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Jim was giving Debbie a hearty ass-fucking at this point. Each slap of his pelvis against her buttocks pushed her voracious mouth against my seemingly unquenchable pussy. Both of us had cum already and were each heading for another as I heard the tell-tale signs of Jim's oncoming peak.

"That's it, Jimmy-boy. Fill this sluts ass with your precious cum so I can taste it from her well-used pucker."

"Oh, you know it's coming, my sexy little whore. I can't wait to watch you suck and lick her clean," Jim offered enthusiastically.

"Ohhh, fuuuccckkk! I can feel your fat helmet swelling inside me now, and I'mmm... cummmiiinnnggg!" Debbie squalled as the veins across her face and neck pumped up momentarily before her body went limp.

Their climaxes were almost perfectly in sync as Jim's howls rapidly followed hers. Jim held her backside up until he finished ejaculating deep within her bowels. With his deed done, he slowly withdrew and let her pelvis lower gently onto the bed before rolling onto his side while panting vigorously.

With Jim out of the way, I moved onto the bed and in between Debbie's slightly parted thighs. With a little bit of work, I got them spread lewdly before taking my slowly dribbling reward from her gaping and inflamed pucker. I lapped and sucked for some time, knowing that there was nothing left, but unable to resist Debbie's taste.  


"Damn! That feels nice," I mumbled, waking from the aftermath of losing my anal virginity. Turning to look over my shoulder, I confirmed what I already suspected. Betty was teasingly lapping at my nether regions to claim Jim's load. There was some minor soreness, but it was a well-fucked feeling and a reminder of how fantastic it all felt.

"Was it that good for you too, Betty?"

"Mmm, yes! I loved every minute of it thanks to Jim's patient ways," Betty murmured while still face-first between my pulled-open cheeks.

"So, did Jim tell you the news?"

"No, I haven't had a chance. We just found out today," Jim interrupted.

"Is your new place finished?" Betty pouted as her tongue continued to tickle Debbie's star.

"Yes, but it doesn't mean that we won't come to visit. Plus, I have a surprise that I think you'll love," Jim cheerfully stated.

"What is it. What is it?" Betty questioned eagerly.

"You'll find out tomorrow. In the meantime, let's form a little oral circle and please each other for a while," Jim replied as his face moved toward Betty's crotch.

With all of our faces in another's groin, we lapped and sucked away the evening until it was time to go home.



For the past couple of days, I'd been discreetly talking to other singles in the neighborhood to recruit them into our little club. Several were interested, and I explained that this was to be kept strictly confidential. If they knew of anyone else that might be interested, they'd have to take it up with Betty and me directly.

There were three widows, Anne, Louise, and Joy, two divorced men, Walter and Steve, and one widower, Allan, who all seemed like a good fit for the club. These six were all in good enough health to have sexual relations and had plenty of free time for such a thing. Without telling Betty anything about it, I planned for all of them to meet at Betty's.

It was the day after our threesome with Debbie. As I walked out to grab some lunch, I popped over to say a quick hello to Betty. She came to the side door before I even had a chance to knock and pulled me inside rather energetically.

Wrapping her arms around my neck, she kissed me fervently before asking, "Do you have time for a quicky?"

"For you, Sexy, I always have time for that," I answered while lifting her onto the kitchen counter. Dropping to my knees, I spread her legs as Betty lifted her dress out of the way. Noticing a lack of undergarments, I teased, "Oh, you really are my little slut, aren't you?" before dipping my tongue into her willing puss.

As I slathered her slippery folds with my wagging tongue, Betty encouraged me with her coos of delight. Finding her stiffening button, I circled it repeatedly to her evident gratification. As her first cum filled my mouth with her tasty fluids, I began unbuttoning my pants. Slowly rising after the cleanup, I dropped my slacks and underwear to the ground before moving forward into her wonderfully warm and slick cunt.

While I started a slow penetration with my happy hard-on, my lips found Betty's. Kissing and pumping, Betty left my hands free to lower the top of her dress and palm her lovely breasts. I don't know if I would've called this a quicky, but it certainly became a whole lot of fun very quickly for both of us.  


Jim certainly took my suggestion for a quicky to heart as it seemed only seconds before first his face and then his cock were each buried deep in my wanton pussy. After my first orgasm, things seemed to accelerate even faster with our lips and tongue locked while his hands found and palmed my naked breasts. We were in a perfect rhythm, and I was closing in on another orgasm.

Just as I felt my vaginal muscles clamp down on his hard-on, I blurted out, "So, what's the surprise!"

I guess that our energy and my restricted cunt got the better of Jim, and before he could answer, he, too, was cumming and pumping his load deep within my tunnel.  

After a minute or two of deep breathing with several kisses in between, Jim finally pulled back and stumbled onto a kitchen chair. Eyeing his cum-coated prick, I slipped off the counter and knelt before him for a taste. It wasn't my first time lapping away at our combined fluids, but it always tasted very good to me.

 Still, in my kneeling position, with his cock clean as a whistle, I again asked, "So, what's my surprise?"

"If I told you, then it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it, my eager slut?" Jim responded.

"Will it be today?" I countered.

"Yes, it will be this afternoon, and all you have to do is stay home and be ready for a whole bunch of fun."

"Like this kind of fun," I taunted as my tongue slathered his smooth sack as I sucked it into my mouth.

"Mmmm, yes, like that," Jim moaned as his semi started to grow.

"If I get it hard, do you have time to fuck your heated slut some more?"

"You know that I could fuck you all day and night, and I love that you want it so much..." he started.

Interrupting Jim, I said, "Buttt!"

"Actually, all I was going to say was that you may want to get a little rest now because the night is going to be much more than you've ever had before," Jim added as I continued to lap at his stiff prick.

"Oh Yeah! What have you got planned, my slut master?"

"That will have to stay a surprise, but let's just say that you should be ready for anything. And yes, I'll be there and participating. So go take a nice warm bath and get a little nap. I'll be back at about five-thirty for the festivities."

"What shall I wear for this little soiree?"

"Throw me a curveball!" Jim suggested while getting dressed and heading for the door.


I told everyone to wait at their homes until I texted them. That way, Betty wouldn't know who was coming until they were basically at her door. The plan was for all of us to please her at the same time right off the bat. Once she was totally overwhelmed then, we'd all back off and take turns with her and each other. I envisioned the living room floor as a pile of naked flesh, all searching for someone to taste, feel, or fuck.

None of the folks that I'd recruited over the last few days seemed to have any qualms about what we were doing. In fact, they all offered their own suggestions for future meetings. All of them found Betty attractive and loved the idea of sharing themselves with her on a sexual level. The only thing stopping them in the past was that she seemed a bit uptight. An idea which I promptly countered upon explaining our recent exploits.

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After grabbing some food and returning to the office, I noticed several texts in our group chat where everyone seemed to be more than ready for the evening to commence. After assuring them that things were definitely a go, I got back to work.


Soaking in a warm bath at Jim's suggestion, I pondered what he had planned for the evening. I assumed that there would be others involved in our party, but wondered whether it would be all guys or maybe all girls. As I knocked the stubble off of my nether regions, my mind imagined all sorts of different scenarios. Just a few weeks ago, all of this would have been entirely foreign to me, but now as Jim's slut I actually longed for him to share me with others, especially Debbie.

It was amazing having a women's touch and tongue for the first time. Now I was hoping there would be at least one of each so I could feel a hard dick in my ass while being eaten by a woman. As my imagination took over, so did my fingers. Touching lightly at first, I could envision Debbie lightly flicking my labia while Jim was underneath me with his stiff prick buried in my keyster.

With two fingers pumping my ass happily, I heard the splashes of water escaping the tub. It wasn't until I climaxed that I even realized what I'd done. Settling down, I finished my shaving touch-ups before exiting the tub and mopping up my mess.

And what did he mean by a curveball when it came to my attire? With the floor all dried off, I headed to my bedroom and scrutinized my wardrobe, hoping that something would jump out and grab me. With no luck in that department, I slid under the covers naked and dozed off into a blissful slumber.



It was five-fifteen when I finally got off the phone and closed the office for the evening. While walking next door, I sent a text to everyone that I was at Betty's and that they should all come to the front door. Entering the side door, I didn't see Betty anywhere. Hoping she was still asleep, I tiptoed through the living room toward her bedroom. Passing the bathroom, I confirmed that she wasn't in there primping.  

Upon reaching her bedroom, I saw that she was indeed still in a quiet nap. Thinking that it would be so much fun to have everyone wake her while fondling her nudity, I did a silent U-turn and moved to the front door. My timing was perfect as everyone was walking up the steps as I quietly opened the door. I shushed the gang while inviting them inside with a swipe of my arm.

"She's fast asleep in bed, so I thought we'd surprise her with a little naked caressing. What do you think?" I questioned softly.

Immediately Allan began to undress, assuming that we should all be nude too. I silently agreed and began to strip just before the others started.

While unbuttoning her blouse to expose her bra-free smallish breasts, Anne asked, "Is there anywhere in particular that you would like us to start?"

"No, I didn't have any actual plan but rather assumed that we'd all explore and share her," I responded.

"Mmmm, we love to explore!" Louise and Joy declared in stereo.

All of my recruits seemed to be much more prepared than me, as none of them wore undergarments. They also donned loose-fitting and easily removable clothing, including their slip-on shoes. With everyone in their birthday suits, we moved discreetly to the bedroom.

Stopping at the doorway, I whispered to Walter, "I'll take the far side, and you take the near, and we'll pull the sheets down as delicately as possible. I'd really like her to wake from our hands and mouths on her body."

Everyone shook their head in agreement as Walter and I moved to our positions. Pulling down the sheets gingerly, we were all happy to see that Betty was naked herself. After giving them the go-ahead, we all descended upon her to touch and taste. Joy was in the perfect spot to lean forward and claim Betty's open pussy. As all of us took a piece of her and let our tongues and hands explore.

Wanting Betty to be calm when she awoke, I moved my face to hers and kissed her tenderly as my hand stroked her hair. Her eyes opened gradually as her lips responded to mine, and her tongue came out to play.

"I don't know what you're doing to me, Jim, but it feels amazing. How many tongues and hands do you have, anyway?" Betty mumbled as soft moans escaped her lips.

"Surprise," I quietly said before turning my head to see the others at work.

Steve and Walter were each sucking on a breast while maneuvering Betty's hands to their growing cocks.

Anne was sucking on Betty's toes from her left foot while Louise did the same with her right. With no more Betty to share, Allan was taking advantage of Joy's position between Betty's thighs as he was sluggishly pumping her open puss.

After my quick assessment, I turned back to Betty and suggested, "Would you like to see your new suitors?"

"Ohhh, yesss," she slurred as I lifted her head enough for her to peruse the room. Pulling my face back to hers, Betty began to tremble from a body-quaking orgasm.

"That's the only way to wake up," Betty panted in her post-coital bliss. 

"Okay, everyone, let's switch it up a little. Betty, turn on your side facing me. Steve, you move in behind her and fill that tight little rectum. Once he's in position, then you roll back on top of him, Betty. Walter, you take that needy little puss. Louise, you sit on Betty's face while Joy and Anne each suck a tit. Finally, Allan and I will each take a foot and use it as we please," I ordered like a sexual Sergeant.

As everyone went about pleasing Betty, our positions changed with each of her climaxes and many of our own. She tasted each of the women and felt all the men's hard-ons in one hole or another. Betty was insatiable as we all had our way with her and eventually each other. It was surprising that the cops never showed up at the house, given the level of screams and cursing that rang out over the next few hours.

I know that I was in each of the women's vaginas at least once and enjoyed them all for their own particular benefits. We made Betty air-tight more than once as she insisted on having every cock and cunt in her mouth repeatedly. We would take breaks in shifts to get a drink or eat a quick snack to re-energize. The finale of the evening came as it neared midnight. With everyone on their knees surrounding Betty, we all began to wack-off with the idea of cumming all over her exposed skin.

It was something to watch as seven men and women flagrantly masturbated over Betty as she did the same. As we each came in our own time, we made sure to rub our leavings across some part of her. Everyone slowly excused themselves as they finished with promises of upcoming meets.  

When it was only me and Betty left, she insisted on thanking me for the fantastic evening with a lingering blowjob and anal fingering. She kept me on edge for a good long time before finally egging on my release into her very pleased mouth.

Lying on top of me, Betty slipped my waning hard-on into her puss while hugging and kissing me.

"I know that you're moving your office and that you set this all up to allow me to keep up my slutty ways, but I hope this isn't the end for us," Betty murmured sexily.

"Absolutely not, my little slut. I'll be by without warning to check and make sure that you're getting well fucked on a regular basis. Why do you think I recruited so many to please you?" I asked.

"Because you know that it takes a lot to satisfy me, and you want to make sure that I'm pleased often?" she responded in question.

"Yes, exactly, my little slut. Since I started you down this path, it's my duty to keep you in all the cock and pussy that you can eat or fuck."

"With that all worked out, can I ask you another question?"

"Of course!"

"Will you stay the night and use me some more?"

Written by stockingluvr
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