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Of course I'll Marry You! But... Chapter 5 - The Same Old, Same Old Isn't the Same Old Anymore

"Kyle and Rebecca talk about their future and she teaches him a new trick."

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Author's Notes

"If you're just getting to this story at this point, I invite you to start at the beginning. If you like what you've read, not be shy, give that like button a tap and leave a comment. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Enjoy!"

They had all fallen asleep quite early so they woke up just after sunrise. One by one, they untangled themselves and padded off to the washroom and went through their morning routines. Mandy was the last to show her face downstairs, she came to Rebecca and gave her a hug and a sweet good morning kiss, “Good morning, sweetie,” she said. Rebecca returned the greeting and then Mandy moved to Kyle and repeated her greeting. Their kiss was considerably longer than the one with Rebecca and it ended with a long stroke of Mandy’s middle finger down Kyle’s chest.

“You know how I said I’m a lesbian?” Mandy said quietly, “It looks like I’m going to have to stop calling myself that. I’m officially bisexual, and it’s all thanks to you!” she kissed Kyle again. “And of course, you, too!” she said as she moved to kiss Rebecca once more.

As much as they all wanted to let this kissing and touching take its natural course culminating in toe-curling explosive orgasms for all of them, they stopped at Kyle’s suggestion and by mutual consent because was a weekday and they all had to get to work.

Throughout the rest of the week and through the weekend, it was pretty much the same. They would have dinner together and then ostensibly sit down to watch a show or a movie on TV but less than a half-hour in they would be groping and kissing each other. Predictably, they would all end up in the same bed, making a mess of the bedsheets and filling the house with their orgasmic orchestra.  The following week, Mandy had to go out of town for work leaving Kyle and Rebecca to their own devices.

That Monday night after dinner, the young couple settled in and started discussing their future. They contemplated a wedding date, whom they would ask to stand with them and whom they would invite. Neither of them wanted a church wedding, they weren’t especially religious so they settled on a civil ceremony followed by a reception at a community hall.

“You know babe,” she said, “after everything that’s happened between us and Mandy, I think we need to talk about how she fits into our relationship.”

“I think she’s fitting in just perfectly as it is,” he replied. Of course he did, he was getting to sleep with two beautiful bisexual women and getting what most men would consider the fantasy of a lifetime played out before him every night.

“So you think we should continue things as they are then?” she asked him. “Even after we get married?”

“Why not?” he asked. “In fact, I think we should ask her to move in here with us.”

“I like that idea,” Rebecca said. “Or we could all get a new place together.”

“I like that idea even more,” he replied. “When she gets back, we should talk to her about it.” Rebecca agreed. They started kissing and were soon naked in her bed. Just as he was getting ready to mount her from behind, she stopped him.

“Babe, there’s something else,” she said, pushing him away. He was not best pleased about this sudden coitus interruptus but he went along. “You know that first night I told you about Mandy and me?” He nodded, suddenly apprehensive. “And I told you about that party we went to?”

“I told you, baby, that’s in the past,” he said. “You don’t have to tell me about it.”

“But I do,” she said. “All this talk about the wedding and stuff has me thinking, I need to tell you the whole truth.” She kissed him gently, “Because after I tell you, there’s another question I have to ask you.”

“Oh-oh,” he said, “I’m not sure I like the sound of this.”

“Bear with me baby,” she said lovingly, “Listen to what I have to say before you start jumping to conclusions.” She urged him onto his back and laid beside him, her head on his shoulder and her fingers playing along his still-firm cock.

“Sooooo, remember I said that there were six different guys, well one of those guys is the reason I have this.” She reached into her nightstand and retrieved it, “This is about the same size as he was he was a bit longer but not quite as thick.” Kyle wanted to speak but, as he had learned from her previous confession, it was better to let her finish what she wanted to say.

She waited for him to speak but, seeing that he wasn’t going to, she continued. “Have you ever been to an orgy?” she asked him.

He smiled, “Every night is like an orgy to me.”

“Oh, that’s not an orgy,” she replied, “I’m talking like a lot more people than that!”

“And exactly how many orgies have you been part of?” he asked, already knowing the answer.

“Just the one,” she said, “but if the opportunity came up, and if you wanted to do that, I wouldn’t mind attending another one.” She rubbed his cock as she spoke, hoping that her attention might sway him.

“What about Mandy? Do you think she’d like to do that again?”

“I think she would,” she said.

“I don’t know,” he said. “Something tells me that orgies are places where women get a lot of attention from a lot of different men. I mean, think about that night, six guys, three girls and one of them was a lesbian. Seems a little one-sided.”

“Maybe, like I said, we just did it once but it was a lot of fun!” She thought for a moment. “Here’s the thing. That night I had three guys at once and it felt amazing! I’d like to do that again if the opportunity comes up and I’d like you to be one of those guys!”

“Well,” he said. “I can’t say I’m surprised, I kind of figured there was a large black cock involved when I saw your toy and I’m not surprised you’d want to try that again.” He thought some more, “What about STDs, aren’t people who do that taking a pretty big risk?”

“I guess,” she admitted. “Maybe we shouldn’t go that way.”

“Hang on,” he said, “the idea of being involved in something like that is pretty exciting. I’m not saying yes, but I’m not saying no either.” He brought her to him for a kiss, “We won’t go looking for that but if the chance comes along, we’ll see what happens.”

She kissed him hard, trying to show her appreciation for not saying a flay no. “I’m calling that a win!” She picked up the toy and rummaged in her nightstand for some lube, “How would you like to watch me fuck myself with this?”

“I’d actually like to fuck you with it myself!” he answered.

“OKAY!” she squealed delightedly. She handed it to him and reclined, parting her legs and running her fingers between her pussy lips before using both hands to pull on either side and open herself up to him. “Go easy!” she cautioned.

He grinned as he moved toward her pussy, “Maybe at first,” he said. He leaned down and started kissing and licking her pussy, probing it with two fingers, then three before adding a fourth to spread her as wide as he could. Then he took the toy and rubbed its length along her clit before drizzling some lube onto it and her pussy. He positioned its head at her opening and looked up at her.

She nodded almost imperceptibly, giving him the silent go-ahead to slide the monster toy inside her. He watched in amazement as her pussy yielded to its girth, splaying her wider as it accepted the broad head inside it. Her eyes rolled back as the large ridge of the glans rubbed along her G-Spot, a soft moan coming from her core as she gave herself to the pure pleasure of being completely filled.

Kyle started working the toy slowly into her and leaned back in to suckle on her clit. She sighed loudly as his tongue flicked forward, “Yes, baby, that’s what I’m talkin’ about!” He rotated the toy as he worked it, making more of it disappear inside her with each gentle push. “More,” she moaned each time he drew it back and he obliged her until there was only enough left not inside her to grip with his fingertips.

He had seen her use this toy before but he was still stunned that she was able to accommodate it without being torn open. “I can’t believe you can take all this inside you,” he breathed as he drew it out so that the tip was barely making contact with her lips.

“Me neither,” she sighed, “Put it back in me! Please, baby!” He acquiesced to her request and pushed it back in, a little more quickly than he had before. “Oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh!” she sighed as it slid into her. “I wish I could describe to you how that feels!”

“Tell me, baby,” he whispered. “Tell me how it feels!”

“Mmmmmmmmmmokay,” she said. “First, there’s the feeling of being stretched open, it doesn’t hurt but it’s a bit uncomfortable at first. Then I can feel the ridge run along my G-Spot, that feels like nothing I’ve ever felt before!” She squirmed a little he felt the resistance as it contacted her cervix. “I can feel every ridge, every bump, every vein as it slides along my cunt, kind of like I can feel when you slip your beautiful cock in my ass!”

“Maybe I should do just that!” he suggested but she shook her head violently.

“Not with this one baby,” she said more forcefully. “We’ll get a thinner one for that!” He drew it out and pushed it back in again. This time he felt the resistance of her cervix again and then she pulled her knees up and he felt it slip past that point and go in that little bit deeper. “Oh, there, I can feel it slip past my cervix, I’m as full as I can be now and it feels soooooooo good!”

“You should be!” he said as he took one of her hands and brought it down so she could feel that she had taken it completely inside her such that her opening was starting to close around the blunt end of it.
I think there’s room for more!” He latched back onto her clit and felt her hips buck as she flexed her Kegels and ejected the toy partway from herself only to have him push it back in.

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“Fuck me, Kyle!” she begged him. He increased the pace of his pumping until his hand slapped against her pussy each time he drove the ten inches of dark brown silicone into her. Each time his hand slapped against her, a thrill went from her clit through her hips and deep into her core. He smiled when he heard the cute little sounds she made each time his hand slapped against her.

After only a few more minutes of fucking, she was getting close to nirvana, the noises got louder and the bucking of her hips became more intense until the headboard of her bed began knocking against the wall. “Harder!” she commanded and he pumped faster. “HARDER!”

His hand was a blur when she suddenly grabbed his wrist and held him into her pussy. He felt the gush against his hand when she came, her cries announcing to the world that once again, she had been sexually gratified. He started stroking the toy into her again and at first, she cried for him to stop, but after a half-dozen strokes, she cried for him to keep going. “DON’T! EVER! STOP!” she cried out as her body climbed the mountain again.

Suddenly, her hands pushed his away and she took control of the toy, pounding it into herself until she came. She whipped it from her cunt and squirted, soaking his face and shoulders. For his part, he tried to capture as much as he could but generally failed as the contortions of her hips ensured a generous distribution of her fluid around the area. Again and again, she drove the toy home for a few quick strokes before pulling it out and spraying him again.

“Oh, GOD! FUCK ME! That was amazing!” she panted as she started to recover her breath.

“I can tell,” Kyle laughed. “Mandy said you liked big dicks, she wasn’t lying!”

“You knew?”

“That you’re a size queen, yeah, as soon as I saw the size of that thing, I knew,” he said. “I also knew it was only a matter of time before you’d bring up the subject of finding a big black cock to fuck.”

“Doesn’t have to be black,” she said, “so long as it’s long and thick.”

“Way to make me feel inadequate,” he said as he collected a fingertip’s worth of her slick cum from her hip and licked it off.

“No, baby, no!” she protested. “Don’t think that way! You are perfect for me!”

“Except you wish I was about that much,” he spread his fingers about four inches apart, “longer and this much,” he made a circle with his fingers, “bigger around.”

“No, my God, no!” she shook her head. “Believe me, baby, I love your size, it touches me in all the right places. It’s just that, every once in a while, a girl needs to feel that delicious stretch of being filled all the way up. I wouldn’t want it every day but, every so often…” She didn’t finish the sentence.

“Just admit it, I just don’t satisfy you the way a man with a larger cock can!” He was teasing her and she wasn’t catching on.

“How can I make you understand,” she was on the verge of tears she was so desperate to convince him. “You know what, forget I mentioned it. It’s obvious that you’re not comfortable with me having a large man once in a while so it just won’t happen.”

“That’s exactly what I hoped you would say,” he took her in close and kissed her. “But you know what, I would love to see you fuck a big cock. I love watching your face as you lose control when you come. If that makes me a cuckold, so be it, so long as you’re happy, I’m happy too.”

She couldn’t believe what she was hearing, “You mean it? You would let me fuck a ten-inch cock?”

“Ten, eleven, twelve, whatever, if it made you happy, I have no problem with it.” She tackled him back onto the bed and squeezed him as hard as she could. “As long as I get to watch.”

“And get the blowjob of your life after!” she grinned.

“If that’s what it takes, I’ll take one for the team,” he laughed. Then he got serious. Taking her face in his hands, he kissed her softly, “Rebecca, I love you, more than you seem to understand. I will do anything for you or with you to make you happy. Anything.”

“Oh Kyle, you don’t know what that means to me!” She kissed him hard. “Is there anything you want to try, that you’ve never done before?”

“Yes,” he said simply. “But we have to wait until Mandy gets home so I can ask the both of you together.” Rebecca’s face turned into a question as she pondered what sexual thing he wanted the three of them to experience together that they hadn’t already done. “Just wait,” he said, “I think you will like what I have in mind.”

“It’s gonna be a long week,” she said. “I need to get cleaned up; I’ll be back in a few minutes.” She picked up the long thick toy and took it with her. He heard the shower start a moment later and ten minutes later she emerged from the washroom, all nice and clean. She had taken a few minutes to make her face up, her lips were painted a deep shade of red.

“Get your phone,” she said, “I’m going to give you the best blowjob you ever had and you’re going to record it on video!” He reached down and fished his phone out of his pants and got it set up.  “On your feet, baby,” she said as she placed a pillow on the floor and sank to her knees. Her eyes looked up at him, they seemed a more brilliant blue than usual as he stroked the length of his cock with her fingernail.

“What did you do with your eyes?” he asked her.

“A little makeup, “ she purred, “and coloured contact lenses. You like?”

“I love!” he exclaimed.

“Good,” she said quietly. She opened her mouth and except for a brief glance down to make sure she was in the right spot, the eye contact remained as she sank her mouth onto him. She was not playing around, his balls bumped her chin and her nose touched his mons as she took him into her mouth as far as he would go. He felt the slight constriction then the swallow as his head slipped into her throat. He groaned loudly and rolled his eyes up.

“No, baby, watch me. Watch me suck your cock. Watch your little cocksucking, slut wife-to-be suck the cum out of you!” He tried his very best to obey her command and did an admirable job until she did something unexpected.

She had placed her hands on his ass to pull herself forward, then he felt her finger slip between his ass cheeks and run across his ass hole. The look on his face changed and she took her mouth off him, “You liked that didn’t you?” She opened wide again and dove down, letting him slide into her throat again.

He felt one of her hands leave his ass cheek only to return a moment later, her finger once again sliding between his cheeks to tease his back door. This time it didn’t pass over, it lingered, pushing slightly against him. Again her hand left his ass for a moment only to return and push a little more firmly against his hole. All the while she slid him out and in between her painted lips, his head slipping out of her throat and back in.

He loved the feeling against his cockhead as it slipped into her throat, that little momentary constriction, as she hesitated before swallowing him in, was as exquisite a feeling as he had ever experienced. Her hand left his ass again and this time when it returned, he felt her fingertip invade him, just the tip but the feeling was so alien to him, he didn’t know what to think or do. Instinctively he pulled away but his hips had nowhere to go, her face against his crotch held him in place.

One last time her hand moved away, this time it was gone a little longer and when it returned, he felt a warmth on her fingers. “Ah,” he thought, “She’s been dipping her fingers in her pussy to wet them.” Back inside him, the fingertip went, but this time it didn’t stop there, he felt it slip further into him and then move as she rotated it. Then his mind got blasted wide open as she applied a subtle pressure to his prostate.

Usually, he would have plenty of warning before he came but when she pressed her finger against him, he came without warning of any kind. He dropped his phone, and his hands grasped her hair, partly to hold his cock into her throat and partly to keep from falling over, so intense was his orgasm. His knees buckled and then straightened as he shot his second spurt into her throat.

She started to struggle for air so he relaxed his grip on her hair and let her come off him far enough to take a breath. Her tongue flicked forward and licked the bottom of his shaft for a moment. He could feel her take a deep breath before taking him back into her throat once more to receive his cum.

He could never remember this much semen coming from him before, spurt after spurt as she massaged his ass, it filled her mouth and dribbled down her chin and onto her breasts. She took herself off him for his final shots and he watched as he painted her face with the rest of his load.

She made to stand up but he pushed her down, easing to his knees beside her. His come got spread between their lips and tongues as they kissed wet slobbering kisses. Eventually, he came up for air and he muttered, “What the fuck did you just do to me?”

She smiled at him, her face still covered in his spunk, “I told you I was going to give you the best blowjob of your life, didn’t I?” He kissed her again and then they started cleaning his cum from her face with their fingers, each of them feeding the other. When she was mostly clean, they looked at each other, traded one more loving kiss and then started giggling.

“A little warning might have been nice!” he laughed.

“That would have spoiled the surprise!” she retorted. “Was that, or was that not, the very best blowjob you have ever had?”

“You didn’t lie,” he said.

“I never will,” she promised.

Written by CaressofSteel
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