achievement. After struggling for twelve years, they finally got pregnant and had Martha. Rarely did Martha put a step wrong in their eyes. The evidence of her stage interest lined the walls of their family room, from her first performance in preschool as a su...

Getting To Know The Neighbors: Part 5

My wife's point of view as she gets revenge for involving her sister.

Was this whole situation my fault? Our neighbor was unusually confident and I thought I could handle him. My husband was happy, no, encouraged me to have sex with other men. Besides, I only planned to have an occasional bit of fun to spice things up. Jeremy had a bigger dick than Mick, but that was not a problem because Mick is a good lover and I am very attached to the non-sexual things between us.Jeremy could fuck aroun...