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She Never Ceases to Amaze Me - Part 5

"Sandy and Beth both get their fill of their husbands' cocks"

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We all took a break to refresh ourselves, Glen and I were naked in the kitchen while the ladies disappeared into Sandy and Glen’s bedroom. I still wasn’t completely comfortable just talking casually with Glen with his cock only a couple of feet away but I was getting used to the idea.

 Sandy returned after about twenty minutes, she was still wearing the lingerie she had on but the makeup she had been wearing earlier was removed and replaced with much more understated hues and tones. I was curious, so I asked, “Why do you make yourself up so heavily earlier?” She just smiled, went back into her bedroom and returned with her laptop. She opened it and, after logging in, opened a folder that required a second password to access it.

She turned the laptop towards me and said, “Go ahead, select any video.” I tapped on one and there was Sandy with Glen’s cock in her pussy and a large black cock in her mouth. She was made up quite the same as she had been in our earlier encounter but it looked more muted on the screen. “Shows up better in the movies, don’t you think?” I just nodded and closed the video, noticing there had to be at least fifty more.

“Are these all you guys?” I asked.

“Mostly,” said Glen. “Some are of just us, some are both of us, some are one of us with other partners and some are just friends we’ve been with that have allowed us to keep a souvenir of our time together.” Sandy sidled up to me and ran her hand along the length of my reviving cock.

“Which brings me to my question,” she said.

“You want to keep videos of Beth and me,” I said.

“Yes, please,” she replied.

“What did Beth say?” Somehow I knew Sandy had already asked her before asking me, she also knew that if she got my wife on board I would not object.

“She said yes, so long as no one else ever saw them,” Sandy said.

“Well if she doesn’t object then neither do I,” I replied.  Sandy kissed me and took the laptop back to her bedroom. I heard the two women giggle as Sandy gave her the update. A moment later, Sandy returned, “Gentlemen, we’re ready for you now.”

Glen and I downed our whisky and went into the bedroom. Beth was on the freshly made bed, pillows arranged around her. She was wearing lingerie I hadn’t seen before, a white push-up bra that looked at least two sizes too small, a matching white garter and stockings.  I couldn’t see any panties but the way she had her legs crossed might have been hiding them. She was vividly made up, with different shades of lipstick, shadow, etc. than Sandy had worn but way brighter than I had ever seen her wear. I took that to mean she would be starring in her own video that night.

Sandy waved to draw our attention away from Beth's stunning new look, “Before we begin, I’m going to ask you gentlemen to not say a word, Beth will do all the talking, Okay?” We both nodded yes. “All right! Now, she needs to make sure you are both ready.” Sandy picked up the camera, pointed it a Beth and said, “Action!”

“Good evening gentlemen,” she purred seductively. “For your pleasure this evening we have this,” she spread her legs to reveal herself, “freshly shaved pussy and,” rolling over, “this tight little ass!”

“Oh, Baby!” I whispered, “You look incredible!”

“Thank you, sweetheart, I’m glad you like it.” She rolled back onto her back and slid her fingers down, slipping two of them inside her smooth lips and extracting them to lick them clean. “You will be seeing me like this more often in the future!”

“Where did you get that lingerie?” I asked. Beth pointed at Sandy and then I realized why the bra looked so small. Beth was blessed with larger breasts than Sandy but the smaller cups made them pillow at the top so it looked like they were going to fall out. “Oh, thank you, Sandy, for letting her use it, she looks divine.”

Sandy came to me, licked my earlobe and whispered, “That’s not the only thing of mine she’s going to wear tonight. Soon she’ll have my darling husband’s ten-inch cock inside her!” Beth let out a small moan when Sandy mentioned Glen’s ten-incher.

Beth reclined back on the bed and looked directly into the camera. Licking her lips, she said, “HI my name is Elizabeth, or Beth to my friends. Tonight, I’m going to have two wonderful cocks inside me at the same time!” She reached out to Glen and beckoned him over, “This amazing ten inches of delight in my freshly shaved pussy,” she beckoned me to her other side, “And this equally wonderful six inches in my tight ass!” She and Sandy must have worked on her script while they were getting ready.

“And to prepare me for this adventure, the lovely lady behind the camera helped me with my makeup and she licked my pussy until I came!” She got on all fours and moved toward Glen. “First, I have to make sure these lovely cocks are rock hard!” She leaned forward and opened her mouth wide, engulfing his monster cock into it. The sight of her bright, dark pink lipstick on his cock and her rouged cheeks hollowing as she sucked him in almost made me come right then. She sucked on Glen for a minute or so then took her mouth off him. “Now, Sir, if you will lie down.” He laid down and she swung her leg over him. A couple of adjustments later she had her hips positioned so that the tip of hick was fractions of an inch from her slightly open pussy lips.

“Now I’m going to ask my darling husband to do something I’ve never asked him to do before. Sweetheart, would you do your slut wife a favour and guide this gentleman’s rather large cock into my pussy?” I hesitated, surprised that she would ask me to touch another man’s cock. “Please, Baby. You’ve felt it beside yours just a little while ago when you both fucked his wife, you’ve licked his cum from my pussy and my mouth. Do this for me, please?” I shrugged my shoulders and reached forward, grasping Glen’s hard cock in my right hand.

It jumped at my touch, which surprised the fuck out of me, and moved it slightly so it was touching her opening. Her hips came down to engage it and as I removed my hand, I slipped a finger inside her. “Mmmmmm, I liked that! Thank you, darling. I love you!” She took a deep breath, “Annnnnnnnd in we go!” she said as she began to slide down his shaft. Unlike when Sandy had taken him in, she didn’t get all of him inside her with a single move.

He got about halfway in, then she raised her hips up and moved them down again, taking a little more. A third shift of her hips and her ass touched his balls, “Mmmmmm, that’s nice. This lovely large cock fills me up so fully.” She was getting into narrating this for the camera. She leaned forward and stroked him in and out a few times, Sandy moved the camera in closer to capture her lips as her husband slid out and in.

Beth continued her directing us through her narration, “And now, my darling husband, are you enjoying seeing another man’s cock filling my cunt? Mmmmm, I thought you might. Would you please do me a favour and place your fingers on my pussy and feel him sliding in and out of me?” I did as she asked, still not entirely comfortable touching him. “Thank you, darling. How about a finger, could you slip a finger, maybe two inside me beside his cock as he fucks me?” Again, I obliged her and I felt her shiver as my fingers slipped in along his shaft. “Now my love, would you tickle my clit, please? Just a little rub will do.” I waited for her hips to rise and slipped my finger over her clit, giving it a quick rub before I removed my hand. “Mmmmmm, I liked that too!”

She rode him for a couple of more strokes, her eyes closed and her head back as she enjoyed the feeling of being filled up. “Now darling, are you ready? Are you ready to fuck my ass? Of course, you are but let’s make sure!” She smiled for the camera and motioned for me to move over to put my cock in front of her face. Opening wide she swallowed me in with a single motion until her nose bumped against my mons. I felt her swallow again, her throat constricting around my cock head before she drew back, took my cock out of her mouth and turned to face the camera. “Almost ready,” she grinned and she went down on me again. A half minute later she came back up, “Now you’re ready.” She pointed to the bottle of lube on the nightstand, “You know what to do.”

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The camera followed my hand as I picked up the bottle, flipped the top open and drizzled lube onto Beth’s backside. I rubbed it over and between her ass cheeks, pausing for a moment to tease her back door. A little more lube there and I slid two fingers inside her which made her squirm and moan. Then I rubbed the rest into my cock and moved behind her. Placing my cock head at her opening, I leaned forward and flicked my tongue along her earlobe, “You ready?” I whispered. She just nodded so I pushed my hips forward and, after meeting that familiar brief resistance, it popped inside her. An unbidden sigh escaped her lips, “Yeeeesssssss!” I could see her breathing get more rapid so I stopped for a moment and whispered, “Are you okay?” I was genuinely concerned, the last thing I wanted to do was hurt my bride.”

“I will be in a minute,” she answered. “Just go slow.” I drew back a little and pushed forward again, the lube allowing my cock to slide into her with almost no resistance now that I was fully inside her. Again I got that unfamiliar feeling of my cock sliding along Glen’s as he lay motionless beneath her. Pulling back one more time, I then pushed forward until I could go forward no further.

“There you are baby, two cocks inside you as far as they can go!” I said quietly.

“Mmmmm, I can feel it, I love it!” I had learned a little from fucking Sandy’s ass so when she shifted her hips so that Glen’s cock slid out of her a little but I kept forward pressure so mine stayed put. Then when I felt her slide back along his pole to impale her fully again, I drew back. “That’s what I’m talking about!” she said a little more loudly.

We started slowly but as we got the hang of the rhythm we soon picked up speed. After a minute or so, Beth didn’t have to move at all, Glen was now fucking her from below as I fucked her from behind. Beth was moaning and mewling softly as we stroked into her, “Good God boys, please don’t stop!” Unlike Sandy, Beth hadn’t put her hair up it but being a bit longer, I was able to grab a fistful to use for leverage. With one hand on her shoulder and one full of her hair, I pulled myself forward with increasing pace and fury as Glen slid his cock out of her.

Beth was getting close now so she started coaching us, “That’s it boys, harder! Fuck me harder! Come on boys, you got this! HARDER! FUCK!! HARDER!!!” The sounds coming from her became unintelligible as we fucked her as hard as we could without either of us slipping out. Skin slapped against skin and her pussy made squishy sounds as our bodies pounded together. “OMYGOD! SO CLOSE! SOOOOOO CLOSE!!!! THERE!” she screamed as her orgasm peaked. Glen and I didn’t stop to let her enjoy the bliss though, we kept fucking and soon, he pushed his hips up so hard he lifted both Beth and me up.

“ARGGH!” he grunted as his cum shot out of him and inside my wife. He held himself into her for a brief moment then pulled back and drove his hips up again, “UNNGGHH!” and another shot of white-hot spunk assaulted her cervix. As with Sandy before her, there wasn’t much room left inside Beth’s pussy for his seed so it spilled out of her and for the first time I noticed our balls were touching as the warmth of it spread across both scrotums.

When Beth felt Glen’s sperm flood inside her, she orgasmed again, loudly and incoherently, shouting expletives and supplications to God for this to never stop. I felt Sandy nudge me and then she leaned in for a kiss, “Look at her, she’s in heaven!” I kissed her again and nodded.

When Beth had started coming I slowed down a bit, partly to let her enjoy the bliss she was feeling and partly to rest my hips and thighs. Then, just when I was about to start pushing again, Glen came so I held off and just kept my cock fully inserted into her ass. Now I sensed that was all over for a moment so I drew back and started pushing again. This time, Beth, as she usually does, let me know in no uncertain terms what she wanted. “FUCK ME!” she growled, “FUCK ME AS HARD AS YOU CAN! PUNISH MY ASS! PUNISH YOUR LITTLE SLUT WHORE!” She had never spoken to me or anyone else in that tone but then again, she had never had sixteen inches of cock inside her. “COME ON! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? FUCK ME!! NOW!”

As I usually do, I obliged my wife and started pounding into her once again. I felt her hips rise a little then felt her fingers against my balls as she masturbated her clit. That put me over the edge and I pushed into her one last time, putting as much weight into it as I could as I exploded my last orgasm of the night into my darling bride’s round ass. We both screamed as we came together, I could feel her pussy and ass clenching as she spasmed, each twitch accompanied by a loud squeal of delight. I tried pulling back and pushing forward again but, after I’d lost count of how many orgasms that day, I was spent and I had nothing left to give.

I laid there for a moment before pulling myself out, her ass grasping onto my broad head for one last moment before releasing it with a plop. I moved off her and collapsed beside her and Glen, my chest heaving and my body covered in sweat. She propped herself on her elbows and gave Glen a long deep kiss, “Thank you, Glen, your cock is incredible!”

“My pleasure,” he said before kissing her once more. She rolled off him and over me, almost falling out of the bed before snuggling up to me.

“And you!” she said, “You were amazing! That was, without question, the best fuck I’ve ever had! We are definitely doing this two cocks at once thing again!”

“You are the amazing one!” I said. “I don’t know what’s gotten into you but right here, right now, you are not the sweet quiet, reserved woman I married.”

She smiled sweetly, “You are right, I am not that woman anymore. I am your slut, your whore to be shared with any man and woman you will allow! I love this lifestyle and I plan to live it to the fullest.” She kissed me hard, “But have no fear when all is said and done, I am still your wife and I will be that sweet, quiet, reserved woman you married when I have to be. I promise!” She kissed me again before looking at Sandy who was still pointing the camera at us. She blew a kiss into the camera and said playfully, “And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, is how we do THAT!” We all laughed then Sandy shut the camera off.

“That was quite the show folks, but I believe I now have a job to do!” She came to me first and sucked and licked my cock clean of all the accumulated fluids we had emitted into and onto each other. Then she moved to her husband and did the same. When she finished him, she crawled up and kissed him gently, “You are incredible, I love you so much!” He returned the saying and then she moved away from him.

“Now for you, missy. Lie back and let me love you!” she purred. Glen went to shower but I stayed and watched Sandy clean my beloved’s pussy and ass until she had another earth-shattering orgasm. As they lay together afterward, Sandy’s face as shiny as Beth’s smooth snatch, they traded soft kisses and whispered words. I wished I’d had enough sense at the time to record that session.

“Fuck I’m wasted,” said Beth with a great sigh. “I think we should call it a night.”

“An early morning you mean,” called Glen from the washroom. I looked at the clock, it said nearly 3 AM; we had been at it for nearly four hours! No wonder we were wasted.

Beth looked lovingly at Sandy and said, “Today was a good day!”

“It sure was,” replied Sandy, and we have one more day together tomorrow! We’ll have to come up with something better!”

“I don’t know if it gets any better than tonight,” said Beth, “but there’s only one way to find out!” The two women kissed goodnight and I took my wife’s hand to lead her to our room. We talked briefly about taking a shower but Beth begged off saying she was too tired even for that. So we climbed into bed together and whispered our perspectives of the events of the day just past before drifting off to sleep.

Written by CaressofSteel
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