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Hot Wife Hotel - Olivia Gets Owned (Part Eighteen)

"Darko takes ownership of Olivia for a weekend of debauchery."

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Author's Notes

"It's been a while since we've heard about Olivia's escapades. This is a far cry from the romantic tale of Mac and Grace's world, but then, Olivia has always been my wildest redheaded character."

In the month since her husband, Steve, had reclaimed her after her weekend of being Jay’s slut, Olivia realized that she had crossed over into another plane.

This wasn’t about being a hotwife or having sex with other men (and sometimes women) for Steve’s viewing pleasure anymore. She was becoming addicted to the idea of having her limits tested, and the boundaries pushed. Her submissive side had come to the forefront and would likely never go back into hiding. She realized that there wasn’t much that she wouldn’t agree to do or try sexually. It was titillating!

With that in mind, she was both excited and slightly terrified about how this weekend would go. Darko had convinced Steve that he should come along to watch his wife be used and abused for the weekend. He offered to pay more for using Olivia’s body if Steve agreed to watch all the action in person and even invited him to participate. It was a smart move because it put Liv at ease enough to agree to a practically no-limits contract for the weekend. Exceptions included the usual; nothing with minors or animals, no scat, and no permanent damage to her body. Otherwise, this would be a no holds barred weekend of extreme BDSM and wild debauchery.

The basic agreement was that Olivia would serve both Darko, his wife, Debbie, and anyone else with whom they chose to share Olivia. Everyone was very excited about it except Marilyn, who had to reschedule several of Olivia’s regular clients. Darko insisted that Olivia receive two weeks off afterward as a reward and give her body time to recover from the hard use.

Liv opened her Hot Wife Hotel email and found a message from Darko.


I’ve decided that your name for the weekend will be cumslut. It’s meant to be demeaning as part of what Debbie and I enjoy is humiliating a submissive sex slave. I think you will agree that cumslut is a better choice than what Debbie wanted to call you. She was pretty set on calling you fuckhole or cuntmeat, but I won the coin toss.

I’ve taken the liberty of making you a collar with the name cumslut engraved on it. You will be required to wear it the entire weekend.

I have invited others to join in on the fun at various times throughout the weekend. I have made them aware of the non-negotiable items. I can promise you that they will comply. I can’t promise that they won’t push you out of your comfort zone. So, if anything else is absolutely not acceptable to you, you need to let me know now. Once we begin the weekend, anything else goes.

I can’t wait to use your body in ways you’ve never known. I can’t wait to watch your husband wank his cock while he watches you being abused. I know touching him is off-limits, but I will be honest, I love watching him stroke. It’s one of the reasons I invited him to come along.

You will need those two weeks to recover.


Olivia shuddered. She was starting to have second thoughts about whether or not she could handle what Darko had planned for her. Then she reached under her skirt and found her pussy was drenched. She couldn’t resist the need to play with her clit and rub her pussy until she flooded her hand.

She knew that she was hooked. She couldn’t back out now. Every time Darko mentioned how sore or raw she would be after the weekend, it just made her crave the abuse even more.

She thought for a moment if anything else would be a massive turn-off to her. Then she answered Darko’s email.


I am looking forward to being used all weekend for the sexual pleasure of you and Debbie and anyone else you choose to share me with. I get wet every time I think about what might happen this weekend. I am embarrassed to admit that I even look forward to being humiliated, which is something I have never been interested in before.

You asked about anything else that I don’t want to do. I don’t want to lick anyone’s shoes. I know some people enjoy that, but it’s a turn-off for me. I would appreciate you adding that to the list. Otherwise, I understand that there will be things that I don’t like personally, but that I will submit to because you will be my owner for the weekend.

Thank you,



Darko’s cock grew hard as a rock when he read Olivia’s reply. He found it hilarious that she picked not licking shoes of all the things she could have asked him to exclude this weekend. He expected her to say no caning or no piss play. But the sweet redhead didn’t want to lick shoes. He found that rather endearing.

Debbie had been so turned on all week long, waiting for the opportunity to see just how large of an anal hook she could make fit into Olivia’s ass. She’d pouted when Darko had nixed her idea to pierce Liv’s nipples and labia.

“Darling, no permanent damage means no holes. But if you want to use the clover clamps on her, go for it,” Darko told her.

Debbie had discovered in a prior encounter that dominating Olivia brought out the beast in her. While she was submissive to her husband, Darko, she was a brutal mistress when given a female to dominate and play with.

“Fine. But you shouldn’t have agreed to her exceptions. For the amount of money that we are paying, I should be allowed to pierce and brand her,” Debbie pouted. “Do I at least get to piss on her?”

“Darling, that you get to play with her at all is a bonus. Let’s remember that this started out just a weekend for me to own Olivia. They agreed to so much more than I had hoped for. So, stop whining and be grateful that you will get to try out your new crop and the bigger anal hooks you bought with Olivia’s ass in mind.”

Debbie’s pussy tingled at the thought of attaching the clover clamps to the anal hook while she turned Olivia’s ass red. Then she envisioned the little redheaded slut spread open wide for some cunt abuse.

“Oh, can I at least use the alligator clips on her clit? Is making her bleed a little considered permanent damage?”

“Debbie, if you don’t knock it off, I will restrain you and make you watch while I play with her. You will play by my rules or not at all. Steve was extremely reluctant to agree to any of this. I swear if you screw this up, you’re going to be denied any type of sexual fun for a month,” Darko threatened.

Debbie’s eyes flew open wide. But she knew better than to complain. Darko meant what he said. So, instead, she stomped off to her room like a petulant child and decided to masturbate.

“If he won’t let me abuse her the way I want to, I can at least get myself off by thinking about it,” she said aloud to herself.

Debbie grabbed her most powerful vibrator and eased her panties down. She sat with her legs spread in front of the mirror and watched the reflection of herself holding the vibe directly on her clit. She looked into the reflection of her eyes and said, “If I had my way, I’d pierce her nipples and her clit. Then I’d brand her tits with the words slut and whore.” Debbie rubbed frantically at her pussy while she made herself hot thinking about degrading Olivia.

“I’d whip her tits till they were raw, then I’d start in on her clit until it was angry and red. She would beg me for more, and I’d give her all she could handle. I’d…oh, fuck! I’m gonna cum!”

Debbie’s orgasm was so intense that she passed out for a brief second. When she came to, she saw that she’d sprayed the mirror with her juices and was thoroughly drenched.

Darko, who had watched this little display on the video feed, was a bit concerned about Debbie’s unhealthy obsession with Olivia.

He decided to invite Christine, one of the housekeepers at Hot Wife Hotel and an occasional client of Olivia’s, to fulfill the girl-on-girl portion of the fun he had planned for Liv. Then, if Debbie promised to behave, she could play instead of being forced just to watch.

When Darko checked for mail, he was delighted to see that the temporary tattoos he’d ordered had arrived. He looked forward to putting them on Olivia. They had been Christine’s idea, which he found rather titillating. He grew hard just thinking about Liv’s naked body being marked the way he wanted and still staying within the agreement's parameters.

Friday at 5:00 p.m., Steve arrived with Olivia at Darko’s penthouse suite at Hot Wife Hotel. She was naked except for red heels, a red collar, and a red leash. Darko removed the collar and leash and handed them to Steve. Then he replaced them with the collar and leash he had made especially for this weekend. The word cumslut was spelled out in silver letters.

“Darling Liv, you belong to me now,” Darko moaned seductively while Debbie and Steve watched. “And from this moment on, until I return you to Steve, your name is cumslut. You will only speak when someone asks you a question. Otherwise, you are to remain silent. You are allowed to moan, scream, and cry out.”

Steve’s cock twitched. It was such a huge turn-on for him to see Olivia used by other men and women. He did not doubt this would be an erotic weekend and was already looking forward to reclaiming her on Sunday night.

“I’ve had your limits made into a temporary tattoo for your back so that everyone who uses you understands the rules. No minors, no animals, no scat, no permanent damage, and no shoes/boots/feet licking. There is a tattoo for each breast, cum for the right one, and slut for the left. On your delightfully bare mound, I had one made that says cunt for use. I’ve invited Christine to help me with the tattoos. She will be here in a few moments.”

Liv felt her juices stirring. She was excited that Christine would be a part of this adventure.

“Please know that Debbie has been warned about being overly abusive. She won’t be allowed to play if she is too rough or does anything that Steve finds objectionable.”

Olivia felt immense relief wash over her. Debbie was far too harsh for her taste. She knew that there would be some part of the weekend when Debbie would be allowed to play with her, but it helped to know that Steve could object. With that knowledge, Liv let herself relax and fall into her role as cumslut.

She saw Darko whispering something to Steve and was about to ask what was going on when she remembered she was not allowed to speak. There was something decadent about being an object! Her pussy tingled as she lowered her gaze to the floor.

Darko walked back over to Olivia and said, “Now then, cumslut, Debbie is going to suck Steve’s cock as he watches while I strap you to the metal stockade pole, fill your cunt with a metal rod, and whip your tits and mound.”

Liv felt her nipples harden with arousal.

“To make it even more interesting, Christine will suck my cock while I’m whipping you. If I cum first, the whipping stops, and we move on to the next activity. But if Steve cums first, Debbie will take over with her crop while Christine sucks me to orgasm.”

Olivia shuddered. Debbie had a much heavier hand when it came to impact play. And yet, she suddenly craved Debbie’s harsh strokes and found herself hoping Steve came first.

First, she would have to endure the strokes meted out by Darko’s flogger.

“Count for me, cumslut!” he demanded as his eyes narrowed while Christine licked the head of his cock.

When the flogger connected with Olivia’s creamy breasts, she cried out, “One! Two!”

She continued to count as she watched with envy while Debbie devoured Steve’s cock. Jealousy was not an emotion she was used to, but seeing her husband enjoy another woman’s mouth bothered her more than she thought it would. How clever Darko had been to suspect this would be the case. He had warned her that humiliation would be part of this game.

Several times it appeared that Darko was close to cumming as he continued turning Liv’s breasts bright red with the leather flogger. But it was Steve whose balls tightened first and then let go as he exploded into Debbie’s mouth. She stood up and walked over to Olivia and, instead of swallowing Steve’s sperm, spat his load on Liv’s face. Then she picked up the crop and said, “My turn.”

Darko moved to a chair and let Christine continue to service him orally while his wife took over the task of whipping Olivia’s pussy. Steve sat and watched with pure lust as Debbie turned Liv’s mound a crimson hue in no time. Her strokes were harder and faster than Darko’s had been, and Steve could see that Debbie was inflicting some genuine pain. He was embarrassed when his cock came back to attention at the sight of Olivia being used like an owned slut.

“Look, cumslut,” Debbie cooed. “Your husband is enjoying watching your erotic torture.”

Just when Olivia thought she couldn’t handle it anymore, Darko cried out, “Oh, fuck, yes!” and shot his cum down Christine’s throat.

Grateful for a few moments of reprieve while Debbie turned her around on the cross so that her sexy round ass was exposed, Olivia took a deep breath. The last few strokes had hurt like a bitch, but Liv couldn’t deny that it had her pussy dripping.

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“Now, cumslut, your ass is mine. I intend to put some bright red stripes on it with this wicked new cane that Darko bought me. Sadly, I’ve been instructed to give you only five strokes on each cheek. Then I have to turn you over to Darko’s friends for your first gang bang session of the weekend.”

Debbie managed to make those few strokes make an impact as Olivia’s ass was stinging by the time her restraints were removed, and she was taken into a room with an oversized bed. Darko and four of his colleagues were waiting for her, naked and stroking their cocks. Steve came into the room and was offered a seat in a nearby chair.

Christine joined Olivia on the bed and applied some aloe lotion to her crimson-striped ass cheeks. The combination of the cooling effect from the cream and Christine’s soft hands made Olivia’s pussy tingle.

“I’m going to blindfold you and eat your delicious pussy,” Christine said. “Then Darko and his buddies will use you as they see fit while Steve watches.”

Olivia nodded. She shuddered with excitement at the thought of not being able to see what was being done to her. God, she really had become a slut!

“Remember that you have a safe word, cumslut, and I expect you to use it if there is anything that feels wrong or if you want things to stop for any reason. Do you understand?” Darko’s voice enquired.

Olivia nodded. She knew that an obedient sex slave would not speak and was trying to play the role to perfection.

Suddenly hands were all over her body while fingers probed every orifice. Her nipples were pinched, pulled, and twisted as her pussy received several sharp slaps.

“This is the best slut you’ve ever brought us to play with,” a man with a deep voice commented. “Hand me the lube; I want to shove my stiff shaft in her tight little ass.”

Over the next two hours, Olivia’s ass, pussy, and mouth served all five cocks multiple times. They were relentless! She was filled and covered with cum, and her nipples ached from overuse.

“It’s time to let our cumslut rest,” Darko announced. “In fact, we could all use some downtime. Let’s all find something relaxing to do, sleep, hot tub, drink some wine, and reconvene in two hours.”

Everyone dispersed, leaving Darko and Olivia alone. He took the blindfold off and carried her to the bathroom. “Let’s get you cleaned up before you take a little nap. I want you rested before I give you to Debbie for her turn.”

Olivia was exhausted and simply nodded.

“Are you having fun, cumslut?” he asked.

Olivia nodded, keeping her gaze lowered. This obedience on her part made it difficult for Darko not to want to use her. He toyed with the idea of fucking her in the shower but decided she needed a break. Instead, he let her sleep and went to find Christine.

“I want you to be in the room with Debbie when she uses our cumslut. She gets carried away at times, so if you feel like the scene gets too rough, I want you to motion to me to come in and intervene.”

“Yes, of course,” Christine agreed.

When it was time to get back together, Darko made Olivia crawl to the room where Debbie waited for her.

“I’ve brought you the cumslut to play with, my love,” Darko said. “Steve and I will watch from the next room on the big screen, but Christine will remain with you as a reminder to not go overboard.”

Debbie pouted but nodded in agreement. “Fine, Christine can act as my assistant.”

Darko and Steve left the room while Debbie, dressed in shiny black leather, gave her instructions. “Christine, please walk cumslut over to the spanking bench.”

Olivia, collared and leashed, crawled on her hands and knees to the bench. Christine helped her into position and attached the wrist restraints while whispering, “Relax and let yourself enjoy this part. I’ve got your back.”

Liv sighed, feeling relieved that Christine would stay in the room and not let things get out of hand. But she couldn’t deny that her pussy was getting wet, knowing that Debbie would be rough. Why on earth did this turn her on so much?

“My, my, little cumslut. You’ve been used and abused so much, haven’t you? But now it’s my turn. By the looks of your glistening fuck hole, I’d say you’re pretty excited about my domination of you. That’s really fucking hot!”

Olivia shivered as Debbie massaged copious amounts of lubricant on her already well-used ass. But it wouldn’t be a cock this time in her anus; it would be an anal hook with three silver balls, each bigger than the previous one.

She half expected Debbie to push it in swiftly, but she was pleasantly surprised that it was being worked slowly into her ass. The first two balls went in easily, but the third one hurt like hell. She debated using her safe word but decided to wait. Instead, she focused on relaxing her asshole to accommodate the hard silver metal.

Liv blew out a slow breath and felt her body accept the anal intruder when the hook was entirely in place. Truth be told, it felt pretty fucking erotic to be filled up so intensely. This fact wasn’t lost on Debbie.

“Well, well, it seems our little cumslut is enjoying having her ass filled up! Christine, be a dear and put these clover clamps on her nipples.”

Olivia winced as Christine clamped her already sensitive nipples. Yet, she could feel her juices flowing when she realized that Debbie intended to connect the chains from the clamps to the silver ring on the end of the anal hook. When they were tightly in place, she felt such a mix of pleasure and pain that made her drip like a faucet.

Debbie strapped on a big, black dildo and slapped Olivia’s face with it. Then she moved to the other end of the bench and slowly entered Olivia’s soaking wet pussy until she was in as deep as she could go before pumping into her like a jackhammer, banging away on her cervix.

At first, it was unpleasant, but then Olivia’s traitorous body became so aroused that she came without warning. Her orgasm ripped through her entire body, leaving her shaking.

“Why, you little cunt! You came without permission!” Debbie scolded. She pulled out and walked around to the front of the bench again and said, “Suck your slutty whore cum off my cock, slut!”

Christine watched as her own pussy began to tingle. She wished she could be in Olivia’s place and was slightly embarrassed by such a revelation.

Debbie took notice of Christine’s arousal and pulled the dildo out of Olivia’s mouth. “Grab a stool and sit in front of cumslut’s mouth so she can service your needy pussy, Christine.”

Christine did what she was told without hesitation and offered her slick, swollen labia for Olivia to devour. Liv lapped at the delicious juices and made Christine moan.

Meanwhile, Debbie grabbed her crop and spanked the back of Olivia’s thighs and ass. “That’s right, cumslut, eat that pussy!” She yanked on the chains and sent a searing pain into Liv’s nipples. But that only caused Olivia’s pussy to squirt as she came while Christine simultaneously climaxed in her mouth.

In the other room, Darko and Steve were both stroking their cocks. Darko wanted desperately to taste Steve’s cock but knew that was off-limits as Steve was very straight. Instead, he said, “Let’s go join the women, shall we?”

When they entered the room, Darko instructed Debbie and Christine to join them.

“Christine, you will stroke Steve’s cock while I stroke Debbie’s strap-on.”

If he couldn’t have Steve’s cock, he could at least pretend. He watched Steve’s stiff shaft being pleasured by Christine’s hands and imagined it was his own jerking it while he made the same motions with the strap-on Debbie wore.

Debbie caught on and said, “That’s right, baby, stroke Steve’s big hard dick!”

Of course, the others all thought Debbie was talking to Christine. But Darko knew his wife was trying to enhance his fantasy of having his hands around that thick, hard meat.

When Steve got close, Darko called out, “Cum on her tits!”

Steve was more than happy to oblige, covering Christine’s beautiful breasts with rope after rope of his cum.

Darko pulled Christine into his lap and onto his cock. As he fucked her, he licked Steve’s cum off her tits and came hard inside her while he imagined he was licking the seed off Steve’s belly.

Steve caught on and wasn’t sure how to react. But he was quickly distracted by the sounds of Olivia crying out as Debbie returned to pulling on the nipple chains while she fucked her with the strap-on.

At first, Steve was alarmed. But he saw the look of pleasure on his wife’s face and stayed put to enjoy the show.

Darko had Christine sit in the chair so he could eat his own seed out of her pussy while making her cum.

Debbie jackhammered into Olivia while screaming, “Take my cock, cumslut! Take it like the little whore you are!”

Olivia’s entire body seemed to convulse as she climaxed again. Debbie pulled out, made Liv suck the dildo clean, and then pushed her pussy into her mouth. “Eat me, cumslut. Make me cum!”

Christine, at Darko’s insistence, was stroking both his and Steve’s cocks back to life. When they were both standing at full attention again, Darko said, “Let’s stroke our cocks together until we cum on your wife’s sweet ass.”

Steve looked at Olivia for a moment before saying, “Fuck, yeah. Let’s cover the cumslut!”

Debbie was grinding her pussy on Liv’s face while Steve and Darko stood over her, masturbating to the sounds of Liv moaning while Christine tugged on the chains connecting the anal hook and the nipple clamps with one hand and rubbed Liv’s clit with the other. Eventually, Christine dropped the chains and rubbed her own clit.

Like something out of a movie, Olivia’s orgasm set off a chain reaction as Christine’s pussy sprayed everywhere, Steve and Darko covered Olivia’s ass with ropes of jizz, and Debbie flooded Liv’s mouth.

As Steve leaned down to kiss his wife’s cheek, she turned and kissed him with a mouth full of Debbie’s cum. Darko eagerly lapped up his and Steve’s seed from Olivia’s ass, and Debbie and Christine moved to the bed to enjoy some sixty-nine pleasure.

Olivia was released from her bonds, and the group enjoyed a soak in the hot tub. Afterward, when they decided a meal was necessary to keep up their strength, Debbie put Olivia’s plate on the ground. “You will eat like the pet you are,” she said harshly. “Remember, you are not a person right now; you are a fucktoy for our pleasure, cumslut.”

Steve winced a little, wondering how Olivia would react. But she embraced her role thoroughly, and it made him oddly proud.

The next day brought a new group of ten men. Debbie suggested that she and Christine help keep the guys erect while waiting for their turn with the slut. Olivia was blindfolded again and had all three of her holes filled for the next several hours. A few times, she had two cocks in her pussy, and one in her ass as her throat was fucked raw.

Debbie was permitted to use the cane to give Olivia’s pussy five strokes. Everyone was surprised when Liv forgot she wasn’t allowed to speak and begged for five more. Darko and Steve became instantly hard and took turns fucking the cumslut’s tits, each reaching completion by cumming on her face.

Christine was directed to lick up the cum while Debbie used a vibrating wand on Liv’s clit to force a wave of orgasms as her juices sprayed everywhere.

The remainder of the weekend was filled with more gangbangs and impact play. After the last session, Darko scooped Olivia off the exam table, where she’d been poked and prodded by Debbie, and brought her to Steve. Placing her in Steve’s arms, he said, “Thank you for the most amazing weekend. I hope we can do it again sometime.”

When they got home, Steve took Olivia to the shower, where he cleaned her up and kissed her tenderly.

“Did you enjoy the weekend, baby? I worried that it was too much.”

Liv smiled weakly. “I have never felt so completely used and abused. It was an amazing experience. I don’t want to do this all the time. But I’m damn glad we did it. I ache everywhere, but the memories of how I came to feel like this are decadent.”

“I’m sure you want to rest for a bit, but when you’re ready…”

“I’m ready now. I need you to reclaim me. I need to feel like I belong to you. Otherwise, I don’t think this will seem as special.”

Steve looked into Olivia’s eyes. “You are the most amazing wife ever. Let me show you how much I love you.”

They spent the next hour making tender love and cuddling. While she seemed to enjoy, Steve suddenly wondered if he was enough after all Olivia had experienced with Darko and Debbie in charge over the weekend.

Sensing his mind was churning away, Liv rested her hand on his chest. “Thank you for reclaiming me as yours. That was the most amazing end to this weekend. It’s fun to let loose and enjoy some decadent debauchery. But at the end of the day, making love with the man who knows my body best is the most satisfying sex of all.”

Steve grinned. “So, you have a couple of weeks off from Hot Wife Hotel. Will you miss it?”

“Not as long as I have you in my bed,” Olivia said as she snuggled up close against her man.

“Mine,” Steve said, not realizing he’d spoken the word out loud.

“Always,” Liv answered as she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, sore, exhausted, and happy.

Written by techgoddess
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