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Author's Notes

"Charles and Clarissa don't know how to move forward after the events in the Horse Barn Hallway with the neighbor. Charles deals with his inner conflict, and Clarissa deals with the situation the best way she knows how. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Both end up surprised by the response of the other to the confrontation."

“What am I doing?” Clarissa said to herself as she climbed the back steps. “I cannot believe I just fucked Darren.”

She went through the back door, and as the door closed behind her, she leaned up against the mud room wall to catch her breath. She hadn’t felt this much excitement since she and Charles started dating and first had sex. What had gotten into her, besides Darren’s big cock? She couldn’t believe she had just fulfilled one of her biggest fantasies.

Clarissa went to the bathroom to jump in the shower and clean the remnants of her tryst with Darren. She threw her soiled skirt and blouse in the hamper, along with her underwear which was now covered in bits of hay and his cum.


She enjoyed the steamy hot water as it coursed over her body and washed the grime of her deeds down the drain. One thing that wouldn’t be washed away so easily, was the memory and thrill of what she had just experienced.

“What a ride!” she said aloud.

She continued to soak up the heat from the water and smiled, a very big smile.


Charles, after contemplating what he should do, decided to grab his truck from the barn, and head back to the tractor to remove the flat tire. He removed the wheel with the flat, loaded it into the bed of the truck, and headed back to the house. He passed on by the house and went straight to town to the tire shop to have the flat fixed, without even stopping in.

As he drove to town, about a thirty-minute drive, he had a flurry of emotions running through his mind. He was disappointed Clarissa had started without him on their journey but thrilled he had witnessed her being fucked by another man.

The images of her being fucked would forever be etched in his mind, and he was coming to grips with the fact he was happy about it.

Drifting off in his thoughts, he almost drove past the tire shop. He couldn’t believe he was already in town, and he couldn’t believe he hadn’t let Clarissa know that he had left the farm. She had no idea he wasn’t in the backfield.

As he sat at the tire shop waiting for the tire to be repaired, which took almost an hour, he sat there in the cab of his truck living the moment over and over. He wasn’t about to sit in the overcrowded waiting area with the smell of the grimy coffee pot of stale coffee in the corner, bearing the load of what was on his mind.

He was running his hand over the supple leather of the seats recalling a fun evening he and Clarissa had when he fucked her in this very truck.

“Had things changed for them?” he whispered.

He contemplated whether he had been betrayed, or whether he had gotten what he had asked for. Had he pushed her to the point of doing this? He was more confused than ever. He felt both betrayed and gratified at the same time. He felt heartbroken and stimulated. Regardless, he knew the next moves he made needed to be well thought out, not hasty, and not nasty and hateful.

He understood where the path they were headed down led. He wasn’t so naïve to think all the dirty talk, discussions of fantasies, and voicing the desire to have sex with other people wouldn’t eventually lead to something like this. He just thought they had agreed to set some guidelines and boundaries before acting upon them.

He was hurt she didn’t get his blessing beforehand, but hurt more he wasn’t part of it. He understood Darren’s desire to fuck his wife, hell everyone who ever saw her wanted to fuck her, but it was something you just didn’t do. You didn’t fuck someone’s wife without permission.

“What?” he said out loud. “Permission?”

“Charles, your tire is finished. if you would like to pull around back, we can load it for you.” The tire store manager shouted to him from the door of the building.

Charles nodded his head and pulled around back where the mechanics loaded it in his truck. He went in and paid the bill and left the tire store.

On the drive back home, he contemplated why he had watched them fuck. He understood why he had developed a hard-on, anyone watching a woman as beautiful as his Clarissa getting fucked by a handsome man with a large dick would get a boner. That was one hundred percent natural, but why had he started beating off, and why hadn’t he stopped them if deep down inside he didn’t want her to fuck other people.

He decided what it was. He had enjoyed seeing her get fucked. He had thoroughly enjoyed it. Hell, he loved it!

Now, having a better understanding of how he felt about Clarissa getting fucked by another man, which he decided he was all right with, he needed to come to grips with why Clarissa hadn’t involved him in the decision. That he could not understand.

She, nor Darren, needed his “permission” to do anything. They were both adults capable of making their own decisions and living with the consequence of their actions, but he was hurt, nonetheless.

The conversation loomed.


He arrived back home, drove the truck out to the tractor, and put the wheel back on. By now, the day was shot. He was tired, frustrated, hungry, and in no mood to face what had to be faced.

He put the tractor back in the barn and walked to the backfield to get the truck. He hadn’t so much as seen a hint of Clarissa and couldn’t help but let his mind start racing. Was Darren back over for another “visit?” He had been gone for about four hours or more, had he already been here and gone? Now he was torturing himself with speculation, but he felt like he was justified to be suspicious.

Charles walked in the back door, took his boots off, and headed to the shower. He could hear Clarissa in the kitchen putting dinner together. He toweled off when he was finished, put on some pajamas, and joined her in the kitchen.

He walked in as she was finishing up and sat down at the table. Clarissa joined him, and they both started to eat without saying a word. In complete silence, she knew something was on his mind, and he knew something was on hers.

Dinner went well, it was quiet. Clarissa finally broke the silence. “I see you had a flat on the tractor.”

Charles looked up from his plate. “Yeah. I take it you walked back to the field and saw I was gone?”

“Yeah, I noticed your truck was gone,” she replied, “then I got worried, so I walked back to check on you and you were gone with the tractor wheel, so I made the connection. Later I saw you pull back into the drive with the tractor wheel in the bed of your truck.”

“Why didn’t you tell me you were leaving?” she asked, knowing the answer before she asked.

Charles sat there quietly contemplating how much, if anything, did she know he knew? He didn’t know how to start with what he wanted to say without blowing up.

“I just didn’t think about it I guess,” he lied. “I only had the tire on my mind and wanted to get to town before the shop closed. Sorry.”

She didn’t say anything. She finished up her meal in silence, and they both got up from the table to clear the dishes and straighten up the dishes.

“I’ll take care of the rest,” he said.

“Why don’t you go ahead and get your shower?” he suggested, knowing he was stalling.

He finished cleaning up the kitchen and put all the dishes away. When he was finished, he grabbed a cold beer from the fridge and headed to the couch to watch the TV.

He was flipping through the channels out of boredom, he didn’t have the focus to settle on anything to watch, he was mindlessly clicking through. His mind acutely focused on how to approach the subject.

He had been there in a stupor for some time when he looked up and saw Clarissa standing at the end of the hallway to their bedroom in a red lacy lingerie set with her pink satin robe on, opened, showing off her sexy midriff.

Her breasts were so pert and round. Her nipples were like two small thimbles standing proudly erect. Her perfectly proportioned legs looked smooth and inviting in the soft glow of the kitchen lights. She had put on a light application of makeup, and her dark hair was curly and flowing down over her shoulders.  She stood there with a look on her face as if she was Aphrodite, and he her Adonis.

He was floored, she looked ravishing, and he couldn’t help but feel the butterflies take flight in him. The butterflies had just taken the place of what felt like a heap of hot coals. Hot coals from seeing what she was doing with Darren earlier. His stomach had shifted from burning pain to burning desire. A desire to reclaim his wife.

In a few hours, he had gone from the happiest man on earth to devastated, from feeling he had pushed his wife into the arms of other people to exhilaration. The confusion of all his emotions was becoming overwhelming.

There were some things he wasn’t sure about, his feelings being chief among them, but he knew right now, he wanted to take his wife. He wanted to fuck her right now. Visions of him and her in the hallway of the barn flashed in his mind, and it only fanned the flames of lust he felt for his wife.

Did she somehow know he had seen them, and knew it would only drive him to run into her arms? No way she could have orchestrated the tire on the tractor tearing a hole in it at the perfect time.  If not for the flat, he would have never come back in time to catch them in the act.

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His mind was racing faster than his adrenaline was coursing through his veins. He was at a fever pitch.

He looked back at her in all her hypnotic beauty. She motioned to him with that come here wiggle of her finger as she had done the night they had made lover under the starry sky, He found himself being transported across the room to where she stood.

Clarissa at only 5’2” of pure beauty, had complete control of him and his 6’4” of pure manliness. He was powerless.

As he arrived by her side, he leaned over to kiss her red lips, but she simply grabbed his hand and led him to their bedroom where she had lit the fireplace. She patted the bed motioning him to lie down.  

He lay down on top of the white down comforter and propped himself up on the plentiful soft pillows. She crawled from the bottom of the bed between his knees and pulled his pajama pants off him exposing his throbbing rigid cock.

She reached over and grabbed the remote for the TV above the mantle and pushed play.

Astonished, Charles looked at the TV, and saw his beautiful wife in her blue skirt with small yellow flowers, in a white button-down blouse, slowly bending to her knees and pulling Darren’s cock out of his pants, and beginning to kiss the head. She slowly started licking the shaft before fully taking in the length and girth of his large member.

On the large format screen, she began bobbing her head and mouth back and forth on his dick, taking more of Darren’s shaft into her mouth with each stroke until she had him firmly in her throat. Charles was frozen in shock at the realization he was seeing a recording of the very event he witnessed earlier in person.

As he gazed at the erotic sights on the TV, Clarissa looked up at Charles, and whispered, “I love you, and only you,” she fully engulfed his rigid pulsating cock into her throat and held it there long enough to feel every heartbeat in the twitching head of his dick.

Mimicking what she had done to Darren in the barn, she bobbed her head up and down while swirling and massaging the underside of his glans with her wet tongue. Either she was sucking his cock as he had never felt before, or he was hornier than he had ever been in his entire life.

She sucked his dick for no more than two minutes until he was ready to explode, and she pulled her mouth off his manliness.

“Lie back, relax every muscle in your body, and breathe with the rhythm your body is telling you to. Long deep breaths in through your nose, and out through your mouth,” she instructed. “No matter how hard you want to tense up, or how hard your muscles want to fight it, you have to stay relaxed.”

“Do you promise you will?” she asked.

“I don’t think I can,” he replied.

“You must. Trust me, it will give you the best orgasm you have ever experienced. Just relax and breathe through it. This will be my gift to you, then I am going to fuck your brains out.”

She placed her mouth back on his cock and resumed where she had left off. Charles, despite his body’s signals, focused on relaxing and breathing. He continued to breathe through her making love to his cock, and the swirling of her tongue on the underside of his purple head.

He found a steady breathing rhythm he could maintain without thought. His body’s muscles slowly relaxed, and he felt as if he was melting into the king-size bed as she rhythmically worked his cock at a steady medium pace.

This felt better than anything he had ever experienced, and he was so relaxed and breathing so steadily, he didn’t think he would climax, when it started to build within the very depth of his core to the point it felt like a volcano was about to erupt from his very soul.

Clarissa could feel the reaction starting in his body, and she put her hands up on his torso, and gently rubbed her soft hands on his flesh to help him maintain his relaxed state. He was able to completely relax again when he started having the most earth-shattering orgasm of his life.

He did as she had bid him, and rode wave after wave of crashing orgasm, as he shot ropes of hot cum in her wanting mouth. He rode the waves, until a state of euphoria set in, and a calm came across him that made him believe he could orgasm inside her mouth forever.

His cock continued to shoot rope after rope of cum until there was nothing left in him to shoot, yet he kept having climax after climax. She had long since swallowed up every drop of his seed and yet his orgasms continued like the waves of a torrential ocean crashing on the beach, wave after relentless wave.

After he had climaxed for what was probably two minutes straight, and felt like an eternity, the waves started to slow, and Charles slowly crashed himself. He could no longer take the stimulation to his cock and was forced to pull her mouth from him.

“I love you, and only you!” she said for the second time that night, climbed up him and planted a kiss on his mouth, and embraced him with all her might.

They shut off the token of the afternoon affair with Darren, and Charles relaxed on the bed with his hands behind his head, while Clarissa went to the kitchen to get them both a glass of wine.

What a day he thought. He was starting to understand where he and Clarissa stood in their relationship.

They drank their glasses of wine by the fireplace glow and snuggled in silence.

After they placed their glasses on the nightstand, Clarissa went back to Charles, and begin to suck start his flaccid dick. It didn’t take long at all before he was hard again, and he was ready for round two.

Charles easily pulled her up, rolled her onto her back, and took his turn giving oral pleasure to her. He parted her legs and began to slowly explore her slit with his tongue. She had never been wetter in the years they had been together. It was not the remnant of her earlier tryst; this was all her slippery arousal. She tasted great.

He licked up her slit and stimulated her clit with each stroke of his tongue. He stopped and gave attention to her swollen clit by flicking and massaging with the wide part of his tongue as if he was licking an ice cream cone. She would spasm with pleasure each time and grab his head and rub it into her wet pussy.

He continued until she pushed his head away, wanting to delay her climax. She asked him to lie on his back, and she mounted him cowgirl and pushed her slippery pussy down on his thick shaft. Her breath caught as his bulbous head popped its way past the opening and landed firmly against her cervix. He was all the way in and stretching her lips as her pussy gripped his cock, and she began to rock back and forth as if she were rowing a boat.

She ground away on his dick without ever raising up and down. This motion was driving both him and her closer to their climax, when she stopped, stood up, and switched the direction she was facing.

Sitting reverse cowgirl, she again drove his cock home deep within her hot pussy and started grinding again. Charles admired the view and watched as his cock’s width stretched around his shaft. Her juices glistened on his dick as it slipped in and out when she slid back and forth riding him.

Her pace was steady and rhythmic like the blow job she had given him earlier. Charles while watching her ride him like a maddened cowgirl, licked his thumb and slowly started applying pressure to her tight pink asshole.

She quickened her breath as he gave her extra stimulation. He swirled his thumb and started relaxing her as he pushed his thumb in her as farther and farther. This sent Clarissa into a much faster pace, and she started ordering him to “keep fucking me, keep fucking me!”

By now, she was bucking on his cock and his thumb that was now up to the second knuckle. She was fucking his cock, and he was finger fucking her ass. She reached down between her legs with one hand and began stroking her clitoris with her fingers when she started coming.

“Don’t stop until I tell you to,” she growled.

She continued to fuck him violently to the point where her ass cheeks were starting to grind into his pelvis, almost to the point of discomfort, as he fucked her asshole with his thumb. He was now pumping his thumb in and out to the squeals of delight coming from his petite wife.

She screamed louder and louder, she rubbed her clit more vigorously, and he started to slow his pace with his thumb, when she reached back with the hand she had been leaning against his thigh with, grabbed his wrist and pushed it toward her as if to say, “don’t stop.”

She climaxed so hard, and so many times, he thought it would forcefully squeeze his cock out of her like a watermelon seed being squeezed between forefinger and thumb. Had all her 105 pounds not been bearing down on his large cock, it would have pushed right out of her with the contractions of her vaginal walls.

This sent Charles over the edge once again, and he came. He climaxed several times, not producing much since he had been milked dry earlier until she finally lay back on his chest with exhaustion, and his dick plopped out of her against his thigh.

They pulled back the covers and crawled underneath. She snuggled up to his chest where he embraced her, kissed the top of her head, and said, “I love you, honey.”

For the third time that evening, she said, “I love you, and only you!”


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Written by Charles_
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