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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Female, 154
United Kingdom


Active Ink Slinger
No i love it, obviously i love a real cock better but it mega turns me on. I just love sex with anything
Active Ink Slinger
I don't hate anal sex, infact once it's in it's amazing. But at first i hate it because it really, really hurts!!
Active Ink Slinger
Big men as in muscly - yes. Fat - No, not for me but everyone is attracted to different people. smile
Active Ink Slinger
He probably doesn't want to say the wrong thing! I know all you want is him to notice especially as you are doing it for yourself and him but he probably likes you anyway whether your a bit bigger or smaller.
Active Ink Slinger
Yes i have pictures of my own body, however...i was a bit funny at 1st about putting them up. I would never upload one of my face though for obvious reasons! smile
Active Ink Slinger
Hmmm nope defo do not feel threatened smile if my man wants to watch porn then thats up to him i watch it also.
Active Ink Slinger
Hmmm to be honest like you said it depends what mood im in and who the person is. I dont like a lot of attention and i dont like people staring at me. However if they look for a few seconds and smile then i feel good if they constantly stare till they cant then see you its so annoying and this pisses me off! But which ever woman said she doesnt like it is lying! However nothing more annoys me than getting beeped at!!
Active Ink Slinger
I would never fatten up my boyfriend. It wouldnt make me attracted to him at all. Therefore no sex life cos i certainly wouldnt want to fuck him!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MockingBird69
Shanice, thank you.

She, I very well believe in the finished education and having a job. Fortunatley my friend isn't saying she wants a kid now, she wants one in about 3-5 years. She'll be getting shipped to AFG soon and would like children when she comes back from war.

Some people are saying that their 2 young to have kids. Thats their choice if they was older he would still be saying that he doesn't want kids he won't be saying it because he is to young, if that was the case he would tell her he wants her to have his babies but in the future as they have a lot to look forward to and dont want to rush into having kids. When he says he doesn't want kids hes not saying it because he doesn't want them at the minute hes saying it because he doesn't want them at all and to be honest i think its a very sad situation to be in. I feel so sorry for your friend but its true and the sooner she faces that he isnt going to give her a child then the sooner she can move on and find some one who loves her and wants her to have their babies. I think people are forgetting 19 is an adult and some people grow up faster than others if they want kids at 19 then i think their mature enough to do so. Having a baby is a very rewarding job and i bet anyone who has had kids wouldn't change anything for the world!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by WHR43
May be I am way off base, but a kiss is certainly not cheating from the view of my husband and I.

Nor is having sex with someone in the spur of the moment for strickly the pleasure of sex!

The one unforegivable act of cheating is fall in love with another. Unless it is up front and both are fully aware what is happening.

Fall in love with another and I am out the door, with no chance of reconcilations!!!!

Wow..thats interesting.........but yeah if my man ever kissed another girl then he'd know about it!
Active Ink Slinger
If he says he doesn't want kids, and sticks to saying that then he definately doesn't want kids. I would say for her to talk to him and explain that she really would love kids and if he isn't prepared to give her one then she will have no other option but to leave. If he loves her he should want her to have his kids when the time is right unless he doesn't like children .. but its always different when their your own. So yeah i would say cut her losses and end the relationship if he isn't prepared to give her a family because if she grits her teeth and gets on with it hoping he will get over it and give her a child/children then she might just be waiting forever. Sorry to your friend.
Active Ink Slinger
Urmmm.. some women may find talking about masturbating uncomfortable and private where as others don't find it as personal and are willing to talk about their experiences with masturbating! Lol
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MMonroe
Well hang on, the squirting is part of the orgasm. But you can still have orgasms without squirting but theyre never as good or as intense.

Active Ink Slinger
Personally i prefer to shave my pussy, but my man i dont mind if he doesnt shave aslong as he trimms to be honest i prefer him to trim because i like the look with a bit of hair