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Of Course I'll Marry you! But... Chapter 2 - Tough Questions, Tough Answers

"Kyle has more questions for Rebecca"

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Author's Notes

"If you are just coming into this story, I invite you to read the previous chapter. <p> [ADVERT] </p>If you like what you've read, smash the like button or leave a comment. Enjoy!"

When Rebecca awoke she checked her phone, nothing from Kyle but a message from Mandy, “r u ok?” it asked.

“I’m fine,” she responded. She trudged into the shower and got herself ready for the day, it was Monday and she had to get to work.

She wasn’t especially productive that day, her mind was elsewhere as she contemplated the consequences of what she had done. Maybe I just should have kept my mouth shut, she thought but she realized that’s not who she is. She loved Kyle, she was certain of it and she felt he need to know if they were going to spend their lives together.

During her lunch break, she texted Kyle to ask how he was doing, his reply was not immediate but it was encouraging. “We need 2 talk.”

“When? Where?” she texted back. Again, he didn’t reply right away and the waiting was hard on her. Eventually, her phone pinged, “7:30. Your place?” Her heart leapt at the thought she might not have driven him away. “Can’t wait!” she replied.

If the morning was not productive, the afternoon was even less so. She kept picking up her phone wanting to tell Mandy her news but she realized that Mandy would probably not be as excited as she was. No, better to focus 100% on Kyle and me right now, she thought and she set about planning their evening together.

At first, she was all, “I’ll get all cleaned up and put on my nice sexy underwear and make myself up pretty for him.” Then it was, “No, he’ll see right through that.” She settled on a simple outfit, a nice summer dress with her hair in a ponytail and a little makeup. Four o’clock finally struck and she was out the door quickly, her usual ten-minute walk only took just over five so light she felt on her feet.

She made sure there were drinks in the fridge, warmed some leftovers, and took a nice long bath. She loved a good long soak in a tub of hot water, it was the best way she knew to relax and forget about the rest of the world. She did clean up her nether region, you know, just in case she and Kyle made up. When she finished her bath, she got out and got dressed, a pale cream-coloured bra and matching thong and her pale yellow sundress, applying some of the scented powder he liked. She had to redo her makeup three times because when she looked at it, she thought shed overdone things.

She jumped when she heard him at her door, she fought the urge to run over and fling the door open, restraining herself to a calm walk and a pause before turning the handle. She took a deep breath and pulled the door toward her, there he was, nicely dressed in grey slacks a pale blue shirt, and a grey jacket. In his hand was a bouquet of flowers.

“Hi Sweetie!” she said excitedly.

“Hi ‘Becs,” he replied. He held out the flowers and she took them and stepped back but he didn’t move. She looked at him, her face a question and he said, “I’m waiting for you to invite me in.”

“Oh, but,” she stopped and thought for a second, appreciating the humility of the gesture, “won’t you please come in?”

He smiled and nodded, stepping into the front hallway of the house she was renting. It belonged to an older couple who were friends of her grandparents and they gave her a really good deal on the rent in return for her looking after their house for them.

“May I take your coat?” she asked the man she had seen naked too many times to count. He slipped it from his shoulders and handed it to her. Noticing she was barefoot, he also slipped off his shoes She took his coat and hung it in the closet then turned to him. “Would you like a drink?”

“Whatever you’re having,” he said. She thought, My goodness he’s being awfully polite tonight!

She led him to the couch on which they had made love while watching movies (‘Netflix and Chill’ I think they call it these days). And went to the kitchen to get two glasses of white wine, returning with the bottle. She sat beside him, handed him his glass, and reached for his free hand. She started to speak but he stopped her.

“Rebecca, listen. What’s past is past. I want us to look to the future, not back over our shoulders.” Her eyes welled, there was hope yet. “But I need to know, would you give up your girlfriend if I asked you to?”

She thought for a moment, “Would that be a condition if we were to get engaged?” she asked.

“That’s not an answer,” he said straightly. “If I asked you to give up seeing Mandy, would you?”

She thought again, “Yes, I would. I wouldn’t like it but if I had to choose between you, I’d stop seeing her. I’d want to be her friend but sex would be off the table.”

He took a deep breath and nodded. “Okay, what about other guys, would you be willing to never have sex with another man?”

This time there was no hesitation, “Yes, absolutely.” She hesitated then continued, “That was just one weekend…”

He stopped her again. “The past is the past,” he said. “It doesn’t matter anymore." He took a long drink of his wine and set the glass down. “Just one more question. If I asked you to give up Mandy, would you resent me for it?”

“Gosh, Kyle, that’s a hard one. How can I say how I’ll feel about that until it happens?” She looked at him closely, looking for a clue as to what he was thinking, and got nothing. “Truthfully? I don’t know. I can’t know, not unless it happens.”

Kyle smiled at her, “The truth is what I was hoping to hear.” He leaned forward and kissed her softly. It was all she could do not to wrap herself around him on the spot. Instead, she held his hand.

Their kiss broke and she stared at him, trying to convey with her eyes what she was feeling. “Isn’t there one more question you want to ask?” she asked him with a waver in her voice.

“There are several questions but I guess the one you are hoping for is, will you marry me?”

Tears started dipping from her eyes and she smiled so widely she thought her face might crack, “Yes, Kyle, I will marry you if you’ll still have me!”

They kissed again and when they took a break, he wiped the tears from her face. He stood up and retrieved a small box from his coat pocket, going back to her he said, “You might want to take out your phone and record this!” He waited until her fumbling fingers got her phone out and set up. She pressed the record button and he took the ring from the box and slid it onto her finger.

The tears flowed again as they hugged, “I thought I had lost you forever!” she sniffled. “Oh God, I’m a mess, let me get cleaned up!” He just smiled and watched as she went to the washroom. When she came back she sat on his lap and said, “I have to tell Mom and Dad! They’ll be so excited!”

“Your mom, maybe, your dad, I don’t know. I never got the feeling he liked me much,” Kyle said.

“He likes you,” she replied, “what he didn’t like was the realization that you were doing unspeakable things to his only daughter!” She kissed him, “He’ll be fine, I promise!” She took a selfie of them, her on his lap and showing her left hand prominently in the foreground. She texted it to her mother with the caption, “So something exciting happened today!” She put her phone down and started counting the seconds out loud, she made it to eight when her phone rang. Kyle could only hear one side of the conversation.

“Hi, Mom!”



“Me too!”

“Is Daddy there?”

“Too bad. What time will he be home?”

“That might be too late, I might not be up that late.”

“I have plans for tonight.”

“Yes, those kinds of plans!”

“Good night, Mom, I love yo ! HugDaddyg for me!”

“That went well,” Kyle said to his now-fiancée.

They started making out and her phone pinged, “It’s Mandy, do you mind, she’s worried about me."

He just looked at her, “We just got engaged and you want to interrupt our celebration to tell your lesbian girlfriend?”

“I’ll call her tomorrow,” she answered.

“Thank you,” he said, pulling her back toward him. They started again and after a few moments, she excused herself to the washroom.

“Why don’t you go upstairs and wait for me in the bedroom?” she suggested. He went up the stairs and as he waited, he looked around, noticing the drawer on her nightstand was slightly open. He listened closely and heard the water running in the washroom so he knew he didn’t have much time. He slid the drawer open another inch or so and was stunned to see a back dildo, about a foot long and as thick as her wrist.

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He heard the water stop running so he quickly placed the dildo back in the drawer and slid it back so to where it was. He sat on the edge of her bed and waited.  A moment later she emerged in the doorway, she had changed from her sundress and pale underwear to a black bra and thing with bright pink flowers. The bra looked like it was at least one cup size too small and the thong left nothing to the imagination.

“Wow!” he said, “you do undress real nicely!” She blushed a little and came to him.

“Thank you,” she whispered. She pushed him back onto the bed and climbed on top of him. Her fingers went to his shirt buttons and, working only by feel, she started undoing them her eyes never left his. He noticed that in addition to changing her outfit, she had applied more makeup, accenting her eyes and darkening her lips. She got the last button on the front undone and moved to his wrists to undo the buttons at the cuffs.

His shirt now open, she kissed him before starting to move down his body, using her tongue to tease him as she went down. Her pink tongue stood out against her dark red lipstick which made her teeth look like they were glowing white behind it. Her hands moved to unbuckle his belt then undo the button on his pants. She looked into his eyes again and smiled as she grasped the pull of his zipper and drew it down slowly.

He raised his butt so she could slide his pants off him, taking his briefs at the same time. His cock stood out proud from his belly, ready for whatever she had in mind. Taking in the fingertips of her left hand, she ran her tongue along its length, starting at the base and sliding to the tip. She closed her lips around his glans, licking the bead of clear fluid that had accumulated there. She repeated the maneuver, licking from base to tip before smiling and then opening wide to take him in.

He has been the recipient of her oral expertise but now that he knew that she had a girlfriend, he had a new appreciation for her abilities with her tongue. Her pale cheeks hollowed in as she sucked him stood out against the dark shade of her lips. Every few seconds he saw and felt her tongue flick out as she took him in deeper, almost taking him into her throat. He was torn between the urge to lay his head back and enjoy the exquisite feeling she was giving him and the wanting to watch as she fellated him. Blowjob porn was in his top three to watch.

She sucked him for another few moments then took her mouth off him and crawled on her hands and knees until her face was even with his. They kissed for a moment, then she smiled again before shimmying up his body with one creamy thigh on either side of him. Finally her pussy, smooth and slick was above his face. She grasped his hands and placed one of them on each of her hips. Looking down, she uttered the only two words that would be spoken during their lovemaking, “Eat me.”

He pulled down on her hips and her pussy lowered onto him, flushed pink with distended inner lips. Her clit was poking out from its hiding place and beckoned him to tease it. He opened his mouth and, after she shifted just a little to get herself properly situated, he clamped down on her clit, suckling on it and lashing it with the tip of his tongue. She moaned softly and flexed her hips forward and back. Another few flicks of his tongue brought another moan from deep within her core, this one louder and higher in pitch than the previous one. She leaned forward to change the angle and placed her hands on the headboard for leverage and started rocking her hips, grinding her clit against his mouth.

She willed him to slide a couple of fingers inside her, a moment later she got her wish as she felt him enter her. Unfortunately, the angle was all wrong for his fingers to curl up and tease her G-spot but for now, she didn’t care, his lips, tongue, and fingers were doing what she needed them to do.

She rode him for another minute or so before shimmying her way back down his body until she felt the tip of his cock at the entrance to her honey pot. She never stopped, sliding herself onto him until he was fully inside her. “He fits me so nicely!” she thought as she felt the tip of his cock brush up against her cervix. There was no pressure against it but she had her toy for those nights when she needed to feel that and a girlfriend who was only too happy to pound it into her. For now, at least.

She maintained contact with her breasts on his chest as she started rocking her hips to move him out and in. She then moved her body upward, taking his hands and placing them on her breasts and guiding his fingers to pinch her nipples. She smiled at him as she rode him, once his hands were properly against her breasts, she leaned her weight on them. She moved one hand between them to tease her clit as she fucked him and every few strokes he felt that exquisite change in pressure as she slid one or two fingers in beside his cock. His fists closed, squeezing her breasts as he watched her face looking for an indication of discomfort or pain. She winced a little so he relaxed them for a moment before closing them again, a little more firmly. Again she winced but she smiled and licked her lips, hoping that he would understand her meaning that she wanted him to squeeze a little harder.

Again, he relaxed his hands as their eyes remained locked on each other. When he saw the change of expression, he squeezed again, harder still and her eyes rolled up and she moaned, her loudest yet. "Yes, she likes that!” he thought. Once more he relaxed his hands for a moment while searching her face for that unspoken clue to clench them once more. All this time, her hips had been rocking, drawing him out and in and effectively masturbating her clit against his pubic bone. Her eyes found his, and she nodded imperceptibly, willing him to squeeze her full round tits one more time.

This time he decided he would tease her by waiting to close his hands on her. He smiled up and waited for her to beg without words. Her expression changed as she realized what he was doing and just as he sensed she was about to say something, he squeezed hard. Once more her eyes rolled up and a long moan escaped from her. Her hand left her pussy and joined her other hand over his, clamping them against her and preventing him from relaxing his vice grip on her. She increased the pace of her hips and watched his face for the sure sign he was about to come.

But it was she who came first, holding her hips down hard onto him as her pussy spasmed and leaked around him. A short pause then her hips bucked again for a few short stroked before she held herself onto him again for the second wave of ecstasy. She bit her lower lip between her teeth just a little and bucked her hips once again.

He could hold back no longer; he pushed his hips up and groaned just as she pushed hers down and he released his warm seed inside her, his slickness joining hers. He tried to take his hands from her breasts so he could pull her down to kiss her but she wasn’t having it. She held him there, adding her own squeezing pressure to his as she came for the third time in quick succession. She rocked her hips more slowly to enjoy the feeling of their sex sliding against each other and as she rocked each time, a little bit of their combined fluids seeped out of her.

Finally, she relented her grip and allowed his hands to come off her breasts. He lowered his hands slowly to bring her lips to his so he could kiss them. After a few kisses, he pushed her back up and looked into her face, “Sorry if I hurt you,” he whispered.

She kissed him softly, “You did hurt me a little,” another kiss, “and I LOVED IT!” She rocked her hips once more before moving up and off him, continuing to slide her hips up along his body leaving a slick trail as she went. “Clean me,” she urged as her pussy returned to his face. Dutifully, he did what he was asked. “Mmmmm,” she purred, “you follow directions very well! You are going to make a wonderful husband.!”

After he had cleaned her up as best he could she started sliding back down, cleaning the trail she had left with her sopping pussy. Reaching his cock, she opened wide and took him in once more, licking and sucking all the slickness from it. She then cleaned all around it, even diving her tongue between his butt cheeks and teasing his puckered back door. She moved her way back up and they kissed some more. “That was fun!” she purred.

“It was,” he agreed. She moved off him and rolled to lay beside him. “So, about that other question about you keeping your girlfriend,” he said. She raised her head and looked at him. “Introduce her to me.” Rebecca’s heart soared she might yet be able to have her cake and eat it too!

“I will,” she said. “I’ll invite her over tomorrow.” She hugged him tightly and did not let go until they were both asleep.

Written by CaressofSteel
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