We have some couple friends and 2 of the wives are really into fitness - crossfit/weights, cardio, etc. The husbands tell me the wives want frequent sex (granted, the husbands are attractive too). I think some of this has to do with the ladies ripped physiques and high self-confidence.
Or is there a chemical reason (more testosterone, etc)?
If exercise has this effect on you, how many times a week do you need to get your juices flowing?
What exercises or workouts seem to get you the horniest?
Thanks for your response Metilda! I'd love to hear some other ladies chime in on this...
Thanks swollen - glad to hear it!
i don't know that this is just a female thing. my understanding is that regular exercise has this effect on men and women both.
Here are my questions again...
Or is there a chemical reason (more testosterone, etc) for ladies?
If exercise has this effect on you, how many times a week do you need to get your juices flowing?
What exercises or workouts seem to get you the horniest?
Yes, but it's for a variety of reasons. Exercise causes your heart to pump faster which increases blood flow to all areas of the body. It also increases adrenaline (awareness, energy), endorphins (the happy hormones), and on a psychological level - a fit body makes you more confident and also just more aware of your own body in general - how it feels, the way it hums, muscle definition, tightness, and that might reflect on the body's desire for sexual release as well. All these things together combine to make you more horny than you might be otherwise.
As long as she isn't juicing, it's all good.