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The Precipice: Chapter 5 - A Day of Confrontations

"Charles and Clarissa finally have a heart-to-heart conversation, and come face-to-face with reality."

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Author's Notes

"Clarissa and Charles finally have their long-awaited conversation forcing their relationship to a decision point. While Charles is feeling conflicted, Clarissa is feeling overly confident they can come to grips with their lives, but there must be a discussion, and then a confrontation."

I woke up early the next morning with a lot on my mind.

I got out of bed quietly so I wouldn’t wake her and stood motionless for a few moments staring at her in the glow of the morning light. We had fallen asleep embraced in one another’s arms after our love-making session turned outright fucking.

I was still feeling emotionally drained as I looked down at her entangled in the covers. I looked at her with both adoration and a bit of heartache. I still had questions about why she had chosen to fuck Darren in the barn without having the conversation. 

I did feel much better after our evening of reconciliation, but I couldn’t help feeling uneasy. At least the feeling that maybe she didn’t love me was not in my mind as much, but still, I was having doubts.

Regardless of how much better I felt, we still needed to talk it through I needed to understand her actions. I realized the events of the last evening had a big persuasion on how I felt.

One thing was sure, I didn’t want to face another day without addressing it with her.


After breakfast was complete before Clarissa headed to our bedroom to get ready for the day. I placed my hand on hers.

“Can we talk?” I asked in a most sincere tone.


“I would like to discuss how all this happened,” I could feel myself stammering, trying to choose the proper wording. I didn’t want to blow this, but blurted out, "How you fucked Darren in the barn without me knowing, and you recorded it?”

My words did not come out as I had intended, and I was staring at her as if to say, 'What do you have to say for yourself, young lady?'

She began to bristle at my words and demeanor. I could see she recognized the confrontation for what it was, she took a deep breath and asked with an exasperated look on her face. “What do you mean, 'How did all this happen?'?”

Sensing she was getting annoyed, and feeling annoyed myself, I steeled my nerve and firmly stated, “You fucked Darren, you recorded yourself fucking Darren, and you showed it to me and fucked me, all without my having any knowledge you were going to. That’s what I mean.”

“That’s a statement, Charles, not a question.” she quickly retorted with equal firmness in her voice.

With my frustration building, I blurted out, “Why did you fuck Darren before we discussed how to proceed with inviting others into our sex life? I thought we agreed we weren’t going to pursue anything without first agreeing to when we would, and with whom we would.” I emphasized the words when and whom, to point out her indiscretion.

It was on. I know the adage dynamite comes in small packages is overdone, but whoever first said it, had my wife in mind. I could see it building inside her, her face was turning a soft shade of red, she looked down at her hand and quickly pulled it out from under mine, and stared into my face as if she couldn’t believe what she just heard.

She took a deep breath, looked down at her lap for a moment, and raised her head. I could see she was calming herself down before responding because she recognized the volatility of the moment.

“Charles,” she began her discourse. “We have been married for a few years now, and we have had sex dozens, no, hundreds of times. Almost every single time since we rented that first porno at Christmas time, we have talked about how much fun it would be to have sex with other people.”

She continued, “We have talked about how much fun it would be for us to have a threesome. How fun it would be to have a foursome, how fun it would be to have an orgy.

“You’ve also told me how much you would like to watch me have sex with another man, or two men, or three men, or a gangbang, or other women in any combination thereof."

She pressed on, “You have told me you would love to see me get spit-roasted, or get-airtight, or just fucked in the ass. You’ve even said you would like to watch me suck another man’s cock and cum in my mouth, or you’d like to see someone cum on my titties, or you would like to see someone cum on my face, or on my back, or in my ass. I could go on for hours about all the sexy, raunchy things you would like to see me do!” she paused looking at me with an expectation of a response.

Having toned her voice down a bit, and even starting to speak as a caring loving wife, she expounded, “Every single time we talked about these things, your cock has gotten rock-hard! Hell, every time we have talked about them, my pussy has gushed with arousal because I would love to do all those things, too” she paused, “with one exception. I want to do them with you there!”

“Then why didn’t you wait?” I said emphasizing each word angrily.

“Because it would have never happened!”

Finally, the truth was out!

I sat there with my heart pounding, sweaty palms, and breathing hard anticipating a further argument. But I sat there and couldn’t say a word. I couldn’t say a word because it was true.

I had wanted all those things. She had wanted all those things, but I was too chicken shit to take it to the next level. She wasn’t.

I started to speak wanting to know the answer to a couple of questions when she beat me to the punch.

“Let me explain everything, and if you cannot live with what I did yesterday, simply tell me, and we can take it from there. But first, hear me out,” she said with a soft but sincere voice.

“We have both been wanting to experience all these sexual fantasies we have been talking about for years. We both want them to be more than fantasies. I want it, and I know you want it. Am I wrong?”

“No,” I responded.

“I could see we were never going to act upon them, and I didn’t want to wait until we were both much older and possibly less interested,” she reasoned.

“Each day we push making our fantasies realities, is one day closer to them being just fantasies. I am not saying we need to go completely wild or go join the nearest club and start hanging out there every weekend. I want to be selective and for both of us to experience this together, as a couple, but Charles, if one of us didn’t push it this far, it would never happen”

“Why Darren,” I asked.

“First, Darren is an attractive man, I have always been attracted to him.

“Second, he is a very nice guy, and I didn’t want to do something like this with some stranger. I needed it to happen with someone I felt emotionally attached to.

“Lastly, he is divorced. I wouldn’t want to do it with a married man stepping out on his wife, and I know he is lonely.”

“I can see why he would be lonely,” I remarked.

“No, you don’t understand. That evening he was over and we were drinking wine when you came home from town, he kind of opened up to me telling me how difficult his divorce had been, and how lonely he was. He didn’t see his divorce coming, he was blindsided.”

“So, it was pity?” I asked.

“No, not at all, I think Darren is sexy, I have always been attracted to him.”

“You seduced him?”

“Not really, it was pretty much mutual. I mean, he kept saying he couldn’t because of you, and he would never do that to someone he respected and thought of as a friend.”

“I see,” I mumbled, knowing how persuasive she could be, and how effortlessly men were entranced by her beauty and personality. She could get almost any man she wanted to do anything she wanted. It is ridiculous how easily men fall under her spell.

I sat there for a moment trying to take in all she had said when I remembered to ask, “How did you get him to agree to be filmed?”

“Well,” she hesitated, “he didn’t know.”


“He didn’t know. I wanted to explain it to him when he comes over this evening.”

I gawked at her with eyes as big as saucers.

“I invited him over for dinner this evening, so we can discuss everything.”

“Everything?” I asked.

“Everything.” She confirmed.

Now she hit me with the big question. “Can you live with what I did yesterday? I know I moved forward without us agreeing on how to proceed. But I felt I needed to push this along, because deep down inside, I knew it may never happen, I know we both want it. Darren was the perfect opportunity, and I have always wanted to fuck Darren."

I pondered for a moment, then looked her dead in the eyes and said these five words, “I can live with it.”


The day proved to be a whirlwind. I had admitted I could live with what she had done, and I was sincere. I felt the weight of the world lift from my shoulders. We were finally taking the next steps, and she did love me, and I have never felt closer to her than now. I was finally at peace.

I realize my biggest fear was losing her.



That evening Darren arrived at the house for dinner. Clarissa was inside taking care of the last of the preparation. She had asked me to light a fire in the fire pit for after dinner if we wanted to spend the after-dinner hours sitting and talking around the fire.

I was adding some wood to the fire so it would last until dinner was complete when Darren walked up the drive to the backyard.

“Charles,” he spoke as a greeting and alerted me to his presence.

“Hey Darren,” I spoke without looking up from the logs I was placing in the fire.

Admittedly, I felt a little awkward, and when I stood to shake his hand after placing the logs, he seemed to look a little uncomfortable himself. I wonder why?

”I am just putting a few more logs on the fire. Clarissa is inside setting the table if you want to go on in and say hi. I will be in shortly” I said while barely managing to keep a grin off my face. If he did see me grin, he would know I knew what happened, and probably not have gone inside.

As he stepped through the door, I then allowed myself to grin knowing what he didn’t know and that he would soon find himself in a very awkward position.


The dinner went lovely, and we were enjoying some friendly conversation when Clarissa began.

“Darren, I wanted you to come over tonight so I could talk to you and Charles together.”

I could see the deer in the headlight look starting to spread across his face. He knew he had been invited to an ambush. He gulped the last of his wine and placed his napkin over his mouth nervously wiping his lips.

I quickly intervened, “Darren, before you get too worked up, I want you to hear Clarissa out. Okay?”

“Yeah,” was all he could muster as he locked eyes with me.

“Charles knows about what happened yesterday in our barn,” she just ripped the band-aide right off!

I thought I could hear him slur the words in the depth of his throat, “Ohmigod!”

“And I recorded it so he could watch.”

With those words, he stood up abruptly.

“Darren, sit down, it’s okay,” I reassured him.

Pale, he looked at me, then at Clarissa, back to me, and asked, “So, you knew about this the entire time?”

“No, I did not. I happened to see you two when I walked back to the barn to get my truck. I had a flat on the tractor, and being on foot, instead of surprising you two, you two surprised me.”

He started to stand again, “I’m confused,” he muttered as he shook his head looked down at the table and plopped back down in his seat.

“I can clear this up for you, hon,” Clarissa said, and gently patted his arm for reassurance.

“Charles and I are swingers, well not exactly. We are wannabe swingers. We have been discussing for a long time that we want to invite other sexual partners into our lives but have never really made the first move to do it. You were our first move.” She said in a reserved way as to invite Darren to be understanding.

“So, let me get this straight. You two are swingers, or well, want to be, and I just happen along at the right time, and you took advantage of me?” He said with an accusatory tone.

“Darren, were you not willing?” she asked.

“Well, yeah, but if I had known…” he trailed off.

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“If you had known what?” I asked.

“Well…well…I…I might not have felt so bad, or guilty, Charles, I don't know” he faltered.

“Don’t feel guilty, I am not upset, I find it very stimulating.”

“So, you find it stimulating knowing someone else fucked your wife?” he asked with wide eyes.

“Well, I find it stimulating watching someone else fuck my wife.”

“You mean in the barn…”

“Both actually,” I said with a grin on my face.

He started to ask what I meant by both, then the realization hit him that I had watched them fuck and watched the video of them fucking.

“You were there the entire time in the barn? Where?”

“I watched through the ventilation window between the barn and the lean-to.”

He asked again for posterity’s sake, “And you are okay with it.”

“Yes, yes I am,” I said as I looked at Clarissa and gave her a loving smile, and added, “It was quite the turn-on. Both watching in the barn and watching the video later.”

Clarissa added, “We will destroy the video if you would like us to.”

“Destroy it?” he asked with almost a frantic tone. “Don’t destroy it! Hell, I want to watch it,”

Realizing what he had just said, he added “if that’s okay, I mean. You know, I have always had a thing for you, Clarissa, from the moment I met you.”

“I know,” she acknowledged.


I spoke up knowing it was now or never, “Why don’t I pour some bourbon for us to sip, and we can put the video on the big screen in the living room and watch it? Afterward, we can retire to the fire pit if you two want to?”

“I’m game,” he said enthusiastically.

“Me too,” Clarissa said as she stepped forward and put her hand on the back of my neck, and pulled me down to kiss me.

As we finished our passionate kiss, she whispered in my ear, “I will make it well worth your while.” And gave me that sultry she gets when she is about to get her kink on.


I poured each of us a generous portion of bourbon, the kind of pour any self-respecting Kentuckian would pour, three fingers, neat, the way God intended bourbon to be enjoyed, and the three of us retired to the couch.

Strategically Clarissa positioned herself between the two of us on the couch. Darren sat on her right, and I sat on her left.

We began chatting for a bit before we started the movie Darren and my wife had made. We were all feeling the effects of the smooth bourbon as we sipped away becoming more playful by the minute.

I noticed Darren’s glass was empty, as was mine, Clarissa’s still had about half in hers. I grabbed Darren’s mortar and refilled both of ours.

As I was coming back from the kitchen, I could see Clarissa’s hand feeling the outline of Darren’s growing member as he sat close to her, caressing her breast.

I placed Darren’s glass in front of him on the table and looked at the two as they were exploring each other’s more sensitive areas.

 “Shall I start the movie? Looks like you two are ready to get it started.” I asked with a slight chuckle.

“Yes," they both replied in unison.

I grabbed the button and clicked play. The movie cued up, as it had cued up for me last evening.

Clarissa in the blue skirt and white blouse bent to her knees and pulled Darren’s cock out of his pants and proceeded to kiss it on the purple head. It was a sight to behold, her on the screen kissing and licking the shaft of Darren’s large cock, with them both sitting next to each other nuzzling and fondling. I felt like I was in heaven.

I was getting worked up and feeling the effects, my dick started to come alive. Looking over, Darren was about to bust out of the zipper of his jeans. He was staring at the screen of him and my wife, while she was rubbing his cock through his pants.

Clarissa, rubbing Darren’s with her right hand, reached over and unzipped my zipper with her left hand, pulled my cock out, and started stroking me.

Her soft warm hands felt great as they worked up and down my shaft slowly bringing my dick to full attention. I looked down at her hand, and my bulbous fat head stuck up through it, the head was so hard and engorged that it had a purple shine to it. If any more blood pumped into it, it would have exploded.

Darren, taking the cue, stood and dropped his pants, pulled his shirt off, and left only his briefs on. He sat back down and placed a hand down the top of her sundress feeling her pert titties. She reached down the front of his briefs and pulled his huge cock out. His briefs were held in place under his sack.

My cock is rather large, a good seven-and-one-half inches long, and big enough I cannot get my fingers around it, but Darren’s was much longer and had as much girth as mine. It was huge.

She sat there on the couch with a video of her sucking Darren’s cock while jacking us both off.

Darren had put his left hand under her panties and was gently circling her clit with his finger. She had pulled her dress up and off her head. I could see his hand working under the lacy fringes of her red panties, and I could hear her softly moaning and scooting her ass back and forth on the couch.

She was worked up. Abruptly she said, “Stop, I want to cum on a cock, not a finger,” and stood up in front of us, and unfastened her bra.

She motioned for the two of us to slide closer together, kneeled in front of Darren, and began to suck his monster. She was working her head up and down and was trying to get every inch of his nine-inch cock into her mouth. With each thrust, she would get closer, and with each thrust, he got closer to coming.

“I’m about to cum,” he announced.

She pulled her mouth off his cock and took mine deep within her throat. After sucking his, she was able to take every inch of mine.

Darren just sat back and enjoyed the show, with his monster cock pointed at the ceiling. She reached over and started fondling his balls, not daring to stroke him for fear he would shoot his load.

She sucked my dick like she had last night. She was swirling and gyrating her tongue on the bottom side of my cock head, and pushing me near climax as well. Sensing my nearing arrival, she stopped and looked up at me.

“Are you going to fuck me, while I suck Darren’s big cock?”

Then she moved to Darren and started licking up and down his shaft, pausing to suck and lick his balls.

I moved behind her on my knees and began to fuck her from behind.

I was a sight to behold, my beautiful petite wife on her knees with her elbows resting on another man’s thighs, licking his cock while her dark hair flowed down over his lap on one side.

I kept staring down at my fat dick going in and out of her wet pussy, stretching the lips around my shaft. The in-and-out motion was aiding her in forcing his cock into her throat.

We were spit-roasting her right there in our living room while a video of her fucking him played on the big screen. One cock in her pussy, and one in her mouth. It was a beautiful sight.

I wasn’t sure how much more of this I could take, and judging by his reaction, he was close as well.

She stopped sucking him and stood up. “You two settle down a bit, while someone eats my pussy.”

She took her turn on the couch. I knelt between her legs and slowly licked up and down her well-lubricated slit. Top to bottom, and back up again. I did this until she couldn’t take anymore. She grabbed the back of my head and forced me to concentrate on her clit.

I flicked, licked, and swirled my tongue vigorously on her clit, while Darren was gently twisting and pinching her nipples.

She was starting to move back and forth to my tongue’s movement quite quickly when I stuck my middle finger deep into her pussy and started massaging her G spot with the come here motion that drove her wild.

She grabbed Darren and pulled him in for a forceful kiss where they explored each other’s mouth’s franticly with their tongues.

She had her hand around Darren’s neck when she stopped kissing him, buried her face in his chest, and yelled, “Oh fuck, I’m coming.”

I kept working her clit with my tongue, and her G spot with my finger, until she was grinding hard enough that I could barely move it. She sat there and I could feel the walls of her vagina contract repeatedly while she rode the wave of pleasure as far as she could.

When she was finished, and quite content, she instructed, “Charles, sit. Darren, I want that monster in my pussy. Charles, don’t cum until I tell you.”

I sat back on the couch and watched as she looked back at Darren and helped him guide that big dick into her waiting pussy. With each thrust, she would moan with pleasure until he found a steady rhythm. When they established their pace, she took my cock back into her mouth and began to nurse it again.

It didn’t take Darren long before he announced, “I’m about to cum.”

“Cum in me,” she demanded and went back to sucking me.

As Darren started shooting his load deep within her, each hot spasm of cum pushed her closer to another climax. After he spasmed several times unloading himself inside her, she began to cum again and started bucking like a spooked horse. It sent me over the edge.

Darren let his big cock flop out of her cum-filled pussy about the time I started shooting my load in her mouth. It was the most exquisite feeling I have ever had in my life. I had never experienced anything like it, ever. Having learned from last night’s relaxation technique while having an orgasm, I put the same method into practice.

Every nerve in my body was alive with excitement. The physical stimulation, the auditory stimulation, the visual stimulation, and most importantly, the mental stimulation sent my nervous system into overdrive and produced the best orgasm I had ever had in my life. Better than last night's.

At that moment, I had never felt more in love with her, and I could tell by the look in her eyes, she loved me, and only me.

She smiled, sprang onto my lap, nuzzled her face in my neck, and whispered in my ear something I will never forget, “Let’s get more bourbon, go outside to the fire, and do it again.”

Written by Charles_
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