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The Precipice: Chapter 1

"I was floored to find out how kinky-minded my wife actually was, and how close to the edge of exploring our sexuality we were standing."

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Author's Notes

"This is a true story about a hot young married couple who started exploring the boundaries of their sex life not realizing both were ready to push the limits. "Clarissa pulled up the front of her dress up to show me she didn't have anything else on and started walking toward the bed for another round.""

Years ago, Clarissa and I were on a long drive back from the city after visiting my in-laws for the holidays. We were headed to our modest home in the rolling hills of the countryside and enjoying a relaxing drive home. All in all, we had a very nice day. We had eaten really good food, spent the afternoon playing games, and enjoyed a few beers and cocktails. Most importantly, we spent quality time with family and friends. It was a good day, and I was hoping it would end even better.

During the quiet ride home I was trying to figure out how I could spend some "quality time" with my beautiful young wife after we arrived back at the house. I was thinking how I might approach the subject with her, and kind of prime the pump, so to speak, not that it was ever difficult to talk her into having an intimate evening. I was just feeling randy and wanted to figure out how to ignite the flames of erotic passion within Clarissa. I was desiring a session, not the typical love making then turning over to go to sleep sex. I was wanting to spend the evening having sex multiple times into the wee hours of the morning.

I kept glancing over at her in her form-fitting black velour dress trying to read what was going through her mind. She was laid back in the seat with her shoes kicked off, looking out the side window with a hint of a smile on her lips. She was stunningly beautiful with her dark brown hair flowing down over her shoulders, her creamy white skin contrasting her black dress, and her brilliant blue eyes sparkling as she watched the countryside slowly roll by in the sunset. She was a sight to behold.

Clarissa is a short petite woman of only 5'2". She has long dark loosely curled hair, proportionately large breasts, and a very sensuous figure. She weighs in at only 105 pounds, but she is far from looking skinny and bony. She has a sex appeal about her that brings out the raw desires of everyone she encounters. She turns heads everywhere she goes, and she is all mine. I don't know how I could be so lucky.

Since Clarissa and I first met, we have been very passionate and moved into a sexually active relationship pretty early on. When we first started dating, we weren't sex freaks by any stretch of the imagination, but we did partake in each other's bodies regularly while obeying all the limitations of our typical southern conservative lifestyles. After marriage, those limitations didn't change much, nor were they discussed. The only real change we experienced was we both resided in the same house and had more time together to enjoy our sex life.

When I turned eighteen, I watched a few pornographic movies and looked at some porn magazines, and like most young men, it sparked a deep erotic lust within me. My issue is, the deep lust within me never ceased to burn. If anything it has only grown with age and maturity. My interests now are much more specific and refined.

When I first started having these strong desires that moved me deep within, the only prerequisites in my mind for a sexual encounter were, my partner needed to be female, have a pulse, and be willing to participate. Nothing more. I walked around like a living breathing ball of hormones that would have jumped at any opportunity to fool around with almost any girl. I guess some things never change.

As I grew into a strapping young man, I had my fair share of opportunities to fool around, but never anything more than kissing, touching, and squeezing. While I had these strong desires to have sex, I still followed my family's strict moral codes that kept me from acting on opportunities that may have sated some of my lusts. It was difficult, but I felt obligated to follow our moral traditions, that is until I laid eyes on Clarissa. The moment I passed by her and saw her for the first time, I was smitten. I couldn't get her out of my mind. I told myself that she was the one, and someday, I would marry her. Before the week was over I asked her on a date, and she accepted. We hit it off immediately, and as the old cliché goes, "The rest is history."

We developed a strong sexual relationship early on, which started one moonlit evening on the front porch of her small brick farmhouse. We hadn't been dating long, and I was kissing her goodnight after sitting on the porch swing that hung from the ceiling of the porch roof. As she stood up to see me in my car, neither one of us wanting to let go of the other and say our final goodnight, we found ourselves in the throes of passion and lust. We wanted to spend every available moment together, even if that meant extremely short work nights. We were simply caught up in our raw sexual desires for one another, but both were a little too nervous to act upon them because, in reality, neither one of us had much sexual experience. We had made out a few times, and I had cupped her pert breasts through her shirt, but we had never taken it any further.

Standing on the front porch of that small farmhouse, I emboldened myself and reached my hand down in the front of her loose cotton loungewear, and gently started searching the velvety fringes of her labia. I found myself cupping her ample breast with my left hand, kissing her passionately, and searching for the moist opening of her vagina with my other. It was not difficult to discern its opening. When my middle finger found the center of her womanhood, the lips parted, and I found them coated with the slipperiness of her arousal.

I gently slipped my middle finger into her vagina, slowly inching it in further and further with a subtle slow rocking motion of my hand. She moaned quietly into my mouth as we passionately intertwined our tongues. She reached her hand that was not on the back of my neck down and explored the outline of my now turgid penis through my blue jeans. I could feel it throbbing as she rubbed her fingers over it. I felt like I wanted to explode, and was hoping she would unbutton my denim jeans, and start stroking my rock-hard penis when I felt it happen.

Suddenly she started breathing faster. I felt her chest begin to heave as her breathing seemed almost labored. She stopped kissing me, grabbed the back of my neck, buried her face in the hollow of my neck, and dug her fingernails where the base of my head and neck meet. Her entire body started convulsing with an earth-shattering orgasm that I will never forget.

It hadn't taken two minutes for her to achieve orgasm. She was so sexually stimulated and turned on, my finger pushed her over the edge. Admittedly, I am a big man standing at 6'4" and 225 pounds, and I have large hands from working hard on a family farm my entire life. The thought of my finger giving her so much pleasure, made me want to know what I could do with my sizable penis. My penis wasn't porn star huge, but it was well above average at seven and a half inches in length and girthy enough that I can barely get my fingers around it.

As she came on my middle finger, she clutched me as tight as her small 5'2" frame could. I felt her body trembling as the muscled walls of her vagina pulsed and squeezed so hard, it felt like my finger might snap off. She kept riding the wave of pleasure to the point she finally said, "Stop! I can't take anymore."

I kissed her passionately, squeezed her tight ass, and walked down the front steps to my car. I jumped in and drove home now being one of the happiest people on the planet. I simply smiled the entire thirty-minute drive home.

I looked over at Clarissa reflecting on the memory of our first sexual experience together on her front porch and couldn't help but feel the butterflies in my stomach. I was also feeling the anticipation of this evening starting to well up in me as I hoped for a fun-filled evening with this beautiful woman I called my wife.

I was longing to branch out into our sexual experiences but didn't quite know how to approach her about it without seeming like a pervert. I wanted to push our boundaries beyond what had become normal for us. I didn't feel like we were in a rut, as I have heard some describe it, but I was desiring something a little more exciting. I was wanting to spice things up a bit but wasn't sure if she felt the same.

I found myself blurting out a question, that even surprised me a little. "Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have sex with other people?" So much for subtlety.

"No, Charles," she whipped her head around and looked at me like I had lost my mind. "I would never cheat on you!" she exclaimed.

"No, I don't mean cheating..." I trailed off as I started to lose my nerve.

"Oh, you mean like group sex?" she asked.

"Not exactly," I replied, and as I hesitated to explain.

"Oh, you mean like having sex with another couple," she stated rather than asking. "Swinging?"

"Yeah, that. Or a three-way," I replied sheepishly.

"Of course Charles, who hasn't?"

She turned and looked directly at me with a bright glow in her beautiful blue eyes that seemed to stare a hole through me. I could tell she was dead serious.

"We don't have any friends I would want to do that with. I am not sexually attracted to any of your friends. I don't view them like that," she admitted.

We discussed some of our friends that all garnered a hard no from her, and landed on one couple that we would possibly consider, but after some discussion ruled out the possibility of ever doing anything like that with them due to the long-standing friendship we had with them.

"Well, I didn't mean with our friends, and I didn't mean it anyway," I somewhat lied. "What I mean is, do you fantasize about it?"

"I fantasize about having multiple partners all the time," she said matter-of-factly and turned to look out her window.

This stirred me deeply. I was immediately rock hard, and could hardly take my eyes off her long enough to drive. What should I say next, I thought. I couldn't believe what she was saying, yet I wanted to push this conversation further, I wanted to keep going down this new road we were on. I reached over and put my hand on her thigh. She placed her hand on top of mine.

I asked. "You ever fantasize about a three-way?"

"All the time," she replied. "It is one of my favorite fantasies, how about you?"

"Yeah," I barely managed to mutter.

I was feeling it. I wanted to pull over and take her right there on the side of the highway. I was so wound up, I knew if I so much as slipped the head of my engorged dick into her sweet pussy, I would explode. I couldn't get any harder. I could hear the increased blood flow squelching in my ears with every elevated pounding of my heart. I could feel my pulse in my dick as well. It was pushing so hard against the gusset of my jeans, it was almost painful.

"I think it is one of the most common fantasies for both women and men to want to have sex with two other people. Having a three-way with two women and one man is hotter than hell. I couldn't imagine having sex with you and another woman at the same time." I said, trying not to let hear the wavering in my voice.

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After a few moments, I asked. "Would you have sex with another woman in a three-way?"

"I would let her eat my pussy, but I don't think I could eat hers," she said as she made eye contact with me.

I know she could see the flames dancing in my eyes as I looked at her with lust so strong I couldn't wait to get her home and pull her black dress off her body and ravage her. I could see embers of passion glowing in her eyes as well. I could tell she was hot.

"I don't fantasize about having sex with you and another woman," she said with a sultry grin on her face.

"What do you mean I stupidly asked without realizing what she had said.

"Oh, you mean you want to have sex with two men?" I asked.

"Yes," she replied, "that would be fun!"

I was floored by her confession. I had never heard her talk like this before. I had no idea she had some of the same fantasies I had. It made perfect sense, there are few men on this planet that haven't daydreamed about having a three-way with two women. Why would it be any different for a woman to have fantasies about having a three-way with two men?

I had once read that women fantasized as much as men do about having another woman in bed with them and their man, but now I was starting to doubt what I read was true. Maybe it was with some women, but it was not with my Clarissa. I had hoped to open a deviant side of her tonight with this discussion. She just happened to take it farther than I had anticipated.

I was about to explode with excitement when she grabbed my hand from her thigh and placed it between her legs. She pulled her silky panties aside, and I felt her pussy and was shocked by how sopping wet it was. I couldn't believe it. I had never felt it so wet. Her juices had soaked her panties and were covering the inside of her legs. Her pussy lips were opened up like a rosebud opening to the morning sunshine. Instead of inviting in the sunshine, her pussy was inviting my rock-hard dick, or maybe someone else's.

An idea struck me. There was a movie rental on our route home that we rented movies from on the weekends. We had both been in there and giggled and made offhand comments about the back room with the sign saying adults only where we knew pornographic movies were displayed for rent. We had never watched a porno together, and as far as I knew, she had never seen one. Now was my chance.

"Do you want to stop and rent a dirty movie from the movie rental place?" I asked.

"If you want to," she replied, "but I am not going in there with you to get one. You'll have to go in alone, I would not get caught dead in that back room. What if someone who knows us saw me in there?"

"No problem," I said.

I was hoping she would say yes, and go in with me, but I was so ecstatic she wanted to watch one, I didn't care if she went. Besides, this would let me pick out something that had some three-way, group sex, or maybe swingers in it. After her confessions and how wet her pussy was from talking about it, I knew she would be up for watching anything from those genres. I continued to play with her pussy all the way to the movie rental store.

I went into the store, selected two movies that seemed to align with our moods, and came back to the car feeling lighter than air. I jumped in and saw her in her seat looking up at me with that sultry look she gets when she is turned on. It was a look that drove me wild. I was so horny, I almost couldn't think straight. I was feasting on her with my eyes when I noticed she had her hand inside her panties and was diddling herself. First of all, I had never seen her this turned on, and secondly, I had never seen her masturbate. I couldn't believe it. I just sat there with a grin on my face at what I was looking at.

"Are you going to take me home and fuck me, or just sit there staring?" she asked looking drunk on lust.

I put the car into gear and would have made Mario Andretti proud. I made it home at what was probably record speed but felt like it took an eternity to get there. By the time we made it home, we had both calmed down enough to carry our things inside and jump in the shower, but sadly, not together.

"You shower first," she said. "While you are showering, I will make some drinks for us, and when I shower, you can get our movie set up."

When she came down the hallway to our living room where I sat on the couch in anticipation of our movie night, she rounded the corner in a two-piece black lacey lingerie with a silk pink robe on, open in the middle exposing her beautiful pert breast, and flat stomach. She was beautiful, and she was coming over to sit by me, of all people.

We sat on the couch sipping our drinks and watching the first movie I had selected. Like most pornos, it had a weak plot with actors who weren't skilled at acting, but that is not why we rented it. We were in it for the raunchy sex scenes, and boy it didn't disappoint. It was scene after scene of debauchery building up to the main event. The main event was a male real estate agent showing a house to a young couple.

Not so long story short, all parties in the movie being well endowed and beautiful, ended up having a steamy three-way on the Master Bedroom king-sized bed. It ended up with the hot blonde with huge titties being spit-roasted between her husband and the muscular real estate agent.

While the husband in the film had his long cock in his wife's mouth, the real estate agent had his enormous cock in her pussy from behind. She was on all fours taking two dicks at once.

Clarissa said, "What a lucky woman!"

I about broke my neck to look over at her as she sat nestled up against my side on the couch. I reached down and put my hand under her black lace panties, and found her dripping wet pussy open for the invitation. As she sat there with her eyes glued to the action on the TV, I slowly dipped the tip of my finger in her juicy pussy up to the first knuckle and started to circle her engorged clit with my finger. Her hips started gyrating with the movements of my finger as her body quivered with every touch. This was going to be a great night.

As I stimulated her clit while she watched the two chiseled dark-headed men with large cocks continue to pound the cute blond from both ends, she suddenly reached her hand inside the opening in the front of my boxers, and pulled my swollen cock out and immediately lowered her head and took the head of my dick into her wanting mouth. I sat there in pure ecstasy while she bobbed her head up and down the shaft of my hard cock and pressed the head deep into her throat. She had given me head plenty of times throughout our relationship but never had she sucked it so feverishly, and taken it so deeply.

I reached across her body and buried my two middle fingers in her sopping pussy. She moaned on my dick as my fingers entered her. She started to move her hips into my hand harder and harder with each thrust of my fingers. I was fingering her with a steady rhythm timed with the bobbing of her mouth on my cock. She stopped sucking my dick, looked up at me with her lustful eyes, gave me a kiss that was both passionate and erotic, and sucked my tongue into her mouth.

She pulled back from me, looked me straight in the eyes, and said, "Let's go to the bedroom."

We went to the bedroom where she climbed onto the bed's edge on her hands and knees.

She said, "Fuck me like that real estate guy fucked that blond."

I walked up behind her and pushed my pulsating cock into her slippery pussy, each slow stroke entering her a little further every time until I could feel my balls touching her clit. She was lubricated enough, I could have rammed my cock straight in without any trouble, but I enjoyed the feeling of entering her inch by inch. Her pussy was so wet and so hot, I couldn't believe how good it felt to be inside her pussy. When she was sucking me on the couch, I didn't think anything could feel any better, but I was wrong.

I pushed my cock into the balls again, and just let it reside there for a moment knowing I couldn't be in her anymore when she reached back with her hand and grabbed my ass cheeks and demanded, "Fuck me hard!" and braced both hands on the bed in anticipation of a hard fucking.

I started pumping the full length of my hard dick in as far as I could, and would pull almost out just to slam it back in again. She started moaning louder and louder as I fucked her hard and fast. She grabbed a pillow, and placed her head and chest down on it, raising her ass in the air further, reaching down to her swollen clit, and started rubbing it vigorously as I fucked her from behind.

I reached down and released the strap on her black lacy bra, and with both hands started squeezing her breasts as I used them as leverage to pound her upturned pussy.

She sharply demanded, "Pinch my nipples while you fuck me."

I started pinching and rolling them gently between my forefingers and thumbs.

"Pinch them hard!" she said.

As I pinched them harder, she increased her moaning and writhing on my dick. She started rocking back and forth harder and harder ramming herself onto me. She put her hands back on the mattress and was back up on all fours.

She told me, "I wish I had a dick in my mouth while you fuck me!"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. That was all it took to set me off, I started to moan and feel spasms deep within me as I shot rope after rope of hot cum deep within her sweltering wet pussy. The instant I started shooting the massive load of cum deep into her, she started bucking and moaning with wild spasms of pleasure.

She screamed, "Don't stop fucking me, I'm coming."

I continued to pump her pussy as she had climax after climax. I fucked her until I couldn't stand it anymore and collapsed on the bed beside her. She rolled over onto her back next to me

"That was fucking hot!" she said.

We lay there for a couple of minutes exhausted, and all I could think about was crawling under the covers and going to sleep. She got up and went to the bathroom to clean up a bit, as I lay there on the bed recovering from the exhaustion of fucking so hard. I heard her come back into the room. I looked up and saw her standing in the doorway in her black dress with her black leather knee-high boots on with a grin on her face. Clarissa pulled up the front of her dress up to show me she didn't have anything else on and started walking toward the bed for another round.

Written by Charles_
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