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Do porn stars threaten you?

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Hello girlies- sugar here

its come to my mind recently that some woemn are really threatened by the women in porn flicks and dont like their partner's watching them!

Do you find these muscle bound barbie dolls intimidating?
Do you try and live up to a porn star performance in bed?
or is it just not worth worrying about because its so fake- no one really wants it?

personally i watch porn with my partner all the time and it turns us both on and i know my man wants me more than the girls in the videos- what do you think?? xxxxxxxxxxxx
Active Ink Slinger
I don't feel at all threatened by porn. I have tried to get my husband to watch it with me, but he finds it demeaning. So, instead I watch porn alone...all the time. Even at work with the sound off.
Alpha Blonde
Nope... no intimidation at all... Although I have argued in the past with ex-bfs over what constitutes a 'hot porn star', and often with very different opinions.

I enjoy watching alone or with a partner... or even with some girlfriends on a girls night.

I should say that I also had one crazy "vault sex story" where my ex-bf and I actually hooked up with a porn-star one night many years ago (she was doing feature dancing at a strip club when we met her). Although she wasn't physically my type (very porno-barbie), things just ended up happening. Let me just say that sex with a porn star really isn't all that life-altering in reality. Or maybe I was just too drunk/high to be as into it as I could have been. Anyway, my ex was extremely thrilled... more at the concept of it happening than the actual sex itself, as he told me later. And no, I wasn't intimidated at all. But because I'm bi, that might also factor into my openness to sexualizing a woman.

Porn stars and strippers are creating a sexual fantasy, that's all. I can see how some women might be intimidated or jealous at the idea that their man might want to fuck one, but then again, your man possibly also fantasizes about fucking a hot coworker or the coffee-girl at Starbucks too. It's just the nature of being a guy with a penis. If you're going to get jealous, it makes more sense to be more worried about the latter... (the real life hotties that he's jerking off to)... they are a lot more accessible than the babe in the X-rated video.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Nope... no intimidation at all... Although I have argued in the past with ex-bfs over what constitutes a 'hot porn star', and often with very different opinions.

I enjoy watching alone or with a partner... or even with some girlfriends on a girls night.

I should say that I also had one crazy "vault sex story" where my ex-bf and I actually hooked up with a porn-star one night many years ago (she was doing feature dancing at a strip club when we met her). Although she wasn't physically my type (very porno-barbie), things just ended up happening. Let me just say that sex with a porn star really isn't all that life-altering in reality. Or maybe I was just too drunk/high to be as into it as I could have been. Anyway, my ex was extremely thrilled... more at the concept of it happening than the actual sex itself, as he told me later. And no, I wasn't intimidated at all. But because I'm bi, that might also factor into my openness to sexualizing a woman.

Porn stars and strippers are creating a sexual fantasy, that's all. I can see how some women might be intimidated or jealous at the idea that their man might want to fuck one, but then again, your man possibly also fantasizes about fucking a hot coworker or the coffee-girl at Starbucks too. It's just the nature of being a guy with a penis. If you're going to get jealous, it makes more sense to be more worried about the latter... (the real life hotties that he's jerking off to)... they are a lot more accessible than the babe in the X-rated video.

Little Sister you are right on the point in this one again. Since I do not feel threatened by my husband having a evening fling with a coworker or the girl in the shop, why would I ever have a concern over his fantasy about a Porn-star. We have enjoyed adult films separately, together and with friends which always has had a positive result.

We have never been with a Porn-star, like DD has but we have shared our bed with two or three strippers, over the years, which was a special kind of sex with a different level of excitement.
Active Ink Slinger
Why feel threatened?? We can do it just as good, if not better!
My boyfriend refuses to watch anything with fake boobs, or fake lips, or filmed in a studio etc etc
I wonder if guys feel threatened by the girlfriends or wifes watching porn?? hmmmm
"I appreciate this whole seduction thing you've got going on here, but let me give you a tip: I'm a sure thing." - Vivian Ward (Julia Roberts) in Pretty Women
Active Ink Slinger
Hmmm nope defo do not feel threatened smile if my man wants to watch porn then thats up to him i watch it also.
Absolutely not. I don't feel threatened by them at all. We both enjoy watch porn flicks and even get some inspiration from them sometimes!
Active Ink Slinger
No I don't feel threaten.
It doesn't threaten me at all. I don't watch it.
Although Ginger Lynn did once throw broccoli at my Gran....
(She was a waitress)
Active Ink Slinger
I don't think I could ever feel threatened by a porn star because pornos are not reality. Most guys I know would rather have sex with their ordinary SO than sit and watch some "muscle bound barbie" faking an orgasm. I like porn but yeah, not threatening at all.
"A dirty book is rarely dusty"
Cheeky Chick
No, not at all. Most are butt ugly and so blown out it's like throwing a hot dog down a hallway. It's disgusting. That's not just for women in porn but men also. They are just so ugly. Not all of them, but more times than not, they are.
Nope, I'm as beautiful and sexy as me, and they are as sexy and as beautiful as them. :P No comparison at all biggrin
Active Ink Slinger
one time Ron Jeremy told me to hurry up at the buffet line, but i didn't feel threatened.
Well one time Jenna J. came over and wielded a gun and...Oh you mean...Sorry.

In all seriousness No. Why would I feel threatened? Why would anyone? I hold my own very nicely and I am happy with the way I am. My husband doesn't find them attractive anyway but even if he did...I still wouldn't feel threatened.
No I see no reason why I should be threatened by any of them I think I'm just as hot as they are or maybe even sexier.
Quote by NickiC
Well one time Jenna J. came over and wielded a gun and...Oh you mean...Sorry.

In all seriousness No. Why would I feel threatened? Why would anyone? I hold my own very nicely and I am happy with the way I am. My husband doesn't find them attractive anyway but even if he did...I still wouldn't feel threatened.

I want you to try porn acting
I love them would love to be fucked by one......there is a guy called johnny castle he is so hot
Active Ink Slinger
no...they pretend to enjoy sex whereas I genuinely enjoy men know the difference and prefer me...those who don't, aren't worth my time and effort
Haven't thought about it. I have more opinion than he does, I'm sure. I don't like fake sex acting and all that squeely nasal crap they do. I like real porn - that fake porn irritates me and is a turn off.

Also, The sex acts we like to watch are different. He's the soft love type, and if I watch, it's hardcore. So I'll end up laughing at what he likes, I can't help it, the silly things they say and tye dumb acting is hysterical. None of it is sexy or a turn on, the guys all look like dorks. And then, he's turned off by what I like because it's crude.

I'm not worried about him thinking of someone else, because I sometimes do. Odds are, if he's thinking about something else it's not sex.
Active Ink Slinger
Women shouldn't be threatened, I personally think witnessing someone have sex like they do in porn in person would be more funny than hot. Seriously, it's so overacted.
I don't feel threatened or intimidated at all. We enjoy watching together. When you really look into it, the life of a porn star is far less than glamorous and not many truly love the profession. I definitely don't envy any of them.