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Melanie's Cookery Class Part Six

Melanie and Lizzie scheme, and Eamon and Carrie are ambushed

The following morning Melanie cooked Eamon his breakfast as usual and he left the house at seven thirty. She had a leisurely shower and packed her bag, ready to drive on to Wetherby, after seeing Robert Holborn. “He’s a lovely, lovely man, Liz,” Melanie said to her cousin, as she described her visit to the solicitor’s office over lunch in the ’Rose and Crown’. “You seem to be getting more than your fair share of lovely me...

Melanie's Cookery Class Part Five

Eamon feels safe, Mel plays his own games and Harriet and Vicki enter the fray

  “I’m looking forward to meeting Cousin Lizzie, at some point,” said Hal, as they relaxed back in Ben’s garden. “She’s a scream,” said Melanie, “but I’m not letting her near either of you until I have had my wicked way with you both.” “Mel, sweetheart,” cried Ben, going down on his knees. “How could you doubt our fidelity for a moment?” They all laughed at the ham acting. “I don’t doubt you for a moment, noble sirs,” sai...

Melanie's Cookery Class Part Four

Eamon feels safe and the boys and Mel get lucky. Enter Greg and Derek

“Ben, your birthday is the sooner. It’s you and I together for a serious bout of carnal capers, first. However, I don’t want to wait until we can arrange that before getting some physical relief going. Hal, I want to go upstairs with you for a close encounter of a very physical kind; say for thirty minutes. We won’t have full sex. That has to remain special for when we have much more time. Then, Ben, we go upstairs and ha...

Melanie's Cookery Class Part Three

Carrie cavorts and is revealed, Melanie is distressed but is lifted up by her boys.

Melanie arrived home just before ten. After making herself a cup of tea she changed out of her outfit and put on a rather drab dressing gown. She had decided to Facetime Eamon, partly in the hope catching him out, and partly to set the scene for the following day. “Hello Mel, my darling. How went the beans on toast tutorial?” “Very well dear, but they’re a bit further along than that. How has your day been?” “Very interes...

Melanie's Cookery Class Part Two

Eamon digs his hole deeper, Melanie is liberated and the boys move on.

“I’m home darling,” said Eamon, walking in through their front door. Getting no reply, he walked through the house to the patio doors and looked down to the garden. “Oh shit!” he said to himself. His wife was walking up the steps toward him. She was stark naked and carrying her towel. She was making no attempt to cover up. He knew that whatever he said, he would be in trouble. “If this weather holds,” she said, as she dre...

Melanie's Cookery Class Part One

Melanie meets Hal and Ben, while Eamon makes mistakes

Melanie first noticed the two men as she pushed her trolley down the dairy aisle of Morrison’s. She smiled at them, encouragingly. They were clearly out of their depth in what they regarded as an alien environment. With smooth efficiency, Melanie scooped up her butter, natural yoghurt and some basic cooking cheddar. She met them again in household. They appeared to be debating laundry liquid. “It’s no good Ben, we’ll just...

The Gardener of High Haxford

Gemma's plans for a day of the senses in her garden go further than she expected

Few people were ever admitted to Gemma’s garden. Indeed, most people walking along the lane down toward Haxford, never even suspected that a large garden lay behind the thick Beech hedge. Many a weary walker was glad to come across the pleasant rustic seat, rest and enjoy the view; while being oblivious of the summer house less than five yards away. Some wondered how a seat came to be there. Gemma’s grandfather had built...

Renaissance at Greygarth House Part Six

Alison tells Ron how she and Jane began and Jane meets Katie and Alice again

Ron lifted the duvet cover very carefully so that he could feast his eyes on Alison’s still sleeping body. With some regret he reminded himself that they were going to try and abstain from sex for two days; then together unleash a sensual and sexual tsunami of lust on Jane when she returned. He slipped from the bed, as quietly as he could, and went to make a pot of tea. When he returned five minutes later he found that Al...

Renaissance at Greygarth House part five

Ali takes Ron on a journey while Jane makes new friends

By the time Jane and Viv got moving on Friday morning, Ron and Alison had completed their business at the trust office. It had all gone very smoothly; helped, in part, by a phone call from Jane two days before. She had laid some groundwork and the staff were all very happy. Josie Welch had been intrigued, momentarily, at the shared bathroom proposals. However, as far as she was concerned, Ron and Jane still had their room...

Not What Mother Intended Part Three

Kenny graduates with honours

“When we get home Kenny, my sweet, we are going to undress each other,” said Amelie. “I want you to think about how you are going to get to know my body. What are you going to do? We’ve fucked, and we’ve fondled, so what have you still to find out? Kenny, my lovely man, tonight you will soar.” “I’m flying Amelie. I’m flying already. It’s all been so amazing, thank you.” “No! Kenny, you haven’t even taken off yet. Last nig...

Renaissance at Greygarth House Part Four

Jane tells Viv, Ron and Ali are left alone

Jane gathered her things together as the train began its final run into Kings Cross. She was still wondering how best to give her daughter the history behind the changes now taking place at Greygarth. The evening before, she had discussed the matter with Al and Ron. She had been all for making a full disclosure to Viv about the suffering she had inflicted on her husband, but he would have none of it. He had made the point...

Renaissance at Greygarth House Part Three

The menage develops as Jane and Ali learn how it began

“Now my darlings, you asked where the idea of a menage a trois came from. Before I begin, shall we all have another super hug together?” asked Ron. The girls gathered on him, with a sigh of relief. Somehow, this loving physical act dissipated the air of tense expectancy which had built up. The three of them spent nearly five minutes in hugs and kisses. “Jane my darling, are you excited about where we are now, and where th...

Renaissance at Greygarth House Part Two

The menage a trois takes shape and Ali, Ron and Jane move forward

Ron woke, then dozed, and then woke properly. He climbed out of the bed, careful not to disturb the sleeping beauties, and opened the curtains to bring in more light. He did not want to disturb them, but he certainly wished to look at them. It was coming up towards seven o’clock. In his mind he conducted a very short debate. Quickie sex then make a cup of tea, or the other way around? He made his way down to the kitchen a...

Not what Mother intended - Part Two

KG really begins to learn and proves a diligent student

KG stared in fascination as Amelie’s head bobbed up and down. His cock was in her mouth, a thing he had never even imagined happening. She had her right hand wrapped round his hardening cock, and was moving it up and down. Her pace was slow and deliberate. Mummy hadn’t taught him the protocol in such matters. He began to be concerned that he would ejaculate, and in this whole new world of sex, he had no idea if this was s...

Renaissance at Greygarth House part one

A vision is laid out, and two become three

Ronald Anstruther glanced at the clock on the dashboard – 15.05 – good timing he thought. He had told his wife Jane he would be back around three o’clock, and he was now only about fifteen minutes from Greygarth House. He was feeling good. Notwithstanding the grilling his sister had given him over the last week, he was looking forward to getting home. He was trying to imagine what sort of surprise Jane might have for him;...