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Super Un-Hero

"Just because someone has a special ability does not mean they want to be a hero."

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It was not that Ed disliked people, he just never knew what to say to anyone. He was a social misfit. A nearly harmless one, but still mostly isolated.

For a time he found his job mundane and mildly depressing. He could do extraordinary things, he just had no idea how to make an honest living with his gifts. Instead, he found a way to make his ordinary job exciting.

Ed pushed the palette of fruit down to aisle two and spotted one of his favorite regulars. Mrs. Harmon was putting oranges into her shopping basket. It must still be cold outside because her coat was zipped up most of the way. His mind had immediately registered the skirt and he smiled. He would take another today. She was nice.

As Ed pushed his fruit down the aisle he smiled at Mrs. Harmon. They did not know each other, but she always smiled back at him anyway. That was how he knew she was nice.

After they passed each other everything stopped. Stopping was the most magical thing for Ed. No one moved but him. Leaving his fruit, he skipped down the aisle, made circles around a small child and then back towards Mrs. Harmon.

She looked beautiful as always. Her wavy brown hair hung down past her shoulder. Her modest bust was completely hidden under the bulky coat. However, her best feature, her legs, were clad in sheer tights for Ed to admire. Her skirt was longer than Ed deemed necessary. Taking the hem in his hands he pulled it up gently, careful not to disturb her tights. Fabric rolled, slowly exposing more of Mrs. Harmon's shapely legs. "Not enough," Ed decided. He did the same again, folding the skirt until more than half of her thighs were visible.

Ed stepped in front of her and backed away to get a good look at her. "You look beautiful today, Mrs Harmon," he said, knowing she would not hear him. Ed never said anything but, "Hi," to her normally. The only reason he knew her name was because he checked her ID once a while back.

He approached her as a friend might, with arms wide, and embraced her in a hug. Ed kissed her cheek as he squeezed her butt. "Feeling frisky today?" With a smile on his face, Ed knelt beside Mrs. Harmon and let his hand start with her ankle and slide up her leg. Until he felt the warmth of both thighs surrounding his fingers. That hand remained still; the other caressed her leg and his lips kissed the tights in several places.

Ed was very horny now. He could not resist unzipping his jeans and letting his cock out to stretch. He stroked it briefly and rubbed it against the silky stockings of Mrs. Harmon. It was early in the day, too early to get off. He tucked it away, leaving himself deliberately frustrated.

After one final look at Mrs. Harmon, this time from behind, Ed carefully put her skirt back as it was. He returned to his fruit and started to push. Perfect silence was replaced by the bustle of many shoppers. Ed looked over his shoulder to see Mrs. Harmon adjusting her skirt. No matter how careful he was the slight shift of clothing was instant from the perspective of anyone who had been frozen in time and they nearly always adjusted what he had moved.

That was how Ed made his job more enjoyable. He knew people would not approve of his actions. That was part of the problem. He got a buzz from doing things he should not do. Still, he did have limits.

Later in the day Ed spotted three girls he assumed were students since they were wearing jackets with university logos. They were all blonde, thin and had annoyingly high pitched squeaky voices. It was as much to soothe his ears when he froze time again.

“Ah, thank you for shutting up!” Ed walked over to the girls. Another effect he enjoyed was the real life equivalent to pausing a television. Sometimes he captured funny or embarrassing expressions on people. One girl was leaning forward because she was laughing hard with one hand on her chest as if it might otherwise explode. one of her friends had turned her head to face the third which left her ponytail fixed nearly sideways in mid-flight. The third was responsible for whatever made them all laugh. She had nearly lost her balance and her feet were slightly wider than people usually stood when frozen.

They all wore short skirts and he could not resist lying on the floor to have a look. He checked out the third woman first, since she had so conveniently spread her legs for him. As most university students seemed to do, she wore a black lace thong. Ed admired the view of black clad pussy with a hint of contour around her flesh framed by smooth creamy thighs.

Ed was surprised to discover that the girl leaning forward as she laughed was wearing no underwear and shaved more than just her legs. It was a moment to cherish, particularly since her posture allowed him to see both her snatch and face at the same time. After playing with himself beneath her for a while, Ed moved hopefully to the last one. The girl with her head turned was on one foot. As she was stepping forward her knees were very close together. Ed decided to lift her skirt to get a better view. Damn. She had panties. Hers were red, and it was a thong. He lifted the back and found her butt to be too round and perfect to resist giving her a good kiss on the ass. Several, as it turned out.

Since one girl had gone without, it seemed unfair that the other two had underwear. Ed rarely collected trophies but this opportunity begged him to do exactly that. His fingers easily found the thin strands of thong around the woman’s waist and pulled down. He liked how it hung on her bent knee and got up to look at her. The image appealed to him enough that he did the same with the girl wearing black. Her legs were too straight to hold it anywhere so he let hers rest around her ankles.

Again, Ed got up to look at them from a short distance. The two with visible thongs around their legs appeared to be more slutty than the woman with none. Ed knew the difference despite deceiving appearances. He tried to burn the image of them into his mind before he let the scene disappear into reality again.

Getting intimate with them again, Ed was pleased that the red thong stretched enough to pull it off her raised foot. He carefully placed the thong on the floor around her other foot, tucking it under the toe of her shoe. Standing directly behind her, Ed held her body against his, even slipping his fingers between her legs and his other arm across her chest and gripping her breast. He lifted her barely off the floor and used his foot to slide her thong out. As carefully as possible, he returned her as closely as possible to where she had been. He followed a similar process to obtain the black thong and placed both in his pocket.

One last check over the situation gave Ed the confidence he was ready. Time resumed.

Bent-over-laughing-girl nearly stumbled. Ed’s heart raced. That was more likely to be his fault than the result of her laughing and leaning over. Luckily, she recovered quickly. He found an excuse to remain near enough to hear their conversation. The former red thong wearer expressed arousal which she attributed to their conversation. Ed reckoned it was his actions that were the true source.

The joker made another lewd comment and all three began laughing and froze. Once more, Ed approached the woman who had worn red. Licking two fingers should be plenty. Ed lifted her skirt and rubbed her clitoris, watching her flesh move with his touch. As always, he returned to where he was and allowed time to proceed.

"Oh, god, that was so funny I'm wet."

Stupid girl, Ed thought.

Shortly after acquiring two thongs, Ed spotted a middle aged couple. The man wore a suit and looked out of place, uncomfortable, as if he detested being there. On a whim Ed took the black thong and placed it in the man's jacket pocket hoping that its discovery would distract him from his misery.

Eventually, Ed got a new job. The only reason he applied at the call center was because there were so many beautiful women working there. His antics continued much the same as before. To his surprise, one of the girls took an interest in him.

Jill saw the way Ed checked out all the women and occasionally made a quiet comment to him. "Kim seems desperate to show cleavage today. Have you noticed?"

That was how it began. What it led to was Ed having his first girlfriend at age twenty. It took a little time for him to build the courage to tell Jill about his ability. She wanted proof.

In Ed's apartment she sat on the couch beside him. From her perspective he instantly moved to the other side of the room and then in a chair. "Is that it?"

Ed thought it was cool but wanted to do something more impressive. "Stand up." Ed stopped time once she was up. When it resumed Jill had no shirt or bra.

"Oh, wow!"

That was a much better response. From that point on, Jill regularly came up with things for Ed to do. At work, he occasionally stole underwear from one of the girls to amuse Jill.

It took weeks of failed attempts before Ed finally managed to do Jill’s biggest challenge. He stopped time for everyone but the two of them. They were just walking through a park at the time, but she wanted him to do it the next time they were at work.

Now that Jill could participate and did not need evidence of what Ed did, she wanted to do different things.

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When Patricia, the unfriendly team leader, was wearing a skirt and thong, Jill wrote ‘SLUT’ on her ass and hoped that her husband would see it before it faded. Once after an argument with Sandy, Jill asked Ed to freeze time during their lunch break. Jill gave Ed a great blowjob and led him over to where Sandy was having her lunch. It was soup. Jill jerked him off directly into her bowl and stirred it to hide the white streaks that landed on its surface. Ed had to remind her to get back in the right position before letting time roll again. Jill was so determined to watch Sandy eat Ed’s cum that she nearly refused.

Their boldness grew.

Jill did not like Mr. Poulson, the office manager. However, she did not express her views directly to him. What Jill liked to call her "occupational therapy" involved Ed.

On one occasion Jill's line manager was with Mr. Poulson in his office. Ed met Jill in the break room. Ed stopped time while no one could see them and then the pair went into the office.

"Sorry, Mr. Poulson, I just couldn't help calling that customer a useless idiot. He totally was." In response, Mr. Poulson continued looking at the report held in his hand. He made no attempt to reprimand Jill as she lifted her long flowing skirt and bent over his desk. "I was bad, very bad. You should probably spank me."

Ed did not understand why, but Jill liked this. He raised one hand and smacked her bare cheeks. "Oh, Mr. Poulson, he was really angry. It was much worse than that." The next spank was harder. It often left Ed with a sore hand. He thought about getting a paddle to spare himself, but had no explanation should it be discovered by anyone else.

Jill was not wearing any panties. When her butt was gently pink she shouted, "No, Mr. Poulson, I am not a slut and I certainly do not want to fuck on your desk!" Despite her words, it was Ed's cue to get behind her.

Ed felt self conscious getting his dick out in front of the boss, but Jill loved it that way. Ed took her from behind with speed and vigor. His favorite part was hearing her pant and groan as she got more aroused. Jill exaggerated her squeals whenever they fucked at work. She screamed the place down through her orgasm and collapsed on the desk. Ed filled her with cum about the same time.

Once they were both satisfied they left quickly. Jill wanted everyone to be back to normal before she felt Ed's cum running down her legs.

Despite his kinky, inappropriate habits Ed had principles which he would not betray. Jill wanted Ed to get a better job. She was convinced he could do anything yet he had always chosen to go wherever there were the most beautiful, young women. Ed resisted a job change just for money. He was still young and wanted to enjoy his many mini-breaks while he felt he was still their peer. As he made this argument he was aware that he might feel a greater need for it as an old man, but he did not share this with Jill.

One day they went to the bank. Jill was acting funny the entire time they were inside. Once they were out she said, "You could get us in there and we could be rich. No one could ever prove it if no time passed in the real world."

Ed would not do that. His mom raised him better than that. The compromise was that they had sex in the bank. They could not reach the vault they assumed was there, but they went into where the safe deposit boxes lined the walls, which was similar to a vault. To start, Jill got naked and streaked around the customers. She found the manager, a portly middle aged man with thinning hair, and after fingering herself briefly she placed her fingers in his mouth. Fucking on her hands and knees in the back room everything echoed. Jill could not resist being extra loud just for fun.

When Jill looked in a teller's drawer Ed said,"If you take any money I will let them find you doing it." She noticed that he had dressed already and she was still naked. Jill left frustrated while Ed wore a stupid grin.

Jill never gave up her dreams of a great life with Ed. One day it came to her. She got two tickets to see his favourite female singer. Ed was glad to see her. He fantasised about her many times but had not seen her in person before.

Near the end of the concert Jill said, "Why don't you have a look at her up close, Ed?"

Thousands of people froze, including some in mid air. No one moved besides Ed and Jill. There were so many people it was tight squeezing through. Eventually, they reached the front and climbed up on stage. The sight as he turned around and saw all those people looking back overwhelmed him. Jill brought him back. His fantasy love was right there in front of him.

"Well, go on," impatience oozed as Jill stared at Ed intently. Nerves suddenly hit him. It was not just the awe of being beside a celebrity, but the awareness of his fanciful lust for another in front of his girlfriend.

Ed did his best to suppress his guilt and reached out and touched the woman of his dreams. His arms wrapped around her. Luckily, both of her feet were on the ground and spread for stability. His hug relaxed, arms dropping, until he felt the firm cheeks of her ass. Gripping them with every finger happened without conscious thought. It was a great ass, one of the best in the world and Ed had felt it. "Awesome."

It took Jill reminding him they had plans to carry out. The showgirl dress had a deep drop between her breasts, nearly to her navel. Tape held the fabric to her flesh. Ed carefully prised the dress away, just on her left side. Pulling it aside revealed her bare breast which he could not resist. Ed fondled her briefly and then sucked her nipple.

"Oh, come on, Ed. You can suck mine later."

Ed grinned, "This is my only chance with her." He took his time and enjoyed the moment. The tape would serve his needs better if he moved it with the dress. Carefully peeling it from her skin, he was mesmerised by the small distortion it made as a wave of pulled flesh tried to follow the departing tape. Ed stuck it to the back of the dress and then stuck the dress around the outside of her breast.

The only sight to compete with ogling the woman of his fantasies was the enormous crowd looking directly at them. Ed had no idea how many thousands there were. With Jill beside him they stared back at the masses.

"Let's fuck," Jill suggested. Ed smiled and started stripping without making eye contact. Jill got Ed hard with a blowjob. She was more interested in fucking. Jill got down on her hands and knees in front of Ed. She too, wanted to see the audience while Ed fucked her from behind.

Jill screamed her pleasures so it might be heard at the very back. She let Ed continue without objection to his shout and accompanying slap on her butt. "Fuck, yeah!" That was not what she meant to say, but Ed thought it indicated approval. Several more spanks followed and then Ed fucked her faster than he ever had before.

Without warning Ed got up. Jill turned to see him next to the singer jerking his cock furiously. Surprising herself, Jill moved quickly to join him. "Not on her legs." She knew by the way he held his cock against her thigh Ed was going to cum on her legs. They could do much better. She pulled up the woman's dress and pulled her panties down.

There was no way Ed could resist the celebrity pussy which happened to be smoothly shaven. He held the head of his cock against her and began to cum. Jill held her hand out to catch the drips. When Ed finished she rubbed his cum all around her pussy.

"Clean me off?" Ed asked politely.

Jill considered. "Wouldn't you rather wipe it on her ass?"

He would, and that was exactly what Ed did. Rubbing himself between her soft butt cheeks felt like heaven. He wished he could do more but resisted that particular temptation. He had left his mark, he thought it akin to dogs marking territory. It gave him an elated sense of achievement.

Ed stepped back and could not believe his eyes. Jill was licking her pussy. She quickly stood. "I couldn't let you have all the fun." She pulled the woman's dress back into place and took a careful look at her.

Ed joined Jill, examining their celebrity prize. "She looks perfect," he said, taking a last, close look at her neatly exposed breast.

The pair climbed back down off the stage. They were back beside Lucas, the photographer who got them tickets right at the front. Loud music abruptly replaced the silence that accompanies stopped time.

"Fucking hell!" Lucas shouted excitedly. Ed had specifically suggested Lucas take rapid fire shots with his camera when he stopped time. Hopefully Lucas would capture the best shots of the performer in her exposed condition. Lucas continued talking about the spectacle, and asking how it was done, until the concert was over and they parted ways outside.

Two days later, Ed was paid handsomely for assisting him and Lucas asked if he could do similar things again. Ed found a new career path which needed to be explored. He attends concerts more frequently now, primarily of female performers, and Lucas gets amazing photos every two or three weeks.
Written by Spooge
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