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She Never Ceases To Amaze Me - Part 6

"Sandy and Beth find another new thing to do to each other."

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I woke up as Beth got out of bed. I waited for a moment to let her complete her morning routine so I could go do mine. I heard the shower start so I decided to go share it with her. I relieved myself then peeked behind the curtain, “Would you like me to wash your back?” I asked.

“Sure, I’d love you to wash my back!” she said with a smile. “You can wash the rest of me too if you like!” I got in with her, she still had the remains of last night’s makeup that was in total disarray, I took the washcloth and dolloped some baby wash onto it. Gently I cleaned the mess from her face, “You looked so hot last night all made up like that,” I growled.

“You know what, at first I couldn’t believe it was me,” she said. “I thought to myself, ‘Who is that hot chick in the mirror?’” She tiptoed up to kiss me, “I’m glad you liked it, maybe I could do that for you again sometime.”

“You don’t have to smear all that paint and powder on for me,” I said, “you look so beautiful to me every day just as you are!” We kissed again and I pressed up against her, my erection poking into her tummy.

“Thank you, sweetheart, that means a lot to hear you say that.” She took my hand and moved it to her pussy, “Ooooh, little tender there this morning!”

“I’m not surprised,” I said, “You got fucked but good last night.” I slid my hand a little further down and ran the tip of my middle finger across her back door. She winced a little, “A bit sore there too, I imagine”

She nodded and grasped my cock, "What about you, are you sore?”

“A little,” I said. “I’ve been trying to figure out how many times I came yesterday and I just gave up. For sure it was the most times in one day I’ve ever done.”

“Me too,” Beth said. “Maybe we take it easy today, just use our mouths to kiss each other better?”

“I like that idea,” I said. We kissed for a few moments then Beth sank to her knees and took me into her mouth. “Mmmm, that’s it, baby, kiss it all better!” I moaned. She looked up at me and opened her mouth as wide as it would go as she went all the way down until her nose touched my mons. She came up off of me and stood up.

“I’m going to clean you up down there,” she said, “I’m all shaved bare, I think you should be too.” I just nodded. She stepped out of the shower for a moment and returned with my razor from my shaving kit. “We’re going to have to get the right tools for this job if we’re going to do this all the time.”

"I agree, I’ll do some research later,” I said. She took the body wash and lathered up my pubic hair. I normally kept it trimmed pretty short anyways so it wasn’t that hard to remove. “Careful,” I urged my darling wife. She just smiled at me before returning to her task. The look of concentration on her face was so cute as she worked the sharp blades around my cock and balls. When she was through, she ran her hand all over the area to make sure she hadn’t missed any then she handed me the razor.

“All done, nice and smooth,” she said. “Now where was I?” Her mouth opened again and I felt the warmth as she engulfed me. I closed my eyes and recalled the sight from last night as our lovely hostess licked, sucked and cleaned all the cum and other fluids from Beth. The look on her face had been rapturous as she came that last time. In no time, that memory, combined with Beth’s talented lips and tongue had me on the edge. I grunted and she took her mouth off me, jacking my cock to take my cum all over her pretty face. The water stream washed some of it away as she took me back in for a finishing suck before standing up next to me.

“Clean my face off, please,” she asked sweetly. “Use your mouth to clean your spunk off my face.” Of course, I obliged, taking the time to make sure I had gotten it all. There were a couple of drops in her hair but the shampoo could take care of that.

I kissed her, “All done, nice and clean,” I said.

“Thank you,” she smiled sweetly. “You know, you’re the first man who ever did that for me. Most men want nothing to do with their own sperm or any other man for that matter. I don’t know why you do it, but I like it.”

“I do it, my darling because you asked me to,” I said. “It was a bit gross at first but I figured if I want you to taste it, I should too.” We kissed again, “You must know that when it comes to anything to do with sex, I will always do what you ask me to do.” I kissed her again, “Always.”

“I know, sweetheart, and I appreciate it. But promise me you’ll never do anything you don’t want to do.”

“If you’ll make that same promise to me,” I said. We kissed to seal the promise then I turned her around to face away from me. I took her hands and placed them on the back wall of the shower and urged her legs apart so I could get access to her pussy.

She leaned forward and stuck her backside out and I felt her push back against my fingers as I slid them inside her. Soon her pussy was making squishy sounds as I pumped into her, “Easy babe, little tender there.” I slowed a little and twisted my hand to rub her clit with my thumb. It wasn’t too long before her breathing quickened and the soft moaning started. Then I felt her fingers alongside mine, rubbing her and slipping inside.

The pitch of her moaning grew higher the closer she got to her climax, suddenly her thighs clamped together and her butt clenched as she came. A long stream of clear fluid leaked from her pussy and ran all down my arm, dripping off at the elbow. It was warm and slick. Her thighs relaxed and we both started moving our fingers again, in less than a minute she came again, her thighs clamping shut and trapping our hands once more.

Again, her slick fluid squirted out but this time I pulled my hand free and dropped to my knees behind her trying my best to capture it. She relented and opened her legs which allowed me to slide my tongue up the backs of her thighs and into that warm crevice where they met and made a perfect ass of themselves. She reached around and pulled her ass cheeks apart so I could lick her little bum hole while I fingered her slowly to the finish line.

I knew she was finished when she took a deep breath and let it out with a long sigh. She turned around and pulled me to my feet, planting lovely wet kisses on my face before pushing her tongue forward into my mouth. “That was nice,” she said quietly. “You know, every time I’ve orgasmed on this trip, I’ve squirted. I hardly ever used to squirt now it’s every damned time!”

“I know,” I replied. “If this keeps up it’s going to make for more laundry but I think the trade-off is a plus for us!”

“For sure!” she smiled her killer smile at me. We finished cleaning each other up and got out, taking a towel each and drying each other off. “You know, I think this is the best part of showering together, getting to dry each other off when we’re done.”

“Respectfully, my dear, I disagree,” I said. “For me, the best part is the orgasms!”

“You might be right,” she agreed, “but this is so nice too. I love when you dry me off, makes me all tingly inside.”

“That’s good to know,” I said. We shared another kiss and then turned to get dressed. I noticed that Beth had chosen lingerie again today instead of the cotton panties she usually wore. “You expecting another eventful day again today?” I asked, pointing at the lacy panties and bra.

“No especially,” she answered, “I’m just getting used to wearing nice underwear, I’ll probably never go back to my old granny panties and sports bras. I mean I’ll still wear them if I’m working out or something but for everyday wear, it’s more Victoria’s Secret now than Walmart!”

“I approve wholeheartedly,” I said, thinking about the damage our credit card would soon be taking as she replaced the items currently in her underwear drawer with her new choices.

“That’s nice, but I’m not wearing these for you, I’m wearing them for me! They make me feel sexy!” She smiled and turned to view her ass in the thong she had just put on.

“They make you look sexy too!” I said. “But then again, you have always looked sexy to me.” I reached for her and pulled her in for another kiss.

“Relax big guy, you’re getting laid today regardless, probably more than once.” She pushed me away and turn to pull on a pair of yoga pants and a tight top.

“You’re going out in public like that?” I asked, a little annoyed.

“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?" she asked.

People will be able to see everything,” I said. “They know if you’ve shaved for crying out loud!”

“That my dear, is exactly the point!” she countered. “Remember what we talked about last night about how the old me is not the norm anymore and the new me is the new normal? I wasn’t fucking kidding.” She kissed me to calm me down. “I like showing off my body, I’ve worked hard for it and I’m proud of it. I want old men to get a boner when they look at me and for women to slap their husbands when they get caught staring at me.” One more kiss, “You need to get used to having a slut-wife on your arm, you’re going to be seeing a lot of her!”

“So will everyone else!” I complained. I took a deep breath, “Whatever makes you happy, baby.”

“That’s more like it,” she smiled at me. “Relax, I’ll tone it down when we go home.”

We went out into the kitchen, there was coffee on and the fixings for breakfast were on the counter and table. We helped ourselves and sat in silence as we ate. After about ten minutes, I heard the patio door open and Sandy came into the kitchen, dressed very similarly to the way Beth was attired – yoga pants that showed off every curve in great detail and a tight crop top.

“I gotta say, ladies, you really look hot in those outfits!” I said.

“We know how hot we are,” Sandy said with a smile. She came over to me and gave me a nice long kiss, “Good morning sir, I trust you slept well.” I nodded that I did then she turned to Beth, “And you, how are you this morning?”

“A little tender,” said Beth, “but my darling husband did his best to kiss everything to make it better!”

“I’m sure he did,” Sandy giggled. “I was kinda hoping to do that, to be honest.”

“Well, I’m sure I could use a few more kisses on the bits that are still sore,” said Beth suggestively.

“Oh, goodie!” squealed Sandy, “I can hardly wait!”

“You’re going to have to wait,” said Beth. “Today you and I are going shopping.”

I was unaware of this plan, “Oh, where?” I asked.

“To the toy store,” said Beth, “You can come along if you like.” I weighed the option for a moment and decided I’d leave the girls their time together without my intrusion.

“Suit yourself,” my wife chided. Then Sandy chimed in.

“There’s someplace else I’d like to go, something I have to pick up,” she said.

“Okay, I’m ready to leave whenever you are,” said Beth.

The girls cleaned up the breakfast things and disappeared into Sandy’s bedroom for a few minutes. While they were gone, Glen came in, “Oh, hey man, how you doing today?” We made small talk and I mentioned that the girls were in the bedroom getting ready to go out. “I’ll bet ‘getting ready’ means that Sandy has her tongue down Beth’s throat,” he leered.

“Probably,” I said. We both chuckled and a moment later the girls came back out, their faces and hair were all done but their faces were still flushed. “A little warm in there?” I teased.

“Hot more like,” said Beth with a grin. “We’re off, anything we need to get while we’re out?”

“Maybe a salad and some corn, I’m thinking steaks on the BBQ for supper tonight.”

“You got it, baby!” said Sandy, giving him, then me a kiss as she breezed by. Beth did the same, kissing me first then Glen. We watched as they left the room, hand in hand.

“Those girls sure know how to leave a room, don’t they?” Glen remarked as he bent over to get the best view of their pussies peeking out below their butt cheeks. The yoga pants left absolutely nothing to the imagination, you could easily see their outer pussy lips and their slits as they walked. “Damn!” he said. “They’re going to get a lot of attention dressed like that!”

“I think that’s the point,” I said. “You know, before we got together with you guys, Beth wouldn’t be caught dead dressed like that.” I shook my head, “She’s a different person now.”

“Do you like this different person?” he asked me. I shrugged.

“I’m not sure yet, we have to go home soon and I’m not sure I want our friends and family getting to know this new version of her.”

“Are you embarrassed by her?”

“No, not embarrassed, I just don’t know how they’ll all react. When we’re here it’s one thing, it’s like we’re at some hedonist’s resort but when we go home, that’s something different. I don’t think I want our friends and family to know that Beth has this other side, this other person that’s a slut and that she’s turned me into a cuckold.” I took a deep breath, then felt Glen’s hand on my shoulder.

“I get it, buddy,” he said. “It’s a big lifestyle shift and it’s going to take some time. You guys driving home in one shot or are you stopping overnight on the way?”

“We were going to do it in one shot, why?”

“Maybe stop for overnight and talk it out, that way there’ll be no distractions.” What he said made a lot of sense. “It’ll also give you a little time to transition back into your everyday lives.”

“Maybe you’re right, thanks, man, I appreciate it.” I reached to shake his hand. “Oh my God, if anyone had told me I’d be sitting here shaking the hand of the guy who fucked my wife into next week, I’d have said they were crazy!”

Glen laughed, “You know what, I felt the same way about kissing the first woman that Sandy slept with, I couldn’t get my head around it. But you get used to it.”

“Yeah, I guess,” I said.

“Speaking of sleeping with, how about when we go to bed we swap wives for the night?”

“I think Beth would be up for that,” I said. I know I would be!”

“All right, when the time comes, I’ll suggest it and see how it flies.” We shook hands again and went back to our coffees. “Anything you want to do while the girls are out?” he asked.

“Rest, I think,” I said, “If I know Beth, she’ll have something new and different planned for us tonight and I’m going to need as much energy as I can for it.”

“Probably,” Glen laughed. “I’ve got a couple of things to look after, if you need anything, let me know.” I returned to our bedroom and flaked out on the bed. Beth’s soiled lingerie was piled in one corner so I went looking for the laundry room so I could wash them out for her. As I passed by the kitchen, I saw Glen with an assortment of sex toys on the counter, he appeared to be cleaning them.

“Whatcha doin’?” I asked.

“What’s it look like, I’m cleaning the toys,” he replied as if it was something everyone did every day. I had never cleaned our toys at home, that was something Beth looked after.

“Why do you have to do that?” I asked, “Aren’t they Sandy’s toys?”

“They’re our toys,” he replied. “She did them last time, it’s my turn.” He proceeded to relate the story of how when he and Sandy first started using toys in their love life, she got a nasty infection because they weren’t as careful as they should have been. “Now we clean them after every use and before we’re going to use them again.”

“Oh, okay,” I said. “Could I borrow some laundry detergent? I’d like to clean some of Beth’s delicates for her.” I paused for a minute, “Oh yeah, shut up.” Glen just laughed and went to the laundry room bringing back a bottle of detergent.

“We use this stuff, it’s supposed to be just for lingerie and stuff.” He handed it to me and laughed again. “You’re a good man, you know that. I see why she loves you so much. Not a lot of guys would be cool with her fucking other people.”

“Well, she lets me fuck her girlfriend so I guess it’s a fair trade!” I replied. “Maybe someday there’ll be other girlfriends.”

“See that’s the thing you have to get your head around, you guys aren’t ‘letting’ (he used air quotes) each other do anything. You’re both participating as a couple each enjoying it as much for your partner’s pleasure as your own. You’ll figure it out.”

“I see what you’re saying,” I said. “It makes sense, it’s just all new.”

I went and washed Beth’s things, rolling them in a towel to get as much water out of them as I could before hanging them over the shower rod to dry. Then I reclined on the bed and picked up our iPad. Opening it I was stunned to see a paused video of two very beautiful, very young, very naked women. It looked like one of them was fucking the other from behind. I tapped the play button and watched closely to see the one in behind was wearing a harness with a dildo attached to it and she was pounding it into her lover for all she was worth.

After the girl who was on the receiving end was done screaming, the one doing the fucking pulled the dong out and detached it from the harness; it was at least a foot long, black and thicker than either of their wrists. Twisting around so their faces were together, they both licked it clean, sharing what they had licked off it between their tongues. They kissed for a half-minute or so then the video ended. “I think I just got a preview for tonight!” I thought.

I checked the browser history and saw that Beth had been perusing a number of porn sites and adult stores. I knew at this point I shouldn’t be surprised but I was as I randomly checked out the places she’d been.

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Checking all this out had gotten me hard and I thought maybe I’d take care of the problem myself but I decided against it. I picked up the remote and flipped on the bedroom tv, selected a nature show and laid back for a nap.


Sandy pulled into the parking lot of what looked like a small warehouse, Beth was puzzled but Sandy just said, “We got something for you guys to take home with you, a friend of mine is an artist, she made it for you. I’ll be back in a moment.” She was only gone a moment but when she reappeared she was carrying a wooden box and it looked like she was wiping something from her lip.

“You’ll see later, I’ll explain everything.” She leaned over and kissed Beth and pulled out onto the street again.


I don’t know how long I was asleep but I was awakened by a soft kiss on my cheek and then felt another one on my other cheek. I opened my eyes to see Beth on one side of me and Sandy on the other. “Hi sleepyhead,” said Beth quietly. “Dreaming about me?” I felt a hand rub my cock which was semi-hard; it wasn’t Beth’s hand.

“I wasn’t dreaming,” I said groggily.

“Well get up, supper is almost ready,” Sandy said. She kissed me then Beth did the same before reaching across me and kissing Sandy. “We are going to have the best time tonight!” I stumbled out of bed and to the washroom, on the counter was a shopping bag. I peeked in and saw that Beth and Sandy had indeed been to the toy store. “No peeking!” I heard from Beth as she breezed into the washroom. “That’s a surprise!” She kissed me again and turned to leave.

“Wait,” I said, “I want to talk to you about something.” I finished my business and went out into the room and picked up the iPad. “I found what you were looking at.”

“Dammit!” she grumbled, “That was supposed to be a surprise too!” She closed the screen, “I’ll explain everything later.” A rub of my cock and a kiss silenced me once more.

Supper was delicious, as was dessert and we all settled into the living room to relax and await the evening’s activities. After some small talk about their day, Beth stood up and cleared her throat,” Okay. First of all, thank you Glen and Sandy for being such wonderful hosts and for giving us the best possible introduction to the sharing lifestyle. We are hooked!!!” Glen and Sandy gave her a soft clap. “Thank you also to my darling husband. Sweetie, you have indulged me and my desires more than I ever dreamed. We’ve broken so much new ground this past week and I hope there’s more ground to break. We’ll talk about that when we get home, I have some more things I want us to try together.”

I raised my glass to her, “We have a lot to talk about when we get home,” I said. “But we’ll figure it all out.”

“Now, gentlemen,” she continued, “if you will excuse us, Sandy and I have to go get ready. Each of you will find in the guest bathroom a small bag containing your attire for the evening. If you would be so kind as to get changed, we’ll be back in a few minutes.”

Glen and I took turns going to get changed, when we came out we were wearing identical black thongs with large pouches in the front. “We look ridiculous!” I said.

“Just play along,” he said. “Let the girls have their fun!” We went back out into the living room and sat back down. Then Beth spoke.

“Are you ready?” she asked. We replied we were and she and Sandy strolled into the room wearing white thigh-highs and a black leather harness each. There was nothing attached to the front of either harness.

“Ummm, did you forget something?’ asked Glen.

“Nope,” said Sandy, “It’s part of the surprise.” She smiled at Beth. “I know you’re confused honey but that gift I said we had made for you; it goes with your new harness.”

“I wondered why you wouldn’t let me buy the dido that goes with it,” said Beth. Sandy went to the hall closet and returned with a box about a foot square and six inches high. It had a clasp on the front which was closed and locked.

“This is your gift from us!” she said excitedly. “Welcome to the world of partner sharing!” Beth took the box from her and kissed Sandy deeply.

“Thank you, Sandy, Glen, you shouldn’t have!” she gushed.

“After the way you reacted when Glen first put his cock in you, how could we not?” Sandy said.

“Where’s the key?” asked Beth. Sandy reached up to her neckline and held out her necklace, it had a small key on it. She turned her back to Beth, Would you?” Beth undid the necklace and Sandy turned and took it from her.

“I’m not going to tell you how to use this or when but here’s what I do,” she said. “I have a girlfriend, you know that right?” We both nodded. “Sometimes when we’re together she wears the harness and she fucks me with this.” She opened the box and extracted a dildo and attached it to the front of her harness with a click. As she fastened the necklace around Beth's neck, her eyes were as wide as I’d ever seen them.

“Remember the woman I told you about, the artist? She’s my girlfriend, well one of them, and one time, after she had joined Glen and me for a night, she asked if she could make a mould of Glen’s cock. Of course, I said yes and so she did. Then she made this for me, for us actually. It’s exactly the same as him, except for the pulse and there’s no cum. The good thing is it never, ever goes soft!” Beth knelt down and fondled the phallus.

“So, my darling Beth,” she reached into the box and extracted another one, exactly like the first, “Now you can have Glen’s cock any time you want!” Beth squealed excitedly and hugged Sandy. “So you can fuck yourself with it or have your husband do it or you can get a girlfriend of your own to fuck you with it. Whatever you like, you never have to be without that magnificent ten-inch cock again!”

Beth kissed Sandy hard and passionately then she came over to me, “I’m going to fuck Sandy with that tonight and when we get home, I want you to put this harness on and fuck me till I beg you to stop!”

“Your wish, my lady,” I said. Beth got off my lap, grabbed Sandy’s hand and dragged her toward the bedroom.

“Come on!” she commanded, “Let’s do this!!!”

And so they did. Sandy removed her harness then showed Beth how to attach the toy to the harness and then cinched the straps a little tighter. Then she got on all fours on the bed, “Would one of you gentlemen kindly inspect my pussy to make sure it’s ready to be fucked?” Glen looked at me and waved his hand forward. I got behind Sandy and stuck my face between her ass cheeks and slid two fingers inside her. After a minute or so, I moved away and pronounced her ready for action.

Beth giggled and moved up beside me, “I got this,” she said and she held her hand up for a high-five to tag me in. She took position and pulled Sandy’s hips lower. After rubbing the head of the dildo along her crease to lubricate it, she placed the end of it at her opening and pushed her hips forward. Slowly Sandy’s inner lips spread apart to allow access to the toy.

“Mmmm, that feels sooo gooood!” purred Sandy as she felt Beth’s hips touch her backside. “Mmmm just hold it there, let me feel it all filling me up!” She had been leaning on her elbows but she moved her arms so her body was resting on her shoulders. She turned her head to one side and croaked, “Camera! You guys want to capture this!” Glen exited the room, returning a moment later with their good camera.

I saw Sandy move so that the big cock slid out of her a few inches then push back. A small sound escaped her lips and she held herself there for a moment again. Beth at this point was just holding herself against Sandy, not yet actually moving. Then she started rhythmically moving the long cock out and in. Being inexperienced at actually doing the fucking, she pulled back too far a couple of times and it came out of her lover’s snatch. After the third time she apologized to Sandy, “Sorry, baby, I’m new at this.”

“It’s okay, you’ll figure it out. Besides, I love the feeling when it first slips inside me!” She reached back with one hand and caressed Beth’s hand for a moment, then slid it underneath her body. From where I was sitting, I could see up underneath her and I watched intently as her fingers reached back through her legs and guided the fake cock back into place. “Mmmm, yeeesss…” she moaned. “Don’t ever stop!”

“I won’t stop till you beg me to!” Beth said. She pushed it all the way back into her and started moving again. Her hands tightened their grip on Sandy’s hips and she started pushing her body away before pulling her back onto the monster phallus. I took note to remember that for the next time we did it doggy-style. Pretty soon, Beth figured out the depth thing and was increasing the pace and speed of her thrusts. She fucked Sandy for a few minutes then stopped.

“Why did you stop!” cried Sandy. “I was getting so close!”

“My butt is tired,” complained Bath. “This fucking is hard work!” she pulled out and put pressure on Sandy’s hips to roll onto her back. Sandy obliged and grasped her knees to pull them up to her chest, fully exposing her cunt, slick with her natural lube. Beth moved between her legs and slid the toy back into her lover once more. She leaned forward so their faces were inches apart and began stroking. As they fucked they exchanged whispered words and tiny kisses, Sandy pleading for Beth to fuck her harder and Beth asking her to describe how it felt to have all that cock inside her.

Sandy’s hand disappeared again and I moved slightly so I could see her fingers rub her clit  when Beth pulled her hips back to prepare for another thrust forward. “God Beth, I’m so close!” she cried softly, almost begging for release. “Please, drive that thing into me, make it hurt, I need this, please!!!” she begged.

Glen moved up beside Beth, I thought at first he was going to try to slide his cock into Beth but instead, he just urged her on. “She wants it Beth, she likes it hard when she’s fucking that dildo, give it to her!” Beth turned her head and looked at Glen before nodding her head and kissing him.

She renewed her efforts, I could see the sweat beginning to form on her lower back as she pumped her hips forward over and over, pounding into Sandy as hard as she could. A half-dozen strokes more and Sandy reached up and pulled Beth’s face to hers, kissing her hard and jamming her tongue into my wife’s mouth. She grabbed Beth’s hair and held their lips together as she came, screaming her orgasm into Beth’s mouth.

For Beth’s part, she never slowed down, pumping stroke after stroke into her girlfriend, fulfilling the promise she had made not to stop until Sandy begged her to. Scream after scream came from Sandy, I wasn’t sure if this was a series of orgasms or just one single extended one but I vowed I would make my wife scream like that when I next got the chance.

Sandy’s voice began to get hoarse and fade from her screaming, Beth asked, “Had enough yet? Do you want me to stop?”

Sandy shook her head no, “Not yet, please no, keep going!” Beth slowed her pace somewhat, I wasn’t sure if it was because she felt pity for Sandy or because she was getting tired. Sensing that Beth wasn’t putting as much into it, her eyes flew open and she glared fiercely at Beth.

“Who the fuck told you to slow down!!!” she growled. “FUCK ME, GOD DAMMIT!” Beth took a deep breath and increased her pace once more. Her whole upper torso was bathed in sweat now as was Sandy, she renewed her grip on Sandy’s hips and drove forward as hard as she could, their hips making resounding slaps as they slammed together. Sandy’s voice rose again with renewed ecstasy as her pleasure button was rubbed by Beth’s shaved mons.

“Oh, fuck my love!” Sandy whispered. “One more! One more sweet, sweet AAAGGGHHH YES! FUCK! YES! MORE!” her screams were timed with Beth’s forward-driving hips. A dozen or so more pushes and she relented. “ENOUGH! OH GOD PLEASE! I CAN’T! I CAN’T! PLEEEASSSE!” Beth pushed forward one final time and held her hips forward, pulling their bodies together with every ounce of energy she had.

Their mouths found each other and they traded lover’s kisses, urgent at first but softening slowly until all that was left were sweet, soft opening of mouths and closing as their lips met, the little suckling noises they made drew each other’s tongues forward. I had never in my life seen anything more arousing than my wife and her lover kissing tenderly.

The long dildo was still buried fully into Sandy’s pussy when their kisses broke. Sandy’s hands came to the sides of Beth’s face and she pulled her down for one long last tender kiss. “I love you,” Sandy whispered.

“I love you too,” Beth returned the whisper. “We have to do this again, very soon!”

“We do,” whispered Sandy and they kissed one more time.

Then Beth’s head rose up and she turned to look at me, “I meant it. I do love her.”

“I know,” I said. “I know you would never say that if you didn’t mean it.” Beth looked back at Sandy and pushed herself up onto her arms, getting ready to withdraw the cock from her lover’s pussy.

“Nooo,” Sandy protested. “Can’t we just say like this all night?”

“Sorry my darling,” replied Beth. “You have had your fun but we’re leaving tomorrow and I would like to fuck your husband one more time before we do.” I smiled because I knew what Beth didn’t, that she would probably be sleeping with Glen that night and another fucking of Glen’s large, thick cock was a near certainty. She slowly drew the dildo out of Sandy, teasing her clit and pussy lips with her fingers as she did. Every time Beth’s fingers got close to Sandy’s clit, her hips twitched and she let out an involuntary squeak.

Once it was fully disengaged, she reached down and fumbled with it, finally getting it disconnected and bringing it to her lips. She started licking it clean and then she looked at me, “You know what I can use mine to practice my swallowing technique. I couldn’t disagree with her. She finished licking Sandy’s fluids from it and then set it down on the nightstand. She flopped back onto the bed and took a deep breath, her incredible chest rising before letting it out explosively. “God DAMN! That was FUN!”

“It sure was!” giggled Sandy. “You know, we’ve been with what, two dozen couples over the past number of years and I gotta tell you, you two have taken to the lifestyle faster and more completely than anyone we’ve ever seen! I hate the thought of you leaving tomorrow.”

“But we have to leave, we still have a life at home we need to get back to,” I objected.

“I know, I know,” she said. She sat up and pulled Bath to her, “I just want to keep this beautiful treasure for a few days longer!”

“We’ll figure that out too,” said Beth. “Maybe you and I could go somewhere and have a naughty weekend, just us girls.”

“I like that idea,” breathed Sandy. She rolled off the bed and padded to the washroom, her thighs from her pussy to her knees still wet from all the fluids that had shot out of her. The bedsheet was soaked too with a wet spot about two feet across.

“Help me change the sheet,” Glen suggested to me. I shrugged and started pulling the fitted sheet off the bed while he went to the linen closet to get a replacement. We managed to get the clean sheet on the bed and pulled the rest of the covers back up. Presently, Sandy returned from the washroom, all clean. She sat in Glen’s lap and kissed him.

“Did you enjoy the show, baby?” she asked.

“I always enjoy the show, sweetie,” he replied before they kissed. “Watching you come is the most enjoyable thing I’ve ever seen.” Beth came to sit on my lap.

“Now what?” she asked.

“I don’t know about you guys but I’m done in! That fucking you gave me Beth took everything out of me!” She looked exhausted.

“I have an idea,” Glen said. I knew what was coming but the girls didn’t. “How about we sleep with each other’s partners tonight?”

Beth jumped up immediately, “Works for me!” she said excitedly. “I want that cock in me!” She went over to Sandy and took her hands, urging her to her feet. When Sandy’s ass was clear of Glen’s lap, she plopped herself down into it.

“I’m sorry but I really am done,” objected Sandy. I reached out my arms to her and she came over and sat on top of me.

“It’s okay,” I said quietly, “we don’t have to do anything.” We can just enjoy sleeping next to each other.”

“You sure?” she asked. “Maybe in the morning but tonight, I don’t think I can do anything.”

“That’s fine,” I said, “we’ll deal with tomorrow morning when it comes.”

“Thank you,” she whispered. “Beth, you have a good man here.”

“I know,” she said wistfully.

I wrapped my arms underneath Sandy’s knees and shoulders and stood up, lifting her to my chest as I stood. I went over to Beth and Glen who both stood up. I kissed Beth, “Good night, honey. Have fun!” Glen came around and kissed Sandy and wished her good night. I turned and carried her down the hall to the guest bedroom, closing the door to the master behind me. I awkwardly turned down the covers then laid Sandy down on the bed and got onto my knees to roll the high-top stocking down her legs. As I rolled each one down her leg, I placed tiny kisses on her skin. Then I pulled the covers up and went to the washroom.

When I returned, Sandy looked very much like she was asleep so I climbed in beside her and spooned her, pulling her toward me. It hit me then that this would be the first time I had actually slept with a woman other than my wife since before we got married. My cock was still pretty firm and as I pulled her body into mine, it poked against her rear end. She stirred and I apologized, “Sorry, I’m not trying to start anything.”

It's okay,” she said as she pushed her bum into me. I propped myself up on one elbow and looked at her as her breathing became regular. “You are so beautiful,” I whispered. She let out a murmur and snuggled back into me. After a few minutes, I felt her stir and she turned toward me, “Maybe I could manage a blowjob!” I hugged her and we started kissing, just as her lips wrapped around my cock we heard Beth announce her first orgasm of the evening to the world. By the time Sandy was finished swallowing my sperm, there had been two more.

After she finished, we kissed and she shared my cum with me, then we snuggled back in, her back to me as I pulled her in close again. Soon she was snoring very softly and just as I was about to nod off, Beth woke me up with more screams, “FUCK ME! FUCK ME! OH GOD FUCK! ME!” I grinned, happy that my darling bride was getting the railing she wanted so badly and equally happy that we’d be leaving the next day. I knew somehow our lives had been changed and I was ready to go and start living it.

Written by CaressofSteel
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