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Across the Pond - Chapter 3

"Anne and Diana cook up a plan to share their husbands."

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Author's Notes

"If you are just coming into this story partway through, I invite you to start from the beginning. <p> [ADVERT] </p> IF you like what you've read, or if you don't, please leave a comment."

The golf course where they’d be playing was sort of on the edge of town. Rick and Diana pulled into the car park at about a quarter past nine, they could see Anne standing beside their hired car. Rick parked up and they got out, greeting Anne with a wave. “Where’s your husband?” asked Rick.

“He’s on the practice green,” she replied. “He likes to take his time getting ready.” She reached out to Diana for a hug, “Hi,” she breathed as she squeezed her tightly.

“You ready?” Diana asked. Anne nodded and said she just wanted to see Steve quickly before they left. She hugged and kissed him and wished him good luck with his round. Going back to Diana, they got into her car and motored off, leaving the men to whack their balls around.

“Is there anything special you’d like to see?” asked Diana.

“You’re the tour guide,” Anne replied, “take me where you will!”

“Oooh, how suggestive,” cooed Diana. “We are going to have such fun today!” She reached her left hand across and held Anne’s right as they motored their way back into town. Diana parked near the center of town and led her new friend through some small shops before going to what looked like a mall called the Regent Arcade. They strolled through, popping in and out of the shops as they went. Anne had made a few small purchases, mostly gifts for people at home.

“Let’s go in here,” Diana suggested, pointing to a shop called Ann Summers.

“What’s this store?” asked Anne. “Oh my God, it’s a naughty store!” she hid her face in her hands and blushed. “I’ve never been to a naughty store before.”

“What?” asked Diana, incredulous? “Do you not own any sexy underwear? No toys?”

“I do, but we bought them online,” she said.

“You can’t get a proper fit online,” Diana answered. “Come on, let’s see what they have on offer.” She dragged Anne into the store and made for the displays of brightly coloured lacy underthings. Picking things off hangers and shelves and holding them up against Anne or herself she would comment how this piece was nice or how Rick would love to see her in it.

“I love the colours,” said Anne. “Most of what I’ve seen is either black, white or red.”

“Oh love, you have so much to learn,” laughed Diana. “I think this blue would look fabulous on you!” She held out a lacy basque with suspenders, “And there are matching stockings.”

“I don’t know,” said Anne, “how would you know if it fits?”

“That’s my job,” came a voice from behind them. “I’m Victoria, may I help you?”

“Yes, please,” said Diana. “My friend here is wondering about sizing.”

“I could guess,” Victoria said, “or we could take your measurements.”

“Come on Anne, live a little! Just think how your husband’s face would look if he saw you in this!”

“All right,” Anne said.

Victoria led them through a curtain to a small room. “Right then,” she said, “Please take off your clothes down to your undergarments.” Anne complied and stood there in her bra and panties, nervously trying to cover herself. “Don’t be shy love, this is what I do.” Victoria took Anne’s hands and moved them away from her body. “Listen, love, you have nothing to be ashamed of. You are a lovely-looking woman.”

“Th-thank you,” Anne stammered, not quite sure what to make of this experience. Victoria took up her measuring tape and a clipboard and started measuring Anne’s figure, noting the measurements on the sheet.

“Looks to me like you are a size 10,” she said.

“Size 10?” exclaimed Anne. “Most of my clothes are a 6 or 8.”

“UK sizes,” Diana said. “A 6 in America is about a 10 here.”

“Oh, okay,” said Anne, relieved. “That’s good to know.”

“Now then,” said Victoria, “is there anything in particular you are looking to find?”

I like that outfit we were looking at when you came over,” Anne said. “The basque and matching stockings, the blue one.” Victoria disappeared for a moment, returning with a few garments.

I took the liberty of fetching the matching bra and knickers,” she said holding them out. “You want these a bit small so they fit closely and form to your body,” she said. “You’re a C-cup but I’d recommend a B. Makes you stand up and out more.” She led Anne to a curtained change room and handed her the bra, “You can try it on if you like.”

Diana waited outside, chatting with Victoria as Anne changed. When she emerged she looked at herself in the mirror, “I see what you mean,” she said, plumping her hands under her breasts.

“Fabulous!” said Diana. “Your hubby won’t know what hit him!”

“As you see, it has a front clasp,” said Victoria. “No unsightly bump on your back when you wear it out for the evening for example.” Anne turned to both sides and admired herself.

“I like it,” she said. “Shame I can’t try on the rest.”

“You can try the stockings if you like but anything else, you have to buy before you try. Hygiene rules I’m afraid.” She pointed to a sign that said all undergarments were final sale.

“It’s okay,” said Anne, dipping back behind the curtain to put her original bra back on. Coming back out, she said, “I’ll take it all.”

“Excellent,” smiled Victoria. She turned to Diana, “What about you, love, can we get anything for you?”

Diana began to strip only to reveal that she was already wearing what Anne thought were knickers and a bra that was pretty sexy. Victoria measured her and declared her a size 6. “That’s a two where you come from,” Diana said.

“Oh,” said Anne, unable to take her eyes off Diana’s trim, petite figure. “You have a great figure,” she said. “I wish I was that slim.”

“Don’t waste your time trying to be someone else,” Victoria said. “Be happy in your own skin.”

“Exactly,” said Diana. “You are really quite lovely just as you are.”

Their measurements taken, they both dressed and went back out into the store. They browsed around for a bit, picking up various items. Anne picked up a purple bra with bright red and pink flowers, I like this,” she said. “Does it come with matching panties?”

“Knickers,” Diana corrected her, grinning.

“Knickers,” Anne repeated. “Does it come with matching knickers?”

“It does,” said Victoria. “One moment.” She went to a set of drawers and returned a moment later, holding them out. Anne took them and dropped them in the basket she was carrying, now about half full of items she and Diana had picked out.

“I’ll take a set as well,” said Diana. Victoria went to retrieve them.

“Will there be anything else?” she asked. Anne was doing the math in her head and decided that she really couldn’t justify spending more than she already was. She shook her head.

“Then let me take these to the counter and you can feel free to continue shopping,” Victoria said. “Call me if you need anything else.”

“We will,” said Diana before taking Anne’s hand and leading her across the store. In a small corner in the back, hidden behind racks of ladies’ clothing was a collection of adult toys and novelties. “What about a new playmate?” she asked Anne.

“I already have a toy that I really like,” she answered. “I don’t really need anything more.”

“Only one?” said Diana. “I have several. A little variety is a good thing.” Anne giggled and shrugged and looked at the collection of things designed to please women and men alike. “I have this one,” said Diana, holding up a rabbit-style vibrator with a fairly large handle. She handed it over to Anne, “It’s my favourite!”

Anne took it from her and looked it over. She pressed the button to set it going and watched in fascination as it ground and twisted the end thrusting out and in slowly. “Oh, my!” she exclaimed, handing back over to Diana.

“It has different speeds and vibration settings,” she said. “Took me a few tries to figure it out but once I did, WOW!”

Anne looked it over again and then picked up a boxed one and set it in her basket. “On your recommendation, I’ll get one!” she said excitedly. “You were right, we are having such fun!” She hugged Diana and then realized where she was and who she was with. “If you had told me this time yesterday I’d be shopping in a sex shop with a woman I had just met I would have called you crazy!”

“I know what you mean,” said Diana. “I don’t know what it is but I feel like I’ve known you and Steve for a long time.” They hugged again. “Now tell me about your vibrator.”

Anne looked around she didn’t see the exact model but she saw one that was pretty close. “It looks like this one,” she said, pointing it out. Diana picked it up and switched it on, holding it against the tip of her nose. “What the?” exclaimed Anne.

“This is how you check how powerful the vibrations are,” she said. “If it makes your eyes water, it’s probably a little too strong.” Her eyes didn’t water Anne noticed. She took it from Diana and tried the same thing.

“Interesting,” she said. Handing it back. Diana picked a boxed one off the shelf and dropped it n her basket. She smiled at Anne and licked her lips.

“Aren’t we the naughty ones!” she said. They browsed a bit more, “I need lube,” she said, “We’re nearly out.”

“Me too,” said Anne, remembering what her husband had said to her the previous week. Diana made another recommendation and they dropped the items into Diana’s basket. “Is that it?” she asked.

“I think so,” said Diana. “How about I pay for these and you pay for the knickers and stuff. It should come out pretty close I think. Whoever pays less, buys dinner!” Anne checked her watch, it was nearly one o’clock. She had learned that in this part of the world, dinner often meant lunch.

“Deal,” she said and they made their way to the counter. They paid up, Diana having spent about £40 less than Anne.

“Looks like dinner is on me!” she said. They thanked Victoria for her help and headed back out into the mall, holding hands and laughing.

Victoria’s younger co-worker nudged her and said, “Gay.” Victoria shook her head.

“No, I was talking to them, they only met yesterday,” she said. “The smaller one is bisexual, the other isn’t yet but she will be this time tomorrow.” She had a way of reading people that astounded her younger associate.

“Lucky cow,” the younger one said, with more than a little jealousy in her voice. She had tried it on with Victoria but she wasn’t interested.


While the ladies were settling up at the naughty store, the men were getting a snack and a drink at the halfway point of their round. They had decided to pair up in a match against their playing partners and were holding their own against better players, being only down one at the turn. Steve’s putter was on fire today, a very rare feat indeed. There were no thoughts of their wives and what trouble they might be getting into in town.

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After their dinner, the two women visited a variety of other shops, both of them picking up a new outfit but for the most part, just enjoying each other’s company. Several times during the afternoon, one or the other would drop a suggestive hint about the other’s spouse which set them giggling like schoolgirls for a moment. They decided to visit a small pub for a drink while they waited for the men to finish up golfing. Then Anne took the leap.

“Your husband is a very attractive man,” she said to Diana. She shifted uncomfortably, wondering what her friend’s reaction would be.

“As is yours,” Diana replied. “I would imagine he gets plenty of attention from other women.”

“Some,” Anne said, “but I don’t mind. It just makes him horny and I always get the benefit when he comes home all worked up!”

“I know what you mean!” giggled Diana. “I can always tell when some woman has paid a little attention to him. It’s good for his ego, and for me, if you know what I mean.” She raised her eyebrows as she looked at Anne over her drink.

“I know exactly what you mean,” Anne replied with a smile. “What about you, do men ever try to hit on you?”

“Sometimes,” Diana replied. “Sometimes I’ll play along just to tease them a little. But that’s all there is to it.”

“Me too,” replied Anne, “except for the teasing part. I always shut them down straight away.” She paused for a moment before continuing, “When men come on to you, do you tell Rick about it?”

“Usually, yes,” she replied. “He says he doesn’t mind and it usually ends up with us in bed fantasizing about it, you know, me and some random stranger doing it in front of him.”

“You would do that? For real?” exclaimed Anne quietly. “Would you go through with it?”

“Maybe,” Diana replied with a wicked grin. “If it were the right fella I might.” Anne felt her pussy moisten at the thought and decided to see how far the conversation would go.

“What about you watching him with another woman?” she asked.

Maybe,” Diana answered. She took a deep breath. “Is this conversation going where I think it’s going?”

“I think so,” said Anne. “I have a confession to make.”

“Really?” Diana of course knew exactly what she was going to say but played along, hoping Anne would be the one to suggest it.

“Steve and I have talked about swapping partners, fantasized about it even. In fact, you and Rick are the ones we fantasized about.” She lowered her eyes, afraid to see the reaction from her new friend. She knew this was a tipping point in their friendship and that what was said next would change it going forward.

Diana reached out and took Anne’s hand. “I was hoping you’d say something like that,” she said. “The truth is, Rick and I have fantasized about the same thing.” She squeezed her friend’s hand more firmly as she looked around the pub which was filling up with their late afternoon regulars. “I think we should go someplace more private to continue this conversation.”

Anne squeezed her hand in return, “I think you’re right,” she answered. They both gulped down the remains of their G&Ts and left the pub. Once seated in Diana’s car, Anne took a deep breath.

“So we both would like to sleep with each other’s husbands,” she said straightforwardly. “How do we make that happen?”

“Well, for starters, I don’t necessarily want to sleep with your husband but I would like to fuck him!” she teased. They both laughed. “As for making it happen, I think all we need to do is ask them if they feel the same way.”

“How about you guys come over to our cottage for supper,” Anne suggested. “We’ll have a few drinks and then tell them about the idea.”

“If we’re to be drinking we should probably stay the night,” suggested Diana.

“Exactly,” replied Anne. “If they don’t go for it, at least I’m pretty sure they’ll both be pretty horny. Either way, we’ll get a good fucking out of it!”

“I like the way you’re thinking!” replied Diana. Just then her mobile chimed. She picked it up and looked at it, “That’s Rick. They’re done golfing and they’re going to have a pint in the clubhouse. It appears they won the match and the losers have to buy! They want us to join them.”

“Perfect!” said Anne excitedly. “I can’t believe this is happening! Steve will go for it, I’m certain!”

“I think Rick will as well!” She leaned over and kissed Anne on the cheek. “So tell me, have you been with anyone but him since you were married?” Anne shook her head.

“No, but there was this one time when I was away for work. I met this guy, tall, really cute who asked me to dinner. I was lonely and horny so I went. We ended up dancing and I could feel him against my tummy, he was big! But I chickened out. I felt bad about stringing him along like that but I just couldn’t do it. He said he understood but I don’t think he did. He tried calling and texting me for a few weeks after that but I never responded.”

“Did you tell Steve about it?” asked Diana.

“I did” Anne answered. “In fact, that’s when the fantasizing started. He said he was glad I hadn’t gone through with it but I have the feeling that if I had, he would have been okay with it as long as I told him about it afterward.” She sighed, “Damn he was cute.”

“I had a similar thing happen, except I went through with it,” Diana said plainly. Anne gasped out loud and Diana nodded. “Similar thing except he was away and I went out for drinks with a girlfriend and her husband. I met this fella and we started talking. Next thing I knew we were at his flat going at it like rabbits!” She smiled at the memory. “Of course, I confessed as soon as Rick got home. It almost spelt the end for us but we got through it. Come to think of it, that’s when the fantasies started for us as well.”

“Oh my God, that’s crazy!” exclaimed Anne as they pulled into the car park at the golf course.

“I know, right?” said Diana. “That’s when I promised him and myself that I would never cheat on him again. It took us a long time to get over it, I even tried to convince him to go have a fling with some stranger but he wouldn’t go for it.” She sighed as she switched off the engine. “But what we’re talking about is different, is it not?”

Anne leaned over to kiss Diana’s cheek but as she did, Diana turned her face toward her and their lips met. It was brief and unintentional but they both responded instinctively, the chance meeting of their lips lingering longer than either expected, their tongues instinctively flicking forward so sexually charged they both were.

“That was nice,” Anne whispered.

“It was,” replied Diana. “Are you as turned on as I am?”

“More I think!” whispered Anne. “I think tonight will be a very interesting night.” She kissed Diana again quickly and opened the car door to get out.

They arrived at the table where their husbands and playing partners were sitting and greeted them with hugs and kisses. “I think they’re up for it,” Diana whispered to Rick. He just looked at her and smiled broadly before looking at Anne and raising his eyebrows.

At the same moment, Anne whispered to Steve, “All systems go!” She of his love for all things space-related and would get meaning immediately.

“Awesome,” he whispered back. Rick fetched drinks for the girls, Diana opting for something soft as she still had to drive home. Steve introduced their playing partners for the day who lamented losing the match to what they thought were lesser players. Anne knew that would stoke her husband’s ego, something she could use to her advantage later if she needed to.

“I’ve invited Diana and Rick over for supper,” she told Steve. “I hope you don’t mind.”

“Of course not!” he answered as he stared directly at Diana, “I’m looking forward to getting to know them both better!”

“Me as well,” Rick chimed in, lost in his own suspicions of what ‘getting to know them’ meant. They finished their drinks and the men all shook hands, thanking each other for an excellent game. As both couples convened by their respective vehicles, Anne spoke first.

“How about you come over around 6:30? That will give us time to get everything ready.”

“Perfect,” replied Rick. “I’m really looking forward to it!” The men shook hands and the women hugged and they departed.

Diana’s car was no sooner on the roadway when Rick asked, “You think they’ll be up for a swap?”

“Definitely!” answered his wife. “What about you, are you all good?”

“Definitely!” he replied as he reached over and ran his hand up under his wife’s skirt. She let his fingers linger for a bit as he traced one fingertip along the crease between her lips before pushing his hand away. “Patience there darling, you’re going to get lucky tonight, it’s just a matter of whether it’s Anne or me!”

“Or both!” he suggested. “I’m not the only one getting lucky, you know!”

“I know,” she answered. “Perhaps we’ll get lucky together!”

“Perhaps,” he replied, his hand drifting to her thigh again. This time she did not stop him nearly driving into the ditch when his fingertip found her clit. She shivered and sighed and pushed his hand away.

“Wait!” she commanded. “When we get home, I promise!” Her hand moved to the prominent lump in the front of his slacks, he was ready to go. She sped up a little for the rest of the short drive to their house. No sooner had the front door closed behind them than she was on her knees in front of him, his slacks bunched around his ankles and his cock in her mouth. It was not long at all before he erupted, filling her mouth, the excess dribbling down her chin as she looked up and him and licked her lips clean before swallowing. “That should hold you over,” she said as she stood up and walked into their bedroom, leaving him standing with his slacks bunched around his feet and the last of his cum dripping from the end of his cock onto the floor between his toes.


At the same time that Diana was taking her husband’s cock into her mouth, Anne was on her back on the hard sitting room floor. Steve was gowning down on her, his fingers and tongue teasing, licking, probing and suckling at her wet, pink lips and turgid clit. She fantasized about Rick taking her from behind as she kissed Diana’s pink lips and pushed her tongue past her teeth to dance with hers. After being turned on for most of the afternoon, it didn’t take long at all before she came, her pussy gushing as her bum bounced off the hard floor. She held his head with both hands, not letting him ease up until she was completely finished with the orgasm she had been longing for all day. Finally, she relaxed, her arms splayed out to her sides as her husband finished the job with soft kisses up along her body, his lips pausing at her breasts and paying special attention to her nipples, now erect in the open air.

“Will that do until later?” he asked her. She nodded, her eyes closed as she sighed a blissful sigh, the kind one sighs after a long-awaited orgasm.

“I think so,” she breathed. “If things work out the way I hope, the next set of lips to touch mine won’t be yours!”

“And perhaps I’ll get to see if Diana’s pussy tastes as sweet as yours!” he replied before kissing her deeply. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

“I’m as sure as I can be!” she answered. “Come on, we’d better get ready!”

Written by CaressofSteel
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