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Hot Wife Hotel - Olivia Gets Properly Spanked (Part Four)

"Olivia says that spanking isn't her thing...until she meets Ian."

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Author's Notes

"Olivia enjoys a day of extremes that ends with a very enjoyable spanking session with a new client."

Olivia opened her Hot Wife Hotel account to check for emails and see how many appointments she had scheduled for this coming Wednesday. There was a message from Marilyn asking her to please reconsider and add another day to her schedule as she was quickly becoming one of the most sought-after Hot Wives.

She was still leaning toward saying no when Marilyn told her she would allow her to be choosier about who filled up her schedule. She decided to at least give it some consideration. She wouldn’t have to take appointments that she didn’t want. Most of the Hot Wives had spent a lot longer paying their dues before being allowed to be selective. Honestly, if she didn’t have to deal with some of the more unusual clients, it might be worth adding some time. After all, the point was for her to have sex with other guys while her husband, Steve, watched. The guy who spanked her and ran was not what she had in mind when she signed up for this gig.

There was a message from Ray, saying what a great time he had last Wednesday, and that he hoped she was considering adding an extra day or even a half day. He also was booked as her first client this Wednesday at 12:00 noon.

Liv saw that Adam, one of her first shift appointments was in her schedule for 2:00 p.m. She remembered liking the way he ate her pussy. She made a little notation about him in her customer profile log and added a smiley face.

There was an email from a new client as well.

Hello Olivia,

My name is Ian. I have scheduled an appointment with you at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday. I’m really looking forward to our session. I hope you enjoy being spanked.

Olivia sighed. Her spanking experience with Don was not exactly her idea of a good time. It had started out okay, but then he just went overboard.

Well, that settled that. She sent a text to Steve:

Hey baby, Marilyn said if I add another day, I get to pick and choose clients…thoughts?

Steve texted back quickly:

That’s cool with me…weekday, right?

Liv answered:

Yeah, I’m thinking Monday

Steve replied:

Sounds good love u

Next, she needed to inform Marilyn. The call went to voicemail, so she left a message saying that she wanted to add Mondays to her schedule. Then she got back on the computer and sent a reply to Ian.

Hi Ian,

Hey, thanks for scheduling an appointment, but I think you’d be more satisfied with Amelia. She has other clients that are in to spanking. I hope you won’t be offended, but spanking isn’t really my thing.



She sent the message and hoped he would be cool with rescheduling with Amelia. She was just about to long off when she saw a response already from Ian.


Thanks for your candor. Amelia looks lovely in her profile, but she isn’t a redhead. I am hoping that you’ll give me a chance to show you how exciting spanking can be when it’s done properly. If, after the first ten or fifteen minutes, you aren’t enjoying everything I am doing, I will stop, and we can just have some good, hot sex.

Let me know,


Olivia thought for a moment. The beginning part of the spanking debacle had actually been pretty hot. And he was giving her an out if she wasn’t having a good time. It was worth a shot.


Well, if I’m being totally honest, I have enjoyed spanking in the past. But it’s always been just a little foreplay before the main event. I had a client last week that was really into spanking and my ass hurt for days. So, I am willing to keep our appointment as long as you won’t be disappointed if I call off the spanking after the first ten minutes if I’m not finding it enjoyable.

If that sounds good to you, then I will see you on Wednesday at 7:00 p.m.


She waited a few minutes to see if he would respond. It didn’t take long.


If I may be so bold, I can only assume that the gentleman did not know what he was doing. I can only offer you this, I’ve never had a bed partner ask me to stop. I also want to assure you that I fully intend to fuck you afterwards. Your husband will not be disappointed.

See you soon,


Olivia laughed. This guy was either very full of himself or very good at what he does. Either way, he had piqued her interest.

Wednesday morning, Olivia checked her Hot Wife email and schedule. She still had Ray at noon, Adam at 2:00 p.m., and Ian at 7:00 p.m. But there was also an appointment with Chris at 4:00 p.m. Liv forwarded the schedule to Steve who said he would meet her at Hot Wife Hotel after his last morning meeting.

Ray had asked if she would wear something slutty, so she wore a black lacy thong with a matching push up bra (as if her boobs needed to look any bigger), black thigh high stockings and her four-inch black heels. She had studied some YouTube videos on different makeup styles and did her eyes up to complete the look. She took a last look in the mirror and was satisfied with the outcome, sophisticated whore. Steve got there just in time and got himself settled in the viewing area.

“You know that Ray doesn’t mind you joining in, right?” Liv asked Steve.

“Oh yeah, I know. I just want to watch first. If it feels right, I will join in. But you know how I love being able to watch your facial expressions and body language. Sometimes it’s just hard to do that if I’m involved in the play time,” Steve explained. She nodded and waited for Ray to arrive.

When she answered the door, she was naked in 4-inch red come-fuck-me-shoes, as Ray had requested. He was very into roleplay, and this time he wanted to her to be the sexy next-door neighbor. The minute he was inside, his hands were all over her.

“God, I’ve been wanting to do this all week!” he said panting and pawing. “Just been waiting for the wife to go visit her mother so I could come over here and fuck you into tomorrow.”

Olivia played along, “I’ve been waiting too, baby. My poor little pussy has been missing that big hard cock of yours!”

Ray pushed her down on the bed while he stripped quickly out of his clothes. Then he joined her on the bed and kissed her frantically. With his rigid shaft pressed up against her leg, his fingers found her slit, slick with desire.

“Fuck, you’re so wet for me, baby!” Ray acknowledged, while he worked two fingers into her drenched hole. “You really have been missing my cock!”

Olivia purred, “God, yes, and my pussy is aching to be filled!”

Ray rolled her on her back and spread her legs open. She thought he planned to just start fucking her without much more in the way of foreplay, but she was wrong. Ray took his dick in one hand and began to rub the head up and down her wet, pink folds. As he continued to tease her like this, he took his thumb and forefinger and began stroking her engorged clit. The sensations he was creating were incredible and, as she glanced in Steve’s direction, she hoped he was enjoying what he was seeing. Her hips were rocking and bucking, then she arched her back and gave in to a mind-blowing orgasm.

“Holy fuck!” she cried as she squirted her juices on Ray’s hand and his cock. At that very moment, Ray slid inside her so he could enjoy the contractions of her orgasm squeezing his shaft. Then he started fucking her hard, watching her gorgeous tits bouncing with each hard thrust.

“You like when I fuck you hard and deep, don’t you baby?” he asked through gritted teeth. “You like my big cock drilling your cunt!”

The frenzied pace was almost overwhelming as Ray pumped her hard. Then he pulled out unexpectedly and flipped her over on her stomach. With her ass up, and her head down, he fucked her cunt with deep, powerful thrusts. Then he grabbed her hips and picked up the pace, fucking her with rapid, jackhammer moves.

“That’s it, you little slut, take my cock! Your little cunt is mine to use, mine to fuck! You love it when I fuck you like an animal, don’t you?” he panted.

Olivia felt her orgasm building as Ray fucked her harder and faster. “I’m gonna come deep in your married pussy, you fucking little whore!” Ray shouted.

Her pussy clamped down on his cock as she came, then he shot his load deep inside her with an animalistic growl. They collapsed in a sweaty heap, hearts pounding wildly and out of breath.

Steve came out from the viewing area as Ray moved onto his back, pulling Liv on top of him with her back to his belly. His arms and legs captured hers and he whispered harshly in Olivia’s ear, “Now you’re gonna let my friend fuck you too!”

Steve climbed on the bed and slid his cock into Olivia’s cum-filled cunt. It felt so fucking good! He loved fucking her with some other guy’s cum in her.

“What a little whore, taking another man’s cock in your dirty cunt!” Ray hissed, holding her firmly in place. The he said to Steve, “Fuck her hard, Steve-O, she loves being used like a slut!”

Steve’s cock was like a steel rod slamming into her. Thrust after thrust ravaged her pussy as his thumb rubbed her clit tersely. She came hard, several times, while Steve fucked her mercilessly. Then he brought her over the edge one more time as he filled her with his seed.

Moments later, Ray nuzzled Olivia neck and said, “You are one hot little fuck, Liv!” Then he went off to the bathroom to clean himself up a bit before heading out. When he left, he gave her a quick kiss and shot a grin at Steve. “See you next week!”

Steve looked at his wife and said, “I love you so much! You have no idea how happy you make me! I’m so lucky to have a wife who enjoys this as much as I do. Watching your face when Ray was teasing your clit was so hot!”

Liv smiled, “I love making you happy. I certainly don’t mind reaping some amazing benefits from it either. Thanks for coming out and joining in.”

“I couldn’t resist the chance to fuck you, looking like that. It’s nice that Ray is cool with that,” Steve said, brushing strands of her red hair away from her eyes.

“Yes, very nice. I like Ray, he’s a fun guy. But I did think at one point that he might break me in two, he was fucking me so hard,” she said.

“You could have told him to ease up,” Steve reminded her.

“I could have, but it was so fucking arousing to be fucked like that!” she admitted.

After showering and putting herself back together, she checked her messages and schedule again. Nothing new, thank goodness. Her pussy was sore from Ray and Steve and she was glad to have just three more clients today.

Adam arrived promptly at 2:00 p.m. She greeted him with just her robe on and watched him become instantly aroused.

“I’m glad you came back,” Liv said smiling.

“Well, I had to come back,” Adam grinned. “I left the job unfinished last time.”

Olivia took him by the hand and led him over to the bed that the Hot Wife Hotel housekeeper had changed while she had showered. Then she purred, “What would you like to do this time, Adam?”

He looked at her and said, “I’d like to start with some good old fashioned making out and then I want to get carried away and fuck you like a horny teenager.” He blushed a little.

“That sounds delicious!” Liv said.

Steve watched while Adam kissed his wife and was oddly aroused by the sight. He knew how much Liv enjoyed kissing and suspected her little pussy was getting turned on by the sensual way his tongue was dancing with hers.

Adam slid a hand down to cup her bare mound. He dragged a single finger along her puffy wet slit and smiled wickedly at her. “I wanna taste you before I fuck you, baby,” he said as he moved down the bed until he was eye level with her beautiful pussy.

Olivia sighed as she remembered how hot his oral skills had made her during their first session together. Then she closed her eyes and moaned as he got started. He licked, sucked, and nibbled her clit, and slid his tongue into her drenched hole, throbbing with need.

“God, yes, Adam, please eat my needy little cunt!” Live pleaded. He wasted no time obliging her, bringing her close and then edging until finally taking her over the cliff as she trembled with release.

He looked at her, with her juices on his mouth and chin, and said, “I need to fuck you now, Livvy.”

“How do you want me, Adam?” she said seductively.

“I want you riding my cock so I can watch those magnificent tits bounce while you slide up and down on me,” he said.

And her tits did some delightful bouncing as she rode him like a bitch in heat. She felt his body tense up as he was about to cum, so she squeezed her pussy tightly around his rigid shaft as he emptied himself into her.

After a pleasurable romp with Adam, who promised he’d be back another time to take her ass, she cleaned up again and got ready for Chris. Steve had stroked himself while watching her ride Adam, so he took a quick shower as well.

At 4:00 p.m., there was a light knock on the door. Olivia opened it to see a woman standing there. “If you are here to change the bed, it’s already been done. I have a 4:00 appointment,” she explained.

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“I’m your 4:00 appointment,” the woman said softly.

“Oh!” Olivia said, unable to hide her surprise. “Well, come in.”

“Thank you. My name is Chris and, yes, I do work here as a housekeeper,” she explained. “When you started here, I couldn’t help but notice how incredibly sexy you are. But, more than that, you appear so genuine. And I am a little embarrassed to admit, I love the scent of you.”

“The scent of me?” Liv repeated, a little confused.

Chris blushed, “On the sheets when I change them between your sessions. I, well, um, the scent of your perfume and your pussy are a rather intoxicating mix!”

“Oh, right,” Liv answered, also blushing.

“I don’t know if you would be willing to have sex with me,” Chris said, “but I had to at least try. I probably should have emailed you to let you know I am a woman. But I was afraid you’d say no, and…”

“Yes!” Liv interrupted. “Yes, of course. But I have to admit, it’s been a long time since I’ve done anything with a woman.”

Chris beamed, “Oh, you don’t have to do anything to me unless you want to, but I need to eat that intoxicating pussy!”

Olivia felt her labia throb with arousal; and, in his viewing area, Steve’s cock twitched with lust. She glanced in his direction and grinned. Another duel fantasy about to be fulfilled, Liv with another woman.

Chris suddenly remembered that Olivia’s husband would be watching. Sensing her hesitation, Liv undid the belt of the robe, let the black silky garment slip off her shoulders, and fall down to the floor. “Come here, Chris, and sit with me on the bed,” Liv purred.

“Christine,” she corrected. “I prefer to be called Christine. I used Chris to make the appointment because I wasn’t sure if you’d want a woman in your bed.”

Christine was pretty, with dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and a shy, but sensual smile. She was a little taller than Olivia, but that wasn’t saying much, and had what looked like lovely B cup breasts. “I want you in my bed, Christine. Take off your clothes,” Olivia instructed.

Then she watched as Christine relaxed a bit and undressed for her. She had a sexy landing strip and perky little nipples that stood at attention for her.

“Do you have a girlfriend, Christine? Or a wife?” Liv asked as she patted the bed, inviting the sexy housekeeper to sit next to her.

“No,” Christine said, “I did have someone, but things didn’t work out. So, I guess part of why I am here is because I crave someone’s touch besides my own. But I meant it when I said I am happy just to go down on you. You don’t have to touch me. You can even pretend it’s a man eating your pussy if you want.”

“Why would I want that?” Olivia asked. “I don’t need to pretend you’re a man, and I am certainly not letting you just give and not get. I may be a little rusty, but I’m pretty sure I can still make you feel good.”

Christine leaned in to kiss Olivia and Steve watched intently as the two women embraced. Their tongues danced while their hands explored each other. It was not lost on him that this pace would be much slower and more sensual than the previous two sessions with Ray and Adam. It was so incredibly erotic that Steve took his cock out to enjoy the show.

Christine was no longer hesitant as she moved between Olivia’s legs and opened them gently. Steve realized that if he weren’t careful, he’d cum way too quickly, despite already cumming twice today. He forced himself to move his hands away from his prick and kept watching.

Olivia moaned as soft kisses were planted on insides of her thighs, as Christine worked her way up to her intended target slowly. A single finger parted glistening, pink pussy lips and found a pool of juices waiting to be spread around in tiny, light circles on an engorged clit. Liv’s hips rocked almost leisurely compared to the earlier frenzied pace set first by Ray and then by Adam. It was like watching sex in slow motion, and it was such a turn-on.

Christine’s mouth hovered over Liv’s mound, her hot breath creating a desperate need. Her tongue made brief contact with Liv’s clit before she proceeded to lick her slit deliberately like a cat lapping up cream. The single finger had found its way inside her and teased her G-spot while she sucked on her sensitive, hard nub.

Steve started stroking again but tried hard to pay attention to the scene unfolding in front of him as well. Soon a second finger joined the first and were sliding in and out of Liv’s drenched pussy. She started bucking and writhing as the fingers picked up pace, and Christine’s tongue flicked her clit in what looked like a small, figure eight motion.

It was obvious that Christine sensed that Liv’s orgasm was near. When Olivia’s back arched, added a third finger in her pussy and added a thumb in her ass. Olivia let go with an animalistic scream that Steve had never heard before. He watched body shudder as her juices sprayed Christine’s face and he jacked his cock furiously until he came on his own chest.

When Steve opened his eyes again, he saw Christine looking into Olivia’s eyes as she said, “Taste yourself on me, you’re even sweeter than I imagined!”

The kiss was tender and erotic at the same time. Steve felt a little tug of jealousy. Where the hell did that come from? He watched his wife’s pussy get hammered by two guys earlier, so why should this woman be any different? He wanted to watch her return the favor with Christine, but he needed some fresh air. He cleaned himself up and went out the voyeur’s exit. He decided to go for a walk to the 7-11. That way he could buy something and use that as an excuse for leaving before her session was done.

Then he made a decision he hoped he wouldn’t regret. He texted Olivia.

Hey, sorry babe. I wasn’t feeling well so I went for a walk to get some fresh air. But that didn’t help much. I took an Uber home. Call me after your session with Ian to let me know you’re on your way home. Love you!

When Liv discovered Steve wasn’t in the viewing area, she got concerned. She checked her phone and saw the text he’d sent. She sent a quick text back.

Are you okay? I can cancel or reschedule with Ian.

He responded quickly.

Just a headache, don’t cancel. I’m looking forward to hearing about you getting properly spanked. I ordered you a pizza to arrive at 5:45 p.m. so you aren’t starving by the time you come home.

After texting a thank you and an I love you back to Steve, Liv checked her schedule and messages. Marilyn had approved the addition of Monday to her schedule, so she opened that day up for appointments.

She got cleaned up, ate some pizza when it arrived, and then brushed her teeth before Ian showed up. She put her sexy black robe back on and waited for 7:00 p.m.

Ian was ridiculously handsome, with thick black hair, gorgeous blue eyes, and a killer smile. Suddenly, she wanted very much to be spanked by this man!

“You look beautiful in black, Olivia, but take off the robe so I can see all of you,” he said, his seductive voice matching perfectly with his looks. “Is your husband here watching?”

“Unfortunately, no,” Olivia replied. “He wasn’t feeling well, so he left and went home.”

“Well, that’s a pity. I was hoping to meet him after I enjoy you. But perhaps another time,” he said.

“He usually watches the whole time, so if you come back, you will likely meet him, yes,” she told him.

“Thank you for granting me an appointment. I think you will enjoy my style of spanking very much. My ultimate goal, of course, is your pleasure. I want your pussy dripping and I want you to beg me to fuck you. In the process, I hope to make your ass as red as your hair,” Ian said seductively.

Olivia was so aroused at the moment, that she would have agreed to almost anything. It wouldn’t take long to achieve the dripping pussy!

Ian ran a hand down the length of Liv’s body and rested it on her ass. Then he gave her a playful swat and said, “To begin, I would like you to be over my knee. I will give you ten sharp slaps with my hand, five on each butt cheek. I will stop after that, unless you tell me you want me to go on.”

Ian sat on the chair and helped guide Liv over his lap. He rubbed his hand over her smooth bottom with it’s creamy white skin and teased, “I wonder, Olivia, who will enjoy this more? You or me?”

Then he gave two smacks in quick succession, one on each side.


The he rubbed each cheek gently before he meted out two additional smacks, alternating once again.


This time he traced his fingers in seductive swirls on her ass, then added two more.


He repeated this process twice more, then he stopped as promised.

“Would you like me to fuck you now, Olivia? Or would you like to meet my paddle?” he asked, toying with her.

“Paddle?” she asked inquisitively. “I mean, yes. I would like to meet your paddle.”

He brought out a black leather paddle and rubbed it around on her pink ass. Then he gave a sharp swat on butt that extending to both sides.


Olivia moaned. Ian hadn’t lied when he said he knew how to spank a woman’s ass. The paddle came down again four more times in terse sets of two.



Ian stopped. “Had enough my dear? Or shall I go on?”

“Please don’t stop!” she blurted out and caused Ian to chuckle.

“You almost turned me down, didn’t you? Said spanking wasn’t your thing?” he teased. “But your juices are dripping onto my lap, you horny little slut!”

Olivia rocked her hips trying to grind her pussy on Ian’s lap.

Ian slid two fingers into her drenched hole, and finger fucked her cunt while he brought the paddle down on her ass, again and again. She came hard and rewarded his efforts with a powerful orgasm.

“Beg me to fuck you, and you can cum again, my little redhead!” he offered.

“Yes, God, yes, please! Fuck me like that now! I need your cock in me!” Liv cried out, her body humming with desire.

“I am more than happy to oblige you,” he agreed. He helped her up from her position over his lap, turned her to face him and helped her straddle his dick. Then he guided it into her juicy wet pussy.

He meant to make her beg more but spanking her had been more arousing than he’d anticipated. But he made up for that by smacking her ass hard while she bounced up and down his cock. The friction of her tight little cunt was driving him mad. He tried to hold back, knowing that he could last so much longer than this, but gave in; the erotic sensations of fucking her were too intense to ignore. As they moved in perfect rhythm, he felt her back arch and instinctively took the nipple from her left breast into his mouth. As he held it firmly between his teeth, he dragged them both over the edge and they came hard together, chests heaving from wild heartbeats and heavy panting!

Ian held onto her limp body as they eventually caught their breath. “Well, I must apologize for not fulfilling my promise to give you a proper spanking, Red,” he said, still holding him tight to his body. She felt so good in his arms, neither of them seemed in a hurry to let go.

“Nonsense!” Olivia admonished him. “I enjoyed every second and appreciate you not overdoing it on our first time together.”

Ian grinned, “You’re a very clever girl. I like you! You pleased me greatly and left my ego intact. I hope that your pleasure was sufficient?”

Liv laughed, “You need to ask?”

“Not really,” Ian chuckled. “You were delightful!”

“As were you!” she said. “My only regret was that Steve didn’t get to enjoy this firsthand. But I know he will find it exciting to hear about.”

“Next time, I will be sure to make your ass so red, your husband will cum just watching you get spanked,” he bragged a little.

“I look forward to that very much!” she said.

“And what will you tell your husband about our first adventure?” he asked as he helped her off his lap and headed to the bathroom to clean up.

“I will tell him that his Olivia got properly spanked and deliciously fucked!” she purred.

“Excellent!” Ian said as he grinned once again. “Next time, I will bring my crop and my flogger.”

Olivia’s eyes flew open wide, but it was clear her excitement outweighed her concern.

After Ian left, Olivia snapped a picture of her pink ass cheeks in the mirror. She sent the picture in a text to Steve.

Sorry you missed the fun! He’s coming back next week!

Steve’s cock twitched a little at the sight of her ass.

How was Christine?

She was great. But I don’t think you need to worry about me becoming a lesbian. Don’t get me wrong, I hope she comes back, too. But you know how much I love a hot cock in my pussy!!

Steve chided himself for missing out on seeing the spanking in action. He’d been silly to be jealous just because Christine made Olivia cry out in a way he’d never heard before. He wanted this Hot Wife Hotel thing to bring pleasure for both of them. Clearly some of the clients would bring her more pleasure than others, but he knew being jealous was unnecessary. She was his wife and she loved him. And he planned on reclaiming her the minute she walked through the door!


Written by techgoddess
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