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Melanie's Cookery Class Part Six

"Melanie and Lizzie scheme, and Eamon and Carrie are ambushed"

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The following morning Melanie cooked Eamon his breakfast as usual and he left the house at seven thirty. She had a leisurely shower and packed her bag, ready to drive on to Wetherby, after seeing Robert Holborn.

“He’s a lovely, lovely man, Liz,” Melanie said to her cousin, as she described her visit to the solicitor’s office over lunch in the ’Rose and Crown’.

“You seem to be getting more than your fair share of lovely men at the moment, Melly. When do I get to meet some of them? I think I’m about ready for men again, after he whose name we do not speak. Anyway, what did Mr Holborn have to say?”

“I think I quite surprised him with the plan we drew up Liz. He said he wished more of his clients thought as rationally as me. He’s confirmed that there’s no problem over me keeping the house. He’s also very comfortable with the ‘blackmail’ element, except he prefers different language. We’ve drawn up two letters for him to write to Frobisher; depending on what, if anything, we get from Harriet and Vicki. All I have to do is phone his secretary Leila and say letter A or letter B.”

“What are you cooking for us this evening?” asked Lizzie.

“I’m doing us a starter of tomato, mozzarella and avocado. Then a rack of lamb with saute potatoes and a green salad followed by a Blackcurrant Fool.

“How are your men getting on with their lessons?”

“Oh Lizzie, they’re such fun to be with and they are naturals. They’ve made the confidence leap. They now know that they ‘can do’. I got there on Sunday and they had already tunnel boned the leg of lamb, perfectly. Hal had found a YouTube video and they shared the job. They also came up with something I’d never thought of, again from YouTube. Tunnel boning a leg, splitting it open and barbequing it.”

“Melly listen, picture the scene. The two of us with them, and a whole leg is being hauled off the grill. It’s quartered and we each have a slab to chew at and guzzle rich red wine at the same time, juice dribbles down our chins onto our tits. No problem, we have two men drooling to clean us up. One thing leads to another. Our clothes are torn off and we get ravished.”

“Better be in Ben’s garden then,” said Melanie with a laugh. “It’s the most private.”

“So tell me, cousin mine, when might I meet Hal and Ben?”

Melanie grinned. “I did say to them that you were so drop dead gorgeous I wasn’t going to let you near either of them until I had my wicked way with each. However, if Frobisher and the Tart take the bait, we might have hard copy in the next couple of days. If so, then the denouement may be Friday. In the kitchen with you riding shotgun for me. Frobisher walks and you and me party. Saturday, we meet the boys.”

“For sex?” asked Lizzie, hopefully.

“No, to cook a bloody great big curry. Liz, there’s something I want to try and explain.

“I met the two of them by accident when they were vulnerable. It was all very casual but gentle. They were two grieving blokes trying to move on. We had fun shopping. Then, in a crazy moment, I agreed to help them learn to cook. It turned out to be the thing that kick started them on their journey. They still grieve, but they’re moving on.

“Then I had the really bad turn after the second Facetime and the ‘silly cow’ comments.”

Lizzie was listening carefully and holding her cousin’s hands; oblivious to the curious glances of other patrons.

“Do you remember how you felt when you found out about him whose name we do not speak? I dodged all that because the boys were there for me, when I turned to them. They restored my self-esteem and my belief in me as a woman. Sure, the three of us had some fun in the process. It all cemented a friendship that is, we hope, to be forever.”

“When we talked about sex, we agreed that for me it had to be with both of them. If it was with just one, then it might damage the bond they have. Lizzie, darling, that is far too important to risk. They are still on their shared journey over Mandy and Jane. I know this might all sound like the craziest excuse you’ve ever heard, but am I making any sense to you?”

“Just about, love, ninety percent I‘d say. Now, I think we ought to pay the bill and go home,” she whispered, “before the couple on our left orgasm, and the biddy over there calls for the manager.”

Melanie was trimming her rack of lamb when her phone chimed.

“Liz, it’s Vicki,” she shouted, excitedly.

“Hi Vicki, don’t tell me we have a result already.”

“One of the occasional perks of my job, Mel, is I get to watch some pretty decent porn from time to time. Often it’s a bit sordid or grotesque, but your husband and his girlfriend could audition in Soho.”

“Oh my god, they haven’t wasted any time, have they?”

“Well, you have all the evidence you need, and then some,” said Vicki. “Listen, I don’t know what you’re into personally, but it’s raunchy stuff.”

“Are you sending it through to us?” asked Melanie. “Lizzie’s tongue is hanging out and I must admit to feeling a bit giddy”.

“What’s your broadband speed like?”

“Superfast,” called Lizzie, having picked up the question.

“It’s on its way now, run time for the whole clip is just under an hour.”

"We eat first," said Melanie, "then we grab our popcorn and watch the show in glorious technicolor."

They both noticed that they ate their meal in comparative haste.

"They won't start running the show until we get there, Mel," joked Lizzie.

"I know that love, but I must admit to being a bit excited, if it's half as good as Vicki says. A bit nervous too. I mean, for many years we seemed to be very happy together and now he's gone and trashed everything. I'm forty in a few months and I have to think about starting again. I want a man that will talk about me the way the boys talk about Mandy and Jane."

"You and me both, girl, you and me both."

Melanie and Lizzie lay on Lizzie's queen sized bed, each with a bottle of wine on the table next to her.

They watched the big TV screen that was linked in to Melanie's laptop. The first sign of movement came as Eamon and Carrie walked in, triggering the first of the cameras.

"Golly Mel, they're not hanging about are they?"

"Look at his cock, Liz. Do you notice anything?"

"Hah! It looks as if it's got lipstick all over it. There's been a bit of hanky panky in the stationery cupboard already, I think."

"Do you know, Liz? I think that's why he leapt away from me when I made a pass at him a few weeks ago. She's been marking her territory."

"I wish we had sound," said Lizzie.

"I don't think they're using sentences to communicate at the moment, love," said Melanie. "We could have a pretty good stab at the sound effects and vocals ourselves, if you like."

"He whose name is never to be mentioned was bigger," said Lizzie.

"So are the boys. Not by much though, thank goodness."

"Vicki was right, this is hot stuff," said Lizzie. "Shall I get us a couple of toys to play with while we watch?"

"No harm in having them on standby," replied Melanie.

They watched the action unfolding on the screen in front of them, making comments which became more lewd. When Carrie began to take the lead, quite forcefully, they began to cheer. Melanie watched her cheating husband being fucked. It brought a frisson of hurt and anger to see him with the tart at all, but seeing him getting some rough treatment was very satisfying.

"What's she doing now?" asked Lizzie as they saw Carrie reach down to her bag.

"O my god!" screamed Melanie. "She's not going to put that on, is she?"

"She bloody well is," squealed Lizzie, in delight. "Oh, my sainted aunt, this is going to be sooo hot. I didn't know you two were in to things like this," she teased her cousin.

"Never even thought about it. Frobisher doesn't look too surprised. Do you think they've done this before?"

"Certainly looks like it," said Lizzie, as they watched Eamon kneel down on the bed with his knees wide apart and his head down.

The two women were held in thrall by the scene unfolding before them. Carrie finished securing the harness and dildo. She applied gel to it, and to the puckered anus she was teasing.

"My god Mel," whispered Lizzie. Her tone was so quiet it was almost as if she was worried the lovers might suddenly become aware of the two video voyeurs.

"Yeeeagh!" They both screamed as Carrie thrust her hips forward without any pretense of gentleness. From the look on Eamon's face it was likely he had been similarly vocal, but in a more suffering manner.

Gradually Eamon appeared to relax and to be as excited as Carrie.

“It’s called ‘pegging’,” said Lizzie.

“How do you know about such things?” asked Melanie.

“The former creature instructed me when we watched porn together. I once asked him if he would like me to do it to him. He backed off very quickly, I can assure you. It left me a bit frustrated and curious. I think I might have it kidnapped and brought to me. I’ll buy the biggest strapon I can find.”

They were three-quarters of an hour into the carnal capers when the action slowed to a gentler pace. The touching was loving. Eamon had used his tongue to very good effect and Carrie appeared to be drained. Melanie allowed some tears to flow.

“It’s a long time since he was like that with me, a very long time.”

“There’s a Hal or a Ben out there for us girl, keep hold of that,” said Lizzie.

At nine o’clock the following morning, Melanie telephoned Leila in Robert Holborn’s office.

“Letter ‘B’ please, Leila. I’ll be home on Friday morning by ten.”

“Your copy will be in the same post, Mrs Frobisher. We will post First Class tomorrow.”

“Things seem to be going smoothly and according to plan. What would you like to do today?” asked Lizzie.

“It looks as if it will stay fine so I fancy a walk along the river. I want to hit your lovely delicatessens before we go back mind.”

An hour later they were deep in conversation and walking by the River Wharfe through Wetherby Ings.

“Melly, you were explaining to me over lunch yesterday how special the boys are and how you don’t want anything to threaten the relationships.”

“Yes,” replied Melanie. “The three of us have become very special to each other.”

“I haven’t even met them but I can see that.

“So how is it all going to play out after you have had your wicked way with them? How do you each as individuals keep moving on? Your friendship will always be something very special, nothing will ever change that. ‘All for one, and one for all’. Is there a danger of the three of you becoming imprisoned by your bond?”

“Heavens Liz! This is very deep all of a sudden, isn’t it? Explain a bit more.”

“Three months, six months down the line and each of them is getting to bonk their lovely Melly once or twice a week. Sporting an almost constant smug grin, the gorgeous Melanie is being bonked two or four times a week. How do you each begin to think about forming a new relationship with someone outside your love triangle? Do you see what I’m getting at?”

Melanie became quite thoughtful and was quiet for several minutes. Then she began to laugh.

“Okay Liz! How do we play this out?”

“What time are we seeing Harriet?” asked Lizzie, the following morning.

“They’re coming round to us at about ten thirty with an edited edition of the frolics. Vicki will remove her cameras.”

“Do you have any Ennio Morriconi we could be playing when Frobisher gets home?” asked Lizzie.”

“Nice touch, darling. We will have by then!”

Melanie arrived home at ten o’clock on Friday morning, with Lizzie beside her grinning like a Cheshire Cat. She was to be the first of Frobisher’s surprises. He had no idea that she was coming to stay over. Lizzie always intimidated him slightly.

Vicki and Harriet arrived at ten thirty, as arranged the day before.

“Melanie, Vicki is going to remove the cameras which have done their work. We talked about putting a few more in, on the way over. We want to suggest placing a few more to cover the conversation you’re planning with your husband. We’re not expecting anything untoward but it’s belt and braces.”

“Harriet, I think it’s an excellent idea. I’m hoping to corral Eamon here in the kitchen, but covering the lounge is probably a good idea as well. The post has arrived and Robert Holborn’s letter to him, and my copy, are here. If Vicki could just make sure we have the technical bits in place for ‘presentation’ we’d be very grateful.”

“She’ll do that once she’s changed the barrels on your door locks. There’s one final question, though, before I leave you in her capable hands. Has your husband ever shown any violent tendencies? Do you feel safe about the conversation you and he are going to have?”

“Perfectly,” replied Melanie grinning. “I have Lizzie and six aces in my hand. I even have a touch of pure magic to try and weave before the event. I’m hoping the Tart might be manoeuvred into being here at the same time.”

“I’ve had a text from Mel,” said Eamon to Carrie. “If u want Friday chill out with pint then stop at DR and I pick u up or get CF to drive you luv M x.”

“The silly cow has no idea, has she? I’ll drive you home darling, but with what Gordon Sanders said to you this morning, it seems we might be on our way to the top at last.”

Carrie noticed the slightly pained look on her lover’s face.

“I’m sorry darling, I know you don’t like me calling her a silly cow. I’ll call her the cookery mistress instead, shall I?”

“Reply from Frobisher,” called Melanie.

“Thanks M. C will drive me and stop at DR. Hme by 7.”

“OK,” texted Melanie, “will have some tasty bits for u bth to graze on wen u get here.”

“Spider Two to Web Command,” intoned Lizzie. “Fly and Maggot proceeding to parlour.”

Melanie hit the control button for the sound system and the ‘Good, the Bad and the Ugly’ theme music flooded the house.

Melanie and Lizzie busied themselves preparing a buffet. Breaded goujons and a variety of dips, pancetta smoked salmon and cream cheese, some mini flans, some roasted Cumberland Sausage and a variety of cheeses and fruits. Fresh bread rolls were baking in the oven.

“I don’t know how much our guests will eat but I think we should enjoy ourselves, don’t you?” asked Melanie.

“Certainly,” replied Lizzie. “The condemned ate a hearty meal, the report will read.”

It was just after seven when Melanie spotted Eamon’s BMW pulling on to their drive, Carrie behind the wheel.

“Positions, everybody!” she called. Lizzie scooted off out of sight. Her presence was to remain unknown until all the new players were on the set.

“Ms Fawcett, I’m delighted you’re joining us,” said Melanie, smiling broadly. “I’ve prepared a buffet supper in the kitchen. Come on through.”

“Mrs Frobisher, there was no need to go to all this trouble, but thank you. I must admit to being hungry. It’s been an exciting day and your husband has some good news to share.”

“Really?” asked Melanie. “Well sit down at the breakfast bar, both of you. Carrie, you scoot into the corner and Eamon you sit next to her. Then we’re face to face while you give me your news.”

“Eamon, darling! How super to see you,” laughed Lizzie, skipping in from the side.

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“Mwaa! Mwaa!” she cried blowing kisses at him.

“Carrie, this is my cousin Lizzie, she’s come to stay for a few days.”

“I’m delighted to meet you, Lizzie,” said Carrie, oozing her best PA charm. She had immediately detected that Eamon was un

“Sit and help yourselves, everybody,” commanded Melanie. “Lizzie and I are starving.”

“I’m sorry Mrs Frobisher, blame me. I should have dragged your husband out of the pub sooner. He was celebrating a bit, but I’ll leave him to explain.”

“Mel, you sly thing,” squealed Lizzie. “You’ve slipped anchovies into these little flans. They’re scrummy.”

“The secret is to let them part bake, then push them in gently,” declared Melanie, enthusiastically. That way you get the explosive fishy surprise without the whole thing being permeated by the flavour.”

Carrie was cross that her attempt give her lover an opening to deliver his news had been deflected. It was several minutes before Melanie and Lizzie paused in their discussion of food before any different dialogue could be considered.

“I’m sorry darling,” said Melanie, “Carrie said you wanted to celebrate something? Once upon a time, you would have dashed home to me for us to celebrate together. Obviously not something I’m going to be affected by, but do tell.”

Carrie realized the enormity of her tactical mistake. Eamon looked at Lizzie. She had the pleased look of a great cat about to enjoy its prey.

“So! Tell me your news darling,” said Melanie.

“Gordon Sanders wants me to meet him and the Chairman on Tuesday morning to discuss me taking over as MD.”

Melanie waited for half a minute before reacting. She kept her face impassive and simply said; “Congratulations Eamon. I mean it. You have worked very, very hard. If you become MD of the group you will do it very well. Now, listen to me very carefully, both of you.

“I shall do everything I can to support you in this succession. I have no intention of torpedoing your career at this point. Everything depends on you and Ms Fawcett listening, and remaining absolutely silent for the next fifteen minutes.”

Carrie looked at the face she thought she recognized as the woman she had called ‘the silly cow’; it was calm and emotionless. She looked also at Lizzie, and understood why her man was so unnerved. Should she ever have to lock horns with this woman, the contest would be mortal.

Eamon looked as if he was going to speak. Melanie reached out and took his hands.

“Hush, not a word,” she said quietly with command. “You have trashed our marriage Frobisher and you nearly trashed me. You haven’t risen to this possible pinnacle of success without listening. If you listen now, then you will go on up. Any interruptions, from either of you, and you crash so far down that you will be attempting to sell the ‘Big Issue’ outside M&S.”

“And we won’t be buying,” said Lizzie.

“I don’t want to know how it started, or how long it’s been going on. I’m going to tell you how I found out.

“For a long time, it seems you have been ignoring my physical needs. We hardly got to spend any time together and I put this down to your working very hard. You always have, Eamon, and it’s to your great credit. If this promotion happens then you deserve it from the effort you have put in.

“When Carrie brought your car round that Saturday morning, you had invited her for lunch. You wanted the loo afterwards, Carrie, and excused yourself. At first, it didn’t strike me but you didn’t ask for directions. Then I realized that you had been here before, without my knowing. By itself, it meant nothing. But then you described your forty minute journey with all traffic lights on green. I tracked your phone on my iPad, Eamon. After only twenty minutes you stopped. Your car remained where it was for just over an hour, then you drove back in nineteen minutes. That’s still not conclusive.

“A week later I sent you off for some compost. Ten minutes down the Critchley Road there’s a big garden centre, but I sowed the seeds of B&Q in your mind. The route there goes close to Carrie’s house and you took advantage of another illicit hour. When you set off back without going to B&Q I soon realized that Carrie must have gone and picked up the compost for you. Well done, whichever of you dreamed that one up.

“A series of clandestine liaisons at Chez Fawcett is still tentative. Now we come to the exciting bits. You’re going to love these dears, you really are. We’ve watched them time and again.

“Off you go to Edinburgh to work hard. Carrie goes off to Lincoln to see her Mum, like the dutiful daughter she is. Now watch this snippet I recorded of our Facetime conversation darling. Watch the mirror you were sitting in front of carefully, please.  Well, well, well! Look who’s not gone to Lincoln after all. Enter Ms Carrie Fawcett as naked as the day she was born. Now look at that pose. Bending over like that and pulling your arse cheeks apart is not very ladylike dear, is it? I rather think the gesture was aimed at me rather than for Eamon’s titillation. You had no idea you were hitting the mark though, did you Carrie?”

Carrie’s face was crimson, but she stayed silent.

“The following evening you kept out of sight until you thought the call was ended. Here you are waltzing out of the bathroom naked and rejoicing that the ‘Silly Cow’ bought the lies. That nearly trashed me. You have no idea how low I felt, either of you. There was no way back from that point. I went round to Hal and Ben and they pulled me back up in the self-esteem stakes.

“Enter Harriet Greene and her very clever assistant Vicki Grant. Harriet is ex CID and is now a Private Investigator. Vicki came round and put some very tiny cameras in this house. We were sure you wouldn’t pass up the chance to use what I always considered our marital bed. You didn’t disappoint, did you? I’m just sorry we don’t get sound, but I don’t suppose your conversation was particularly erudite. Watch and enjoy this edited clip. It runs for ten minutes.”

Eamon and Carrie’s discomfort was made more acute by Lizzie’s excited running commentary. Melanie made one simple observation.

“Note that the film is timed and dated. I have no idea what you said to colleagues in the office about where you were going when you left. The film makes a lie of it. You know the good old fashioned chapel attitudes of your MD and Chairman, Eamon.”

Eventually, the video came to a merciful close.

“I repeat, Eamon, I will not stand in the way of your promotion. If you need me to attend a retirement dinner for Gordon Sanders, I will do so and keep all the necessary appearances. This letter came for you today. It’s from my solicitor. I know exactly what it says as he sent me a copy. We will begin divorce proceedings slowly and discreetly. I am happy that no actual papers go to any court before you are in position, providing that is not overly long in coming. You won’t contest the settlement you’re going to make. You’re not going to be left penniless, don’t worry. You are also going to comply with my first condition this evening, and without demur. Any breach will result in my lodging a formal complaint, along with the photographic evidence, and your fall from grace will be turbo-charged.

“Now,” said Melanie, gently, “you are both free to speak. Take a few deep breaths then say what you wish, or ask what you wish. Needless to say, anger speech would be very unwise.”

“Melly,” began Eamon, “I’ve treated you shabbily. Thank you for not trashing my career as I trashed our marriage. I am sorry we couldn’t have been open and had a clean break, but you yourself have put your finger on why. That doesn’t make it right though. I’m sorry. What is it you want me to do this evening?”

“Move out. We’ve packed most of your stuff and I would like you to leave within the next hour. Obviously there’s still a load of things, and I won’t deny you reasonable access. Vicki has changed the locks, so you will need to make arrangements with me.”

“That’s fair, in the circumstances,” responded Eamon. He seemed deep in thought for a few moments.

“Melly, I hope you don’t find this provocative. Please hear what I want to say to Carrie?”

Carrie had been in a daze, feeling totally humiliated and isolated. She re-engaged with the proceedings.

“Carrie, I love you. I have wanted to say that in front of other people for a long time. I hope you will still have me?”

Carrie was suddenly animated. She flung herself at Eamon. It was quite clear he wasn’t going to have to find a hotel at short notice. After a minute she managed to calm herself.

“Melly, I still love you but it’s changed. I hope we can be friends, and I hope you will find someone better than me very soon. I am sorry it’s meant that your physical needs got ignored.”

“Mrs Frobisher, Eamon hasn’t been shabby to you. We both have. Thank you for your consideration and dignity. Thank you for the fact that my hair hasn’t been torn out, my eyeballs are still in their sockets and I haven’t got scars on my face. I want to say sorry. Blame me for one thing absolutely, please. I am ashamed of my selfishness but I asked Eamon not to have sex with you. I wanted him to myself. You are not a ‘silly cow’ but a beautiful woman. I hope you find someone to give you the attention you deserve very soon.”

“Oh don’t worry about that, dear,” said Melanie, with the frost in her voice sounding an ominous note of warning.

“Eamon, I have been faithful to you alone since we met. Only your cock has been inside my pussy. Within not many days that will no longer be true. The Gander is going to enjoy what the Goose has been partaking of for some time. Ben and Hal will see to that.”

Eamon’s head snapped round to the photomontage on the wall.

“They’re old enough to be your Dad!”

“They are!” said Melanie. “That’s Greg Bentley and that’s Derek Jackson. Hal and Ben’s Dads. They called in to one of our cookery sessions to see what was happening. Hal and Ben gave me the photo.

“A legitimate ‘ruse de guerre’. Here’s a pic of me and the boys. Smart looking fellas, don’t you think?”

Carrie laughed.

“Eamon, we have been outplayed.”

“You became careless and complacent,” said Melanie. “Now, I want you to start bringing your bags down. Carrie, I would rather you remained down here.”

Thirty minutes later they had finished loading Eamon’s car.

“Call me if you discover you’ve left something you need urgently,” said Melanie. “Vicki has changed the barrels on the locks for me so you cannot get in unless I let you in.”

“A hug?” he asked, tentatively. Carrie was standing by the side of the car. Her sense of awkwardness tempered by excitement.

Melanie was thoughtful for several seconds. She came to a decision.

“Sometime Eamon, yes. But not today.

“Carrie,” she said gently, “take my arm and walk with me in the garden, please. Entirely up to you and there’s nothing threatening. I just have a feeling that it would be a good thing for us both. Would you mind?”

Carrie was fascinated and soothed. She stepped forward and linked her arm in with Melanie’s.

“Search me Amy, old fruit, she’s gone off script,” said Lizzie, in answer to the enquiring look from Eamon.

He and Lizzie walked round the side of the house to stand on the terrace, to watch Melanie and Carrie walk around the lower lawn. Eamon was disconcerted, wondering just what his wife was talking about. At one point he made to go forward when he saw that Carrie was crying. Lizzie stopped him when she saw Melanie take the girl into a hug.

“It’s alright boy, I think I know what they have been talking about.”

Carrie seemed to compose herself. There was a brief conversation then they began to head back toward the house. They watched them disappear inside then emerge a few minutes later. Carrie was carrying a plastic box as they re-joined Lizzie and Eamon, who had gone back to the car.

“Melanie, thank you for telling me all that about Hal and Ben. I’ve been a bitch to you and you have been gracious. It means none of us is starting out from a point of acrimonious fighting. I’ll talk to Eamon about what you’ve suggested. As I think about it, it makes very great sense.”

“We’re not acrimonious and it can stay that way,” said Melanie. “Just don’t argue the terms.”

When Eamon’s car had turned the corner Melanie turned to her cousin.

“It’s party time girl!”

“Yeesss!” shrieked Lizzie.

Back in the house they hugged and laughed. Lizzie turned Ennio Morricone up loud.

“Pour the drinks, Liz, I’m phoning the boys. They’re both at Hal’s.

“Hal, it’s me. ‘Operation Turkey’ a complete success. Frobisher is stuffed.”

Lizzie heard the whoops from the other side of the kitchen.

“Was there much blood on the carpet?” asked Hal.

“None at all, but I’ll tell you more about it tomorrow. Everything proceeded in a very civilized manner.

“Tomorrow we proceed with the big curry day, as planned. Lizzie and I will drive over and pick you both up about ten.”

“So, cousin mine, it was rather civilized in the end,” said Lizzie. “You went off script and let them off lightly. What changed your mind?”

“There was some real remorse but I began to realize that I have already moved on a long way, thanks to the boys. Whatever happens now, and in the long term, will be better for not having its genesis in too much vitriol. Eamon declaring his love openly for Carrie was something of a release for me. It also got their future off to a better start than would have been if I had been screaming. The moment was clearly special to her. My moment will come. I wouldn’t want it being spoiled by some baggage from the past.”

“All very noble of you love. I was looking forward to a fight though,” laughed Lizzie.

“There is something else which is quite compelling,” said Melanie.

“And that is?”

“Carrie is a very bright, determined and resourceful young lady. Life is going to be much easier with her not having departed with anger and venom in her heart. She’s also less likely to stiffen Eamon’s resistance to the terms of the settlement. I even gave her a goody box from our buffet.”

“Applause from Sun Tsu and Machiavelli,” declared Lizzie, clapping her hands together lightly.

“You told her about Ben and Hal, didn’t you?”

“Yes, everything except our carnal capers. I wanted her to understand, as she now does, how we became friends and the bond we share. I told her how they speak of Mandy and Jane. I want a man who will talk about me like that, I said. I also said I hoped Eamon would one day speak that way about her; that’s when she began to cry.”

“And just what is it, O wise one, that she is going to talk to Eamon about?”

Melanie thought for a moment.

"Lizzie, most companies don’t appoint a new MD from within the ranks. They usually go to headhunters, but Eamon has made his mark. Ignoring what he’s done to me, he deserves the job. It’s a salary leap of about £150k, as well as share options. The settlement Robert Holborn will be pushing for will be based on the enhanced remuneration package. I want him to get the job. I need him settled and secure in the post. I’m not rocking the boat, but they might capsize it if they’re not careful. Some young buck in the company suggests to the Chairman that Mr Frobisher and Ms Fawcett are being naughty; it all goes haywire. They weren’t careful enough to avoid me finding out.”

“I’ve suggested that she finds another job and removes herself from the scene. They no longer need the cover of ‘work’ to hide behind for their relationship. I’m removed from the scrutiny panel. They tripped themselves up with me. The financial consequences of being tripped up with the Board are much more severe.”

“And your slice of his future earnings takes a hit as well,” added Lizzie.

“His pension too,” said Melanie. “Now it’s time for another bottle.”

Giddy as teenagers, the two women sat down with the food and a chilled bottle of Mosel. Melanie sent a text to Harriet summarising the outcome of the showdown.



Written by Rheged6
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