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The Precipice: Chapter 6 – Full Circle

"After the epic evening with Darren, Clarissa and Charles accept an invitation from him and his friend, Brad, to spend the weekend exploring the Bourbon Trail, and maybe more."

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Author's Notes

"After Clarissa and Charles have their fun evening with Darren, they receive an invitation that puts them on edge a bit. After further discussion, and some reassurance from their friend, they agree to accept the invite. <p> [ADVERT] </p>The expectation of what might happen turns out to be something neither expected. A very pleasant surprise for both."


The unbridled sex I had with my husband and another man at the same time was almost supernatural. I was more turned on than I have ever been in my entire life. My carnal flesh had been satisfied to the fullest.

There is nothing more erotic than having sex with two men at the same time. Feeling two muscular bodies press firm against mine, kissing me, and touching me with a fire inside them driven by their desire to be sated. The two lit a fire in me that cannot be quenched. A constant desire to have that which is forbidden.

Feeling the roughness of their hands and the hardened muscles in their touch, so tender yet rough, is as intoxicating as the bourbon flowing from the hills around us.

Two living, breathing masculine beings who want to be tender and loving, yet can’t help but succumb to their animalistic desire to fuck me until exhausted. The virility of their rock-hard cocks seeking relief inside my body, and the desire that I must consume them, drive me to frenzied fucking.

There is a raw sexual desire programmed in our DNA that forces us to copulate, a desire fueled by the hormones coursing through our veins that create a natural lust for sex.

The desire in each of us to have unbridled sex highlights humanity’s inability to remain monogamous without inner conflict, strife, heartache, and turmoil. Trying to live so is nearly impossible.

Constraints placed by society on earth’s highest creation. Unfair!

I have a natural desire inside me driving me to fuck and be fucked, a desire as natural as survival. A desire that is ingrained in all of us.

Chapter Six

The next morning after our dinner with Darren and the fun in the living room later that spilled over to the fire pit. Charles and I slept until sunup. 

The farm life, while romantic and picturesque, does have its disadvantages. No matter how much you want to sleep late, or just relax around the house, there are always things that need to be done.

Charles rolled over and kissed me on the forehead like he had done so many times before, but this morning, he kissed longer and held me tighter than usual. I didn’t need to open my eyes to know the depth of his love for me; I could feel it.

I held him tight and enjoyed his flesh pressing against mine. I inhaled his scent and was thankful we loved each other through all the ups and downs. After the last two days, after everything we had been through, after everything I had put him through, I had no doubts about our love.

Lying in our bed I was feeling a bit overwhelmed by the thoughts running through my mind, the memories of being fucked by two men at the same time, one my husband, the other almost a stranger. The thoughts were carried as easily as cottonwood seeds blown by the wind. They were carried away by the unique scent of my lover, carried away by a loving embrace, and by the whisper of three soft words.

“I love you!” he whispered in my ear.

“I love you and only you,” I reassured him.


The week passed by like any other week. Our responsibilities on the farm consumed most of our time and energy. There were a few exceptions. When we were not busy with the tasks and chores demanded of us by our work, we spent our free time in the evenings glued to one another making love.

We would eat dinner and clean up afterward, get showered and spend our time in bed. We would start by watching the television reclining in each other’s arms and end the evening having sex. We were like two giddy newlyweds, just satisfied spending our available time together.

It was like a fire had been lit in us, our flame was burning bright. We didn’t discuss the threesome we had with Darren. His name only came up a couple of times, and never about us having sex. We simply enjoyed one another’s companionship. We walked around with a glow about us.

We had received a call from Darren letting us know he and his friend Brad had returned to the city. Brad needed to return to work to take care of some issues, and Darren didn’t want us to think he had ditched out of shame or remorse. He simply didn’t want us to get the wrong idea.

When he talked to Charles, he invited us to join him and Brad for a weekend on the Bourbon Trail. He and Brad had planned the trip to visit some of the craft distilleries that had sprung up in the area and planned on finishing the evening in Louisville at the American Cooperage Bourbon Distillery and Rooftop Bar, and they would love it if the two of us would care to join them.

We had both met Brad and found him to be very pleasant, but honestly, we were taken aback by Darren’s invitation. Was he inviting us along for something to happen with us and Brad? Had he told Brad about the three of us having sex? We grew increasingly nervous about the invite.

Much to our relief, Darren called us back later that Thursday evening. He explained after he thought about it, he realized how his invitation may appear, so he wanted to clear the air.

He let us know he hadn’t, nor would he ever speak a word of our threesome with anyone, and assured us it was just a friendly invitation to join them. Their original intentions were to bring Darren’s wife, and Brad’s girlfriend. Both of which were no longer a part of their lives. They had already booked the tickets and didn’t have anyone to go with them, and our names came up since we were bourbon lovers too.

Darren also assured Charles there would be no advances made to me. Hearing from Darren made Charles immediately feel better, but I still wondered if Darren had other intentions.

We accepted the invitation to go with them.


We spent most of the day touring some of the small craft distilleries on the Trail. There were eight people on the tour. The four of us, and a group of four ladies who appeared to be a little younger than Charles and me.

The day was fun. We toured some of the smaller distilleries and it turned out to be a relaxed tour, and quite interesting. We had toured some of the big well-recognized distilleries in the past, and while they are fascinating and beautiful, this was a much more personal experience, more laid back.

We bought several bottles of small-batch bourbons, each with its unique twist, and we all had multiple tastings at each stop. Against better judgment, we broke open a bottle in the small motorcoach we were being driven around in.

After a light lunch of tapas, the tastings, and the tastings in the motorcoach, we were all getting a little tipsy.

The group had grown quite chatty as the day progressed. Both Darren and Brad were fun to hang out with and grew increasingly relaxed. The two were flirting with me as well as the other four women. And the four women were flirting with the guys, especially Darren and Brad since it was clear Charles and I were married.

Our two counterparts were feeling amorous and invited the four women to join us for dinner at our final rooftop destination on Whiskey Row in downtown Louisville.

While at dinner, two of the women were coming on to Darren and Brad, to which they were reciprocating. It was entertaining to watch because they were acting as randy as a couple of schoolboys.

I whispered in Charles’ ear, “If Brad and Darren play their cards right, I am pretty sure they will get laid.”

“Yes,” was all he said, with a grin on his face.

Overall, the four women were very good-looking and were dressed very nicely. By their actions at the bar, it was clear they were looking to party while in town, and our two fellas were their quarry.

The four of us were staying at the Brown Hotel, and the four of them were staying at another hotel nearby. Darren invited the ladies to join them at the Brown for more drinks and fun.

All eight of us met at the Bar and Lounge and continued our conversation. We all sat around in oversized armchairs and couches, and talked, laughed, and enjoyed cocktails for another hour. Anxious to spend some time alone with Charles, I suggested we retire to our rooms. It had been a long day, I was feeling quite buzzed from all the alcohol, and a bit tired from the day’s activities.

I wanted to shower, get in something sexy, enjoy some time relaxing, and fool around.

We had been in the bed cuddling while flipping through the channels for about an hour when there came a soft knock at our door. Charles and I looked at one another puzzled. Charles went to the door.

He looked through the peephole, and turned to me, “It’s Jenna, I think. From the tour.”

I stood up, “I hope everything is okay,” I stated, and put my silky robe on.

Charles opened the door, and she asked to step inside for a moment. She had a troubled look on her face. It was indeed Jenna from the tour.

“Is everything okay?” I inquired with a small hint of reservation in my voice.

“Umm, well, Brad’s room was so overcrowded and stuffy, I needed to get out of there,” she answered. “I think Darren and Michelle were heading over to his room, and I just felt out of place. I didn’t want to head back to our hotel alone.”

“I was hoping I could hang out with you two, and…I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have come to your room without calling, I can tell I have intruded. I will just let myself out and go hang out in the lobby until they are ready to go,” she explained while seeming conflicted.

Jenna turned to leave.

“Don’t leave.” I found myself saying to her.

“It’s okay,” she replied, “I can just hang out downstairs.”

I looked up at Charles to gauge if we were on the same wavelength. He gave a slight nod indicating he was okay with her hanging out.

“No, seriously. Stay and hang out with us,” I invited again.

“Are you sure? I feel embarrassed I even came to your room? I don’t mean to be pushy or too direct, but you two are so nice and make me feel so at ease and welcome. All day you have been kind to me and…” she trailed off again.

“And what?” I asked.

“Well, I find you both very attractive. I have been getting the vibe from both of you all day, and to be honest, I didn’t know if I have been misreading you, or you wanted me to… to…” she found herself at a loss for words again.

She was right. From the beginning of our tour, when we had all introduced ourselves, I found her attractive, and I know Charles found her attractive. All the women were very pretty and pleasing to be around. Jenna put off a vibe to us, and we reciprocated, very subtly.

Our attraction to her on the tour turned flirtatious. I flirted with her, and she flirted back with both of us, but Charles was just... Charles.

He has a way of making everyone feel comfortable and at ease. He is attractive and manly, but he has a way about him that allows people to be exactly who they are. That is the real reason she felt comfortable enough to knock on our hotel room door.

We had put out a vibe, and her receptors were correct.

I looked at Charles again. He gave a slight smile in affirmation.

I let my pink robe fall open exposing the black two-piece lingerie I was wearing and stepped forward, kissed Jenna on the mouth, and confirmed our intentions.

Jenna was a couple of inches taller than me and had brunette hair, Charles’ favorite. She was slender; she had a very athletic body, very nice medium size breasts, and her ass was very shapely and firm. She was very attractive and sexy.

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As I kissed her, I could feel her body relax in my embrace. Her tongue gently explored my tongue. She pulled me tight and rubbed her hands gently against my back, sending a shockwave of sensations through me. The feel of her warm hand through the silk caused me to whisper a moan.

She stood back and unbuttoned her blouse, revealing a cream-colored lacy bra. Her skin was tanned and smooth. She had brown eyes that were bright and inviting.

She kicked off her boots and sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her jeans off. Her panties matched her bra, and they exposed her firm, round ass cheeks.

I slipped off my silk robe, and Charles removed his tee shirt. He stood in his pajama pants, the muscles on his upper body and torso were chiseled and well-defined. He stood towering over the two of us and feasting on us with his eyes. The sizable bulge in his pajamas displayed his arousal.

Jenna stepped forward and pressed her flesh against Charles’ chest. He embraced her and brushed her hair back from her face and leaned in to kiss her.

Her small frame was engulfed by his. He stood there in her arms, with one hand on her back, and the other hand holding her head as he leaned down and invited her tongue into his mouth again.

This was the first time I had seen him kiss another woman in the throes of passion. It was beautiful and arousing. I found myself getting wetter as I watched these two beautiful people succumb to their lust and enjoy each other’s bodies.

Their hands were busy exploring each other. Charles’s large, work-hardened hands contrasted with her soft, smooth skin. She had one hand firmly squeezing his ass cheek, and her other splayed on his broad shoulders. The scene before me was statuesque. I wanted the moment to last, to stare at them, to walk around, and enjoy the beauty of it.

He expertly unclasped her bra with one deft movement of his hand. She stepped back and let it fall from her shoulders. He tenderly placed it on the dresser top and returned to her embrace, pressing her round breasts against his firm chest.

I walked over and lay down in bed and started to rub myself while watching the two kiss. They vigorously explored each other with their tongues. Charles placed one hand on her exposed breast, while she ran her fingers through his long hair.

He stopped kissing her long enough to take her hand and lead her to the bed where I lay. As she lay back on the bed, he dropped his pajama bottoms, revealing his proud cock. I heard her breath quicken as she looked at his manhood for the first time.

She leaned over and clasped one hand onto his cock, feeling its girth. It was as if his was the first one she had ever felt. When she began to slowly stroke him, I pulled her panties down and off her slender legs. She moaned ever so softly when I began to rub my fingers up and down her glistening pussy.

She felt so hot to the touch and so wet and slick. I searched for her clit, and when my fingers brushed against it, she responded with a low purring sound and took the head of Charles’ cock into her mouth.

Lying on her side with Charles standing in front of her beside the bed, she began to bob her head back and forth, taking his cock into her mouth. She crossed her leg over the other, exposing her moist pussy from the back. I rubbed and circled her clit with my fingertips, causing a small shuddering in her body, occasionally guiding my fingers inside her.

I could hear him make that familiar moan he makes when I suck him. I knew his moan, a moan of pure ecstasy. Charles was enjoying being in this beautiful, strange woman’s mouth while watching his wife stimulate the stranger with her fingers.

His moaning increased and found its rhythm, alerting me to his nearing climax. She was growing more aroused and energetic as well. Her mouth wrapped around his thick cock, and her pussy was wrapped around my two plunging fingers.

Charles, wanting to make this evening last, pulled his cock out of her hungry mouth and walked to the bottom of the bed, and crawled up between the two of us.

I could see the desire in his eyes and feel the rigidity of his cock as I placed my hand on it. Feeling his shaft sent an excitement coursing through my body that radiated outward from my core.

The slipperiness of her saliva on his throbbing cock caused me to flood my panties with arousal. I slipped them off and flung them through the air, landing haphazardly on the back of the couch. I reached back and unclasped my bra and sent it across the room as well.

Jenna crawled up on him and mounted him, cowgirl style. She looked radiant as her long brunette hair fell on her soft shoulders and gazed into his face in adoration. His thick meat pressed against the entrance of her wet pussy, pausing long enough to push back against the resistance, only to overcome the pressure and spring inward.

The sudden plunge filled her, changing her countenance completely. She paused only momentarily to let herself adjust to his girth and then pushed herself down, engulfing his length.

He let out a groan as her hot wetness consumed him.

She began to rock back and forth. I leaned in to kiss him; I kissed him long and fervently. I pulled my head up and looked straight into his eyes and saw the pleasure in them.

The lust for us was emanating from him like the warmth of a crackling fire in an open hearth on a cold day; we huddled close to warm ourselves.

His look changed to the look of a predator focused on its prey, it was focused, pointed, and with purpose.

The feeling of having someone desire you more than anything else in the world is the ultimate flattery. It is the single most stimulating aspect of sex.

Jenna was sliding up and down on his cock with raw emotion. The carnal need was building in her, a need to climax.

I began caressing Jenna’s nipples with my fingertips. I was gently brushing against them at first, taking note of her moaning and breathing, increasing each time I pinched them lightly. She bit her lip, signaling her willingness to be pleasured.

I leaned in and gently bit one nipple, sending a shiver up and down her body. I circled it with my tongue, and began to suck gently at first, and then selfishly.

The sensation of Charles inside her and me sucking on her nipples sent her into her first orgasm of the evening. She moaned louder and louder as each wave peaked higher than the last until she hit the apex with an explosiveness that silenced her. She squeezed her eyes shut, bit her lip, and threw her head back as Charles thrusted up into her, lifting himself off the bed each time.

She was fighting back the urge to scream aloud, knowing everyone on our floor of the hotel would hear.

Jenna not being able to take any more. Pushed herself up and off him with both hands planted firmly on his chest.

I could see he was close to climax as well and was hungry for me. He slid down to the bottom of the bed and stood up. I crawled to him on my hands and knees and took his engorged cock in my mouth.

I could taste Jenna on him, the salty metallic taste of her climax was pungent at first, and then became sweeter the longer I sucked him.

I felt her move up behind me, place one hand on my lower back, and slowly started finger fucking me with two of her fingers from behind. I reached my hand back between my legs and started to rub my clit.

The sensation of having his cock in my mouth, her fingers pushing in and out of my pussy, and my fingers rubbing my clit, sent me into an ecstatic orgasm. I started to cum, and I was coming hard.

As I came, I took his hard cock deep into my throat and thrust myself forward and backward between his dick and her fingers. He too started to cum and began shooting his load.

Overwhelmed by the amount of cum he was shooting into my mouth, I couldn’t keep up and let it run out. I could feel his cock spasm with each blast as he shot stream after stream into my mouth.

I lay back on the bed and Jenna cuddled up next to me. Her soft skin felt like burning coals against mine. The heat radiating from her body was exhilarating. She slowly began to knead my breast and kiss me tenderly on the side of my neck.

I exposed more of my neck to her enjoying the sensation of her lips against my skin. Charles joined us and started kissing my lips while brushing my hair from my face.

We lay like that for a few moments enjoying the warmth and mass of our bodies.

Jenna’s hand started exploring my lower body. She started rubbing her fingers up and down my pussy opening and found my clit sending a shockwave through me.

My body responded by moving my pelvis up and down while she now stroked my clit. I put my tongue into Charles’ mouth and pressed harder against him.

Our kissing grew more intense as did Jenna’s rubbing of my clit. She stopped and positioned herself at the bottom of the bed on all fours between my legs.

She leaned in, started flicking my swollen clit with her tongue, and sucked it up into her mouth. The feeling was magical. I could no longer kiss Charles as my breathing became heavy and rhythmic. I looked up at the ceiling and gripped the sheets with both hands.

I had never had a woman eat my pussy before, and I had always heard a woman was the best, but until now, I never understood the full meaning of the saying. She had a certain way of eating me that was driving me crazy.

Charles, taking his cue from the two of us, positioned himself behind her and started fucking her from behind. His thrusting in and out of her only enhanced my pleasure as he forced her tongue harder against my clit, and inside the opening of my pussy. She was now tongue fucking me in time with Charles’ thrust as he fucked her like he was possessed.

I started to cum again, riding the wave as long as I could stand. I lay back exhausted and watched as my husband fucked this beautiful fit brunette from behind. It was a real turn-on seeing them, especially watching my husband, who was in the prime of his sexual manliness, devour Jenna. The sight gave me a feeling of euphoria. It was so hot.

When Jenna began to cum the second time, she no longer cared if everyone in the hotel heard her. She began to loudly moan over and over as she came.

Charles was close when she looked over her shoulder, and between her outburst telling him to cum in her, she was protected.

I watched as his eyes closed tightly and his head rolled back on his shoulders and started to cum in her. His thrusts picked up speed and intensity as he shot his semen into her.

As he came down from his climax, his thrusts slowed and became less and less intense. He had finished. We were all finished.


That evening was an intense experience for the three of us. It was the first of our threesomes with another woman. I wasn’t sure how I felt about another woman touching me, and having sex with me, but after that night, I realized I loved it.

I hadn’t eaten her, and I wasn’t sure if I could or not, but I thoroughly enjoyed having her in bed with us.

I had fantasized and talked dirty to Charles about having a threesome with another woman, mainly to pleasure Charles, but honestly, I think I enjoyed it as much as he did, and he enjoyed it.

It turned out it was Jenna’s first threesome as well. It was also a first for Charles, and it was the first for me.

After the pleasures of the evening we spent with Jenna, I was hoping it would not be the last.

Written by Charles_
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