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Melanie's Cookery Class Part Three

"Carrie cavorts and is revealed, Melanie is distressed but is lifted up by her boys."

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Melanie arrived home just before ten. After making herself a cup of tea she changed out of her outfit and put on a rather drab dressing gown. She had decided to Facetime Eamon, partly in the hope catching him out, and partly to set the scene for the following day.

“Hello Mel, my darling. How went the beans on toast tutorial?”

“Very well dear, but they’re a bit further along than that. How has your day been?”

“Very interesting morning sessions, deadly dull this afternoon, but some good networking this evening with our Celtic colleagues. I was just about to grab a shower, then turn in early.”

“I’m glad you haven’t stayed in the bar dear. You’re looking a bit flushed, as it is. What time’s your train tomorrow? I’m going to be out until about until this time in the evening and will be getting a taxi back. Do you mind making your own way home?”

Melanie was concentrating on looking beyond her husband. Of the tart, there seemed no sign. Then she spotted it. Draped over a chair was a lacy black bra.

“Actually darling, I was thinking about staying an extra night up here and exploring a possible joint project with an Inverness group. It would save a huge amount of travel later, if we can make some progress while we’re both halfway to the other.”

“Sounds sensible to me dear; so you’ll be home Friday?”

“Late afternoon, I should think.”

“That’s fine dear, see you whenever. You go have your shower and get a good night’s sleep. Hitting the red button this end – byeee!”

Carrie Fawcett couldn’t contain her excitement. She burst out of the bathroom, still naked from their interrupted carnal capers. It totally distracted Eamon who stopped even looking at his screen.

“I don’t believe it!” she cried, “we get an extra day and night fucking each other like rabbits. The silly cow bought it!”

“Yes, she did. Now get your mouth back on this cock where it was before we were so rudely interrupted.”

Melanie disconnected them. The recording was more than enough. She had more footage of the tart prancing nude in front of her husband. Their dialogue was a killer.  She was seething. Carrie had called her a ‘silly cow’, and her husband had not disputed the term.

‘Hell hath no fury, like a woman scorned!” screamed Melanie. Then she calmed herself. She breathed deep. She had seen and heard things which she suspected. It changed nothing, but rather confirmed them. Hell was a cold place, she decided. Not a place for violent histrionics. A place for a very deliberate form of retribution and punishment.

“I need friends,” she declared. “Lizzie is too far away and the locals won’t do; certainly at this time of the evening.” She picked up the phone.

“Hello Ben, it’s Mel. Are you and Hal still together?”

“We are Mel, is everything alright? You don’t sound good.”

Hal had been on the point of leaving, but now he was rooted to the spot as he listened to half the conversation.

“How can we help, Mel?”

“You could come back now Mel, or we could get a taxi over to you?”

“Are you quite sure?”

“That’s fine, love. We’ll see you at ten.”

“No! Don’t worry, that’s what friends are for. Just try and get some sleep.”

“Mel, hold on a moment! Slow down. Whatever it is we’re here to help. If it needs a great big hug, then we can be on our way in minutes. Mel, darling, a lot of people have been there for me and Hal these last months. We’re here for you.”

“That’s better. Now! Just think after we have won Masterchef, and the world’s press are clamouring to learn more about the 'Melanie Mackenzie School for Masterchefs’. Cool under the heat we will tell them. Just be cool, darling.”

“That’s better, now some deep breathing and some sleep. Have you decided what to wear for us?”

“Oh! That will most definitely be more than acceptable. Have you any experience in dealing with cardiac arrests, because you may be threatening us with one?”

Ben said goodbye for them both, and turned to his mate.

“Mel’s in a bad place, but she hasn’t said what’s happened. She’s coming over in the morning and will be at your place by ten. Is that okay?”

“What was the business with the cardiac arrests?”

“Hal, my dear friend, Mel is bringing several changes of clothes. In her own words, she promises eye candy for those with the sweetest of tooths.”

“Bring on the syllabub,” said Hal, “pile up the meringues.”

After speaking to Ben Melanie did, indeed, feel more relaxed and in control. She certainly wasn’t alone. 'Time to bring cousin Lizzie up to date,' she thought.

The following morning was a scorcher, even at seven o’clock. Melanie had watered the greenhouse and the pots. She had a light breakfast of cold meats, sliced cheese and some scrambled egg. She checked her small case and was ready when the taxi arrived at nine thirty.

At ten minutes to ten, Hal opened his door to greet her, with Ben standing beside him. They both looked rather anxious and Mel’s tired look did not reassure them.

Their loving smiles did, however, reassure her.

“Ben, take Mel into the lounge. I’ll make some tea.”

“Coffee, black and strong please,” said Melanie. “And a chat around the kitchen table. I need to explain something to you, the hardest part of which I only found out when I got home last night.”

“Your wish will ever be our command,” said Hal.

Forty minutes later Melanie had told the whole tale of her discovery of Eamon’s cheating. The months of her longing for physical love. Hal and Ben had been enthralled by her tracking of her husband’s phone.

“Move over Sherlock,” said Ben; when the acquisition of the compost bales was described.

Melanie had been more than happy to replay the tart displaying her bum several times. By that point in the narrative, the three were feeling very close. Melanie had relaxed, and she couldn’t deny her friends the titillation of the spread arse cheeks and gaping pussy.

“So, we come to the game-changer,” said Ben. “What happened last night?”

“Hug me first, please?”

First Ben, then Hal, took her into a deep embrace. They squeezed her. They made her understand again their friendship.

Melanie went on to describe her Facetime call of the evening before. She played the recording.

“Please tell me I’m not a silly cow,” said Melanie.

Both Hal and Ben experienced vicarious anger.

“Melanie Mackenzie,” declared Hal. “Your friends are ready to support you in any way they can.”

“You’re going for divorce, presumably,” said Ben.

“Up until the ‘silly cow’ bit, I wondered if there might have been a way back.”

“Do you have a solicitor?” Ben went on.

“No. I was going to ask Lizzie who she used. I’m seeing a Private Investigator on Monday, but that might be a bit academic now.”

“Hal, may I use your phone? I want to call my brother in law.”

Twenty minutes later Melanie ended the call to Robert Holborn, of Clarke, Holborn and Taylor.

“He knows Harriet Green, the PI. He’s going to speak to her.  Guys! Suddenly I feel a bit more in control of things. However, let’s cook!”

“Hal, your salmon pasta dish is delicious but doesn’t, by itself, challenge your cooking skills. So, we’re going to make our own fettuccine. We can get going on that straightaway. You’re likely to make yourselves a bit of a sticky mess, first time round. Aprons on!”

The boys got a bit frustrated with their dough until Melanie intervened. She got it to the stage where they could knead it without being covered in it.

“Lovely satin sheen to it now, isn’t there?” said Melanie. “Well done both of you. Now we set it aside under a cloth to prove.”

“What next?” asked Ben.

“Ben, if you slice this pineapple and trim off the skin, please. Hal, sort out a shallow dish for the slices. We’re going to steep them in kirsch.”

“I’m very impressed with the way you work together,” said Melanie. “I want to see how you manage something a little bit more complex. Our starter is going to be, ‘scallop mousse with a crayfish sauce.”

“Sounds delicious,” said Hal.

“Gather round closely,” said Melanie.

“How close?” they both asked together, grinning.

“Close enough to be able to watch what I do carefully. However, we might get a bit closer later, if you’re very good.”

Melanie returned their grin and compounded the tantalising by giving them each a kiss on the lips. It was brief, but sensual.

The dish was prepared and put in the fridge. It was time to start rolling out the pasta. Once more Melanie was impressed with their natural teamwork.

“We’ve done well,” declared Melanie. “Considering you spent the first hour and a half re-building my ego, we’ve done very well. It’s nearly one o’clock. I think it’s time I got changed, don’t you?”

“Can we get you a drink Mel?” asked Hal.

“Well, I think it has to be Pimms, on a day like this,” said Melanie. “I shall join you in the garden. We might sip our drinks in the shade of your giant umbrella.”

“Where would you like us to wait, at the bottom of the stairs again?” asked Hal.

“I think out in the garden please, gentlemen,” said Melanie with a big smile.

The two men watched their personal vision of feminine beauty disappear up the stairs.

“Perfect,” said Hal, as the two dashed through the utility room into the garage. In minutes they had changed out of their smart casual chinos and short sleeved shirts.

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Upstairs, Melanie stood in Hal’s bedroom before the full-length mirror. She had stripped naked and she smiled at the image which confronted her. In fact, she rejoiced in herself.

“Frobisher! I am standing naked in another man’s bedroom. The tart may have seduced you to alcopops, but my gentlemen have finer tastes. I am a woman!” she declared, proudly.

She enjoyed the sensuality of pulling on the pale yellow thong. The wrap around primrose yellow summer dress was of a light cotton; a fabric the designer assumed would be worn over a slip. She massaged her breasts before tying the crossover bodice, loosely, about her braless torso. After a few dips and bends, she was satisfied that the eye candy she was serving her lovely friends, was very sweet indeed.

Hal and Ben checked each other over, and grinned.

“Three can play at dressing up,” said Hal, chuckling.

“It’s High Noon,” drawled Ben. “Who knocks who out first?”

Melanie walked out of the conservatory onto the lawn, excited at the prospect of the effect her dress might have on her two friends. Nothing could have prepared her for the greeting which awaited her. All sense of aplomb was lost in a moment, and it almost made her drop to her knees.

Walking toward her were her two handsome men, dressed in full white tie regalia. Their grins were so wide they could have swallowed a banana sideways.

Melanie’s hands flew to her face as she shrieked with joy. Then she skipped toward her two beautiful friends, the motion triggering tectonic upheaval beneath her bodice.

“You lovely, lovely things!” cried Melanie. “This is all so wonderful and romantic. Oh, you’re making me feel so special, thank you.”

“You are special Mel,” said Hal, with a quiver in his voice.

“You’re also absolutely ravishing,” said Ben, looking her up and down.

“Thank you, kind sir,” said Melanie, giving them a twirl.

“We have an iced jug of Pimms over in the shade,” said Hal.

Melanie was flying. She felt she was playing a part in a romantic movie from the fifties. Ben and Hal were Fred Astaire and Bing Crosby, both courting her. She danced over the lawn, swishing her dress to flash her thighs. She felt giddy and more alive than she had for a very long time.

Ben and Hal were ecstatic over the effect their dressing up had on their gorgeous friend. The flash of flesh in all quarters was exciting them no end. They made no secret of their ogling, just as Melanie made no secret of enjoying her exhibitionism.

“Hey! Dancing Queen! The Pimms is warming up, slow down and have a drink.”

As Melanie sipped her drink she began to come down to earth. It was, however, a new earth and a new reality. Frobisher was history, but she wondered how she and the boys moved forward from here. There was no doubt that something had happened that was going to bind them together, but exactly how?

“Time to get back into the kitchen lads; I’m actually beginning to feel hungry,” declared Melanie.

Melanie supervised the plating up of the scallop mousse, with the boys imbibing every tip as if it was a divine revelation. The salmone al fettuccini was every bit as good as Jane used to cook, if not better.

“How did you manage to arrange the suits?” asked Melanie, as they were enjoying their pasta.

“From a conversation we had some time ago,” replied Hal, “we knew we both already possessed the full get up.”

“It was Hal’s brilliant idea to dress up a bit for you,” said Ben.

“Three can play at dressing up, I said,” added Hal.

“Well, it’s one of the most romantic things anyone has ever done for me. I’m a new girl.”

“Well, I think I can speak for both of us,” said Hal. “We’re certainly enjoying your ‘coming out’ party, so to speak. We love the dress, but it’s awfully tempting to start feeling the fabric, isn’t it Ben?”

“Don’t worry Mel, we’ll behave. The last thing we want is for you not to feel safe here,” said Ben.

“Well my Prince Charmings both, let’s clear these things away, shall we? Then I’ll go and put on my next little outfit and I suggest we have the pineapple in the garden shall we?”

“You’ll forgive us if we don’t change, won’t you?” asked Hal.

“I’m not sure I’d forgive you if you did,” replied Melanie, laughing.

Back in Hal’s bedroom Melanie was once more contemplating her naked figure in the mirror. She had a few options and she decided to take her time. The boys would enjoy the anticipation and she was enjoying the naughtiness of her nudity in Hal’s bedroom. For several minutes she lay on his bed. Her hands found her pussy but she resisted the temptation.

Melanie made two decisions and then rose to put on her next assembly. First, a pair of sheer white lacy briefs that had no modesty qualities at all. They did, however, tick all the boxes when it came to ‘sexy’. Next a pale cotton skirt with a wide hemline just above her knees. It had an abstract floral print in different shades of green and brown on a white background. The halter top was plain white with raised floral motifs. It tied in the small of her back and behind her neck. It was split down the front by a teardrop open panel that plunged below her bust line.

“Glad you got rid of the tan lines,” she said to her image in the mirror. “Time to go and find my princes.”

Ben and Hal had resumed their station under the shade of the beech tree. They gave whoops of delight when Melanie came into view.

“Even less covering this time,” said Hal. “How lucky do you think we’re going to get?”

“Well,” said Melanie, smiling seductively, “how lucky do you want to get?”

“Hal, my friend, do we behave ourselves, or tell the truth?”

“Tell the truth and shame the devil,” cut in Melanie.

“Mel, darling,” Ben began, “we wouldn’t want to do anything that would risk our friendship. That is really important to us. It may also be important for us to be able to support you if your divorce gets unpleasant.”

Mel stepped forward and kissed each of them lightly on the lips.

“That was well said, thank you. I don’t want to threaten our friendship either. I’m going to ask the question again, in a few minutes. Let’s get the pineapple slices out of the fridge and some drinks in our hands.”

“Gentlemen,” said Melanie, once they were back in the kitchen, “I think you should remove your ties and jackets. This is quite a sticky dish and it’s pretty darn hot out there.”

“Oh this is delicious,” said Hal. “So simple but really yummy and refreshing.”

“Mmmn! Great idea Mel. I hope one day we’re going to be able to think things up too.”

“You will, darlings, you will. The more you do then the more confidence you will have to experiment. You were dead right when we first met. If you had tried roasting that brisket you probably would have given up. Now that you have got some things right, you’re better prepared for the things that will go wrong. They still do for me.”

“The pineapple and kirsch I got from one of Pru Leith’s books. Next time Frobisher finds an excuse to be away with the tart for a night, I’d like you both to come over. We’ll look over my books and some of the things I have in my kitchen. Not so many gadgets, you’ve got many of those, but some of the things that you put together to give dishes a lift. Some of the things Frobisher is going to find aren’t happening anymore – at least not in his portion.”

“We’ll be like pilgrims visiting a shrine, Ben,” said Hal.

“When you come over, we’ll make a curry together if you fancy hotting things up a bit?”

“Love the idea of hotting things up,” said Hal, with a grin.

“Well, that brings me back nicely to my question,” said Melanie, with a broad grin. “But, before I ask you again, I want to give you another context to it. I asked you ‘how lucky you wanted to get?’ but I’m in this as well. I want to get very lucky too. Very, very lucky.”

“Neither of you has been able to hold and cuddle a woman for a long time. I haven’t really been held and cuddled by a man for a long time either. Frobisher has been too distracted.”

“I have been something of an exhibitionist yesterday and today. You have ogled and I have really enjoyed that. I said this morning that you have helped me re-build my ego and self-esteem. Hal, darling, you said you were tempted to feel the fabric. Ben, you said you wanted me to feel safe here. I feel very safe here my loves. Very safe, loved and cared for. I hope you will each hold me close. I would like you not only to feel the fabric, the wrapping, but feel the contents too. My lovely Princes Charming, tell the truth and shame the Devil. How lucky do you want to get?”

Hal and Ben stared at each other in amazement. Then smiles began to form which then burst, finally, in laughter.

“Mel darling, it looks as if our interpretation of ‘getting lucky’ might be shared. Ben and I would both love to take you to bed.”

“Not at the same time,” said Ben, hastily.

“I’m relieved to hear that,” said Melanie.

There was an awkward silence. Melanie realised the men were still running scared of the conversation.

“When’s your birthday Hal?”

“18th November.”


"8th October”.

“Guys, if this is going to work for each of us then you each have to have sex and make love to me. If it was just me and one of you then that starts to break up the friendship. Any sign of that happening then everything stops, okay? Anybody starts feeling jealous, and we have to stop.”

The men were having trouble believing what they were hearing, but the grins plastered all over their faces convinced Melanie that they were good to go.

“Now my Princes Charming, I think my car is remaining on your drive again tonight, Ben. Yesterday, champagne was mentioned?”

“Already chilled and on standby,” said Hal.

“Now, I have an idea about how we might proceed. How does this sound as a plan for this afternoon boys?” asked Melanie.

Written by Rheged6
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