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Of Course I'll Marry You! But... - Chapter 3 - Pushing the Envelope

"Kyle and Rebecca share a few fantasies - and act one out!"

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Author's Notes

"If you are just coming into this story, I invite you to read the previous chapters. If you like what you've read, favor me with a like, a favourite of a comment. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Enjoy!"

When they awoke, they shared a nice shower, each of them helping the other with a little hair removal before using their fingers to bring on a toe-curling orgasm each. Kyle had never had a woman shave him before and it was a highly arousing experience.

Over coffee and breakfast, they continued our conversations from the day before. Kyle decided to probe for a little more information about the toy he had surreptitiously seen in her nightstand the evening before. “I know you play with yourself,” he said, “it’s cool, doesn’t everybody?”

“I guess, yeah,” Rebecca answered.

“So who do you think about?” he asked. “Me or Mandy? Or is there someone else?”

“Sometimes you,” she conceded, “sometimes her, sometimes both of you.” She reached for my groin. “Sometimes about nobody, sometimes about someone I’ve seen on TV or the internet.”

“Do you watch porn to get your motor running?” he probed a little deeper.

“Sometimes I do, why?” she asked getting curious.

“Just curious,” he said.

“What about you?” she asked.

“Sometimes after we get together I recall what we did and I do it,” he conceded. “Sometimes I watch porn.”

“What kind of porn?” she asked.

“I’ll show you mine if you show me yours,” he said. She giggled and took his hand leading him back to her bedroom. “Ladies first!” Opening her laptop she logged in to her VPN service and then her favourite browser. She typed quickly and a  matrix of images came up. She turned the laptop toward him.

“There you go,” she said. He browsed through and saw there was a lot of variety on that particular site.

“Pretty hot stuff,” he said. “Pick one, show me what gets your motor running!” She took the laptop back and selected one with two men and two women. It started with the women kissing then progressed to each of them moving to one of the men. She turned up the volume.

               “How about we switch partners?” one of the men suggested.

               “Great idea,” said the blonde woman.

That was it for the dialogue for a few minutes as the men swapped places. He could see wedding rings on all their fingers so the video was obviously about wife-swapping. Someone off-screen was obviously directing because all four of them stood up at the same time and the two women pulled the men’s shorts down. Both men were cut, one was pretty well endowed but the other man’s cock was significantly longer than the other’s. As it came into view, Rebecca shifted and a little moan came from her lips.

He looked at her to see her fingers creeping down the front of her panties as the women both dropped to their knees and started giving the men blowjobs. By the time they were all on the bed, she had two fingers jammed inside her and was panting in time with her finger movements. Kyle stopped watching the video and watched his fiancée, as the larger man pulled out of his partner and splashed his cum on her face, she came, loudly. Then the same happened with the other couple. After both men were done, the camera zoomed in on the two women who started cleaning each other’s faces with their mouths. They finished with kisses between them and then shared kisses with both men. Then the one woman looked at her partner, “I love you baby but if I ever get the chance to fuck him again, I will!” The video stopped.

“Wow! So that turns you on does it?” he teased.

“Isn’t it obvious?” Rebecca answered. “Your turn!” He took the laptop and tapped the keys. A different website came up, one that he logged into. He tapped the favourites icon and a collection of images appeared. He selected one and turned to watch his fiancée’s face.

Her eyes opened wide when she saw a young woman with similar coloured hair and a similar physique to hers appear on the screen. She was taking a bath and a collection of toys could be seen on the edge of the bathtub. She selected a long thick dildo and slipped it under the water, it was obvious where it went because a moment later her head lolled back and her eyes closed. The water shifted rhythmically as the unseen phallus worked its magic on her. Kyle reached and turned up the volume.

A deep voice was heard, “Hey little white girl, how about the real thing?” The image switched to a tall black man, standing naked in the doorway. His cock was massive, at least ten or eleven inches, it hung almost to his knee. Rebecca gasped and looked at him.

“Why did you pick that one?” she asked. “Is that what you want, to see a woman fuck a big black cock?”

“Among other things but, yeah,” he said. “You gotta admit, it’s pretty hot!”

“Is that what you’d like to see me do?” she asked.

“If that’s something you want, maybe,” he said, wanting to tell her what he’d seen in her nightstand but hoping she’d get there on her own. She looked at him for a moment.

“How did you know?” she asked.

“Know what?” he answered.

“Know about that weekend I told you about? I never told anyone, the only other person who knows is Mandy!”

“I don’t know anything other than what you told me,” he said. “But as long as we’re confessing, I should tell you, when you were in the washroom last night, the drawer on your nightstand was open and I saw this.” She blanched and he reached into the nightstand to remove it. It still had little crusts of her cum in a couple of the hollows. “There has got to be a story behind this!”

Rebecca’s hands went to her face, they had forgotten all about the video that was still running. “Please don’t make me tell you!” she pleaded.

“I’m not making you tell me anything!” he said. “I said it last night, the past is the past. If you want to tell me something I’ll listen but if you don’t want to tell me, you don’t have to.”

She breathed a sigh, “Thank you.” She hugged him tightly, “I don’t deserve you!”

“That’s my call, not yours,” he said squeezing her back.

“After a few minutes, she relaxed and looked at him, “You’re right, there is a story about that dildo, I’ll tell you someday, just not today.” She kissed him again and then took up the laptop, “Let’s see if I can find something for both of us!”

“Or we could make our own?” he suggested. She looked at him and laughed.

“Really, you’d do that?”

“Sure,” he said. “That way we wouldn’t have to watch other porn, we could watch our own!”

“We’ll see,” she said. Her hand went to his crotch. “So tell me, what skeletons are in your closet?”

“Nothing like yours” he laughed. “But there was this one time at a comic book convention when these two girls dressed like Betty and Veronica from the Archie comics insisted on doing everything together.” He smiled, “And I mean EVERYTHING!”

“Sounds like a fun night!” she said. “That’s it?”

“I guess, there was this one ex-girlfriend who wanted me to tie her up and hit her. We tried it but I couldn’t get into so we broke up.”

“You were okay with a little pain last night,” she said.

“A pinch or firm squeeze is one thing,” he said, “she wanted me to slap her across the face. I won’t do that.”

“I don’t want you to do that,” she said, “but we need to find out how far you will go.”

“We will sweetie, we will.” He pulled her to him and they started making out. Then she sat up and looked him in the face.

“Jerk off for me,” she suggested. He made a face. “I want to watch you masturbate. I did it for you, you do it for me. Fair’s fair”

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He shrugged his shoulders. She got off the bed and removed her panties and t-shirt and sat in a nearby chair. “Watch me,” she purred, “and show me how you pleasure yourself when I’m not around.” Her left hand cupped her breast and her right went between her legs. She kicked her left leg over the arm of the chair, opening herself up so he could see her opening.

He moved upward on the bed and rearranged the pillows before reaching into her nightstand drawer and taking the long black dildo out along with the lube he knew she must use when playing with it. He dribbled some onto is cock and rubbed it in before tossing both items toward her.

“I want to watch you fuck yourself with that toy,” he commanded. She picked it up and went to the washroom to give it a quick clean before returning to the chair. She lubed it up and rubbed some on her pussy.

“Let’s go,” she growled as she slipped the head of it inside herself. He watched in amazement as her pussy lips spread apart to accommodate the long thick toy. Her head rolled back as it slowly disappeared inside her and a soft moan escaped her lips. She drew it out a couple of times and then slid it back in until only about an inch or so protruded from her.

Her eyes came open as she slowly slid the toy out of her until the tip was just touching her opening, he started stroking as he watched her, his strokes timed with hers. After about a minute, she smiled at him, “This might take all day!”

“It might,” he answered, our eyes locked on each other. “But I’m not going faster until you do!” She just smiled and continued the languid pace she had set herself. Every so often he would steal a glance at the black phallus splitting his fiancée's pussy wide open. “Doesn’t that hurt?” He asked.

“A little a first,” she said, “but it hurts so good!” She drew it out slowly and slammed it home quickly, making herself wince. “A little discomfort doesn’t have to be a bad thing!”

“Fuck, baby, you’re never going to feel me after taking all that!”

“Don’t underestimate yourself,” she cooed. “I used this yesterday before you came over and believe me, I had no trouble feeling you last night!” His distraction had worked, she started pushing and pulling it faster. His hand speed increased to match hers. “Fuck baby, you look so hot!” and her speed increased again.

He was getting close, and from her breathing, he could tell she was too. “Don’t you waste that cum on the bed!” she warned, “I want that all over my body!”

“You better get over here!” he croaked. Holding the toy inside her with one hand, she awkwardly scrambled onto the bed, lying down beside him. He just as awkwardly moved so his cock was over her belly, “Here comes baby!” he groaned and his cum shot from him. The first couple of jets shot completely over her body, coming to rest on the bedspread beyond her and on the floor. He adjusted his aim and the next one hit her square in the face. He continued pumping and landed a shot on her left breast, the last of his seed depositing on her belly and collecting in her belly button.

“Oh FUCK!” she moaned as she pistoned the fake cock in and out of herself. “FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!” Her hand stopped moving and she held the toy inside herself, he leaned down to see how much she hadn’t taken, the answer was none. She held it into herself with two fingers on the end and he watched as her pussy lips began to close around its butt end. Then her hand moved and her tummy flexed and the toy began to appear again. A few inches came into view before she pushed it back into herself once more, her back arching and another loud moan that was almost a scream burst forth.

Her chest heaved as though she had just completed a marathon, gasping in great gulps of air and exhaling loudly as she tried to control her breathing. “Oh! My! God!” she managed between breaths. For his part, Kyle moved beside her and kissed her, their lips sliding in his cum. Together they cleaned her off as her breathing slowed and once she was cum free, he reached down, gently urged her hand aside and slowly withdrew the monster toy from her. He slid it back in a few times before removing it completely causing her eyes to roll up and her breath to catch. Once it was clear of her, he went down and gazed at her pussy; it was gaped open and leaking profusely. He put his mouth on her and as gently as he could, licked her clean.

“I love your cum,” he whispered between licks.

“I love my cum too,” she answered, scooping up to finger’s worth and bringing it to her mouth. “But I love yours more!”

“It is a good thing we’re going to get married,” he said. “Sexually, we seem to be very compatible.” He sucked in her clit and twirled it with his tongue.

“Mmmmmmm, yes we certainly are!” She pulled him up and they snuggled for a little while, trading soft words and softer kisses.

They shared another shower but this time all they did was clean each other. They got dressed and Rebecca said, “Do you mind if I call Mandy?”

“Sure, go ahead. I’ll make us a sandwich.” He went into the kitchen and left her in the living room. He heard snippets of the conversation but nothing substantive. He motioned to her that her sandwich was ready but she waved him away, she appeared to be very deep into a serious conversation. He sat at the table and tried not to eavesdrop.

               “I don’t know what that means for us.”

               “Yes, of course I do but…”

               “Maybe, I don’t know.”

               “Let me check.”

She appeared at the doorway between the two rooms. “Mandy wants me to come over, do you mind?” she asked.

“Just you, not me?” he asked.

“That’s what she said,” came her reply.

“You going to sleep with her?” he asked.

“I’m not planning on it,” she said.

“But you’re not ruling it out.”

She hung her head, “No, I’m not.”

“It’s not like I can stop you,” he said. “I love you and you love me but we don’t control each other.”

“But you’d rather I didn’t,” she said.

“We just got engaged, I’d kind of like to spend today with you but if you decide to go see her, I won’t object.” He could see she was wavering.  He got up and hugged her, “You know what, we have to cross this bridge eventually, let’s get it out of the way.”

“You sure?” she asked, her mood brightened significantly.

“Yes baby, go,” he replied with a smile. “I’ll wash the bedclothes and do your laundry. If we’re going to be a couple, I guess I should pull my weight.”

“Thank you, baby, this means a lot to me.” She hugged him and kissed him deeply. “I promise, I will keep my clothes on.”

“Your mouth just wrote a check your body can’t cash and you know it!” he said with a grin.

“No,” she objected. “I promise I will keep my clothes on!”

“Okay.” He hugged her again, “But if you break that promise you will tell me about it when you get home, right?”

“Of course,” she said, crossing her heart with her finger. “Every. Last. Detail.” Each word was separated by a kiss. As her tongue left his lips for the last time she whispered, “I promise!”

He laughed and watched as she bounced back to the phone in the other room. She heard her excitement as she told her lesbian lover she would be leaving in ten minutes. “She’s gonna fuck her,” he thought to himself. “At least I’ll have a horny story to listen to when she gets home!”

As he gathered the bedsheets and put them in the laundry, she gathered her things. “Thank you, baby, I will behave.” She kissed him, “And when I get home, I won’t! That’s another promise!”

“I’m going to hold you to it!” he said to her ass as it wiggled out the door.

Written by CaressofSteel
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