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Hot Wife Hotel - Olivia's Outrageous Opportunity (Part Twenty)

"Darko makes Olivia a very tempting offer."

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Author's Notes

"Olivia is back and badder than ever!"

As the weeks passed, Olivia focused on her regular customers at Hot Wife Hotel, with a smattering of new clients here and there.

She had turned down several of Darko’s offers for more debauched events. Even though he owned Hot Wife Hotel, she was not required to participate in some of the more decadent activities he provided for his friends and wealthy clients.

She had taken a step back when she realized that she was becoming addicted to pushing the sexual envelope farther than she had ever intended. While she admittedly enjoyed herself, it became clear that she needed a break from that world.

Her wonderful husband, Steve, was perfectly fine with whatever Olivia chose to do. He loved watching others have sex with her, but it didn’t matter if it was good old-fashioned fucking or intense BDSM. It all made his dick hard, and he enjoyed reclaiming her afterwards.

Her need to regroup and figure out what she wanted had her turning down Darko’s optional events. He was understanding, for the most part, even if he was disappointed.

Then one day, Darko invited Olivia to have dinner to discuss an idea he had in mind.


I’d like to invite you to have dinner with me in my suite. I have an opportunity I would like to discuss. No sex, just dinner and conversation. I have had a request from one of our filthy rich clients, and I would like to discuss it with you before proceeding further.



Olivia showed Steve the email and asked, “What do you think?”

“It can’t hurt to hear him out, Liv,” Steve replied. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, but it might be worth hearing what he has to say.”

“True,” Liv said as she pondered the situation. “I guess it won’t hurt to have dinner and hear him out.”


Dinner sounds nice. I am willing to listen to and discuss whatever this client’s ideas are, just as long as there is no obligation on my part to participate.


Darko smiled when he read her reply. He responded, assuring her that she would be under no obligation to do anything she didn’t want to do. But deep down, he was already trying to figure out how to convince his most popular Hot Wife to buy into this great opportunity.

Two days later, Olivia felt slightly nervous as she rode the elevator to Darko’s suite. She had an uncomfortable feeling that she would find herself talked into whatever decadent idea he had concocted. There was something about him that was so persuasive. Steve had reassured her that he didn’t expect her to have sex with Darko, but if she did, he’d be just fine with that and ready to reclaim her when she got home.

Reminding herself to keep her guard up, she took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. Darko opened the door and greeted her with his award-winning smile.

“Olivia, it’s lovely to see you! I’m so glad you’re here. Come in, come in. Let me get you a glass of wine before dinner.”

A little voice inside her head screamed, Oh, yes, very charming, indeed. Be careful, Liv!

“Will Debbie be joining us?” Olivia asked.

“No, she’s off on a two-week femdom cruise with a group of women who will worship her and beg for her brand of pleasure and pain. It’s a yearly thing she does. Helps soothe her savage beast, one might say,” Darko replied as he poured the wine.

“I find it fascinating that she is so dominant in that regard but completely submissive to you,” Olivia commented.

“She is a delightful conundrum, isn’t she? The best part is that she will be the one to do the worshipping and begging once she returns. So, we will take a week and head to some secluded island where she will tell me about her escapades, and I will use and abuse her to both of our delights.”

“It’s an interesting life the two of you lead,” Liv said, sipping the most divine Riesling she’d ever tasted.

“And what about you, Olivia? It’s an interesting life you and Steve lead as well. We aren’t so different.”

Liv nodded. She had definitely broadened her horizons sexually in the past year, pushing the envelope further and further. Now, after backing off considerably for the past couple of months, she admitted to herself that she was here because part of her missed the outrageous sexual adventures. She was both frightened and titillated by knowing that she’d be tempted to agree to whatever Darko was planning.

Darko was well aware of the little war inside the voluptuous redhead’s mind. He knew she'd agree to almost anything if he played his cards right. The woman was made for sex. And while she was making him a ton of money as the favorite Hot Wife at Hot Wife Hotel, she could help him seal the deal on a very lucrative offer. He just had to tread lightly and choose his words carefully.

Darko sat on the couch next to Olivia, inhaling her intoxicating scent, and felt his cock twitch. He wondered if she knew just how tempting it was for him to throw caution to the wind, rip her dress off, and fuck her right here. But that would spoil everything. And though she probably would give in and let him have her, it would leave a bad taste in her mouth, and she’d end up saying no to his big plan. It might even cause her to rethink working at Hot Wife Hotel, and he couldn’t afford to lose her.

So, as much as he wanted to pound into her hot little cunt with his thick manhood, Darko sipped his wine politely and secretly willed his penis to behave.

“I want to thank you for meeting with me, Liv. I appreciate your willingness to hear me out. What I have to offer is a bit outrageous, and of course, you are free to say no, but we both stand to make a great deal of money if you agree. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s have some dinner, and then we can discuss business, sound good?”

Olivia’s heart raced. For a moment, she thought that Darko intended to have his way with her right here on the couch. Part of her wanted that very much. Darko’s cock was incredibly large, and she couldn’t deny she had enjoyed how he had fucked her hard and deep in the past. Was that the reason she was here? Did she want him to force her legs open and pound into her? She inhaled sharply and told herself to cool her jets.

“Yes, that sounds good,” she answered. But her juices were starting to flow, and suddenly she wished she had worn the panties that Steve had insisted she skip. He had encouraged her to let Darko fuck her if he wanted to so that she could tell him all about it and he could reclaim her afterward. She had assured Steve this was just a business meeting, unaware that Darko had contacted Steve ahead of time to make sure he didn’t mind if his wife came home a little sore with some semen running down her leg.

Darko had spared no expense on a lavish meal of fillet mignon with all the trimmings. He kept Olivia’s glass full, and soon her nerves vanished. She wasn’t drunk, but she was no longer anxious. And she fully intended to let Darko fuck her before she went home. Why not? She enjoyed the way Darko used her, and Steve would be thrilled. But she was getting ahead of herself.

“So, you’ve wined me and dined me, Darko. Why don’t you tell me what your depraved idea is?” Liv asked.

Darko paused for a moment while he decided the best way to describe the opportunity to Olivia. He figured she had enough wine to let go of her inhibitions and wouldn’t find his plan disgusting.

“A sex slave auction,” Darko blurted out candidly.

Liv nearly spat out her wine. “I beg your pardon?”

“I have a client willing to pay obscene sums of money for me to host a sex slave auction,” Darko explained.

Before he could go further, Olivia set her glass down and said, “Darko, that’s illegal and wrong in so many ways. Let's skip the rest of this conversation and get to the part where I get on your dining room table and spread my legs, and you fuck the shit out of me and send me home to Steve to enjoy the feeling of your cum on his cock while he shows me who owns me.”

Darko’s cock became instantly hard. “My sweet Olivia, I fully intend to pound that gorgeous pussy of yours, but please hear me out. What I have in mind is not illegal. We aren’t talking about kidnapping women and selling them. This would be an opportunity for submissive women to have the experience of being sold to dominant men for a night or a couple of nights, depending on how we want to work things. It’s all just fun and games. When time’s up, everyone parts ways with their fantasies satisfied.”

Liv inhaled sharply and blew out her breath. “So, where do I come in?”

Darko grinned. “You, my dear, will help me round up submissive females whose deepest, darkest fantasy is to be sold as sex slaves in an auction. I will cut you in for twenty percent unless you want to be one of the women auctioned off. In that case, I will give you twenty-five percent.”

“And what is your job?” she asked curtly.

“My job will be to find wealthy men whose fantasy it is to buy a slut to use and abuse in an auction setting.”

Olivia frowned. “We both know you already have guys lining up out the door for that kind of experience. You forget, I’ve met your friends. Remember the yacht party?”

Darko chuckled. He allowed himself a brief moment to recall the vision of Olivia being roughly gang banged by several of his filthy rich friends and acquaintances, and it made his balls ache.

Then he continued, “My sweet Olivia, I know that you can round up ten to twelve women who want to be used. But I’m willing to go a little higher, say thirty percent if you don’t participate and thirty-five if you do.”

Olivia finished her wine in one swift gulp. “I want fifty percent. And if you want me to participate, I want sixty percent, and Steve gets to watch the auction.”

Darko scoffed. “Are you mad? Why would I give you that much?”

“Because without me, you have nothing but a bunch of horny guys looking to fulfil a depraved, immoral fantasy. If I am going to be doing most of the work, I want half the payout. And if I am going to make your wickedly degenerate auction more exciting by being one of the sex slaves for sale, I want more. Take it or leave it, Darko.”

Olivia stood to leave. While her dripping wet pussy was aching for Darko to fill it, she wouldn’t stay here and be taken for a fool.

“Wait! Okay, fine; you win. You’re right. I have the men pretty much already lined up. So, your part in coming up with women willing to be sold for a night or two of being used as sex slaves should earn you more. But I’m only willing to do so if you agree to be sold, Olivia. With your red hair, luscious tits, and gorgeous ass, you will make us both a fortune.”

“What do the women get?” Liv asked pointedly.

Darko frowned. “They get their fantasies fulfilled. For free, I might add. The men will be paying for the privilege of being at the auction, then paying more for the women themselves. If you think the women should be paid, that will have to come out of your share, sweetheart.”

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“Then I want sixty-five percent.”

“Oh, that’s horseshit, Olivia. Now you’re just being greedy.”

“What will you be doing? Will you be participating in the auction?” Olivia asked.

“No, but Debbie will. She will be one of the slaves. Then I will reclaim my wife and treat her to an intense BDSM session. So, my gratification will be delayed.”

“How much are you charging these men to participate in the auction?”

“It’s a hundred grand to walk in the door,” Darko answered.

“Then I want each woman to get one thousand dollars out of your share. It’s a pittance compared to what you’ll be making, and it will seem like a lot of money to the women participating. You don’t need to give me the grand as I will be making my own small fortune off the deal. Whether you pay Debbie or not is up to you.”

“Fine,” Darko agreed, pleased that Olivia hadn’t turned him down flat, and walked out the door.

“And I will be the first slave offered. It will push the bidding higher and, ultimately, earn us a lot more cash.”

“Makes sense. That way, all the men have an equal chance at the crème de la crème, and it will start bidding off high. Smart thinking.”

“Also, I won’t be sold for less than a half-million dollars.”

“That’s a bit steep, even for you, sweetheart.”

“Then I’m out,” Olivia said nonchalantly. “Still wanna fuck me? Or should I just go?”

Darko sighed. Without Olivia, there would be no chance of an auction, and the idea, along with the opportunity to make shit tons of money, would be gone. Besides, these men could easily afford that and more.

“We’ll start the bidding at five hundred thousand for you. Anything else?” Darko said gruffly.

“Steve watches the auction and has the option of watching you reclaim Debbie. When did you plan to host this degenerate sex fest?”

“About a month from now. Can you round up willing sluts by then?”

“Sounds like enough time, yes. Anything else?”

“I want you to spend the night tonight.”

“Not gonna happen. But I have every intention of being your willing slut before I go,” Olivia said frankly.

“I’d rather you be my unwilling slut,” Darko said. The corners of his mouth turned up slowly as a decadent smile appeared across his face.

“As you wish, but I’m outta here before midnight.”

Darko nearly opened his mouth to bargain for more. But he decided not to push his luck.

“I wanna be rough with you, Olivia. I want to experience forcing myself on you.”

“Then what are you waiting for? The clock is ticking, Darko.”

Darko took his cue to push the dishes on the table aside. As they crashed to the floor, he grabbed Olivia and hoisted her up onto the table. He lifted her dress and realized she was not only without panties but also drenched.

“No, Darko! Not like this,” Olivia feigned protest.

Darko was taken aback for a moment by the fear in her voice. But the lust in her eyes made it clear she was playing along with his current fantasy.

He needed to be sure. He couldn’t afford to make a mistake with her.

“I’m going to ask you once, Olivia. Tell me now if you don’t want me to take you rough like the slut you are. Otherwise, I’m going to do what I want with you. Do you understand?”

A look of defiance mixed with mischief washed over her face. It stunned her to realize that this was her fantasy, too, to be taken as a common whore on a rich man’s table.

“I understand.”

“You need only say game over, and I will stop. Are we clear?”

“Very clear. Don’t stop. We both want this, Darko. It’s why we didn’t just discuss this opportunity at a business meeting. We both know I came here tonight to be fucked and used. Steve is waiting at home to fuck me with a cunt full of your cum. So, treat me like a hooker you picked up from a bar on the wrong side of town.”

Darko grinned. “Oh, let’s make this even better. I’m paying you a thousand dollars tonight to let me do whatever I want. But I want you to fight me all the way, Liv.”

He pushed her down on the table and shifted into character, a wealthy man who saw her as nothing more than a body to fuck, a whore to use for his pleasure. “Now, stop playing games with me and spread those legs, bitch!”

“No, please! I’ve changed my mind! Don’t do this! What will your wife think if she comes home and finds you fucking me on her dining room table?” Olivia pleaded, falling into her role as a defenseless whore.

“Oh, you don’t want her to come home, honey. She’d do things to you that would make what I’m about to do seem like child’s play. Now open your fucking legs, slut!”

Darko pushed her back on the table with one hand and held her there with his arm. She was strong; she could have fought him off easily. But this was a game, and the more she allowed herself to act helpless, the wetter she became.

With the other hand, Darko picked up a spoon and scooped some of her sweet nectar out of her glistening pussy, and brought it to her lips. “Open up and let Daddy feed you.”

She clamped her mouth shut tightly and shook her head. With the hand that was holding her down, he reached into her bra and took a nipple between his thumb and forefinger, twisting it till her mouth popped open to scream.

“That’s a good girl! Mm. doesn’t your cunt juice taste delicious?”

She shook her head no, but it was no hardship to enjoy her own sweetness. Still, he wanted her unwilling, so she made a face of disgust.

Darko laughed as he ripped off her dress, tearing it from her body as she begged him to leave her alone. With a steak knife that hadn’t ended up on the floor with the rest of the aftermath of their earlier meal, he sliced off the bra that held her voluptuous breasts.

She looked so vulnerable on the table, trembling beneath him as he still held the knife in his hand. He placed the dull edge along the side of her breast and said, “Now, be a good girl and do whatever Daddy says, okay, my sweet little whore?”

Olivia nodded as if she feared for her life, but her nipples were hard with desire, and she felt the flow of her juices trickle down the crack of her ass.

What the fuck is wrong with me? Why is this turning me on so much? What have I become?

She should call it off here and now. But instead, Olivia begged, “Please, Sir, do whatever you wish. Just please, don’t hurt me.”

“I’m not going to hurt you, slut. But I promise your little cunt will be sore when I’m done pushing my thick cock into it over and over.”

He set down the knife and unzipped the fly of his trousers, unleashing his fully engorged shaft.

“No need to take my pants off to fuck a whore. It’s not like I’m making love to you. I just want to pound into that pussy and fill you with my thick, hot seed!”

Olivia protested, “No, please! Please don’t cum in me!” Her mouth said one thing, but her mind was saying quite another.

Mm, please fill me with so much cum that there is plenty left for Steve to feel on his cock when he fucks me as soon as I get home.

“Too bad, baby. Daddy needs to fuck you hard and fill you up. I’ve been saving myself for this for a few days. My balls are loaded and need to be emptied.”

He pulled her to the table's edge and rubbed his cock against her drenched slit. “For someone protesting so vehemently, your pussy is hot, wet, and ready for me to push into it.”

And push into it he did, with one firm thrust. He grabbed her hips and watched her tits bounce while he pumped her hard, fast, and deep.

“Tell Daddy you like it, slut!” Darko panted.

“No! Please! I don’t like it at all,” Olivia screamed loudly.

But in her brain, she heard a different tune.

Oh, my fucking God! This feels so fucking good! Fuck me harder!

As if he had read her mind, Darko began pumping harder and faster as if he was trying to rip her body in two.

“God, it feels so good to fuck your tight little cunt, you fucking whore!” Darko cried out.

Olivia arched her back and came intensely, spraying her juices as she came.

“What a little slut, getting your whore juices on my pants! Daddy’s gonna just keep fucking you harder to teach you a lesson!”

With that, Darko fucked her like a madman, bringing her to climax again.

“God, yes, fucking whore!” he cried out as his balls tightened to the point of pain and let go violently, filling her with spurt after spurt of his thick seed.

He let go of her, slid his dick out, and stumbled back into a chair as he watched his cum ooze out of her well-used pussy. Panting heavily as his heart pounded wildly, he grinned when he saw Olivia reach for the cork from the wine bottle. She pushed the cork into her pussy and grinned impishly at him.

“I don’t want all of your seed to run down my leg. I want Steve to enjoy this too,” she said, her eyes gleaming wickedly.

“Fuck, Olivia. You’re so damn fun to fuck!” Darko said, still a little out of breath from the enormously satisfying sex.

“Likewise, Darko. I hope I was convincing enough to make you feel like you took me by force,” she said with a sassy little smile. “Now I am going to gather up what’s left of my dress and go home so Steve can enjoy taking me.”

“Sorry about the dress, Liv,” Darko said sheepishly.

“No worries, Steve will be hard as a fucking rock when he sees me like this. Besides, after our little venture, I will be able to afford to buy as many new dresses as I like.”

“So, you’re in?” Darko asked.

“Oh, I’m in. Give me a few weeks to seek out the right kind of women who will enjoy this kind of fantasy and then some time to put together bios for them. That way, the men will know what to expect of the sex slave that he buys for the night. One night, Darko. Let’s not push things too far for the first time. If it’s successful, we can try this again on a larger scale.”

Darko grinned. “So, the bios would be like, here we have Olivia. She enjoys no-limit sex and being filled with and covered in cum.”

Liv laughed, “Something like that. Maybe a bit classier. Here we have Olivia. She enjoys no-limit sex in all holes and light BDSM. Her oral expertise will drive a man wild. I don’t know; I will play around with it a bit. Some women might enjoy specific things, like spanking, bondage, or golden showers.”

“What about you? Do you like water sports, Liv?”

“Not my thing, but I’m sure I can find a couple of women who would beg you to piss all over them, Darko.”

Darko looked embarrassed. “I’m not saying I’m into that.” But now he knew one of Debbie’s punishments when she came home from her trip would involve some piss play.

As Olivia turned to go, Darko said, “Hey, I know you’re not much into role play, so thanks for what you did here tonight.”

It was cute to see Darko a little sheepish.

“I enjoyed myself, Darko. I wanted a good hard fucking, and I got it.”

Darko looked at Olivia incredulously. “Who the fuck are you, Olivia?”

“Your new partner, Darko.”

He shrugged his shoulders. “Help me pull this off, and I will make you an official partner in Hot Wife Hotel.”

Olivia tried hard not to show her surprise and excitement. “Sounds fair. I’ll be in touch.”

She walked casually to the elevator. But once the doors closed, she allowed herself to feel giddy. She couldn’t wait to get home to Steve to have him reclaim her and hear about this fabulous opportunity for her to become a partner.

Written by techgoddess
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