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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 46
United States


Active Ink Slinger
Oprah had too much influence over easily influenced people. I was personally glad to see her show go off cable TV.

That being said, she obviously did a lot a good things for some people and probably still does. Still, it's hard for me to relate the mega-rich like Oprah. She's not exactly grounded in reality.
Active Ink Slinger
Intelligent women are a huge turn-on for me. It's a key part of the total package I need to be attracted to them. If they start to drone on, however, I lose interest quickly.
Active Ink Slinger
No, it's not too far. If you're giving head already, and in the neighborhood, might as well visit the next door neighbor...
Active Ink Slinger
100% inapplicable in my case. However, hypothetically...some serious counseling, and probably divorce.

Also, did you rob a bank prior to, or immediately after, this post?
Active Ink Slinger
I like to get 8 hours, if possible. As I get older, I realize the adage "every hour before midnight is worth 2" holds true. I also love a good 15 min nap when I can.
Active Ink Slinger
I can't get the wife to even consider it, except simple admiration for good looking guys. I will take one on occasion, however. It's just sex to me.
Active Ink Slinger
Older woman seduced me once. I guess I was putting out a good vibe, and she "caught" me. It was awesome. So, just put yourself in their company (there are bars that Cougars frequent) and be yourself.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by SereneProdigy

This... Left : too much / Right : nice

I love fitness girls. They're up for some competition.

Active Ink Slinger
I agree with the earlier posts - quality not quantity. Anywhere from 10-30 minutes (per session) typically gets it done for both of us.
Active Ink Slinger
My wife had A's, got C implants and they fit her body perfectly. Her doctor was the best in a large city, and you cannot tell. Also sent her self confidence through the roof. So, turn-on as needed. Giant, oversized boobs (real or natural) are a turn-off for me.
Active Ink Slinger
It matters, but I may be able to get past it if she's gifted in other areas. Don't get me wrong, fellatio is great and all, but I enjoy other acts much more.
Active Ink Slinger
For me, it can add to female allure, sure. I have a female coworker from the South and I can listen to her talk about nothing for hours.
Active Ink Slinger
"Dude - I'm just trying to fill up my car with gas here." Try Craigslist - lots of eager guys there.
Active Ink Slinger
I'm a fan, as Redheaded woman stand out in a crowd. Plus, you're beautiful to boot!
Active Ink Slinger
Some guys may be able to pull this off, in a few select places in the country, but nowhere I frequent.
Active Ink Slinger
You're normal - hopefully you live in an area with lots of young women. If not, move there.

Find some hobbies once you start to chafe.
Active Ink Slinger
I'd run from this - unless you don't care about losing your husband and/or friend.
Active Ink Slinger
I never understood the attraction - that weird gagging sound, is weird. Just provide me a nice vag and I'm good.
Active Ink Slinger
I prefer one-on-one, but I've always fantasized about watching or joining a couple.
Active Ink Slinger
I worry about guys that have not, and live by "I'll f*ck anything that moves"

I don't even want to shake hands with them after a while.