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Hot Wife Hotel - Olivia Gets Dominated (Part Twenty-Four)

"Olivia has a session with Master Julian while hubby, Steve, watches."

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Author's Notes

"It's been a bit since we've checked on Olivia..."

Olivia spent most of Tuesday and part of Wednesday interviewing and hiring new women to expand Hot Wife Hotel. While she and Marilyn opted not to call back the chick who called herself a vampire, they had definitely added some fresh blood in the form of some fetish specialists.

Wilma was an old-fashioned gal who looked like she’d stepped right out of the fifties. But she had a definite sensual vibe, and Marilyn felt confident there were enough clients who liked that kind of thing.

Belinda was a tiny little thing who, despite being thirty, could easily pass for sixteen to nineteen. Olivia figured the older clientele who liked role-playing very naughty fantasies would go gaga over this diminutive blonde.

Selina and LaDonna added much-needed diversity to the staff and were strikingly beautiful. They’d have no trouble building a regular following.

With one space left to fill, Olivia and Marilyn settled on Carrie. She was into watersports, medical play, and rope play. Plus, she was more than happy to do what she called all the regular stuff.

“I think Darko will be pleased,” Marilyn said as she assembled the employment packets for the five new hot wives. “Especially with Carrie. He’s into some pretty kinky stuff, and she sure fits the bill.”

Olivia nodded. She knew firsthand just how kinky her partner could be. She’d been on the receiving end in sessions with Darko and knew that the man enjoyed dominating a woman sexually in many different ways.

She shuddered a bit as she realized that this Saturday, she’d be dominated by Master Julian, a friend of a friend of Darko’s. They would be playing in the dungeon here at Hot Wife Hotel, and her husband, Steve, would be on hand to watch, so she knew she would be safe. But that didn’t mean she wouldn’t be well used and end up sore and spent.

Her reverie was interrupted when Darko poked his head into the office.

“So, did you hire us a few good sluts?” he asked, helping himself to the chair next to Olivia.

“Five new hot wives, in fact,” she answered.

“Any that I will want to use personally?”

Marilyn laughed and headed out for her lunch break. “Tell him about Carrie.”

When they were alone, Darko moved his hand to Olivia’s thigh. “Tell me about Carrie.”

Olivia gave Darko a look that had him remove his hand from her leg. She was his partner now and wasn’t as easily manipulated anymore. But it was always worth a shot.

“Will I like fucking Carrie as much as I enjoy fucking you?”

“Probably more. She likes a variety of kinks. Plus, her husband is a straight-up cuck and would enjoy the kind of humiliation you like to mete out.”

“You’re far too good to me, Liv. Tell me about the others.”

“Belinda is a tiny blonde that can pass for a teenager; Wilma looks like an old-fashioned gal, but she has a freaky vibe and loves spanking both as the giver and the receiver.”

“Go on.”

“Selina is from Brazil and is sexy as fuck. You won’t be able to resist taking a taste of her. And LaDonna is a stunning Black woman whose hubby likes to see her fuck white men. We have plenty of those, so it’s a good fit.”

Darko laughed. “Sounds like you picked well. Any special plans this weekend?”

Liv hesitated for a moment. But he would find out anyway since she was using the Hot Wife Hotel dungeon.

“I’m going to be submitting to Master Julian for a session on Saturday.”

Darko felt his loins stir. “Wish I wasn’t busy on Saturday; I’d love to observe. Perhaps I can get Steve to run the video camera so I can enjoy it after the fact. I love the idea of watching you submit to Julian.”

Liv felt her panties go damp at the thought of Darko watching a video of her session. He’d likely stroke or have Debbie, his wife, suck his cock while he watched the action.

Darko grinned wickedly. “It makes you hot to know I’ll see him use you, doesn’t it?”

Olivia said nothing, but Darko laughed. “I’m not sure who will enjoy watching more, Steve, me, or possibly Debbie. She does get off on seeing you get whipped.”

With her juices flowing shamelessly, Liv blushed. Darko was pleased that he’d flustered her and threw in a curve ball. “Set me up with a session with Carrie. I want to try out the newest kinky hot wife. Does she do medical play? I have some new toys I want to insert into a willing cunt.”

Olivia was annoyed. “Yes, she does medical play and will likely let you insert whatever you want wherever you want.”

“Oh, Livvy, don’t be jealous. I need to spread my seed around. I don’t want people thinking I play favorites.”

“I’m not jealous. I’m annoyed that I have to adjust Carrie’s schedule to fit you in.”

“See if she’ll extend her day for a chance to play with the boss.”

“I’ll let you know.”

Was she jealous? She didn’t think so. But it didn’t sit well with her that suddenly Darko was craving a different Hot Wife. She shook it off and made Darko’s request happen. Then she headed up to her suite to meet with one client before going home.

When the knock came at her door, it was Ryan, a nice college boy trying to learn to be dominant at his girlfriend’s request. He was a pretty mild-mannered kid, but his girl wanted him to take control of her body, and he simply didn’t have the skill set needed for that. He’d come to Olivia on a recommendation and asked if she could help him practice.

Olivia had nearly turned him down, but it would be an excellent precursor to her session with Master Julian on Saturday.

“Welcome, Master Ryan,” Liv said, greeting him.

“Such a good girl,” Ryan said, having practiced that line multiple times in the mirror.

The session went well, with Ryan doing much better with the spanking than in previous appointments. But he still had a way to go as far as orgasm denial and remaining stern.

“I have an idea. Why don’t you come to Hot Wife Hotel on Saturday and watch my session with Master Julian in my office? That way, you can observe how a Master takes charge.”

“Can I bring my girl?”

“Sure, why not.”

“Thanks, Olivia! You’re the best.”

“I try.”

Saturday morning, Steve spent time preparing Olivia for the Master. He shaved her legs, armpits, and pussy, and massaged her from head to toe with a lightly scented lotion. Then he arranged for her to have a mani/pedi before returning to the suite.

“One last thing, my love. Let’s make sure you’re cleaned out and ready for use.”

Liv used the bidet to make sure everything was fresh for Master Julian. It was slightly humiliating to know she was being treated like a plaything, but erotic as hell as well.

When it was time, Steve put Olivia’s collar on, attached the leash, and helped her into her red come-fuck-me shoes. Then he led her on her hands and knees to the dungeon room.

Master Julian was there to greet them. “Stand up, slut,” he instructed her. “Now, look at me.”

Olivia did as he asked and was instantly aroused. He looked a little dangerous, dressed in a black suit, black shirt, and black tie.

Gazing directly into her eyes, Master Julian said, “Do you come here freely to be used by me?”

Olivia nodded.

“I need to hear the words.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good girl. Your husband will be allowed to watch from the observation room. He has given me permission to do whatever I want with you. Do you agree to this, slut?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Assume a presenting position.”

Olivia had studied the D/s life so she would be more aware of what was expected of her. She got back on her knees, put her hands behind her back, and lowered her gaze. Steve looked at her with pride and lust before nodding at Master Julian and taking his spot behind the glass.

“For this session, if I ask a question that requires a verbal answer, I shall refer to you as slut. Otherwise, your name is now cockwhore. Nod if you understand.”

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Liv nodded and felt a shiver of desire creep up her spine. She’d been used before, but somehow this felt different.

“I wonder if you know how aroused I become just being in the same room with you, cockwhore. It makes my dick hard just thinking about tying you up and fucking you every which way imaginable. But you’ll need to earn my cock inside you, cockwhore. Do you want to know how to do that?”

Olivia nodded vigorously.

“Just do everything you're told, and I will reward you with my cock. If you’re a very good girl, I may even allow you to cum. For this first part, I must secure you to the spanking bench. Crawl over to it and get into the proper position.”

Olivia crawled slowly and lay across the bench with her ass in the air, and her legs spread enough to expose her glistening pussy.

“Your cunt is dripping, cockwhore,” Master Julian said as he thrust two fingers inside her to scoop out her juices. He put them in his mouth and sucked them clean. He repeated the process, only this time, he fed the gooey goodness to Liv.

“Taste your cunt juices, cockwhore. You’re fucking delicious.”

Master Julian fastened the straps around Liv’s wrists, thighs, and ankles, so she was unable to move. He gave her a few sharp slaps with his bare hand before selecting a crop to strike her.

“Now, I’m going to swat your ass twenty times, alternating sides. You must be silent until the last stroke. If you cry out before then, I will start over. Do you understand, slut?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good girl. I like the way you recognized that I was asking for your response to be spoken. No need to count, by the way. I will count for you. I can hardly expect you to be silent and count at the same time.”

Steve’s erection was making him shift in his seat. He was suddenly glad he had Ryan and his girlfriend in a separate space watching on camera. That way, he was free to react however he wished.

What was it that made him so aroused at the thought of another man using his wife? He kept himself zipped for now, wanting to savor the moments while he watched the leather turn Liv’s ass bright red.


Olivia gasped loudly.

“Let me remind you that you may not make any sound until the last strike. Let’s start again. One!”

Olivia held her breath for each stroke, letting it out as quietly as possible between swats. No one had ever spanked her ass this hard, and she wasn’t sure she could stay silent until the twentieth stroke. But she managed to keep herself controlled enough not to make a sound. Noiseless tears streamed down her face as he continued to count.


Steve watched his wife and wondered if he’d gone too far. His rock-hard dick was enjoying the hell out of watching his wife take stroke after stroke from the crop. But his conscience was at war with his libido as he watched her valiantly take the punishment.

“Seventeen! Eighteen! Nineteen!”

Steve rationalized this part of the session by recalling that she had a safe word. He trusted her to use it if she couldn’t handle it anymore.


Olivia let go of her breath and cried out loud. Yet, as much as her ass hurt, her pussy was dripping.

“Do you have something you’d like to say, slut?” Master Julian asked.

“Yes. Thank you, Sir.”

“You’re such a delightful slut, cockwhore. Your ass is quite rosy, yet you took the punishment like a champion. Do you want to know why you needed to be punished?”

Olivia nodded.

“Because it makes you so wet. Your juices are literally running down the inside of your leg. Since you were so compliant, I will allow you to suck my cock.”

Master Julian went to the head of the spanking bench, unzipped his pants, and let his dick spring free of its constraints. Rubbing it on her face, he spoke in hushed tones. “Open your mouth, cockwhore. You need to suck me to completion. Otherwise, we will need to repeat the punishment.”

Steve could no longer keep from stroking himself. He unzipped as well and imagined his hand was Olivia’s, as if he were in the room while she sucked Julian’s dick. He turned his attention to his wife to see Julian gripping two handfuls of red hair while he fucked her face. The noises her throat made as he slid his cock in deep were so fucking erotic. Occasionally, Julian would hold her head tightly against his body and leave her airway blocked. Listening to her gag on that cock was causing both men’s balls to ache for release.

Steve wanked his cock vigorously as Master Julian fucked Liv’s throat mercilessly. As Steve shot his load onto his stomach, he heard Julian growl, “Swallow every drop, cockwhore!”

Olivia coughed and gagged, but not a drop of cum spilled from her mouth. Steve’s dick was deflating, but his pride swelled.

“You’re a champion cock sucker, cockwhore. I enjoyed that very much. Let’s move on to the next part of our session, shall we?”

He released her from the bench and instructed her to crawl to the cross on the wall. Once there, she stood up and waited for the Master to tell her which way to face.

As if reading her mind, he said, “I want you facing me so I can enjoy those creamy globes.”

Taking a nipple between his finger and thumb, he twisted hard to make it erect so he could capture it with a clamp. He did the same to the other one and tugged a bit on the chain that connected them. Olivia bit her bottom lip to help her remain silent.

She expected Master Julian would select a flogger to use on her breasts. However, he surprised her (and Steve) when he chose a feather tickler and began tracing gentle circles along her chest and stomach. Liv moaned at the exquisite sensations the feather was creating along her skin.

“Do you like this, cockwhore?”

Liv nodded, heavily sighing as he moved downward until he brushed the feather wand against her bare mound. The contrast between this and the spanking she had just received was incredible. Master Julian was equally adept at seductive teasing as he was at impact play; she felt as though she were hovering above her own body.

“You have permission to moan if you’d like, slut.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

“You please me greatly, slut. Perhaps next time, I shall call you kitten.”

Next time? Oh, sweet Jesus, there probably shouldn’t be a next time. She could get addicted to his touch if she weren’t careful.

After what felt like hours of sensory pleasure, Master Julian released her from the cross and instructed her to crawl to the bed. She felt a little woozy but was able to follow his command. Once there, he helped her onto the bed and told her to lie back.

He grabbed a spreader bar and attached the cuffs to her ankles, then lifted her legs into the air and pulled her to the edge of the bed using the bar. As she was well lubricated with her own nectar, Master Julian rubbed his rigid manhood against her slit before entering her slowly. Olivia hoped it was still okay to moan because she couldn’t help but do so as he slipped inside her, opening her up with his girth.

He grinned wickedly while he thrust into her. “Your pussy is divine, slut.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

“And do you like my cock, slut?”

“Oh, yes, Sir. Very much.”

“What do you like best about it, slut?”

“It’s the biggest and best cock I’ve ever had.”

Steve felt a twinge of jealousy. He knew Olivia was telling Julian what he wanted to hear. But he couldn’t help but notice that she was really into getting fucked by him. He chided himself, remembering that he had been the one who wanted to see her get dominated like this. Still, it felt different, and he wondered if he should be worried.

He shook off his concern and watched as Master Julian pumped into his wife and growled as he came hard.

Olivia was limp and looked wasted as Julian removed the spreader bar. He handed it to Steve and said, “I hope she’s not too exhausted to reclaim tonight.  I had an excellent time with your wife; call me when you’d like another round."

Written by techgoddess
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