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"Martha gets more than she expects in an amateur drama"

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Being on a stage had excited her for longer than she could remember. She knew this from stories her parents told anyone willing to listen to tales of their greatest achievement. After struggling for twelve years, they finally got pregnant and had Martha. Rarely did Martha put a step wrong in their eyes. The evidence of her stage interest lined the walls of their family room, from her first performance in preschool as a sunflower to her senior year in high school playing Sandy in Grease.

Martha was level headed and sensible, earning a degree in business while keeping the stage as a place to get away from everything else. She married Carl and, like her parents, had one child. Emily was her pride and joy. Martha put her career on hold until Emily started school, then quickly resumed her career by managing a small clothing store. When Emily was old enough to look after herself, Martha got slowly back into drama. Now that Emily was in her first year at university, even if it was the local one which allowed her to take advantage of the washing machine and homemade meals, Martha found plenty of time to perform.

Local amateur dramatics had been a frequent, but irregular interest for Martha. Many of the performances were not widely attended, but occasionally they were able to make use of the Hamilton Theater. It was over a hundred years old and had nearly been taken down twice before it was refurbished and reopened as a dinner theater.

The owner was interested in promoting amateur dramatics and occasionally booked professional shows to run from Thursdays through the weekend and allowed amateur productions to use the theater from Monday to Wednesday. They did not serve dinner for the amateur nights, but made a fair amount from the bar as well as ticket sales.

It was one of these amateur shows that made a lasting impact on Martha. It was a risque comedy about a man named Patrick living a double life with two families in the same city. On top of having two wives, Patrick has an affair with Janice. Martha was offered the role of Janice because she was the best “looker” in the cast. This reasoning boosted Martha’s ego considerably.

Dan was a drama student at the same local university where Emily was studying history. He was given the part of Patrick. He was friendly and gorgeous. While discussing with Dan the proximity that would be required for their sex scene, Martha was overcome by a hot flush and turned scarlet right in front of him.

Breaking the news to her husband made Martha nervous. Emphasizing the word simulate in her explanation, she made it clear that there was no actual sex. There was not even to be a real kiss. Carl pretended to be jealous for a while but it was obvious that he was not worried. He gave her a hug, lifting Martha off her feet and swinging her around before kissing her and putting her back down and telling her to make sure her performance was believable.

With her husband’s unwavering support, Martha pushed herself to do the best she could in the role. At rehearsals, she was willing to try whatever the director asked her to do. In her bedroom scene, Janice and Patrick get into bed under the covers. The head of the bed faces stage left. Patrick lies behind her, spooning, for most of the dialogue before he moves on top of her. The first time the director asked her to spread her legs so Dan could get between them Martha could hardly believe her ears. A dozen people watched as Dan pretended to thrust into her, but that was nowhere near as embarrassing as following the director’s instructions to pretend to enjoy it with pleasurable moans. Why should anyone besides Carl know what she sounds like in bed? It was a bit late to consider such things and Carl had told her to make it believable so Martha did her best to pretend they were really fucking.

Opening night had the cast feeling understandably nervous. Only a quarter of the seats were full but that was expected for the amateur shows. There were still more than two hundred in attendance. The audience was enjoying it and laughing in all the right places. Martha had remembered all of her lines so far. The bed scene was coming up. Stepping out wearing a silk nighty was the boldest thing she could remember doing. The blue material hugged her middle and the white lace drew attention to her bust. Walking barefoot and uncovered to mid thigh earned Martha a couple whistles from the audience.

The whistles distracted her slightly, but Martha only had a slight pause before getting back on track with her line. Soon they were in bed. Martha faced the audience with her head on the small pillow, carefully following the director’s instructions. The small cushion was fairly firm and she placed her face just off the edge so none of her face would be obscured from the audience. Dan got in behind her and put his arm around her as usual. As he continued their dialogue introduced a new element. Hugging her close, she felt him press against her butt. He had never done it during rehearsals and now, on stage, with an audience, Martha nearly forgot her next line because her mind had focused on the hard cock nestled between her butt cheeks.

Quick mental adjustments allowed her to continue and get through the rest of the dialogue. Then she rolled back toward Dan and let him slip between her legs. It did not surprise her, but it was no less distracting when she felt his erection grinding against her pussy. It caused her to breathe deeply. Choosing to let it back out in an audible manner, Martha gave what sounded like a very peased moan. They continued for what felt like five minutes. In fact it was only forty five seconds as instructed by the director for them to carry on with a few minor lines to each other. At that time, the next background was rolled out, just in front of the bed, ending their scene. As soon as they were obscured from the audience, Martha rolled out of the bed and went to change into her next costume.

There was only one more scene for Martha. Shifting her weight from foot to foot, she waited impatiently for it to come so she could finish. What was she going to tell her husband? She kept telling herself to focus on the script and follow where they were on stage. It took recognition of her impending cue to call her mind back into focus. She went on at the right time and executed her lines smoothly.

After the show she waited for just the right moment to catch the director on his own. “Andrew, could I have a word about the bedroom scene?”

“Oh, it was great, Martha,” Andrew was beaming. He put his arm around her shoulder, “You were so good in fact, that I thought you were enjoying yourself out there. Whatever made the difference, keep it up. That goes for you too, Dan.” Martha had not seen Dan approach and after a comment like that from the director, Martha reconsidered her tattle tale plan and went back to the dressing room.

Andrew was not the only one who was impressed. The two women playing Patrick’s wives were discussing the scene when Martha walked in. They both insisted it was better than rehearsals. Martha decided to let it go. It was just a prank, really, and no harm was done. Plus, she was beginning to see that it improved the show.

She went home, made love to her husband and let go of her stress. All she told him about the bedroom scene was that everyone said it was believable. The next morning, she woke from a dream with Dan to discover she was very wet and aroused. There was no point denying that she felt an attraction there.

Everything was going to be fine. Martha told herself Dan just wanted to have fun with her, probably because she was an older woman nearly twice his age. Refusing to let the opening night get her stressed, Martha accepted it as lighthearted playfulness mixed with young lust. She felt more confident knowing a young man like Dan found her attractive. By the afternoon she was looking forward to the next performance.

Early in the show, Martha missed a line, skipping one of her own and one of Dan’s. They managed to salvage it subtly, but it was obvious to everyone in the cast. During the interval when everyone gathered in the dressing room for a drink, Cathy, wife number two, said, “What are we going to give Martha as a forfeit tomorrow night?” The conversation focused on her blunder.

“Bad Martha,” Dan chipped in and smacked her butt.

Before Martha could influence their suggestions they had decided unanimously that she had to do the entire show the next night with no underwear. Sensibly, she objected to the proposal and was informed that if she did not comply then the cast would have to come up with something on their own which Martha would not find out until it happened on stage.

The second half began and Martha put tomorrow’s show out of her mind. Focus on this show, she thought. The bedroom scene was up next.

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Off stage, she said to Dan, “Don’t rub your dick on my ass tonight.” He grinned and agreed.

Lying in the bed on stage, Dan slipped in behind her as usual. The usual arm over the bedding did not come. In the middle of one of Dan’s lines his hand briefly touched her butt on his way to find her pussy. Martha’s arms were both near her face, visible to the audience. She could not fight Dan under the covers without it looking wrong to the audience. Attempting to keep her poise, her voice cracked slightly yet she continued her line as if nothing was wrong. The audience could not know that Dan had pulled her panties aside and stuffed his fingers deep inside her. He had planned it all along. She could tell he had lubed himself.

By the time Martha rolled onto her back for their simulated intercourse, she could barely contain her excitement. Dan had made her wet and when he pressed his erection against her clit she let out a moan of delight. It was not acting. Martha could not help twisting her hips against Dan. She kept glaring up at him but her glare never lasted more than a second before pleasures caused involuntary facial muscles to flex with joy.

After the show, Martha walked up to Dan to have a few stern words. Dan spoke first, “God, you were good tonight,” as if he was thanking her for providing a service. She flushed instantly, a mix of embarrassment and anger. She walked on without saying a word.

The next evening, Carl expressed his excitement at coming to see the show. He and Emily would be in the audience that night. Shit, she thought of her forfeit and worried what Dan might try during the performance later on.

When she got to the theater, Martha had hoped they would all forget about the forfeit. The first words she heard from Dan’s mouth were, “Let’s see those panties, Martha.” Of course, he did it in front of others to ensure they all remembered.

In the interest of avoiding male perversion if anyone had a thing for worn panties, Cathy volunteered to “look after” them. Dan fixed his eyes on Martha as she pulled her panties down from beneath her knee length dress and handed them to Cathy. “Bra too,” Cathy waited until Martha removed her bra and handed it to her.

Everything went right in the first half. During the break the cast congratulated her on getting her lines right. Her main event was coming soon. Martha performed as expected so far, but her mind was always partly thinking about the bed and Dan and what he had planned. It was that time again and she was about to find out.

Lights made it difficult to see the audience, but Martha had spotted Carl and Emily in the second row. Lying on her side in the bed, she could barely make them out. She was looking at her daughter when Dan slipped her nighty up. Dan’s hand went to her pussy and her eyes shifted to her husband. She spoke her line as if saying it to Carl as lubed fingers thrust into her just like they had the previous night. This time it was easier for him with no panties in the way.

Similar to the previous night, Martha was highly aroused when it came time to lie on her back. Normally, Dan puts one leg over before the other, but this time moved both together. Martha looked down and saw his boxers around his knees and a stiff erection bobbing as he moved. His young firm body looked gorgeous and Martha wanted him. Dan always placed his arms at her sides to keep his weight off her. Instinctively, Martha reached down and grabbed his cock. It was rock hard in her hand. He was also lubed. He wanted her too. The young man wanted to fuck her and Martha decided to let him. She guided him in, not letting go until he was securely inside her.

They fucked gently, in front of her husband and daughter and hundreds more, most of whom they did not know. The only acting Martha did at that point was to make a little noise. Her breathing was natural sex breathing, she just chose not to keep it quiet.

The knew what was coming. It was obvious from the way Dan held the tops of her shoulders and tightened his grip. He slammed into her, forcing her breath out in a loud gasp. He repeated it, again and again. After a few thrusts, Martha heard herself and thought she sounded like a slut. She held her breath to stop it. Dan continued like a machine. Could they hear their bodies hitting? Four or five thrusts later, Martha moaned even louder than before. She was so relieved to see the scenery roll on and hide her from the audience. Dan had stopped moving but he was still inside her. She grabbed his hair with both hands and pulled him down. She kissed him passionately and thrust her tongue deep into his mouth. It was intense, but brief. She let him go. He smiled back and started to get up. The show must go on.

At the end of the show the cast was heading out to mingle with the audience as usual. Martha asked Cathy where she could find her underwear. “Oh, Dan asked if he could give them to you. I think he’s still in the dressing room.”

She went to the dressing room and found Dan waiting for her. “I know I can’t have you,” he walked right up to her and put his arm around her. He held her bra and panties in his other hand. “Would you allow me to keep these to remember our fun together?” He looked so cute and innocent the way he asked that Martha could not refuse. The smile on his face grew. “May I ask one more big favor?”

She was beginning to get impatient. “What is it, Dan?”

“I love your long blonde hair. Would you let me play with it a bit?” The request was almost childlike, catching Martha off guard. She gave her consent. He turned her around. It seemed he wanted to see her hair as well. He tossed it around a little and then bunched it up in a ponytail. It was all pulled tight behind her head and then he pushed gently on her shoulder, “Bend over.”

Martha moved with Dan’s guidance and started to wonder what it was really about when she felt the need to rest her hands on her knees for support. He kicked her legs wider. Martha nearly stumbled in her heels with her head below her waist. She felt him lift her dress and felt no desire at all to stop him. In fact, she wanted him to fuck her again.

Dan put his cock against her as if waiting for her to object. Martha stepped back and leaned into him, taking his cock all the way. “Grab your tits. I want your hair to be all that holds you up.”

Nervously, Martha did as he asked. Her hair pulled tight as soon as the support from her hands was gone. Dan started moving back and forth. Martha had never fucked like this and once she understood that her hair could hold her up she began to enjoy it. “Harder,” she said, surprising herself. Dan fucked harder. He fucked her as hard as he had in the bed. He pulled her up once to kiss her and then pushed her back down. Martha stood bent over ninety degrees with her head pulled back getting the wildest fuck she had experienced since she met Carl. Martha did not expect to have an orgasm so quickly. The entire situation had her more aroused than she had been in years and she gripped her tits very tightly as her body trembled. Her knees nearly gave way, but she refused to collapse. She was determined that Dan would remember this for just as long as she did.

Dan flipped her dress up over her back just before he pulled out. “Legs together.” Martha did as he said. His cock was between her thighs. He lifted her up and put his arms around her, cupping her breasts for the first time and kissing her neck. She enjoyed his touch and started to feel a warmth between her legs. “I didn’t know if you were on the pill or anything, so I thought I should be careful.” He pulled back slightly and rubbed the end of his cock between her cheeks.

Martha turned to face him. “Thanks, Dan.” She felt his seed oozing down her thighs as she kissed him briefly. “Let’s go. I shouldn’t keep my family waiting.”

Walking gave Martha a new sensation as the glaze of semen spread over her legs. She became aroused again every time she felt that smooth gliding between her thighs. Through the doors they met several guests from the audience that night. Martha and Dan were both praised for such a realistic sex scene.

She spotted her family and went to see them. Emily gave her a big hug. “You were hot, mom. I hope none of the boys from school see this or they will never stop talking about you.” Clearly, that scene had made an impression on her daughter as well.

Carl simply said, “Well done,” and smiled. He came forward for a hug too, and whispered in her ear, “I need to get you in bed as soon as possible.”

Pleased at the effect it had on her husband, she returned a drawn out “Really?” At the same time she began to panic. She had to wash away all signs of her interactions with Dan before Carl gets started. Another realization struck her. Never in Martha’s entire life had she had sex with two guys in the same day. Things were looking up.

Written by Spooge
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