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Car Salesmen - Part 1

"The young boss cannot resist the sexy wife of an employee."

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Sunlight warmed her back and legs as Kate prepared lunches for herself and her husband, Dan. It was a glorious day and the patio doors allowed her to soak in the rays through her skirt suit. Kate worked in real estate and had a good feeling about a repeat viewing that day.

Her ten thirty appointment was a previous customer. Mr. Billings owned several properties which he rented out. The large house with considerable acreage was a potential upgrade for his personal residence.

Being a successful single man, she knew he would view the property on this third visit on his own. Kate took the opportunity to dress for the occasion. Her grey suit was the shortest of her skirt suits. A silk white blouse with a black lace balcony bra showing through would gather some attention even buttoned up appropriately. Kate left two more than usual unfastened. Underneath she wore a garter belt and stockings but no panties. This was her power dress uniform; it gave her additional powers over mere men, turning them to putty in her hands. The stilettos were the final touch, which she compared to Batman’s utility belt. Mr. Billings had no chance.

Dan was so excited by her appearance that he wanted to have sex right then. “I need to be focused,” she scolded him, prying his hands from her hips. The distraction led to him leaving without his lunch. Kate would have to drop it by when she left. There was plenty of time.

There are always things that need to be done at the office, so Kate left early enough to stop in and get a few extra jobs done. Going via Dan’s work was a little out of the way, but she enjoyed how the guys all stared at her. A wonderful sight drew her attention when she arrived and it deserved immediate inspection. A silver Porsche convertible was parked near the entrance. Kate parked, grabbed Dan’s lunch and walked over for a closer look at the car.

Inside the showroom, Edward whistled absentmindedly. He had not seen a woman so hot looking at cars alone before. Only in his second month on the job, he hoped it would become a trend. Perhaps it was the Porsche Boxster which she was admiring that drew her in. It is in a different league from the norm for a Volkswagen dealer. That is why Edward was using it as his personal car temporarily, a perk of his dad owning the business. He leapt from his chair and confirmed that there were no customers in the showroom. “I'll have this one. Buying or not, she looks exactly like the woman I'm going out with on Friday.” He ignored the staff chuckles and stepped outside.

His eyes zeroed in on finely toned legs and a firm ass. “A car that turns heads is a perfect match for a woman who does the same.” As the platinum blonde turned around, his eyes lingered long enough to let her know he admired what he saw. A woman likes to know she is appreciated even if it should be obvious to her. “Are you considering such a car for yourself or just an admirer of fine craftsmanship and beauty as I am?” The subtle movement of one eyebrow told him she picked up his double entendre and was playing hard to get. All the more fun when he succeeds.

A hint of perfume set his imagination running. It heightened that base desire to mate. Edward imagined taking her from behind right there and reaching around to grab her tits while she leaned on the car for support. Bringing his thoughts back to reality he asked if she would like a test drive. “Oh, certainly,” she said enthusiastically, “but I don’t have time right now. I need to meet a client and just dropped by because Dan left his lunch on the counter.”

An unexpected blow. How did Dan get a woman like this? Edward recovered almost instantly. Walking together, he continued to discuss the Porsche with her into the showroom. He held the door in a gentlemanly manner and eyed her ass once she passed.

The guys in the office did not hide their amusement. Even Dan enjoyed seeing him strike out. At that point Edward realized he needed to prove himself. No matter that she was married, nor that her husband worked for him. Edward was going to have her, he just needed a plan.

Estimating when she was nearly finished talking to Dan, Edward went outside just far enough ahead of her to appear it to be chance. As soon as she came out, the clicking of heels brought his attention back to her. He asked again if a test drive could entice her and sweetened the offer. “I can pick you up from work if that helps.”

“Wow. I had no idea you did that.” She sounded duly impressed.

“We don’t normally. With a car like this, I find excuses to drive.” In no time at all, he exchanged business cards and got all of Kate’s contact details. He said, “Give me a call on my cell and we’ll arrange it.”

Edward put all of Kate’s details in his contacts. He looked up Dan’s information in the personnel files to get her home address as well. He liked knowing more about the women he dated than they knew about him. Being newly appointed as her husband’s supervisor meant he had some catching up to do. No doubt, Dan has told her a few things after the owner’s son became his boss.

The website on Kate’s business card gave a professional and successful impression for a small realtor. Her name was prominently displayed, along with a photograph of her in front of a downtown office. He checked out their home using Google’s street view. The house was much nicer than he expected for a car salesman. Kate probably earned more than her husband. Edward liked that. Hot women are great, but hot, successful women are another class entirely.

The call came in shortly before noon. “Hello, Kate,” he answered wishing Dan was close enough to hear that his wife called him directly.

“I need to celebrate. Are you still able to go for a drive?” Excitement was contagious and Edward agreed to leave immediately.

Ten minutes later the Boxster pulled up in front of her office. Kate walked out before he could turn off the engine. Edward could not resist staring at her legs as she got into the passenger seat. The visible lace at the top of her stockings teased him even more. “You have great legs, Kate.”

A beaming smile accompanied a polite, “Thanks.” Not a hint of embarrassment. It was perfect.

As Edward pulled out he asked, “What are we celebrating?” Kate had a sold a large property and her fees would be considerably better than the average deal. All she wanted was to drive in style and fast. Kate asked him to get on the highway so she could let her hair blow in the wind.

Traffic was not heavy, but there was enough that speeding could only be in short bursts and then they were behind someone again. “Any chance I can drive?” Kate asked.

“That depends,” he said. “Are you good with a stick?”

“I know how to handle a stick.”

Edward was certain that answer was accompanied by a dirty grin. This woman just keeps getting better. Kate took off her seatbelt, placed her hands on the back of the seat and partly stood up. Blonde hair flew out behind her like a flag whipping in the wind. Down in the car he noticed the contour of her legs and had to make a move. “That’s great muscle tone,” he said as he reached out to touch her thigh. Kate glanced down, but remained where she was and thanked him again.

They came up behind two trucks, one slowly passing the other. Kate dropped back into her seat. Her hair was a tangled mess. It reminded Edward of sex hair only messier. He kept his hand on her leg when she sat down and Kate did nothing to stop it. Instead, she carefully avoided putting her own hand in his way. He read the signs and took another step. He took her hand in his. Kate turned to face him and he glanced briefly at her before looking back at the road. He pulled her hand into his lap and put it palm down on his cock. “Why don’t you show me how good you are with a stick.”

For a tense moment Edward thought he went too far. Once she moved he knew it was the right decision. The grip on his cock was not one of a woman offended. Kate held his cock through his pants and gently coaxed the blood to flow. An erection soon strained to rise. It was obvious to Edward that she was interested. He asked, “Are you a good cocksucker, Kate?”

“Yeah, right.” It introduction of sarcasm was noted.

Edward was not in the mood for games. “We both know you want to suck my dick. Don’t deny it.”

He had not seen Kate look serious before and could not be sure it was authentic. Wheels were turning in her pretty blonde head. The stereotypical degrading remarks for blondes came to mind but Edward kept them to himself. Red lips pouted an objection, but her green eyes swelled with hunger. If she saw his cock Kate would be unable to resist. Once they were ahead of the trucks Edward unzipped and pulled out his dick while Kate watched in astonishment. “What?” he asked, baffled by her refusal to comply.

“Get this thing up to ninety and I’ll think about it.”

See? The girl wants it. The speedometer indicated sixty-seven. Edward nudged it gently up to sixty-nine for his own amusement. He reached across and slipped his fingers into her hair behind her head. “Suck my dick, slut.” He pulled her head down. The bitch resisted, but licking her lips at the same time conveyed more than consent. She impaired his view by not going down in his lap, choosing to play hard to get. Briefly letting go of the wheel, he pushed Kate down with both hands. He felt the heat of her breath as her mouth engulfed his cock before her lips closed around it. Edward pushed her even lower, bracing his elbow behind her neck to keep her down.

Edward eased off the gas. This was time to cruise not race. The woman beside him might employ the hard to get routine but in truth she was an expert tongue dancer. To encourage the efforts, Edward wanted to be complimentary and chose to highlight the obvious cocksucking prowess. “It’s like you were born to suck cock, Kate. Anytime you feel the urge just give me a ring.” Of course, Kate did not reply. She had a mouthful to keep her occupied. He pushed her down a bit harder until he heard her gag and then roughly hauled her back up in the passenger seat.

Professional, elegantly dressed women look so cute after a rough oral workout. Watery eyes and a little drool down the chin satisfies his need to put them in their place. Her makeup was a good enough quality to not leave streaks. That was disappointing. Perhaps continued similar treatment would do the trick.

They left the highway at an exit with nothing around but a small gas station. Turning onto the poorly maintained side road Edward searched for a secluded spot. At midday that could prove to be a challenge, but he knew where there was a derelict barn. It was the best he would find for an isolated destination.

As he turned off the road, Edward was glad to see rough concrete paving instead of a mud path.

Kate mockingly asked, “What’s this, where teenagers go to park?”

The dig was cheap. He returned in kind, “Not just teenagers, any easy lay.”

“At least I know what you think of me now.”

That struck a chord and it pleased Edward. “It is not what I think that matters. It is how much you like the way I think that turns you on.” He knew other women like Kate.

He wanted her to bite and she did. “You are really impressed with yourself, aren’t you? You might be able to shove my face in your lap but I can be a lot more feisty when I’m not confined.”

“I like feisty. Enjoy yourself.” Edward put his hand back on her thigh.

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“Do you really think it is wise to mess with one of your employee’s wives?”

“No, not at all. But you look absolutely fuckable.” She pulled her legs away slightly. He gripped a little more firmly, not hard. “Spread your legs,” his tone was flat, impersonal.

“Fuck you.” Kate was not truly angry and the words came out as a whimsical cast off.

“Very happily, thank you very much.” Resisting a smile proved difficult. With his dick still poking through his zipper he gave it a shake for her to see.

“Very mature. Did you graduate recently or are you still in high school?” Kate got out of the car quicker than Edward thought possible. He cut the engine and jumped out to follow. She was heading off towards the road as if there was somewhere she could go on foot. Watching her walk on uneven concrete amused him. Particularly enjoyable was the way she nearly fell but moved her foot fast enough to regain her balance with a few tiny steps. Dexterity in heels when stumbling is much sexier than a graceful walk.

“Once you get to the highway, I expect you could hitch a ride within a couple minutes. But if you stay here at least you know who is going to fuck you.”

Kate stopped. She had made it to the road, not one with any traffic, but a smoother surface. Standing still, keeping her back to Edward, she seemed uncertain what to do next. He approached confidently, nearly touching her as he stood at her right side. A deep breath and a sigh blew some of her hair away from her ear. Again, the subtle scent of perfume awakened a deeper desire to have her. “What am I going to do with you?”

When Kate remained still and silent, Edward interpreted it as waiting for him to assert himself. Sluts like a man to take charge of them. She did nothing when he slapped her ass and slipped a finger between her cheeks. She was as eager as Edward. He skipped her tits for the moment and put his other hand right on her crotch. A deep sigh caused Kate’s shoulders to droop. Her head turned slowly to look into Edward’s eyes. Finally, she moved her arms.

He expected more resistance. What Kate actually did was pull her skirt up and out of the way. Stockings were all she had underneath. No real underwear. “You really are gagging for it, aren’t you?” He reached for his dick and stepped behind her. Kate turned with him. “What are you doing now? I thought you wanted it.”

“Finger me first?” All sense of propriety faded. Before him appeared to be a longing hunger that Edward was happy to oblige. Still standing in the road, Kate spread her feet and bent her knees to give him plenty of room.

The woman was wet before he touched her. There was no trouble stuffing three fingers in the slut and he leaned down to give her those fingers as vigorously as possible.

“Oh, yeah,” Kate grunted. There was a depth in her voice that sounded husky. Everything about her was contradicting the appearance she presented. Edward had to squat with her because she kept getting lower herself. She let out an extended moan while clinging to his shoulder with both arms. Between heavy pants she asked, “Would you fuck me on the car?”

Edward sent her back to the car with a spank and watched her wobbly walk with a lustful eye as he followed. Being a small woman, Kate was easily lifted onto the car. Her legs could not reach the ground. Instinctively, she brought up her knees. Taking advantage of this, Edward pushed her feet up and held them both over his right shoulder. Holding her thighs with his right arm, he guided his dick with his left hand as he stepped forward.

Edward slapped his pelvis against the slut, burying himself in her cunt. As soon as he laid a hand on her chest Kate worked to release every button. A front clasp on her bra could not have been more welcome. Perfect rosy nipples on breasts just larger than a handful warranted a moment’s admiration. Not too much though, they each deserved a genuine attempt at milking even though it was obvious they were not in a state to provide. He gripped them with widespread fingers to feel the flesh warp in his grasp and then used them to pull for greater thrust into her pussy.

Like a good rag doll, Kate relented to his desire however he chose to position her. She let him push her knees up and apart. Her view was a nearly perfect blue sky, blemished only by her shins and feet oscillating in symmetrical ellipses as her body shunted repeatedly against the hard metal beneath.

There was room for Edward to lean closer, which he did in order to suck each of her tits. Releasing her legs, Kate had to do something to avoid hurting herself if they dropped down towards the ground. The least required effort was to wrap them around Edward. She did the same with her arms around his neck. As he stood up, she held on. He picked her up with his hands under her butt and fucked her much more slowly standing up.

The way Kate moaned and the blissful expression on her face did not please Edward as much as it might another man. Things had become what she wanted. He did not like the idea that she had manipulated this position. He was in charge, after all.

The slut needed to be reminded who was in charge. Edward lifted her off his dick and lowered her until she put her feet back on the ground. There was no need to say what he wanted, Edward just turned her shoulders and pushed her toward the passenger door. Instead of letting her open it, he pushed her up against the car and bent her over the door. Wrapped in a skirt completely above her butt with a garter showing made her look cheap. The contrast from her initial appearance delighted him. Lining himself up behind her, he poked the head in easily.

Once more, the blonde locks got a harsh tugging. He pulled her head back so far he could see her eyes. When she looked up at him he told her, “Sloppy cunts are so much fun to fuck.” The comment was intentionally vague so she could take it as a reference to her pussy or the personal jab he had in his mind.

The cunt took what she was given. Obviously, it was not too much for her. Increasing the intensity was a natural step. The car door made a great brace which Edward used to full effect. His left foot was placed slightly behind to provide additional leverage from the ground. His arms bulged as his leg straightened combining to slam more than his bodyweight into Kate’s ass.

“Oh!” The high pitch note of surprise was music to Edward’s ears. Heeled shoes were useless for grip and when Edward released his fistful of hair Kate tipped forward into the seat. Her legs floated between Edward’s but her pussy was still accessible. He continued to fuck her hard but the change in Kate’s position meant he needed to thrust down a little and lost the benefit of leg power.

As with most small women Kate had very little upper body strength. Every time she tried to get back up Edward knocked her down with a pelvic slam. Hearing the grunts were as much a part of this experience as putting his dick in her pussy.

Watching Kate struggle turned him on so much that Edward kept doing it. He avoided taunts because he suspected she ought to be able to get up with enough motivation. Just fucking her senseless was enough to bring him over the edge. The build up lasted longer than usual. He expected to cum and it held off several thrusts before he fired.

Edward leaned forward and lifted his feet, letting his weight rest on Kate. He wanted his cum to go as deep inside Kate as possible. Seven spurts shot into her and the release felt incredible. He remained balancing on top of her until his balls were drained.

The best part was going to be telling the guys what he did to Dan’s wife. After lifting Kate up by her hair and pushing her to her knees again he put his dick in her mouth to clean him up. He started planning how he would relate the story while she performed this final service.

On the drive back to Kate’s office she was overly chatty, almost as if nothing had happened. “I heard you are taking me out on Friday.”

The woman was presumptuous. “No need now. I already fucked you.”

“Oh, I see. So it was not good enough for a repeat?”

“Repeating leads to women expecting more than they deserve.”

Kate laughed genuinely. “Seriously? You think I will start needing you?” Edward did not appreciate the implication that he was not a thoroughly memorable partner. “I am married and not leaving my husband. However, if you care to take me out for a nice meal,” she let her voice trail off.

He was not amused. “If I want another shot at you I doubt it will be very challenging. I mean, you’re great to look at and good company, but face it. You’re a slut, Kate. If anyone offers you dick, more than likely you will take it.”

A dubious look formed on her face. “You give yourself too much credit. Do you think that being my husband’s boss had nothing to do with this? All of this was the taster to let you sample the goods. I planned this, not you.”

Kate was starting to piss him off. They did what he wanted when he wanted and he did not care that she did not have an orgasm. She could earn that if she wanted one from him. He would be content to think of her as a sex toy until then. “Why the hell should I take you out on a date like I need to earn my way into your pants. Like you even need to take anything off to fuck.” The last snide comment was intended to sting.

Kate gave him the biggest grin yet. “Because, my dear Ed,” she began. Nobody calls him Ed. Ever. “After you take me on a nice date I will take you home where you can fuck me as long as you want.”

“Don’t call me Ed.” He arched an eyebrow, waiting for acknowledgment from Kate.

She shook her head and tutted, “You’re missing the point, Ed. Take me home. Fuck me. Get it?” She waited. Eventually, she nearly shouted, “In front of my husband!”

“Then stop calling me Ed,” he took one hand off the steering wheel and slapped her chest, giving one breast a tight, unfriendly grip.

“Ow!” Hearing her suffer for calling him Ed was gratifying. He let go. The bitch had more to say though. “I want you angry at me, which is why I will keep calling you Ed for now.”

The woman was crazy and he told her so. Then she said she had some rules for him. Just the thought of her dictating his behavior made him want to smack her again. As she explained what she wanted it began to make sense. She wanted him not to say anything about what they had done, but only until after their date when he could say what he liked. The goal was to surprise Dan when Edward arrives for their date. Dan was not to know anything before that moment.

“If it’s not obvious, I have a thing for humiliation. That’s why I want you angry. But I hope you will wait to take it out on me in front of my husband. That way I can share the humiliation with him.” Kate continued to explain her ideas not as demands but perks that, luckily for her, appealed to Edward.

With mixed feelings, Edward watched Kate walk into her office. He considered the things she had said on the way back to work. Tolerating being called Ed was easier to stomach when he imagined her on her knees choking on his dick once for each time she called him that. The scene was even more satisfying with Dan in the picture observing. Her suggestions were good, too. He could give Dan an unrealistic sales target and do things to irritate him, literally for the fuck of it. The fact that Kate specifically asked him to give her husband things to complain about was most intriguing. She claimed it would make it more fun to let Edward fuck her in front of him.

Upon his return, two of the sales team were dealing with customers. Dan was one of them. Edward went to his desk and decided not to share his adventure with anyone. Not yet, at least.

Written by Spooge
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