What's the ordeal with redheads? I was made fun of all my life for being ginger, pale, and having red freckles.
And now, everyone has an opinion on the topic. Some say gingers are hot, some say otherwise.
What's your opinion?
Quote by TessaRhae
What's the ordeal with redheads? I was made fun of all my life for being ginger, pale, and having red freckles.
And now, everyone has an opinion on the topic. Some say gingers are hot, some say otherwise.
What's your opinion?
Quote by SereneProdigy
I think it's hot, seriously. It's rare, so there's a great level of exoticism that I associate with redheads. It's a unique feature that really makes them stand out.
Of course, they have to be good looking in the first place, but if they do it's a real turn-on.
Quote by trinket
Did you just say that a redhead is not a real turn-on if she is not good looking? Do you mean that you think red hair is hot, but if the girl is not hot as well, then red hair is not hot?
Quote by TessaRhae
What's the ordeal with redheads? I was made fun of all my life for being ginger, pale, and having red freckles.
And now, everyone has an opinion on the topic. Some say gingers are hot, some say otherwise.
What's your opinion?
Quote by trinket
Did you just say that a redhead is not a real turn-on if she is not good looking? Do you mean that you think red hair is hot, but if the girl is not hot as well, then red hair is not hot?
Quote by MadMartigan
Probably more extremes with gingers because they are a dying breed as it were. They are being mixed out of the gene pool, so they are few and far between. I've only actually MET a couple in my life. One of my friends is dating one and he pretty much has a red head fetish.
At any rate, as with any hair color, they are really super attractive women and there are unattractive ones, and there are ones in the middle. A rainbow spectrum of beauty. But then, everyone is different in what attracts them or not.
Me personally? I love a super cute redhead. The red hair + green eyes mix is gorgeous. Maybe my second favorite after black hair + blue/green eyes.
And maybe since I'm pale myself but, I've no problem with pale girls. It means healthy skin. And I love a girl with a light dusting of freckles across her nose. Even cooler when you can make up constellation names out of a girls freckles. I'm a hopelessly cheesy romantic though.
Honestly, I dunno why you ever were made fun of all your life, especially now. Outside of the typical gingers have no soul jokes.
I took a gander at your image gallery. From one anonymous internet poster that carries no significance in your life to you as a red head. You are gorgeous to me. The flaming red hair is beautiful.
Quote by SereneProdigy
Uhh, yes that's pretty much what I meant. Why would that be weird or offensive?
Pretty much like women who find goatees a turn-on wouldn't find it necessarly attractive on that man :
Quote by TessaRhae
What's the ordeal with redheads? I was made fun of all my life for being ginger, pale, and having red freckles.
And now, everyone has an opinion on the topic. Some say gingers are hot, some say otherwise.
What's your opinion?
Quote by TessaRhae
What's the ordeal with redheads? I was made fun of all my life for being ginger, pale, and having red freckles.
And now, everyone has an opinion on the topic. Some say gingers are hot, some say otherwise.
What's your opinion?
Quote by Mistress_Nina
Glad you think red hair + green eyes is hot ;)
Same with me! I was teased a lot in my school life for being pale and red headed, although I would give anything for a smattering of freckles.. I think they are hot on a guy(There were rumours I was a vampire, not helped by the Goth phase...)
Do any of you think that just being a carrot-top was a turn off for a guy? I once knew a friend who was ginger like me, who apparently got dumped by her boyfriend with the lame excuse that she was too redheaded for him!