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Not what Mother intended - Part Two

"KG really begins to learn and proves a diligent student"

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KG stared in fascination as Amelie’s head bobbed up and down. His cock was in her mouth, a thing he had never even imagined happening. She had her right hand wrapped round his hardening cock, and was moving it up and down. Her pace was slow and deliberate. Mummy hadn’t taught him the protocol in such matters. He began to be concerned that he would ejaculate, and in this whole new world of sex, he had no idea if this was socially acceptable.

Amelie, perhaps sensing that her protégé was becoming uneasy, lifted her head. She turned her face to her lover, and licked her lips. KG could no sooner picture the face of a Martian in his mind, than remember the austere Ms Roberts he first knew.

The smile she had, her whole shining face, was something he had not yet learned to recognise. He was looking at pure lust.

Lust was something that KG knew the dictionary definition of, not something he understood as having a physical appearance. A strand of saliva still linked Amelie’s lips to his cock. He was fascinated by the sight. He had a moment of regret when the strand broke. The silken strand parted, as the vision spoke, and the lust was made flesh.

“Touch me Kenny,” purred Amelie, in a deep throated growl, “touch me and feel me. It doesn’t matter how, or where. Touch me with both your hands. I have built a charge in you that must be grounded. Feel my breasts, tweak my nipples, or just run your fingers through my hair.”

“Amelie, I’m just in a whole new universe,” KG managed to say, after rediscovering the power of speech. “I don’t know where to begin.”

“You will soon,” said Amelie, giggling. “Look, scoot back and lean up against the pillows, I’m going to pour us both some more champagne.”

KG leaned back and accepted his glass. Amelie placed hers on the low table next to the bottle.

“Kenny, sweetheart,” said Amelie, “I am going to sit on your beautiful cock and lay out some of the curriculum for your learning, and some of the study methods. We shall drink our champagne, as our bodies begin to get to know each other. I shall be rocking gently, which pushes you against my clitoris. I will not ride you up and down, for the moment, because that would make you cum too soon.”

“Sip your drink my lover, and listen to what I have to say. I am going to take you through the road map of the journey we are both about to embark upon. The journey is centred upon our senses – all of them. As we explore each, we will play together.”

“Let’s begin with sight. Whilst we might play games with blindfolds, vision is very important. Do you like what you see now, for example?” ask Amelie, with a grin.

“Oh! I’ll say I like it,” KG replied, enthusiastically. “I’m not sure I believe it, but I most certainly like it.”

“Tell me what you see?”

“I see an astonishingly beautiful naked woman, sitting on my cock and rocking back and forth, drinking champagne. I see her breasts, in fact I’m checking that particular vision for reality with my left hand. I see her pubic hair, and bits I’m not sure what to call, and the base of my cock as she rocks back.”

“Very good Kenny! We’ll get to ‘touch’ shortly, but you make a good point. Are you enjoying watching your hand tease my nipples? When you fucked me before, you were watching your cock as you plunged it in me. You enjoy the visual image, don’t you?”

“It’s the forbidden fruit,” said KG. “It really was forbidden. No, images allowed in the house. The Sunday supplements are censored; most don’t get seen by Dad, let alone me.”

“Yet, I have teased you since we picked the car up yesterday? I flaunted myself, I was shameless.”

“And I loved every moment of it, thank you. You’ve made me think that it’s alright to desire and to have fantasies.”

“Sight and vision can have other dimensions of excitement Kenny. You used the words, ‘forbidden fruit’. Did you enjoy using the binoculars to watch me last night?”

For a moment KG thought that everything was going to suddenly fall apart. He was caught. He felt himself burning with embarrassment as he struggled to find something to say.

“Kenny, Kenny my sweet,” cried Amelie. She put her glass down, and rescued his.

“Don’t worry!” It was what you were supposed to do.

Amelie leaned forward and took his head between her hands. She kissed him softly and sensuously. She sent her tongue on a mission to find his tonsils while her hips rocked to grind her pussy into him with renewed power.

“Listen, my sweet man! Later, I am going to show you just how I played with myself last night as I thought of you watching me. You enjoyed seeing my body last night, but part of that pleasure was derived from the illicit nature of what you were doing. It was exciting for you, wasn’t it?”

“Yes, oh yes!” KG managed to whisper.

“Then this morning, I flounced into your room in a very flimsy Yukata. I placed myself in the sunshine, in such a way as to allow you to see my naked form. My body covered and yet revealed at the same time. Wind billowed the skirt, and I know what you must have been able to see. The sensation for me as the breeze brushed by my pussy was just so wonderful.”

“Kenny, my exhibitionist was revelling in entertaining your voyeur. Do not feel guilty, please.”

“Amelie, it’s all so much to take in. It’s a bit scary, but I just want it to go on, and on.”

“Now Kenny! What did we do this morning?”

“We went shopping!”

“Oh, we did so much more than that, my sweet. We continued your sensual epiphany. I didn’t ‘need’ any of those lovely things from ‘La Senza’, but buying them was fun. You spied on my body last night, and it filled your imagination. This morning we looked at flimsy bits of silk and lace together. I made you touch and feel them. I then went behind a curtain, only a few feet away from you. I was looking forward to putting those things on. However, you now had a vision of my naked body to work with, didn’t you? Now you could picture me putting the things you had just felt the texture of, onto the body you could now bring to mind.”

“That’s exactly what I was trying to do,” said KG. He mixed a sheepish grin with an excited look in his eyes. “I’m sorry, I was focusing on you taking things off, rather than putting things on.”

“It’s another part of how we use sight and vision in our sexual adventure. You had seen me take things off; I think you will enjoy me putting certain things on. I’m sure I know the answer to my next question. Do you look at porn, on the internet?”

“The computer at home is in the lounge. Mummy has every control imaginable set up. The screen gets jittery if you type in an ‘X’.”

“We will look at some porn together this week. The erotic, the exotic and the plain filthy; all have their place. I might just give you a nudge on some things you see, one way or the other.”

“Now we come to ‘sound’. What sounds do you think we will experience when we have sex together?”

“Well, some sort of conversation. Forgive me, but when we were having sex before, I’m not sure I was listening.”

“Ha! Ha! Ha!” laughed Amelie, “you are excused. There are words of passion and encouragement. There are schlapping sounds of flesh crashing against flesh. There are sucking sounds, screams and grunts. But there are sounds you have to listen for Kenny.”

“I will teach you to play my clitoris, my cunt and my arse, like a violin. You will listen to my sounds, you will listen to my breathing, and you will know how to drive me to an explosive orgasm.”

“I will suck and caress your cock. I will tease you and finger you. I will drag my finger nails over you in a way you have not experienced. Yes, and you will make sounds as I do so, but I will be listening for those which tell me you are about to ejaculate. Then, I will ready myself my lover, to receive your creamy spunk.”

Amelie was watching KG’s face as she noted his breathing getting quicker.

“Excuse me!” she said, dismounting quickly. “I think I’d better let you calm down a bit. In fact, let’s both do a quick length of the pool, shall we?”

“I’m sorry, Amelie. I, I think it’s too late,” gasped KG.

“Whoops! My own fault. Don’t worry sweetie. I’ll take care of it; we were about to come to taste and smell anyway.”

Amelie lowered her face to KG’s cock while taking hold of it gently, with her right hand. She held her head cocked to the left, so KG could see her holding his purple head poised in her mouth.

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She teased him, rolling her tongue around the head as she very gently moved her hand up and down.

“Cum for me Kenny, cum for me darling. I want you to shoot your spunk into my mouth. I want you to watch it filling me.”

“Aaaargh! Ah! Aaaaaargh,” grunted KG, as he fired strings of semen past Amelie’s waiting lips.

Amelie closed her mouth onto his still pulsing cock. KG could feel her working him to squeeze every drop out. He lay still while his breathing and pulse returned to normal. The sensation was one of the most intense he could recall ever having. It had been different to shooting deep into her vagina. It was no more or less exciting; but it was different.

Releasing his still hard cock from her mouth, Amelie opened it to show him his creamy spunk being twirled by her tongue. She pushed some out to dribble down her chin onto her breasts. KG watched in amazement as Amelie swallowed his spunk. She grinned at him and opened her mouth to show him it was now empty.

“Thank you Kenny, that was wonderful. You were delicious,” she said, as she licked her lips.

KG was still fascinated by the traces on her chin and on her breasts. In an almost trance like state he swung his feet to the side of the sunbed to be able to get closer. Taking her head in his hands he leaned in close. Sensing it was something that she would like, he joined his mouth to hers in a passionate kiss. As their tongues engaged KG was aware of a creaminess in her mouth, and he understood that this was his spunk he was tasting.

When their lips parted he still held her head close. They looked deep into each other’s eyes. There was a sharing of the excitement and passion of that which had just taken place between them. KG understood that the more he learned and understood, the greater the opportunities for him to take an initiative.

Leaning in once more he licked the remaining cum from her face. Then he lowered his head to her breasts. Once he had cleaned them, he licked his own lips to mirror his appreciation.

Amelie was both thrilled and astounded at his gesture.

“Kenny, that was so special. Thank you. I have had many lovers who have refused to do anything like that. We have a lot to explore, you and I.”

“It just seemed the right thing to do. What you did to me in taking my like that was just so amazing. I wanted to return the compliment, in some way.”

“You certainly did that, Kenny, you certainly did that.”

“Now! I suggest a slight change of scene. You’ve just had a visual treat. At some point I hope you will make me cum with your tongue. Perhaps you might fill your mouth with my juice, and we’ll share a kiss then.”

“What’s your juice like?”

“We’re coming to taste and smell next, and I will tell you more. First, champagne is lovely, but in this heat we need to keep hydrated. Come into the kitchen and we’ll have a long cool drink. Then I suggest we walk around the gardens and into the wood. We’ll talk as we walk.”

“Still naked?” asked KG.

“Of course,” replied Amelie, “and should either of us wish to fondle the other as we stroll…”

Feeling refreshed they walked, hand in hand, over the lawns at the rear of the house.

“At some point,” said Amelie, “I want you to fuck me up on the decking, outside your room.”

“Taste and smell are very close to each other. The taste of something may vary, according to conditions. If I lick your arm after you have just had a shower, you will taste clean. If I lick it now, it’s likely to be salty from your sweat. The creamy taste of your spunk varies a bit, sometimes it might be a bit salty. I love it anyway.”

“When you taste me, I may taste sour and bitter at times. I probably would at the moment, because I haven’t drunk enough. The smell of my pussy will vary a bit as well. The muskiness can be a real turn on, for many people. Napoleon is reputed to have written to Josephine, instructing her not to bathe before he returned to her. He wished to enjoy her natural smells. In all this you need to be a considerate lover. Go gently. Not every girl you meet is going to want to do some of the things I like. There is one golden rule in these things.”

“What’s that?” asked KG.

Amelie turned to him, smiling. “No! always means, no. Lovers love through consent. Kenny my darling, by the time your stay here is ended, we will have explored many things together. If you got together with your cousin Daphne, there would be a lot of things she may not be ready for.”

“Understood absolutely, Amelie. I do fancy getting together with Daph again. I just wish I had had the confidence, last year, to push things a little further.”

“If you had my lover, we might not be having quite as much fun now. Anyway, tell me how far you did get?”

“We kissed and hugged a lot. Auntie Grace left us to ourselves, something Mummy wouldn’t allow for a moment. I got to feel her breasts through her blouse, which nearly blew my mind then.”

“How did she respond to that?”

“She seemed to be okay with it. She certainly didn’t try and stop me. We just carried on kissing.”

“Hmmm!” said Amelie, “I think, my lovely man, you could definitely have got as far as getting inside her bra. Anyway, I’m glad you didn’t. It means that these are the first tits you’ve played with. How about reminding them that you’re here?”

“Certainly, but just let me nip behind this bush. I need a pee.”

“Stay just where you are Kenny. I’ll turn my back while you get started, then you have another experience coming,” said Amelie, with a grin.

KG was a bit self-conscious, but the physical need overcame that. He was amazed when Amelie turned to him as is flow began. She stepped forward and lifted his cock from his hands into her own. She directed his jet of piss, even as far as waving his cock around. When his flow slowed to a trickle she squeezed and shook him gently, to expel the final drops.

“There are more games we can play, Kenny. But, as we were talking about taste…”

KG was shocked when she went down onto her knees. She lifted his flaccid cock and put it into her mouth. He felt her tongue rolling the head around.

“Tasty, but a little bitter,” she announced, with a smile, when she stood up once more. “We haven’t had nearly enough ordinary liquid to drink.”

KG’s surprise did not stop him from reacting. He took Amelie into his arms and kissed her deeply. As they tongue wrestled her ran his hands over her bum. She pulled him into her and ground her crotch into his.

“Kenny, I love the way you keep returning the compliment, as you put it. Please don’t feel you have to, especially if there is something you’re not ready for. I need to pee as well. Have you ever watched a woman having a piss?”

Amelie squatted down on her haunches, with her knees wide apart, and in a moment a trickle became a torrent. KG was captivated.

“I think,” said Amelie, as she stood up, “that it’s time for a quick swim, then a shower. Before you start using your mouth and tongue down there, darling, you’re going to get a proper guided tour of all the bits. Come on, I’ll race you.”

Amelie had the advantage. She was facing in the right direction to begin with, and she was prepared. Nevertheless, their dives were parallel.

Back in the house, KG went back to his room to shower and get dressed.

“We’ll shower again later, Kenny. We’ll use mine together, and there will be a bit more play with a bit of instruction. Now it’s time for your first lesson in cooking.”

Their meal comprised a cold platter of meats with an assortment of salads. KG did not really have a cookery lesson, as such. He did pay close attention to everything that Amelie said. In her turn, Amelie was impressed with his lightness of touch on everything. It augured well for the lessons he was going to be given in her bed, that evening.

“We’ll take some wine to bed with us and just have plenty of sparkling mineral water, for now,” declared Amelie.

After their meal Amelie suggested they have a walk into the village. It was still only six thirty and she thought they would shower together at eight. The local Morris Men were dancing at the Bewicke, and that was always good fun.

“One pint only, I suggest, Kenny my sweet. I have expectations of you later.”

KG didn’t feel any of the uncertainty of the evening before. He walked into the happy throng of the pub feeling at ease. The accordion was playing for the dancers and there was laughter all around. As he waited at the bar to be served, he chatted to a couple of ladies who were in costume. The ‘KG’ of forty eight hours before would not have had the confidence to do so. Amelie waited for him outside, watching a sword dance. When she glanced in the pub window she saw him chatting happily.

“Marjorie, my dear friend,” she said to herself, “you gave me a boy. I will give you back a man. Tonight Kenny, you lovely young man, you are going to fly.”

(To be continued)

Written by Rheged6
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