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Across The Pond - Chapter 2

"Anne and Steve meet some new friends"

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Author's Notes

"If you are just coming into this story here, I invite you to read Chapter 1. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Enjoy!"

The next morning dawned grey but the weather forecast called for clearing skies. The cottage had a fully equipped kitchen but they hadn’t stopped for supplies so they drove into town in search of coffee and breakfast. As they toured through the town, they passed a pub called The Merryfellow Inn. Recalling Diana’s text he suggested to Anne that they go there for supper that night. Sure, it’s probably as good as any, she replied. Usually, when they travelled, they tried not to eat in restaurants or pubs every night, preferring to make their own meals when they could.

They found a café and then visited a grocery store to pick up a few things for their stay. Anne thought that having an aisle with beer, wine, and spirits right in the store was a great idea and lamented that they had to go to a separate store at home to buy such things. They went back to the cottage to put away their supplies and make a plan for the day.

After a nice day of sightseeing and a lengthy hike, they made their way back into town, arriving at the pub at about a quarter to seven. Diana had texted him a photo of what she would be wearing but he didn’t have a photo to share with her. Stopping outside the pub, he asked a lady who was passing by to snap a photo of them both standing in front of the sign. He sent it to Diana as Anne was in the restroom and waited impatiently to see how the evening would develop.

He saw Diana enter the pub with a man he assumed was her husband. He was taller than Steve and rather handsome. As they passed their table, Diana said, “Excuse us,” rubbing her bottom along his arm as she passed. “Sorry, it’s a bit of a tight squeeze in here, I’m afraid.” She smiled and moved on to their table. Shortly afterward, he heard her husband ask the barman if it would be okay for them to move to a table outside.

“What do you think, honey, would you like to eat outside?” She agreed and he told the barman they would be moving outside as well. There were about a half-dozen or so tables in what looked like a backyard-type setting. Diana and her husband were sitting in one corner; she wiggled her fingers at them as they chose a table nearby.

“She seems friendly,” said Anne, noticing the little wave. She waved back before looking at her menu.

As both couples ate, they exchanged glances and smiles but nothing yet was said between them. Their conversations could be heard across the tables and while they thought nothing of it, those around them could tell they weren’t locals. As their dinner plates were taken away,  Diana leaned toward them.

“Excuse me,” she said, “I don’t mean to intrude, but are you two from America?”

“No," replied Anne, “Canada, Nova Scotia on the east coast. We’re on vacation.”

“How lovely,” replied Diana. She looked at her husband and he nodded, knowing exactly where her mind was going. “Would you like to join us?”

Steve and Anne exchanged a look and shrugged. “Thank you,” he said, "we’d love to.” They took their drinks over to where Diana and her husband were sitting. “I’m Stephen, Steve to my friends. This is my wife, Anne.”

“Diana,” she said, “my husband, Richard, Rick to our friends.” They shook hands. “You have such soft skin, Anne,” Diana said running her fingers along the back of her hand.

“Thank you, Diana,” she said. She reached into her purse and pulled out a small vial of hand cream and showed it to Diana. “I use this, keeps them from drying out.” She offered it to her to try which Diana accepted.

“That feels lovely, thank you,” she said. Offering her hand to her husband to feel, he agreed.  

“I wonder if you can get that in the UK?" he mused. Anne looked at Steve and raised her eyebrows. She had always had a weak spot for men with deep baritone voices and Rick’s certainly fit the bill. His speech was accented differently than Diana’s.

“I love your accent,” she said, “is it local?” She had learned from their travels that there were many variations of the English language spoken here, each with its own uniqueness.

“I’m from the Northeast, near Newcastle,” he said. Anne said that they had just been to Newcastle and that they had enjoyed their visit.

“Did you go over to South Shields?” he asked. “That’s where I grew up,” Anne explained that her reason for wanting to visit some of the cities and towns they’d been to was because of her fascination with British crime shows.

“Vera was from South Shields,” Anne replied, “how could I not go there.” They all laughed together. “I know it’s a bit silly but people sometimes do silly things when they’re on vacation.”

“No, not silly at all,” said Diana. “If I ever get to Canada, I want to have my photo taken with a real live Mountie! They look so handsome in their red tunics and their hats.”

“She has fantasies about Mounties, I think,” said Rick; three of them laughed but Anne did not. “I’m sorry,” he said, “did I offend you?”

“No, no,” she stammered. “It just surprised me a little that you would mention fantasies to someone you barely know.” She tried to hide her face but Diana was having none of it. She reached out and placed a finger under Anne’s chin, lifting her face back up.

“I am sorry, Anne, really. We didn’t mean to offend you.” She held Anne’s hand and squeezed. “My husband sometimes forgets to turn on his filter.”

“It’s all right,” she said, squeezing Diana’s hand right back. “I’m a big girl, I can take it.”

The conversation moved on to other topics and inevitably, golf came to the forefront.

“Would you like to play tomorrow?” Rick asked. “I have a regular foursome but one of the lads is away. I’m sure I can get you in with us if you’d like.” Steve looked at his wife and she nodded. “Perfect!” he said. Let me just touch base with the others.” He took out his phone; Anne caught a glimpse of the screensaver: it was a photo of Diana in a swimsuit that left little to the imagination.

“If you’d like,” said Diana, “while the boys are off whacking their balls around, we could go shopping! There are a couple of little shops I like that I could show you.”

“That sounds wonderful,” said Anne. “How very typical, the men go off to play golf and the women go spend their husbands’ money!”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way!” hooted Diana.

Before they knew it, the barman was calling for last orders. “Wow, time really does fly when you’re having fun,” said Anne. “I’m so glad you invited us to sit with you, I really enjoyed this evening.” She reached out to shake their hands but they were having none of it. Rick got up and embraced Anne in a warm hug that lasted somewhat longer than Anne had been expecting. He released her with a kiss on the cheek and Diana moved in.

“I’ll meet you at the golf course,” she said. “Bring an appetite and your husband’s credit card!”

“I have my own credit card, thank you very much!” Anne said. It was true; of the two of them, she made considerably more money than Steve. They hugged one last time and then kissed each other on the cheek. “Are you sure you’re okay to drive?” she asked Rick.

“We’ll catch a taxi,” he answered. “We’re actually close enough to walk but I don’t feel like it. I’ll walk down and get the car in the morning.”

Anne and Steve went to the bar to pay their tab only to find that it had already been paid. Steve went back out to protest but their companions were gone, having slipped out a small gate in the corner of the garden. "I’ll just have to even things up tomorrow after golf,” he said.

Just as they arrived back at the cottage, Steve’s phone pinged; it was Diana saying that they’d had a lovely time and were looking forward to them all getting together again. Having been careful to delete the previous conversations he’d been having with Diana, he showed the phone to his wife. She smiled and took it from him, replying to her text that they had really enjoyed themselves and were looking forward to the next day. Not as much as we are! came the reply.

“I wonder what that means?” asked Anne absently as she passed the phone back to her husband. Switching it to silent mode, he plugged in the charging cord and went to take a shower. He was joined moments later by his naked wife.

“So what do you think of them?” she asked.

“I like them, they’re very nice,” he answered.

“Diana is rather pretty,” she mentioned casually, “and so thin. I wish I had her figure.”

“She is pretty,” he conceded. Of course, he knew a little more than his wife did about Diana’s figure, she having shared some rather intimate photos of herself with him during their lusty chats. “But I like your figure better!” His hands moved to her breasts, which were much fuller than Diana’s. “What about Rick, do you think he’s handsome?”

“I suppose,” she conceded, “If you like tall and muscular.” Turned so he could wash her back, “He’s got a rather nice voice,” she mumbled. 

“I knew it, I could see you squirm when he spoke!” Steve said, wrapping his arms around her. “You got turned on, didn’t you?”

“Maybe,” she said quietly, “a little.” She turned back and took his cock in her hands, soaping it up and stroking it. She knew what was coming next.

“You’re thinking about him right now, aren’t you?” he said as she slowly slid her hands over his shaft. “You’re curious if he’s as big as you think he is?” Anne was no size queen but she sometimes wished her husband was a little bigger than he was. She had a toy to fill her up but she knew it was no replacement for the real thing.

“Maybe,” she conceded again. “But you are plenty for me, I’ve always told you that.” Her hand began moving faster over his shaft.

“Maybe, but you can’t deny it, you want someone bigger,” he teased her. “It’s okay, wanting isn’t doing. You can let your fantasies run free, you know that.” His hand went between her legs, she was slick and not from the soap. “I knew it!” he said leaning in to whisper in her ear. “You can say it, come on, admit it, you’d like to fuck him, wouldn’t you? You can tell me, admit it, you want him!”

“Stop it,” she panted, “I don’t want to fuck him, but I can dream about fucking him, can’t I?”

“Dream all you want, baby!” He grasped her wrist, “Not yet. Let’s wait until we get into bed. In the meantime…” He handed her a small vial that he had retrieved from his travel kit. “Delay gel,” he said, handing it to her. “Put some on and rub it in, then wipe your hands.”

“What’s that do?’ she asked.

“Keeps me from coming too quick. It takes about fifteen minutes to have full effect.”

“Oh, right,” she said. She applied a few dabs to his shaft and head and rubbed it in so he was completely covered. She wiped her hands clean and lay back so he could continue arousing her.

“Mmmmmm, nice,” she moaned, his fingers pressing on her clit. They restrained themselves as they finished showering and drying themselves off. Steve got into bed first but Anne spent a little more time in the washroom. When she came out, he saw she put on her silk camisole; it was soft pink and hung just below her freshly trimmed bush. She pulled the covers all the way back and, pushing her husband to the side, laid a clean towel on the bedsheet. “No wet spots for me tonight!” she said.

She cuddled up to him and they began kissing. “So, what about you, do you think Diana is hot?”

“I’m not sure ‘hot’ is the word I’d use,” he lied. In truth, he thought she was very, very hot, particularly when she wore that pink lingerie that he had seen in her pictures.

“What word would you use then?” she asked, teasing him.

“Sexy,” he answered. “Very sexy. I’ll bet she has secrets, deep secrets that she was bursting to share.”

“Why do you think that?” she asked.

“It’s just like she seemed to be holding back all night, dying to say something but not ready to reveal that something about herself.” He had to be careful not to let on that he and Diana had been chatting for a couple of months and that Anne would likely disapprove of the content of those chats.

“Maybe you’re right,” Anne said. “There’s something behind that smile. It’s a very pretty smile, isn’t it?” He could tell she was working toward asking him the same question he had asked her.

“She has a lovely smile,” he said. “And she’s very easy to talk to, don’t you think?”

“Mmmmm, she is.” She took his wrist and guided his hand to her wetness. “Would you like to fuck her?” There it is!

“Maybe,” he said. “If I weren’t married and saw her in a pub, I’d probably try to pick her up.”

“But you are married,” she said, parting her legs wider. “So I ask you again, would you like to fuck her?”

“Only if you were watching,” he replied as he slipped a finger inside her. Her moan gave her away; she was aroused not just by his fingers but also by the thoughts of watching him fuck their new friend and of watching her do the same.

“Mmmmmm,” she moaned a little louder. He felt her hand on the top of his head, urging him lower. He paused to tease the sensitive spots on his way down, a lick here, a nibble there, a nip along the edge of her ribcage that made her squirm every time. He traced his lips along the smooth edge of her trimmed mons, feeling the soft, fine hair against his cheek as he moved closer to paradise. “Stop teasing!” she commanded him, wanting so badly to feel her clit wrapped in his mouth with his tongue flicking it quickly. The insides of her thighs were next to receive his attention, little kisses down one and up the other, then down and back again as she writhed under him.

“Dammit, Stephen!” she only called him by his full name when she was frustrated with him. He relented and took her pink hood into his mouth, clamping his lips on her and suckling, his tongue dancing across the little nub underneath. “Mmmmm, that’s what I’m talkin’ about!” she purred. After a moment she said, “In the nightstand, the big one!”

He disengaged her long enough to reach into the drawer and fumble around until he felt the rubbery texture of her toy. Moving back down to her pussy, he licked it once, a long slow lick up its length before rubbing the head against her opening to lubricate it. Teasing her some more, he ran its length along her clit, knowing that she both loved and hated the sensation. “Please!” she begged, reaching down to grab it but he kept her hands away.

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“You think Rick is this big?” he asked her as he placed it against her opening and pushed it so just the head entered her. It was much bigger around than he was, bigger than any real cock she’d ever taken but she loved it; it stretched her opening to that exquisite edge between pleasure and pain. A twinge as it invaded her and then pleasure as it popped inside.

“He might be,” she said. “Stop teasing me!” She pushed her hips forward in an effort to impale herself on it.

“Would you like to find out?” He was being merciless, teasing her into saying the words he wanted to hear.

“Not just now!” she moaned as she grasped his wrist and tried to make him push the toy deep into her leaking quim. “But maybe…” She knew that the only way to get him to give her what she so desperately wanted was to play along with his fantasy. She felt his lips and tongue once more as he slid the toy into her. “You're gonna get yours!” she moaned, frustrated that he wasn’t yet pounding that eight inches of firm silicone with the life-like veins and ripples into her.

Finally, he relented and she felt the length and breadth of it fill her void. A deep breath and a long sigh followed as it touched her cervix, “Yesssss…” He drew it out slowly and then pushed it back in, twisting it as he went. “Please, baby, fuck me! Fuck my pussy hard!” Her hips were moving into his hand as he impaled her, his thumb brushing her clit each time his hand touched her lips.

After a moment, she became incapable of coherent speech so her words turned to sighs and moans as her arousal was heightened. He continued to tease her, “You want him, don’t you, you want his wife to see his cock inside you! You want him to fill your pussy! Come on, baby, you can say it! Tell the truth, you want him to, don’t you?”

Her moans became shouts, “YES! FOR FUCK SAKES YES! I WANT TO FUCK RICK! I WANT HIS COCK IN ME! I WANT TO FEEL HIM TOUCH ME WHERE YOU CAN’T! FUCK!” Steve pounded her pussy as she shouted; he didn’t care if she meant what she said; he just wanted to hear it. He’d deal with the aftermath later. Suddenly, her hips drove upward and she grabbed his wrist, forcing the toy inside her as far as it would go.

“OH GOD! YES! I’M…” she was unable to speak as she came, a violent clenching orgasm that originated deep in her core and burst out like lava from a volcano. Steve watched in awe as each time her pussy clenched; a stream shot out of her, splashing against his hand and hers, against his face and her thighs. Each squirt was accompanied by a squeal, unintelligible but obvious in its meaning. She held his wrist against her until after she reached her peak, eventually releasing and whispering, “more…”

He pumped the toy into her again, knowing that a second explosion was imminent. Her hips started bucking again and she came once more, this orgasm less violent than the first but it still made her squirt. He was amazed to see it, her beautiful pink opening clutching at the long thick toy as if it were trying to draw it inside her forever. Then he heard the words he was dying for her to say, “Yes, Rick, oh baby, you’re so big! Fuck me with that big cock!” She was in full-on fantasy mode now; he had only ever seen it once before, the first time they’d watched porn together. The scene had a woman being spit roasted by two rather large men, both of them coming all over her. He knew then that he would someday be able to talk her into fucking another man.

Steve eased the depth and speed of the thrusting into her, letting her down slowly as she mewled, “Oh God, that was so incredible. I love your big cock, Rick!” He regretted not getting this on video, Diana would have loved it!

As she came back to reality, Anne looked at her husband. “Go ahead, ask me,” she said.

“Ask you what?” he replied.

“Ask me if I meant it.” She was dying to say it but she wanted to tease him as he had done so cruelly to her.

“Did you mean it?” Her response was a single simple word.


“So you want to fuck him.”

“Yes.” She placed her hands on the sides of his face and drew him in for a kiss. “What about you, do you want me to fuck him?”

“I want you to do what pleases you, you know that.” He certainly wanted to watch her fuck another man but that wasn’t the question.

“That’s not what I asked you, do you want me to fuck Rick?” He sighed before answering.

“I would love to watch you with him, so yes, I want you to fuck him.”

"What about Diana?” she asked.

“What about her?” was his response.

“Do you want to fuck her?”

“I want to but I won’t if you’re not okay with it,” he replied. “Funny, that’s not what I thought you were going to ask me.”

“What did you think I was going to ask?” she said. He hesitated a moment, raising one eyebrow. The lights came on for her, “Ohhh, I get it. You thought I was going to ask if you were okay with her and I, you know.”

“Fucking,” he responded. “If she’s into it, yeah, I think that’s a great idea.”

“I don’t know,” Anne pondered. “How would that work?”

“Much the same as when you and I do it, I imagine,” he said. “Without the cock of course. Lots of kissing and touching and rubbing and licking and a great deal of noise and wetness and orgasms. You know, fucking!”

“That’s not what I meant!” she slapped his shoulder. “How would we make that happen?”

“If what I suspect is true, they’ll be all in,” he said.

“Really? What makes you think that?”

“I saw the way they both looked at you, there was a wantonness about it, a desire. I think they’d be up for a swap.” In truth, he knew they would; Diana had confessed during one of their chats that one of her fantasies was to see her husband with another woman and to have him watch her with another man. He thought about confessing his prior relationship but the fire was burning pretty hot right now and he was afraid that confessing would douse the flames.

“Why don’t you invite them here for dinner?” she suggested. “We’ll get a little wine into them, turn the conversation to the naughty side and see what happens.”

“That might work,” he agreed. “If it doesn’t we’ll always have our fantasies to keep things hot!”

“Mmmmmm,” Anne replied. “So do you think Diana sucks cock?” she moved to her husband’s still throbbing erection; he had been hard through the whole of the events so far this evening. “My goodness, you have been up and ready all night!”

“Thanks to stimulating conversation and a little yellow pill!” he answered. He’d suspected that this vacation would be a pretty vigorous one from a sexual standpoint so he’d gone to his doctor for a prescription. The doctor had recommended Cialis and he was ready to tell the world that it was everything the TV ads said it was!

“Mmmm, thought so,” she replied, running her fingers along his shaft. “Remind me to send a nice thank-you note to whoever makes them!” She opened her mouth and flicked her tongue across his glans. “That stuff’s not going to make me go numb, is it?”

Steve chuckled, “No, it should be good. You could give me a quick wipe down though, just in case.” She took the washcloth, now cold, and wiped his cock off with it. He inhaled sharply at the cold touch.

“Now where were we?” she said as she moved her face to his cock.

“You were asking me if I thought Diana sucks cock, as I recall,” he said. He knew for a fact she did and could show her pictures to prove it.

“Well, do you?”

“I believe she might, yes,” he said.

“You think she could deep throat you?”

“I don’t know, I’d like to find out!” he said, his breath getting ragged.

“You’d like that,” she breathed and she took him in her mouth, going down as far as she could before gagging. She came back up quickly, “I will figure out how to do that!” She had seen it in a video; a woman had taken a cock much larger than her husband’s into her throat until it bulged. She had also seen his reaction so she knew how much he wanted her, someone, anyone to do that for him. He always made sure she came before he did, and many times after he did as well. It was the least she could do.

“It’s okay, baby, you have amazing skills, you don’t have to do that,” he said.

“I want to,” she replied, “for you.” She went down on him again for a few brief moments and came back up, kissing him and continuing to whisper as she stroked him. “Do you think she'd let you come in her mouth?”

“I hope she would,” he answered. He wouldn’t last much longer at this rate.

“I’ll bet she would!” Anne said. “She’d take it all and swallow it down!”

“That would be amazing!” He was very close to spurting all over her hand. She went down on him again and stayed there, licking and sucking him into her mouth. She played her tongue along his shaft, looking up at him only to see his head thrown back and his eyes closed.

“Watch me!” she rasped. “Watch me suck your cock! Imagine it’s her! Tell me how good it feels for a strange mouth to suck you off!” He was surprised at this new level of vulgarity from his wife and he conceded that he liked it very much. She sucked him in again for a few more strokes and looked up again. “Talk, to me, tell me how it feels! Tell her how it feels!”

“Oh, fuck, Diana, you are so good!” he said. “Mmmmm, yes like that, just the head!” She lashed the head with her tongue. “Now slowly, take me in slowly,” he urged. “That’s it, baby, all the way down!” Anne took a deep breath and went down, stopping when she felt him touch the back of her mouth. This time she fought the reflex and held him there, fighting the urge to expel this intruder from her throat. Another deep breath and she steeled herself, determined to break through this barrier and take him all the way in. She forced herself but was unable to go all the way down, coming off him gagging, a long trail of her saliva tying her bottom lip to his head.

“Sorry, baby, I tried,” she kissed his cock once more and moved back up to kiss him. “I will get there, I promise!” She swung her leg over him and positioned herself over his hardness. “Is this how you’d like to fuck her?”

“This is one way,” he groaned as he felt her heat surround him. “I’m surprised you can feel me after Rick!”

“I told you, baby, you’re plenty big enough! Your cock touches me perfectly on my, OHHHHH!” she slumped onto him, “My special spot!” Her hips rocked him in and out of her, making squishing sounds in her wetness. “You think you’ll touch her special spot?”

“I will!” he said. “I’ll make her come so hard!”

“Don’t tell me, tell her!” Anne commanded. “Tell her how you’re gonna make her come!”

He pushed her up so she was almost upright, his hand moved between them so he could run his thumb along and around her clit, pressing firmly into it. “Do you like that?” he asked. “You do like it, I can tell! I’m gonna make you come with my cock rubbing your special spot and my thumb on your clit!”

“Yes, baby! Rub it, rub it hard!” she moaned as she rocked on top of him. The pace of her rocking quickened and his thumb moved to match. Her head was thrown back and her eyes closed as her breathing grew faster and deeper. She brought her hands to her breasts to pinch and tease her nipples as they fucked. He held out as long as he could but the sensations overcame him and he groaned, pushing his hips up into hers as he came.

She felt the heat of his cum inside her, which brought her closer to her own orgasm; her hips rocked harder and faster, causing his cock to pummel her walls and his thumb to press harder against her little firm nub. A few more strokes were all she needed and she released her fluid over him, warm and wet as it trickled out of her and over his balls, down the cheeks of his ass onto the sheet beneath them. She collapsed forward and wrapped her arms around his head.

They said nothing, for now, content to let the feelings and emotion of the moment envelop them, their lust sated and their love strengthened. “Not sure it gets any better than that!” she whispered as she shifted her hips before settling them back onto him.

“Mmmmmmm, it does not!” he replied. They kissed softly and stared into each other’s eyes for a moment. “We should do that every day!”

“We have been,” she replied, “but the whole fantasy thing made it so much hotter.” She kissed him again. “Let’s do it.”

“We just did it!” he answered, not quite catching her drift.

“Let’s do it with Diana and Rick,” she said, looking straight into his eyes. “I mean, if the chance comes up and if they’re into it.” He just smiled, knowing that they would very likely not pass up the opportunity.

“You mean swap?” he asked, wanting her to say exactly what she was suggesting.

“Why not? I want him, you want her, let’s swap spouses and see if we like it.” Her voice was steady as she said it; he believed she meant it.

“Would we be in the same room?” he asked.

“Is that what you want?” she replied.

“I would like that,” he said. “But you understand, that might turn into a full-on foursome.”

“Que sera, sera,” she said and she kissed him again. “What the fuck, let’s give it a go. I didn’t think I would want that but now that we’ve talked and fantasized about it, I think we should.”

“Let’s sleep on it,” he suggested, “see if the clear light of day changes our minds.”

“Turning chicken, are we?” she asked.

“No, I just would rather find out beforehand than during if you’re going to change your mind.” He pulled her down for a hug; as her hips rotated, a loud squishing sound came for their union and more wet fluid leaked down his ass. “We have made quite the mess down there!”

“We have, and I loved making it!” she answered. “I can’t believe we’re even thinking about having sex with other people!”

“I know, right?” he said. “If I had told you two weeks ago we’d be considering this…” She cut him off.

“I would have called the loony bin to come get you!” she completed the thought. They laughed and more squishy sounds came from their union. “We better get up,” she said, “or we’ll be stuck this way.”

“I think you’re right.” She shifted on top of him again and his slowly receding erection flopped out of her, along with a small gush of sticky fluid. She rolled off him and kissed him before cupping her hand over her pussy to keep more fluid from leaking out and waddling to the washroom. He smiled to himself before picking up his phone to see a text from Diana.

Had a great time tonite, it read, see you tomorrow! It ended with XOXO. He noted that it was nearly 2:00 AM and didn’t bother replying. He climbed out of the bed and noticed that the wet spot was at least three times larger than they usually made. “Fuck me!” he whispered to himself. Then he heard the shower start and decided to follow his freshly fucked wife into the washroom.

They cleaned each other up, rather well he thought, and emerged to dry each other off. He remained nude while Anne slipped on a nightie and searched for a spare set of sheets. Finding a set in the other bedroom, she stripped off the bottom sheet and laid a towel on the mattress before laying the flat sheet from the replacement set over it and sort of making the bed. They climbed in, snuggled together and quickly fell asleep.

Written by CaressofSteel
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