This story begins with an older woman who is not at all unintentional in her actions. Beatrice, or Betty, as most people know her, seemed quite demure and not one for outlandish behavior. She was very much a homebody. At least, that's what everyone thought. Especially since her beloved Nathan passed away a few years ago.
No, Betty was a Nosey Nelly. She was constantly peering into other's homes with her overpowered telescope. You know, the one that Nathan used to look at the stars from the back deck. Betty spent all of her time moving the telescope from one room to another to keep tabs on her unsuspecting neighbors.
It was about this time that Betty was becoming rather bored with the neighborhood goings on, that is until some new folks moved in next door. The house next store was owned by a prominent local attorney and was a rental for many years. Generally, it was a great source of new viewing for her but recently had been vacant for several months.
The attorney approached her the other day and explained that his firm and a local insurance agent would be moving in temporarily. Their new offices were still under construction at the same time that their old offices were up for demolition. This news brought a smile to her face, even though it was highly unlikely that she'd be seeing any intermittent flesh. However, seeing new faces was enough to brighten her day for now.
About two weeks after the new folks arrived, I was getting bored. Even with the new faces coming and going, I needed something more. Taking the trash out the next afternoon, I happened to glance into the basement window where the insurance agent was located. A bright red header on the screen of the closest computer caught my eye, and upon further perusal, I noticed some sexy pics. After staring for just a little too long, I quickly moved back inside to avoid unwanted attention.
Once I was back in the house, I positioned my trusty telescope in the kitchen window, which overlooked the agent's basement window. From this position and with the power of the scope, I could actually read every word on his computer. Over the next few days, I noticed a pattern to his usage. During his lunch break and the last half-hour of the day, Jim, the agent, always browsed the sexy website Lushstories. Sometimes he would read stories, and other times he would view the excessive number of nude pics on the site.
We'd been in the new office for about two weeks when I noticed Betty staring into the basement window one afternoon. I didn't look directly at her but saw her reflection on my screen. She seemed to be fixated on the Lushstories web page as I perused the litany of nude pictures on the Gallery page. I pretended not to notice her and continued to flip the pages slowly. Eventually, Betty moved on, leaving me to my solo viewing. I assumed she'd contact the attorney and complain about my viewing habits as most hypocritical older people do, but I heard nothing.
It was about three days later, on a very sunny day, that I noticed a reflective dot of light on the wall in front of my desk. I'm usually a pretty observant guy but hadn't seen it before. In need of a break and a good stretch, I stood up and tried to trace the light back to its source. Blocking it off, I determined the rough angle and realized it was coming through the window. There were a litany of things that could have caused it, including Betty's car or the wind chime that I heard from time to time.
It was as I stood at the window scanning the side of betty's house that I noticed something shiny in her kitchen window. I couldn't make out what it was from the basement and decided it was time to wander the property. I grabbed my jacket and headed outside. Once in the yard, I paused to enjoy the sunshine before moving in the direction of Betty's side yard. Pretending to check our trash cans, I stole intermittent glances into her kitchen window. I had to move around a little before the glare from the sun diminished enough for me to see the telescope positioned there and aimed at my office.
Grinning like the cat that ate the canary, I moved leisurely back inside and down to my desk. As the thought of her spying on me, probably since we'd moved in, permeated my curious mind, many dirty ideas sprang to life. I figured that since she was intruding on my privacy, I would give her something to look at. I hadn't written any new sexy stories for Lush since the move due to a general lack of time. But now I had the perfect storyline to work with. I began typing furiously about the neighborhood voyeur and the way I teased her.

I noticed that Jim had wandered the yard earlier today. I think he was just enjoying the sunlight since he was working in the basement these days. I did notice that he stopped by their trash cans, which are only about ten feet from my house, as I worked on something for dinner, but I don't think he stayed long enough to notice the telescope. Even if he did see it, what would he say or do? I could easily remove it if anyone came over to check. On a gut reaction, I drew the kitchen curtains closed for a while.
As I typed away at the computer, I glanced around the room while trying to remember a particular word I wanted to use. My eyes were flitting back and forth when I noticed that the spot on the wall had disappeared. Apparently, I had been discovered as I roamed the yard looking for the source. Although I was a little disappointed, I was entirely sure that she would not be able to resist ogling for long. She was, after all, a busybody and couldn't resist peering through my window, hoping to see more.
After attending to some pressing work for the afternoon, I again drifted back to my story. There were only about twenty minutes left in the workday, but I figured I could get in a few more paragraphs before leaving. As I clattered away on the keyboard, I noticed it again. The dot had moved, which made sense since it was later in the day, but it was the same one as before. Betty was back to her snooping ways, and I was about to give her something to eyeball.
I clicked on the Gallery tab once again and found a video of a woman standing in the woods, seemingly taking pictures of flowers and plants. She was wearing a very short skirt, and each time she bent over to take a picture, we all got an eyeful of the base of her plump ass cheeks. The video was shot as if the cameraman was watching his prey through the tangle of woods. I doubted if Betty would have been excited by the slow-moving subtlety of the video, but it wasn't for her.
I'd seen the video a day or two before and was amazed at how quickly it got me aroused. Playing the part of the voyeur as I did, watching it, brought me to full hardness in a matter of a minute or two. No, the video wasn't for Betty, but the result of it was. I freed my straining hard-on and displayed it partially for her viewing pleasure. At first, I only softly manipulated the crown as the first bits of semen appeared. But as the video's exposure progressed, so did my self-admiration.
My increasing enjoyment brought about an interesting twist. The reflective light on the wall began to move as well. The increasing shakiness of the dot brought about the realization that Betty, too, was engaged in a bit of self-love. With this knowledge, I slowed my ascent to see how it would affect Betty's. My little experiment did nothing to slow the shaking of the spastic dot, and before long, it was wildly out of control. Realizing that my acceleration to climax had nothing to do with hers, I got back to it as the girl on the video began fingering herself intensely.
Nearing my peak, I turned my chair further into Betty's line of sight before exploding with several large spurts of cum that splattered to the tile floor. Lying back in my chair to enjoy the post-orgasmic bliss that swept across my tired mind, I'd left my cock pulsing into the cool air. Slowly turning my head, I saw the dot had stopped its movement as well. Turning back to the window, I grinned a wicked little grin before turning back to my desk and closing the Lush webpage, and tucking myself back into my pants.
During a quick clean-up of the affected tiles, I imagined what else might come of this provocative new relationship that we'd developed.
To be continued...