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Author's Notes

"Apologies for the delay in getting this chapter up, life is not always cooperative. If you are just coming into this story, I invite you to start from the beginning. <p> [ADVERT] </p>If you like what you read, tap the like button and leave a comment. Enjoy!"

My dream returned that night and, as before, I woke up with my cum spurting all over myself and my wife. After we cleaned ourselves off, she asked me about it, and after a few stops and starts, I opened up.

“It started out with the four of us, you, me, Noemi, and Gina but then it changed and the other girls were gone and there were three guys.” She squirmed a little at that thought. “It was like I was moving around you in space, watching from every possible angle.”

“Go on,” she said, “tell me about them.” She lay back and slid her hands between her thighs. Her eyes closed as she worked her fingers between her outer lips.

“Well, they were all younger than us and there was one of them in each of your holes,” I continued. Jane moaned softly and licked her lips. “Then one after another they all came on your face.”

“Did you clean me off?” she moaned. “Did you lick their sweet cum from my face?”

“No,” I answered. “Noemi and Gina suddenly reappeared and licked you clean, then you had a three-way while I watched. That’s the last I remember.”

She moaned loudly as her fingers increased their pace, “That all sounds amazing!” I watched as she finger-fucked herself to an intense orgasm. She relaxed and looked at me with half-open eyelids and a sheen of sweat on her brow and top lip. “Is that something you’d be okay with, me fucking three guys at once?”

“Maybe,” I said. I thought for a moment. “I mean it’s there in my subconscious so I must want it in some way.”

“Were they kissing me?” she asked.

“Not on the mouth,” I replied. “All over your face and neck and chest but not on the lips.”

“That would be a hard thing to do, fuck someone without kissing them,” she said as she stared at the ceiling.

“I know,” I replied as I gathered her into my body. “I’m just not sure I could watch that.”

“Well, if you don’t want that to happen, it won’t happen,” she replied. “I promise.” We cuddled together and drifted off.

The dream came back again a few times over the next month or so, usually after we’d had sex before falling asleep. Each time it was the same and each time I would come in my sleep.

“This is getting a little old,” said Jane, exasperated.

“I know but what can I do about it?” I asked.

I don’t know,” she replied. She thought for a moment, “Maybe we could live out the dream?”

“We have already lived out the dream,” I replied, reminding her of that night with Jay and Mike.

“That’s not exactly the dream,” she said. “In the dream, you’re watching, not participating.”

“How would we make that happen?” I asked.

"I don’t know,” she said, “but maybe Gina could help us out. Perhaps she’s gotten that sort of request for her videos.” We still hadn’t made any decisions about the video of the three of us but Jane had taken out a subscription to Gina’s website and she watched her videos once in a while. She retrieved her iPad and called up the video library to see. Sure enough, there were several of Gina with three or more men.

“Imagine that’s me,” she sighed. “Fuck that looks so hot!” I slid my hand over her hips to feel how wet she was but it was blocked by hers; she had beaten me to it. Together, we masturbated her while the video played, culminating with all three men shooting their cum all over Gina’s body.

“You want that very badly, don’t you?” I asked her, knowing the answer. She bit her lip and nodded. “Well, if you want it, I’m willing to try it.”

Jane pulled me in tight for a kiss. “Are you sure?”

I replied that I was, “For you, I would move the world and all that is in it. You know that.”

We kissed again and then she slid her way down my body and gave me one of her five-star blowjobs, swallowing my seed hungrily. “I’ll call Gina tomorrow!” she said.

The next evening after dinner, Jane slipped off into the bedroom while I cleaned up. I had just settled into the living room when she reappeared dressed in a nice summer dress and low heels.

“You look nice,” I said, “Are you going somewhere?”

“No,” she replied as she sat next to me. “I called Gina today.”


“And she said she could do a video for us,” she replied.


“And she said I could be in the video if I wanted to.” She looked at me and waited for my response.

“When would this happen?” I asked.

“She said she’d need some time to arrange it. She has some men that she works with that she brings in from out of town and she’d need to set that up so they are all available at the same time.” She was almost vibrating with excitement.

“So we have time to decide then,” I said. Talking about it was one thing but making arrangements was quite another.

“We also talked about our video,” she said. “I want to put it online. Gina said she’d split the money she makes on it.” I squirmed at that idea. “She put it on her server and sent me a link. Do you want to watch it?”

“I guess,” I answered. If nothing else, I’d get another good fuck out of it. Jane almost leaped off the couch, got her iPad, and set it up to cast it to the sixty-inch TV across the room. The screen flickered briefly and then I saw the two women kneeling in front of me taking turns licking my cock. Gina’s editing had almost kept Jane’s face out of view but it’s pretty difficult to obscure the contact between lips and cock.

The video progressed as I remembered things and I was surprised at the quality of it, not to mention the hot sex. We were no porn star models but we looked pretty hot. There were no close-up shots because everything had been shot with tripod-mounted cameras but the action was well captured. As the scene neared its conclusion, Jane told me to take off my pants. She hiked up her dress and climbed onto my lap, lowering herself onto my cock.

“You watch it,” she purred, “I already watched it this afternoon!” Her arms wrapped around my shoulders and her tongue flicked along my neck and earlobe as she rode me faster and faster. Just as the screen showed her flipping Gina onto her back, I came with Jane following right behind.

We stayed in that position as we gathered our breath and then she pushed back away from me and kissed me gently. “We are so fucking hot!” she whispered. I had to agree. “Can I tell Gina to set up the link so other people can watch it?” My wife was excited about the idea and, as usual, I was incapable of refusing her. There had only been a few glimpses of our faces.

“Call Gina to set it up,” I said.

Jane kissed my face all over before planting a long deep tongue-driven kiss on me. Her hips moved and I felt that familiar stir in my balls as I started to rise to the occasion again. Jane got up and took my hand to lead me to our bedroom but I stopped her.

“Here,” I said, “Let’s do it here!” She smiled and nodded and got down on all fours, presenting herself to me. I flipped up the back of her dress and moved in but when my cock touched her pussy, she reached between us and guided it to her ass.

It was still slick from the combined cum that had run from her pussy so I slipped in pretty easily. I leaned forward and grabbed her breasts in both hands and used them for leverage. As I started thrusting, she gave out a little yelp of pain and I let them go. “I didn’t say stop!” she whispered. “It hurt a little but I liked it!”

I regripped and held on firmly as I pounded into her with all I had. Our grunts, moans, and screams filled the house once more as I filled her tight bum with my spunk.

It was three weeks later when she called me. “It’s all set!” she said excitedly, “Next Saturday afternoon at Gina’s!” In the intervening time, we had fantasized about the idea with the benefit of the best sex we’d ever had. The previous week, she had gone shopping with Noemi, leaving our house just after lunch on Saturday and not returning until 3 AM on Monday, wrung out and sore from her girlfriend having fucked her with their new strap-on toy. Her recollection of the events was very hot indeed.

That night when we went to bed she showed me a black silk bag. Reaching into it, she retrieved a ten-inch-long dildo that was about as thick as her wrist. “I need to prepare myself,” she said, “you know, just in case!” The men that had been in Gina’s video were quite well-endowed, certainly more than me.

With a little patience and a lot of lube, we managed to get it fully into her pussy while my cock was buried in her ass. I was a little surprised we didn’t get a visit from the cops, so loud were her screams. Several more times during the following week, we played with her toy, trying but failing to work it into her bum but always giving her the loudest and wettest orgasms imaginable.

On the day before we were to go to Gina’s, I came home from work to find Noemi in our kitchen preparing supper. “Where’s Jane?” I asked.

“She went to the spa,” Noemi replied. “She’s getting ready for the weekend!” Her smile told me that she knew everything.

“She told you then,” I said. She nodded and said that she did. “What do you think?”

“I think that you must love her very much to let her live out her deepest fantasies like this,” Noemi said.

“I do, you know,” I said. “I really do.” She came over to me and held my hand.

“She loves you too, very much.” She leaned down and kissed me softly. “She knows you want to be with me, just the two of us so she asked me if I would agree.” She kissed me again. “Of course, I said yes!” She led me to our bedroom and sat me on the bed. She disrobed slowly revealing pale yellow underthings, a bra that pushed her breasts together and upward, and a garter and stockings to match. Her pussy was bare save for a small triangle of closely clipped hair that pointed downward. As if I needed directions.

She took my hands and urged me to stand up before getting on her knees in front of me. I watched intently as her painted lips parted and her tongue flicked along the length of my shaft. She looked up at me and smiled before opening her mouth a little wider and sucking me into it. Her lips and tongue felt as smooth as silk as they worked their magic on me and in only a few minutes I was ready to bust.

Her forefinger and thumb clamped down on the base of my shaft to prevent my cum from shooting out as my balls surged and my cock throbbed in her mouth. As the contractions eased, she held it firmly as she stood up beside me and kissed me softly.

“I am such a tease!” she whispered before flicking her tongue along the edge of my ear. I felt her free hand guide mine to her groin and press my fingers against her slit. We massaged her clit through the thin veil of her thong as her breath caught and a soft sigh escaped her lips.

“Mmmm, that was nice!” she whispered again. I tried to speak but she placed one finger against my lips. “Shhhh.” She turned away briefly so her back was to me and bent from the waist to remove her thong. The view of her perfectly rounded bum served to re-invigorate my cock as I imagined it sliding into her little back door.

I reached out and ran my hand along the curve of her hip, gently urging her back toward me until my rehardened shaft nestled between her invitingly rounded bum cheeks. “You want to fuck my bum, don’t you?” she whispered back over her shoulder as she craned her neck to place her lips against mine. I just ground myself into her backside and moaned into her mouth to tell her that I wanted to do exactly that. She turned to face me and smiled, “I’d like that too!”

“What about you, would you like to have three men at once?” I asked her.

“I’ve never really wanted that,” she replied, “but if the opportunity ever came up, I might try it! Why do you ask?”

“I guess I’m just trying to wrap my head around why Jane wants it,” I answered. “And why she doesn’t necessarily want me to be one of those guys.”

“Sweetie, she would love for you to be one of those guys,” Noemi replied before kissing me. “She’s just not sure if you could handle her being with you and two other men at the same time.”

We kissed for a few moments before I spoke again, “I guess I’ve given her plenty of cause to think that.”

Noemi’s hand rubbed my shaft. “I think you’re all recovered,” she smiled sweetly before getting up on the bed on her knees with her chest on the sheet, face down, and bum up high. I fiddled in the drawer for some lube and saw my wife’s long thick toy. I took it out and ran it along her pussy lips before pressing the head against her vulva.

“Mmmm,” she moaned softly, “Put it in me.” I grasped it firmly and applied firm pressure. She squirmed her hips a little as the broad head slowly separated her pink lips before slipping inside her. “Fuck that’s a big one!”

“It is,” I whispered, “do you want it all?”

“I do,” she nodded her head, “gently though.” I kept the pressure as I dribbled a little lube on the shaft and twisted it to work it into her a little more. Slowly but surely, the shaft disappeared into her slick tunnel until the fake ball sack brushed up against her outer lips. “Oh God! I’m so full!” She took a couple of deep breaths. “Feels so good!”

I reached around and massaged her clit for a few moments and she reached between her legs and slowly moved the toy out and in. I could tell when the prominent ridge of the glans slid over her G-spot from the little twitch her legs gave each time. I parted her ass cheeks with one hand, took the little tube of artificial slickness in the other, and dripped a few drops onto her puckered back door. Her hips jumped a little as I massaged it before slipping first one, then another finger inside her bum.

“Easy!” she cautioned, “I’m pretty stretched back there!” I could feel the ripples of the shaft of the toy along my fingers as she moved it in and out of herself. “God, I wish this big cock was the real thing!”

“I imagine Gina could sort something out for you!” I answered. I continued to slide my fingers in and out of her bum until she nodded her head.

“Let’s give it a go,” she mumbled. I took my fingers out of her and applied a generous amount of lube to her bum hole and my cock.

I placed my head against her and put one hand on either hip. I pulled back gently and watched as my shaft bent a little from the resistance. An all-around grip on my shaft kept it rigid and I watched as her hole slowly yielded to the pressure. I felt and saw her as her breath caught; she held it for the last few seconds before my head slipped inside her.

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“Mmmmph,” she muttered as she felt me penetrate her ass. “Hold up! Just a sec!” she groaned.

“Are you okay?” I asked her. “We can stop if it hurts.”

She shook her head no. “Just go easy!” she grunted, the discomfort on her face putting the lie to her words. We continued trying for another few minutes until she shook her head. “This isn’t working,” she mumbled and she reached down to extract the large toy from her cunt. My cock came out of her bum as she shifted but she settled back down and reached back to place it against her back door.

I eased forward and slid in rather easily compared to before. “Mmmm, that’s nice!” she purred. “I’ll have to get my own toy for this, one that’s not quite so thick.” She pushed back against me and held herself there for a moment before easing off. I took that as my signal to start moving my hips. I took a firm hold of her hips and pulled her back into me as I moved forward.

“Don’t be shy!” she urged. “Fuck my ass like you fuck your wife’s!”

“How do you know how hard I fuck my wife’s ass?” I inquired, knowing the answer even before I finished the question.

“She told me!” she teased as she looked back over her shoulder. Fuck, she looked so hot looking back at me with her cute face and stellar smile. I cared not that her face shone with sweat and her hair was tangled; in fact, it made her look even more desirable.

“Of course she did!” I laughed. I took a deep breath and gripped her hips tightly. The union of her ass cheeks against my hips made a slapping sound as I piled into her with as much force as I could muster. I drew back slowly until I felt the pressure of her sphincter pulling on my glans and then piled into her again. Each time I drove forward we both exhaled loudly.

“Faster!” she breathed. “Fuck me harder!” Ever the man to do as a lady asks, I did my level best. I watched as my shaft glistened from the lube as it reappeared from inside her each time I pulled backward. I could only watch for a few more strokes, however, as I felt my orgasm rising from my depths.

I felt her fingers against my shaft as she started fucking her cunt with them, pushing them in, pausing to draw a circle around her G-spot then withdrawing them again. I filed that little tidbit away for later use.

“OMIGODIMCUMMING!!” she shouted as she pushed back and held herself there. I was close as well so I continued thrusting into her. Just as her moans started to subside, I felt it.

“FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!” I hollered in time to my final thrusts before driving forward hard enough to force her onto her tummy. Her hand was trapped underneath her and I could feel the rhythmic motion as she continued to stimulate her clit as I blasted my seed inside her.

“FUCK ME I LOVE YOUR CUM IN MY ASS!” she screamed as I gave a few final thrusts before my glutes and abs succumbed to fatigue. I flopped down on top of her and held her for a moment as we heaved together on the bed.

I moved over and she turned to face me and we shared soft kisses for a bit. “I think I need to spend more time in the gym,” I rasped as I tried to catch my breath. We both laughed and she assured me that I did just fine.

Then she stared into my face for a moment. “I love you.”

“I love you too!” we heard from the doorway to our bedroom. There stood my wife of nearly thirty years, applauding softly. “We should get a video of you two fucking, it is so, so hot!” She came over to us and crawled up onto the bed to share kisses. “And I love you too, Noemi,” she said.

Our shared kisses became more passionate and I moved my hand under her skirt to feel her pussy, now as smooth as it had ever been. Apparently, her spa trip had included a full wax. Her hand stopped mine.

“We can’t,” she said. “I’m sorry, I’d love to but we can’t. I want to be extra horny for tomorrow night!”

“You are assuming there will be a tomorrow night,” I said, moving away and sitting up.

“Please, baby, please!” my wife begged. “I want this so badly!”

“I just don’t think I could watch you do that without me,” I said. “What if I changed my mind part way through? Do you think you could just stop?”

“I don’t know,” Jane said. “That’s the problem.”

“Look, you guys,” Noemi interjected. “I know it’s not my business but I think if you aren’t both totally committed to it, you should call it off. There are no do-overs.”

“Will you please stop being the voice of reason?” Jane said, exasperated at her girlfriend’s abundance of common sense. “We need to decide. If we’re not going to do this, we need to tell Gina.”

“Don’t worry about Gina,” Noemi said. “If you don’t want to go for it, I’ll stand in for you. It’s the least I can do!” She raised her eyebrows and licked her lips. “Three cocks for three holes, that sounds like such fun!” She kissed us and got up off the bed to go to the washroom, gathering her clothes as she went.

Jane and I just looked at each other and held hands until she returned, fully dressed. “I think I should leave you guys to it,” she said. A couple more kisses and she left.

Jane and I snuggled for a bit before I got up to clean myself up and get dressed for dinner. Neither of us felt like going out so we ordered take-out and after dinner, we went into the living room. She reached for the TV remote but I stopped her.

“I have an idea that might work,” I said.

“Oh?” She shifted and placed her hand on my thigh. A look of hope came across her beautiful face.

“Maybe things could start off with Noemi and these guys. She said earlier that she’d like to do it. Then, if we’re both comfortable, maybe you could join in and she could pull back.”

“Do you think she’d actually pull back if things got hot and heavy?” Jane asked me.

I nodded my head. “If you asked her to, she might.”

“Maybe,” she said, reaching for her phone. Her fingers flew as he texted someone, and a few minutes later it pinged. “Gina thinks that might work.” A second later, another ping. “Noemi is in!” She hugged me tightly. “Are you sure?”

“Can you promise me that, if I ask you to, you will stop, no matter what?” I answered.

“I can’t know that unless I’m in that situation,” she said. “I want to make you that promise, more than you know but I don’t think I can absolutely say I can.” She sighed, “I’m sorry, I know that’s not what you wanted to hear.”

“That is exactly what I wanted to hear,” I said. “We’ll give it a try. I have faith that if I ask you to stop, you will.”

“You have a lot more faith in me than I do!” she said. She held me tightly and shivered just a little. “Fuck me! I had an orgasm just thinking about it!”

“So much for the idea of you being extra horny! You’re not going to be able to control yourself until tomorrow night!” I teased her mercilessly, telling her she would find new and interesting ways to stimulate herself in the lead-up to her tryst. Twice as I described the things she might do to herself, she came, soaking her skirt and the sofa cushion.

“You need to stop!” she cried out. “I’m going to ruin the furniture if you keep this up!” She got up and showed me the stain underneath her ass before lifting her skirt and showing me her naked crotch. “I’m fucking drenched here!”

She disappeared into our bedroom for a few minutes, returning dressed in a hot red garter and stockings, no bra or panties, and carrying our digital camera. “Want to make a movie?” she asked seductively.

“Of what?” I asked.

“Of me, sucking your cock!” she replied.

“Would you go and put on that hot red lipstick I like?” I asked.

“You do love a bright red lipstick blowjob!” she giggled. “You really should clear your browsing history, you know!” She disappeared and returned a few minutes later, perfectly made up if a little heavy on the lipstick and eye shadow.

“The tart look, I like it!” I said as I stood up.

“I was going for the cheap whore look!” she replied. “Is that not what I am, a cheap whore?”

“I would never call you cheap,” I said, “but your lust for cock might qualify you as a whore!”

“My lust for cock,” she came to me and kissed me lightly so as not to mess up her lipstick, “and for pussy!” her voice was growling.

“You do love pussy, but not as much as hard cock!” I teased her. She smiled and nodded in agreement. I picked up the camera, checked that it was set to video, and moved around the room to turn on every light. “I remember what Gina said about lighting,” I said.

“We wouldn’t want to have poor lighting,” Jane replied. I moved back a little, pointed the camera, and pushed the record button.

“So, Mrs. Jane Conners, my darling wife of nearly thirty years, tell me what you have been up to today.” She smiled sweetly for the camera.

“Well, Mr. Richard Conners, my husband of nearly thirty years, today I went to the health spa to prepare myself for some fun tomorrow evening.” She ran her finger along her jaw. “I got a facial, and a manicure, and a pedicure.”

“Is that all you had done?” I asked. She bit her lower lip and shook her head.

“No, it isn’t.” I followed her right hand as it crept along her body, stopping to caress one breast, then the other. “I got a massage, ooh, it was so nice, the masseur was very, very cute and his hands were so strong!” Then her left hand moved to cover her waxed mound. “And then I had a full body wax. And I mean full body, my tanned legs, my full rounded bottom, my arms; in short, everything but my hair and eyebrows.”

“You got your brows done as well, I see,” I said.

She nodded. “I did, and I also had all the hair removed from my wet pussy!” She moved her hand and fingers to part her folds. “Come closer, my darling, see how my kitty is wanting your hard cock!” I moved closer and zoomed in; her fingers traced the edge of her opening before coming to rest on her clit, pulling upward to make it peek out from under its hood.

“Do you like my little clitty?” she asked. She was fully immersed in the role now. “Isn’t it perfect?”

“It is perfect,” I breathed. “I would love to taste it but you don’t want me to, do you?” She shook her head no. “Why, my darling wife? Why do you not want your husband, the man who loves you more than life itself, to taste your perfect little clit?”

“Because tomorrow night, my husband has agreed to watch me be taken and used by three men whom I do not know. They will use me as their fuck toy, filling all my holes at the same time, and I want to be extra horny for them. So, no, I do not want my husband to touch my pussy, or lick it or taste it before that happens!”

“Then why have you gotten dressed the way you are, why all the make-up and the hair?” I asked.

“Because I am going to give my husband the most amazing blowjob in the history of blowjobs as a way to say thank you to him for letting me have this experience!” I zoomed in on her face as she knelt in front of me. “I will take his perfect cock into my mouth and swallow it down my throat.” She leaned forward and licked up my shaft from base to tip, her pink tongue standing out in contrast to her brightly painted lips. “Then he will grab my hair in both hands and he will fuck my face and blast his load of sweet cum down my throat.” She licked me again. “And I will love it!

“And then he will stand me up and kiss me and taste his cum on my lips and tongue and he will love it just as much!” I hadn’t planned on doing that, but in for a penny, in for a pound.

“And tomorrow night, after these strange men have cum inside me and in my mouth and all over my body, he is going to join our girlfriends in cleaning my body using only their tongues. I will have the most delicious orgasms as they do!

“And after all of that, we will edit the video recording we make of the evening’s activities and we will post it online for the world to see!” Her body buckled and her eyes closed, the smoky eye shadow standing out against her pale skin. “Oh fuck, I just came a little just thinking about it!” She recovered, looked up at the camera lens and licked her lips.

“You are so beautiful to me, you know that, right?” I said. “The perfect wife, lover and companion. I would do anything to make you happy!”

“And you are the perfect husband,” she replied. “You don’t know how much it means to me to make this happen!” She opened her mouth wide and engulfed my cock, not stopping until her nose bumped up against my shaved skin. She drew back ever so slowly, flicking her tongue out along the bottom of my shaft. She reached up to grasp my shaft but I stopped her.

“No, Jane, no hands, just your mouth,” I said.

She looked up at me, released my cock from her lips, and said, “Yes, my darling, whatever you wish!” Her mouth opened again and my cock disappeared inside her luscious lips. I moved the camera from one side to the other to get the view from different angles but the best view was from directly overhead. Her eyes would close every time she went down on me but as she drew upward, they would open and look up at me. The makeup made her eye color pop, a brilliant blue.

She started bobbing up and down slowly as my cock surged for the first time. I grasped her hair with my free hand and pulled her onto me, forcing my cock into her throat. She must have known I would do that because she didn’t hesitate at all; no indication of discomfort was shown as she swallowed my length into her throat. I tried to hold my hips still as I moved her head with my hands but I found it impossible.

Soon, my orgasm started to rise. I was fucking her face by this time, caring not if she was uncomfortable; she was going to get what she wanted the next day and her throat was my prize for allowing her to do that. “Just… a… few… more…” I grunted, each word punctuating a thrust as I pushed my cock into her mouth. “HERE! I! COME!” I shouted as I held her face onto me.

My cum spurted out and made her gag just a little. I felt her throat constrict as she tried to swallow me down, her nostrils flaring as she struggled for breath. A moment later her hands found my thighs and she tried to push away but I gripped her hair tighter and held her in place. It wasn’t until her hand tapped my thigh that I released her, letting her come off me.

She sat on her haunches looking at me with fire in her eyes as she struggled for air. Her whole body heaved and she swallowed but a little dribble of my cum mixed with saliva ran down her chin. She reached up to collect it with her finger. “No!” I commanded. “Let me.” I knelt before her and kissed her tenderly, collecting the fluid with my tongue and sharing it with hers.

Her breath was still a bit ragged as our lips parted. Our foreheads touched. “Are you okay?” I asked. “Was I too rough?”

“I like it rough sometimes,” she replied, licking her lips. “We need to do that more often.”

“We will, my darling, we will.” I picked her up and carried her to our bed, kissing her softly as I walked with her in my arms. I laid her on the bed and covered her. “You looked so hot in all that makeup and lingerie,” I said. “But you look even hotter with it all messed up!”

“I can’t wait for tomorrow night!” she breathed.

“Me neither,” I said as I climbed in beside her.

Written by CaressofSteel
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