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Of Course I'll Marry You! But... Chapter 4 - Finding Common Ground

"Our lusty trio finds out that three is not always a crowd."

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Author's Notes

"If you are just coming into this story, I invite you to read the previous chapters. <p> [ADVERT] </p>As always, likes and comments are appreciated, Enjoy!"

Their reunion was wild and unbridled and passionate and within minutes Rebecca had broken her promise to keep her clothes on, as she knew she would when she made it.

“I have missed you!” Mandy said as she licked her fingers clean of her girlfriend’s cum.

“Not as much as I’ve missed you!” replied Rebecca. They kissed softly and then hugged for a while. Mandy broke the silence and asked the question they both knew had to be answered.

“So, when are you going to tell him that you want to keep your piece on the side?” she asked.

“You are not my piece on the side!” laughed Rebecca. She considered it for a moment, “Well, maybe you are.” They kissed again, “I don’t know Mandy, really I don’t. Is it so wrong to want your cake and eat it too?”

“That’s the big question now, isn’t it?” Mandy sat up and crossed her legs, “Here’s the thing, I love you and I think you love me. I don’t think you love me the same way you love Kyle but you love me nonetheless.” Another soft kiss, “But I don’t want to spend my life with you. I’m not at that point in my life. I’ve just discovered how much fun real freedom can be and I’m not ready to give that up just yet. Please say you understand!”

“I understand,” said Rebecca, “at least I think I do.” She thought for a moment and then heave a great sigh. “So, this is it for us then?”

“That depends on you guys,” Mandy replied. “Look, I’m happy to keep seeing you either with his knowledge or behind his back, it doesn’t matter to me.” She kissed her girlfriend another time, “So it’s up to you guys if you’re cool with that or not. You gotta talk to him, soon.”

Rebecca sighed again, “There’s only one way to find out.” She searched Mandy’s bedroom and retrieved her phone from where it had gotten swept under the bed. She sent Kyle a text, “Baby, is it ok if Mandy comes over? I think we need to sort this out sooner rather than later.”

His reply was almost immediate, “I think you’re right. What are you thinking rn?”

We’ll be there in an hour,” she replied. Again an immediate reply.

Is it going to take you that long to find all your clothes and get cleaned up before you come here?” he asked.

Something like that!”

“KNEW IT!” he answered.

They bumped into each other as they collected their clothes that had been strewn all over the bedroom in their eagerness to get at one another. Rebecca started to get dressed but Mandy took her hand and led her toward the washroom. They didn’t say anything as Mandy turned on the shower and then stepped in, pulling her girlfriend behind her. Over the next fifteen minutes they fondled, kissed, poked, rubbed, flicked, and sucked on various body parts as they brought each other to a pair of moaning, screaming, begging-for-mercy orgasms.

“Do you think he’ll agree?” asked Mandy as they towelled themselves off.

Rebecca smiled at her lover, “It might take some persuading, would you be okay with that?”

“What sort of persuading?”

“He might ask to watch us,” Rebecca said softly.

“If it means I get to suck on your pussy, I have no problem with that!” Mandy purred. “I’ll even fuck him if that’s what it takes!” She giggled, “With your permission of course!”

“If that’s what it takes!” echoed Rebecca. “Just don’t fall in love with him.”

“No fear of that,” replied Mandy, “I like eating pussy too much to fall in love over a cock!”

“It’s a pretty nice cock,” mused Rebecca.

“We’ll see.” Mandy smiled and held her lover tightly, their hair still dripping wet. “Seriously, if he’s happy to share you with me, I’ll take it. It’s not as good as having you all to myself but it’s way better than not having you at all.”

“Oh, baby, I was hoping you’d see it that way!” They kissed again but Rebecca came to her senses. “Let’s save that, I have a feeling we’ll be doing that and a lot more in a little while!”

“That’s my favourite thing about girls,” Mandy giggled. “With men, you have to wait like a half-hour before they’re ready to go again.”

Rebecca finished her lover’s thought, “But girls are always ready!” They laughed and started dressing. A few minutes later they were ready to leave. “The next few hours are going to change my life,” she thought out loud. Mandy squeezed her hand, “Mine too.” One last kiss and they were out the door.

The ride to Rebecca’s place was passed mostly in silence as the girls held hands while Rebecca drove. Their fingers remained intertwined as they walked up the walkway and Rebecca noticed her neighbour staring. “Oh, fuck," she whispered to Mandy, suppressing a laugh, “I’ve never brought a girl here, we always fuck at your place!”

Mandy laughed as well, “You’re right!” She stopped and turned Rebecca toward her, “Let’s give the old guy a show!” She pulled Rebecca’s face toward her and kissed her deeply; their tongues could easily be seen lashing forward into each other’s mouths. When they stopped, they turned their heads to look at him and gave him a wiggly-fingered wave. He waved back weakly and shuffled toward his house, no doubt telling his wife what he had just seen so they could share their scandal together.

They walked up the step and through the door, “Kyle, we’re here!” Rebecca called out. Hearing no answer, she looked around, finally finding him sitting on the back step with a beer in hand. She bent down to kiss him, “Hi baby!”

“Hi,” he replied, returning her kiss but with considerably less gusto than she had delivered it. He stood up and followed her into the house.

“Kyle, this is my friend, Mandy,” she said as she introduced them. “Mandy, this is Kyle.”

“Your girlfriend, Mandy,” corrected Kyle.

“Your fiancé, Kyle,” said Mandy as she picked up the thread.

“Yes, to both,” breathed Rebecca. This was not starting well. They spoke the requisite, ‘nice to meet yous’ before she guided Kyle to the couch and Mandy to the armchair opposite and went to fetch drinks, another beer for him and wine coolers for herself and Mandy. Sitting on the couch beside him, she took a deep breath, “No point in beating around the bush. Let’s talk.”

“Bush?” said Mandy, “What bush would that be, you don’t have a bush, as Kyle well knows, and I certainly don’t.” Rebecca squirmed uncomfortably but Kyle just smiled enigmatically. “He’s up to something,” thought Rebecca as she watched him.

“Interesting, but hardly germane to the conversation,” said Kyle, “Well, maybe a bit germane.” His smile grew broader. “Mandy, if I may, as you know, I have asked your girlfriend here to be my wife and she has said yes. She’s admitted her relationship with you and wants it to continue as well. Thoughts?”

“Well, Kyle, I guess the big question is, are you happy to share her with me?” Mandy said, getting straight to the point.

“I wasn’t at first, but now that I’ve thought about it, I think it depends,” he replied, “Are you going to try to take her away from me?”

“No,” said Mandy plainly. “Okay let’s stop fucking around here.” She leaned forward. “We both want her in our lives, we both want her to be happy. So, I ask you, is it fair to make her choose between us?”

“You are direct, I’ll give you that,” he said. “We have talked about it and I’ve thought about almost nothing else for the past couple of days.” He took a deep breath, “No, it’s not fair to make her choose. So, yes, I think we can make this work, with a couple of conditions.”

“Here it comes!” said Mandy, “You want to watch us do it, don’t you?”

“That’s not one of the conditions,” he said. “But now that you mention it, yes, I would love to watch you girls ‘do it’ as you so eloquently put it.” He took a draw from his beer bottle, “I have two conditions. One, it’s all out in the open, no sneaking around, and two, I always get her first.”

“Shouldn’t that be my choice?” asked Rebecca. “Surely I have a say in this.”

Mandy interrupted her, “So I wouldn’t have to fuck you?” Kyle shook his head.  “We wouldn’t have you staring at us while you beat your meat?” He shook his head again. “You’re just going to let her have a girlfriend, a piece on the side?”

“If that’s what she wants, yes.”

“Agreed,” said Mandy.

Rebecca was in shock; she had thought it would take all night to figure this out. “That’s it? No tit for tat? No quid pro quo?”

“Nope,” said Kyle. He took her hand and leaned forward to kiss her. “If that’s what you want, I’m happy to give it to you.” She smiled broadly and kissed him.

“Thank you, baby, I love you!” she whispered. “I really thought you would hold out on the whole threesome thing.”

“You should have held out,” said Mandy, “I would have fucked you into next week if I had to.” They all laughed and then Rebecca held her hand out to her girlfriend.

“I have a condition too,” she said quietly, “Two actually. One is that none of us goes with anyone else without us talking about it first.”

“Hang on,” objected Mandy. “You mean I can’t see other people?”

“Diseases, Mandy, think about it!” said Rebecca sternly.

“Bit late to be thinking about that now,” Mandy mumbled under her breath. “Ok, what’s your other condition?”

Rebecca leaned over and kissed her, “Since you said you’d fuck him anyway, how about we have that threesome?” She pulled Mandy over and started trading kisses between herself, Kyle and Mandy. Then she moved her head out of the way and urged her fiancé’s face toward her girlfriend’s, “Annnnd, kiss!” She whispered.

The two looked at each other for a moment, then Mandy said, “What the fuck!” and she kissed Kyle’s lips, driving her tongue forward. It lasted almost a minute before they broke to come up for air. “Your boyfriend is a pretty good kisser, for a guy!” she said.

“My fiancé is a very good kisser!” said Rebecca, “And those aren’t the only lips he’s good at kissing!” She ran her hand down to Mandy’s groin.

"And what about you Kyle, do you think Mandy’s a good kisser?”

“Very good!” he replied. “Not as good as you but she’s very good!”

“I should be offended by that,” Mandy said. She kissed Kyle again, “But he’s right!” They all traded more kisses between the three of them and then Rebecca took both their hands and led them up the staircase to her bedroom. When she got there, she was very surprised to see the bed had been changed and made up and her clothes had been washed and were folded on top of the bed.

“Wow, sweetie, you didn’t have to do that!” she gushed.

“I didn’t do it because I had to,” he replied. He got a nice long kiss as his reward.

“Oh, hang on to this one!” said Mandy. “He does laundry and if he’s as good in bed as you say he is, he’s a keeper!” They all giggled for a moment and then just looked at each other. “So, how’s this going to work?” she said.

“Geez, I don’t know,” said Kyle, “maybe you girls could start and I’ll join in?”

Mandy shook her head, “No, you two lovers start, I’ll watch for a bit and then figure out a place where I fit in.”

“Okay,” whispered Rebecca. As she and her fiancé started making out, Mandy retreated to sit on a small wooden chair beside the dressing table. Instead of looking directly at them, she watched them in the mirror. As their clothes came off, her hand went to her pussy and she started rubbing her clit with her fingers. Then she took out her phone and propped it up so the camera caught their reflection as well as just enough of her body so that a viewer could tell that she was masturbating as she watched.

Things progressed more quickly than she thought they might, Rebecca had told her that Kyle was a patient and gentle lover but there wasn’t much patience or gentleness on display at the moment. They moved quickly from pulling off each other’s clothes to her sucking his cock to him eating her pussy to them getting arranged in a hot sixty-nine. “He does have a nice cock,” she thought to herself.

Mandy could feel her wetness starting to run down her ass cheek as she frigged herself. Then Rebecca climbed off him and laid on her back, “Fuck me Kyle, come on baby, put that cock in me!” she whispered. He obliged, pulling her hips toward him so he could penetrate her. He was on his knees upright as he slid himself in to the hilt. Her breasts jiggled in time with his thrusting and her breathing rate increased dramatically.

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“In case you were wondering,” Rebecca panted between breaths, “now would be a very good time to join us!” She paused and bit her lower lip before continuing, “Sit on my face, baby!” That was the last she saw of anything as Mandy’s thighs came down on either side of her head and her pussy was lowered onto her waiting mouth.

She grasped Mandy’s thighs and pulled her down tighter as she licked and suckled on her engorged clit. She couldn’t hear because Mandy’s thighs were pretty snug against her ears from the change in the movement of both her lovers, she was pretty sure they started kissing.

Indeed they had, their chins bumped together and their teeth occasionally clicked as their lips and tongues mashed together. “Fuck her good, man!” she urged Kyle on, “That’s what she wants, her pussy full of hard cock!”

They stopped kissing and Mandy leaned forward as far as she could. He felt Mandy’s hand slide down between them and her fingernails brushed his shaft as she started rubbing his fiancée’s clit. Then he felt her finger slip in beside him, her fingertip twisting upward to tease her magic spot. Rebecca moaned and twisted beneath them and that did it for him.

“AGH FUCK!” he bellowed as he pushed himself into her. He held himself forward for a moment until the most intense of the feeling passed and then he pulled back and drove forward again. With each push, he grunted until the feeling built once more and his cock was so sensitive that he couldn’t move. His entire core seemed to explode out of him and as he felt the warmth of his cum around himself, she peaked over the crest and added her warmth to his.

He tried resuming his stroking but Mandy pushed him away, “MOVE!” she commanded, “Let me at that cunt!” She dove forward and lashed at the engorged and reddened pussy lips below her, clamping her lips over the opening and sucking as much cum out of her lover’s cunt as she could manage. The change of position rotated her pussy just enough and with a hard suck on her clit, Rebecca made her cum as well.

Kyle just sat back and watched the woman he loved more than life itself have one orgasm after another at the manipulations of the fingers, lips and tongue of her girlfriend. They groaned and moaned loudly as they each teased the other, coaxing out another orgasm and another and another. The moans grew quieter as they eased each other back from the edge of that orgasmic cliff, eventually disengaging just enough to turn their bodies and wrap themselves in a lover’s embrace.

He watched them hold each other then to his surprise, it was Mandy that invited him over to join them. Their bodies shifted so they could all intertwine their arms and legs and trade kisses and post-coital whispers.

“God DAMN, that was hot!” he said.

“Do you get it now?” asked Rebecca.

“Get what?” he asked.

“Get why more women are bisexual than men?”

“Is that true?” he asked.

“I think it is,” said Mandy. “I know lots of women who are bi, I only know one guy who is. Or will admit he is.”

“I’m going to look that up,” he said.

As he started to disengage himself, Rebecca pulled him back in, “Not yet," she whispered. He just smiled and pulled himself back into the pile.

About a half-hour later, the three lovers started to disentangle themselves, mostly because the two women complained they had to go pee. Kyle rolled out of bed, pulled on his shorts and t-shirt and wandered out into the kitchen and got more drinks for them all, their exertions having purged any effect from the alcohol from their systems. He found his phone and looked up the prevalence of bi-sexuality among men and women and found that women indeed had a higher instance than men but by only a fraction of a percentage. Then he heard giggling from the upstairs bathroom.

He leaned against the doorway and watched as they smooched and cuddled, they had no idea he was there until he laughed. “Is this what all of your sneaky naughty weekends together are like?”

His fiancée smiled, “Pretty much,” she said, “Let’s just say the only laundry we generate is bedclothes!” They both laughed and continued canoodling.

“Can’t say as I blame you,” he said. “If had to spend all weekend with such a beautiful woman, I might spend it naked too!”

“We have spent quite a few weekends together,” objected Rebecca, “I don’t remember any like that!”

“Oh,” he teased, “you thought I was talking about you!” Rebecca gasped and glared at him as Mandy smiled and tickled her girlfriend. Then her look softened.

“You’re right,” she said, “she is very beautiful.” Mandy motioned him over and wrapped an arm around him.

“You’re just trying to butter me up so I’ll fuck you!” she leered.

“Just stating a fact,” he replied. Mandy released her girlfriend and wrapped both arms around him.

“How about you and I go back into that bed and I show your fiancée how to properly fuck her man?” She mashed her mouth against his and ran her hands between them to stroke his cock which was slowly reawakening.

“I thought you are gay?” he croaked.

“I am,” she replied, “but I wasn’t always!”

“Oh, okay!” They fumbled and stumbled their way back to the bed, Kyle fell backwards and Mandy fell on top of him. They pawed at each other and traded sloppy kisses, then Mandy stopped him.

“Rebecca says you’re a pretty good pussy eater, prove it!” She shimmied up his body and placed one knee on either side of his head. Leaning forward, she reached down and grabbed his hair, pulling him upward. When she felt his mouth make contact with her, she settled back down and started gyrating her hips. “Mmmmmmm, you’re right, baby, he is goooooodddd!” She ground herself into him, rocking her hips back and forth until he grabbed her waist and, with a strength that surprised her, flipped her onto her back.

“We tried it your way,” he growled, “now we’re gonna do this my way!” He dove between her legs and wrapped his arms underneath her thighs and ass in a vice grip. In a moment, her hips were bucking as he lashed her clit with his tongue. He released one arm and moved his hand to her pussy and drove two fingers into her.

“Oh fuck, baby, does he… do this to you… every night?” Mandy panted.

“Pretty much,” she replied. “Told you he was good!”

“Fuck me!” Mandy cried out, “You better marry this guy or I just might!! OH FUCK! HERE COMES!” Mandy’s hands flew down to Kyle’s head and she held him against her as hard as he could as her pussy spasmed and leaked. Kyle could hardly breathe so he twisted his way free and latched back onto her, taking a deep breath for what he knew was coming. He curled his fingers up and flicked them as he sucked on her engorged bud. Screams filled the room once more as his magical fingers and tongue pushed her over the apex.

She announced her orgasm with a full-throated roar, “GOD DAMMIT KYLE! YES! DON’T! EVER! STOP!” Her head thrashed back and forth as she succumbed to the pure pleasure of it. Kyle twisted free again and took another deep breath before starting to move back down for more. Mandy stopped him, “No! Please! Enough! Oh God I can’t!” she begged him. He moved up and laid on top of her and accepted her gratitude with smothering kisses.

As she calmed somewhat he whispered in her ear, “I thought we were gonna fuck!”

“Yeah, Mandy, I thought you were going to show me how to properly fuck my man!” teased Rebecca.

“Just give me a minute…” she panted, trying to catch her breath.

Rebecca moved so her lips were close to Mandy’s ear, “I don’t think so!” she breathed. Then she turned her head and kissed Kyle, “Come on Kyle, fuck her like you fuck me every night! Pound that hard cock into her sweet pussy! Give it to her, baby!” She reached down and grasped his shaft. Directing it toward the soaking wet and still leaking pussy beneath it.

Kyle shook his head, “Let her rest for a minute.” He wrapped his arms around her and cradled her as she slowly descended from that peak of ecstasy. After a few moments, she nodded her head.

“Now,” she whispered. He slowly pushed forward and eased himself into her and watched as her eyes rolled up in her head and a soft sigh escaped her lips. “Mmmmmmm mmmm…” she purred. As he started moving out and in, little noises came from inside her body over which she had no control. “Oh, that feels so nice! I love your boyfriend’s cock baby!”

“Fiancé,” Rebecca corrected her. Then she had an idea. “Kyle, baby, roll her over so she can eat me while you fuck her from behind!” Kyle, like a good prospective husband, did as he was told and withdrew from her, grasped her hips and urged her to roll onto her tummy. Then he pulled up on her hips and her knees came unbidden underneath her. Her ass now sticking well up into the air and he moved behind her into position. While he was doing all that, Rebecca got onto the bed and shimmied herself down so her pussy was just above Mandy’s head. She locked eyes with Kyle and mouthed “I love you,” and nodded her head. Grasping Mandy’s sweat-soaked hair and gently pulling her forward, she guided her lover’s lips to the promised land.

Just as Mandy’s lips made contact with Rebecca’s clit, Kyle’s cock slipped back into her from behind. Rebecca squirmed as Mandy’s muffled “mmmmmmmmmmmmmm” made her clit vibrate. “Do that again!” she commanded and Mandy obliged, giving her a long low hum as she felt seven inches of hard cock in her pussy for the first time in three years. Oh, sure, she had toys but this was different, unlike the inanimate firmness of her favourite dildo, the thing inside her now was hot, it had a pulse, a life of its own.

For the next ten minutes or so, all that could be heard were unintelligible grunts, groans, sighs and moans as the three of them worked hard to bring their partners to orgasm. Kyle got there first, groaning loudly as he pushed himself forward and dumped his load. His orgasm elicited more moans from Mandy which got instantly transmitted to Rebecca’s clit, pushing her over the edge.

Mandy, who had only a few short minutes ago experienced her soul being torn from inside her by that most exquisite rush, took a little longer to get to nirvana. After Kyle’s orgasm faded, he was able to retain enough firmness to keep stroking and soon, she felt that feeling of tipping over the edge and falling into that sweet abyss. Once more, clear, slick fluid jetted from her as she soaked Kyle, herself and the bedsheets as she came.

The three of them flopped beside each other, all completely spent. As they caught their collective breath, Mandy’s fingers unconsciously interlaced themselves with Rebecca’s with one hand and Kyle’s with the other. It took a while but eventually, she was able to speak.

“If the good Lord made anything better than that,” she declared, “He kept it for Himself!” Rebecca giggled but Kyle was too spent to even laugh.

“Told you he was good,” Rebecca said. Mandy just squeezed her hand and nodded.

“I get it,” she said, “if I found something that good, I’d never want to let it go either.”

“I’ll remember you said that,” said Rebecca.

It took another ten minutes or so before any of them even thought of getting up. Rebecca nudged Mandy, “We need a shower,” she suggested but Mandy just shook her head.

“Sleep,” she mumbled. Kyle leaned over and whispered to Rebecca.

“You go run her a bath and let me know when it’s ready,” he said. She nodded and padded off to the bathroom. Kyle watched as she walked away, her inner thighs wet with fluid. He could see the corner of the tub and when she bent over to start the bath, he enjoyed the sight of her perfect, puffy, well-serviced pussy sticking out between her thighs. While the tub was filling, he stroked Mandy’s hair and along her cheek.

“Mmmmmm, I like that,” she murmured. A few minutes later, Rebecca called to say the bath was ready. Kyle got up and picked all 110 pounds of Mandy up, one arm under her shoulders and the other under her knees. As he carried her to the tub, he kissed her softly and she responded in kind. “You are a very special man, Kyle, “she whispered as he lowered her into the tub.

“Yes, Kyle,” Rebecca whispered, “you are a special man. And you’re all mine!” She kissed him, “But I won’t mind sharing you from time to time.” She kissed him again and shooed him away to change the bedclothes for the second time that day while his fiancée bathed her girlfriend. Once she was all clean, they both dried her off gently and he picked her back up and carried her to the now-clean bed. They both kissed her good night and then went to take a shower.

After their shower, they got dried off and climbed into bed on either side of Mandy. It took them only a minute or so to get comfortably settled. The last of the daylight was just fading in the window as they started falling into dreamland. Mandy sighed and snuggled her butt into Kyle’s crotch, “Mmmmmmm good night you guys.”

“Good night, Mandy,” whispered Rebecca, “I love you.”

“I love you too, baby,” she replied.

“I love you, Kyle,” murmured Rebecca.

“I love you, baby,” he replied. Then they heard Mandy say four words that neither of them ever thought they would hear.

“I love you, Kyle,” was the whisper, barely audible but all the more powerful for it. Rebecca peeked over Mandy’s still form and raised one eyebrow at Kyle. He returned the gesture and shrugged, then relaxed and fell asleep.

Written by CaressofSteel
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