I prefer the look myself.
I look far better, in my opinion, with the light stubble. No mustache though. I can't pull it off and I just don't like the feel of them either. I generally keep it clean and smooth around the mouth. So I guess I kind of keep a rugged chin-strap, though that isn't the proper description either. I pretty much keep try to keep a look like what you have in the first image, though slightly smaller. Admittedly, I need to get a couple of those small grooming electric razors to keep things more even.
Definitely prefer my hair fairly short too, like the first image. Though I keep it just long enough to keep a messy kind of a spike.
Most ladies, however, that I've met at least, prefer clean shaven. Which does make sense, if you're giving oral. Or kissing.eLWwaxH4sfjgwW6O
I would like to think it's hot, especially seeing as I have sported a well trimmed goatee for many years now. Trick is to keep it maintained, if it gets too bushy kissing is not the most pleasureable thing for your partner.
It's ok looking. I can't stand kissing with stubble gouging at my face, though. So I favor a slightly more grown bit of facial hair along the lines of a goatee or clean shaven.
I think it looks as though you need a bath or have just rolled out of bed with a hangover (that must be pretty rugged). I suppose the idea is that opposites attract and as most girls can't grow facial hair it may intrigue them. By the way I posed this question in a thread yesterday.
I really like this look. I am not into full beards or extreme facial hair, but very well trimmed stubble is absolutely hot on the right guy.
The look is better than the feel. Some guys look really good with it, but other guys look like hobos. Like most looks, it's not for everybody.
I love the stubble look. I think the man in the first photo would look better clean-shaven, but when it comes to the rest of the men there...I'm a fan.
I think it looks fine on some but not on others. Also as others have pointed out, it can often times look patchy and IMO as if the guy was just lazy. You can go from being able to pull it off to not with little differences.
I normally go from a sculpted 5 on my beard trimmer up to a 9 in the winter sometimes. And I go from a goatee to full beard depending on my mood. I also go from a full beard up the cheeks, to just the jawline (that is what I am doing now), or jawline full (though not long) with stubble up the cheek (that look works for me too).
But I dislike stubble on my neck, and think guys who don't shave their necks clean look dirty and scummy.
I've been doing the designer stubble thing for about seven years now.
I was trying to grow a sneaky moustache for a dance competition, and I got heaps of positive feedback from the ladies while it was coming in. So after I was done with Raul, my rumba alter ego, I grew it back.
Still didn't get any though.
And now that I'm married, my wife just teases me for the salt and pepper sprinkled through. So it's really just to cover up my baby face these days.
It's much easier to maintain than clean shaving, and I suppose about the same as a full beard. Although it's much more comfortable than the full. The key is though, you have to have a good electric beard trimmer, otherwise you're just asking for trouble. And as others have mentioned, you've got to keep up with shaving the neck, and the cheeks for those of us into Teenwolf, or Robin Williams territory.
My latest story is a racy little piece about what happens when someone cute from work invites you over to watch Netflix and Chill. Any kind of facial hair is sexy... Mmmmmm....
I think it is very sexy looking and hot on some people. I guess it would just have to depend.
My spouse has a mustache and I really like that.
He has also had a gotee which I liked also.
I like the look. I also like beards. I have gone to beard contests and loved it. Beards can be extremely sexy!
Hair on the neck is a turn off with the beard.
Funny, I never thought of stubble as being designer or vogue. I often wear stubble as it grows so damn fast. I guess that makes me designer vogue much of the time. I can't stand for it to grow down my neck though. That itches and drives me crazy. When my hair was long I grew a beard. It was in full in 2 weeks. I started trimming it real short though. My wife loved it all, the long hair and the short beard. My hair got real curly or wavy or whatever, very unruly looking and I had to tie it behind my head in a ponytail to run, bicycle, work out & play sports. That all just drove me nuts. I shower at least twice a day and washing my hair and drying it so often was driving me crazy. Its short now, somewhere just a little longer than a crew cut. Towel and go baby!
Sometimes I have to go clean shaven though for business reasons.
I adore stubble that's been well kept, my husband is a defence member, so unfortunately it's not something I get to see on him very often. I love summer holidays when he lets it grown in, goatee and short stubble, oh my, swoon
Shaved clean for me - wife can't stand stubble and I can't either
I recently had several dates with a man with designer stubble, and I just didn't like the way it felt against my face when he kissed me. It looks like laziness to me -- too lazy to shave.
From a guy with a beard, either shave or don't. This in between crap looks awful.
I'm a moustache girl. Gimme a man with a moustache and I will climb him like a tree.