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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 47
United States


Don't be so self-conscious - lots of tall guys out there to match up with you. If you were 6'6'' it might be more of a challenge to find a compatible partner. As you see, it's a turn-on for lots of guys - more woman to love!
No interest in tasting my own, except out of her. I love tasting hers - delicious!
Personal fitness can work wonders. I've never been mentally sharper, more confident, and happier than I am now. Find an activity (or activities) that are relatively inexpensive, easily accessible, and enjoyable. You may surprise yourself.
Quote by Metilda

If I dare you - will you do it? biggrin Who knows, maybe you'll like it.

Yes - anything for you!
For me, it's actually a turn-on if a woman has had a significant amount of partners in their past, chooses you, and is sexually satisfied.
Yes, there are things that would be a deal-breaker, AND there are things that I'd rather not know - gangbangs, bukkakes, double-penetration, group sex, worked in prostitution/escorting or into certain fetishes that you weren't interested in...

Some of the examples you give I would be OK with (in the past) - enjoyed having sex with women, was involved in porn or online sex sites for pay as a performer, model or webcam girl, was a stripper at one point...but none of these are applicable for my wife so it's hard to say for sure.

Current participation in these activities probably means she's not into our relationship, or needs some serious counseling.

Great questions - thanks to those that revived this post!
I've had dogs and cats my whole life, but my current lifestyle doesn't allow time for either. A cat would be especially fun as we live in a wooded area. No telling what he/she would present as an offering.
Great news! The "racing stripe / landing strip" (neatly trimmed) are my 2 favorites (along with a neatly trimmed triangle). Of course, none of this makes a difference if the labia area is shaved or waxed.
Quote by Metilda
This topic stumps me - I've worn glasses since I was only a few months old.

All throughout my childhood and early teen years (1980's and 1990's) I was made fun of for having to wear them. Back then the only ones available were the gawky coke-bottle dork black or brown ones - so I came to hate them pretty quickly.

The thinner the frames, the more invisible they were, the better I felt as I grew up.

I went through the late 1990's up to 2010 without anyone really saying anything about glasses to me after I switched to metal-frames. I wore tiny lenses with thin gold frames. No jokes, no making fun, just no comments. Because of my born hate of glasses I refused to wear anything more noticeable.

I wore the same frames for maybe 10 years.

Then - a few years ago, the frames broke. I had to get new ones. My husband was with me that time. Much to my annoyance almost all frames available in my price range were thick, dorky frames.

I felt stupid trying them all on - and ended up with a pair only because he insisted they look good and I really can't see well without them for very long so I didn't have much of a choice.

I hated them then - and I still hate them - I've had them for 2 years.

But strange thing - people apparently think they're attractive. I've even been given compliments.

What in the HELL happened? I went from being horrendously made fun of because of thick, black frames - to being attractive because of thick, black frames? I don't get it.

Girls with Glasses = Sexy in my book
10 yrs plus or minus seems to work well for me, after that it can feel a little weird. I find younger ladies have some tight bodies and high energy, but older women are uninhibited and more eager to please.

Plus, there's no cool song about younger women making beautiful lovers.
Quote by Magical_felix
I went to go watch Pacific Rim in the movie theater today because I thought it was going to be about licking girl's butts in Hawaii... Wrong, wrong... It was about fuckin godzillas, giant robocops and crappy acting n shit. What a let down.

That's funny, I don't care who you are!
95% of cars in the US have cruise control. Please use it on the Interstate. I don't care if you drive fast or slow, just don't keep changing your mind. Some of us have long distances to travel and it gets annoying to keep dealing with your vehicle vs. mine.
I like to switch, but finish in Tiger - like doggie, but her lying flat. Her tailbone rubs my pubic bone - mind blowing orgasms
Around here, it's definitely not discussed as casually as guys doing it. I like to think there are possibly MILLIONS of 20-something girls out there masturbating secretly right now.
I've always wondered about this as well, and recently starting licking my wife there. Not sure why, but I guess it's the aspect of the asshole makes it a huge turn-on for me. She loves it but won't actually admit it. You obviously have to take a few precautions as well.

When you say "try it" - do you mean give or receive?
Quote by PhareDuFour
Is it just me, or do other members here find the terms "MILF" and "Cougar" derrogatory and demeaning?

The acronym MILF for Moms I Love to Fuck originated in the film America Pie as far as I know. So, in its original context it involved an underage male wanting to have sex with one of his friend's mother.

In the meantime this has somehow spiraled out as a general wishy-washy term to encompass all women over the age of 25 who may or may not have children as "second-rate" sexual partner choices. I don't know why women over the age of 30 who enjoy having sex often are somehow portrayed as "desperate", "sex-craved", "nymphos" or "wanton".

What does the world expect? Women who have brought a child into the world are supposed to be thereafter prude?

Doesn't anyone find it strange that the expression "DILF" Dads I Love to Fuck is non-existant?

The same thing goes of the expression "Cougar". Why is there a word for a 40+ year-old woman who has sexual relations with a 20- year-old male, but for the reverse situation, there is no word? No one says "Dirty Old Man" for a 40 year-old man who has a 20 year-old girlfriend. He has to be at least 80 for this to apply. And no one calls him a "wolf" or a "coyote" or a "jackel" or anything like that.

For the story category BDSM, they don't call it "Perverted Sex".

For the story category Gay Male, they don't call it "Faggot Sex".

Hence, I would like to see the story category "MILF Sex" disappear or be re-named. MILF is sexist and derrogatory, especially when there is no "DILF Sex" category.

I think MILF is a compliment. I've always heard it as Moms I'd Like to Fuck, as in you are a hot lady, but "off limits." They must actually have kids and be married for this term to apply. I haven't heard "DILF" used very much because older guys are not typically being pursued by women, it's the other way around.

Cougar refers to older women "on the prowl." Most guys think of themselves as always on the prowl (even just in their minds), but it's still a novelty when you meet sexually aggressive women. Therefore a corresponding term for older guys is again, pointless.
Here are my questions again...

Or is there a chemical reason (more testosterone, etc) for ladies?

If exercise has this effect on you, how many times a week do you need to get your juices flowing?

What exercises or workouts seem to get you the horniest?
Thanks for your response Metilda! I'd love to hear some other ladies chime in on this...