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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 75
0 miles · England


I haven't posted for two years and Duypretens Contracture has made writing difficult.  Apart from ordinary email, this site is the closest I get to social media. I'm an empathetic person. Love so much of the work which gets published here. I like good writing and strong plots, especially where there has obviously been a good deal of research. Not into humiliation or pain but like reconciliation. My characters do what I write. If you think they should do something else - go write your own story.

Gardening, birding, cooking (and eating good food), walking our dogs and supporting my wonderful wife in her craft activities.

Favorite Books
Enjoying a miscellany of poetry at the moment, some historical fiction and am currently reading again some of Gerhard Von Rad's works on the Old Testament.

Favorite Authors
Tolkien, John Le Carre and some of the authors on this site.

Favorite TV Shows
Don't watch television

Favorite Music
Smetana, Tullis, Allegri Misere, Brian Ferry