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Across The Pond - Sharing Is Caring

"Anne and Diana make a devious plan for their husbands"

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Author's Notes

"This is the first of two new chapters to my previous series, Across The Pond. If you haven't yet read that series, I invite you to do so before continuing. <p> [ADVERT] </p>As always, if you like what you have read, tap the like icon and leave a comment. Enjoy!"

It had been two years since Steve and his wife Anne had taken their fateful trip to the UK that ended up changing their lives forever. Anne in particular had opened her eyes, her mind, and her legs to a variety of sexual experiences that she had never before even imagined.

Diana and Richard, their friends from England, had also expanded their horizons. Both couples now actively sought out new partners for sexual encounters, both as a couple and individually.  Anne had a steady boyfriend/fuckbuddy for a while that she would see whenever Steve was out of town.

Steve knew about him and while he didn't necessarily approve of his wife’s extramarital affair, he accepted it, mostly because she had given him encouragement to find a girlfriend of his own. It wasn’t her fault that he hadn’t been able to find someone to copulate with.

The two couples shared regular communication by email, text and phone calls. They had several erotic video chats during which they would fuck their spouses while fantasizing out loud about what they would do the next time they saw each other in person.

For three of them, they were happy to leave things as fantasy but Diana wanted more. She yearned for a reunion with Steve and Anne, either individually or together. If Rich got to be part of it, all the better but she wanted, as she admitted to him on more than one occasion, Steve’s cock.

As fate would have it, Anne had to go away from home on business to Montreal for two weeks. She invited her husband to come along but he didn’t like that city. “Fair enough then, I’ll just have to find my own fun!” she said after failing to convince him. Then she came up with the idea for her husband to perhaps go visit their friends across the pond while she was gone.

Diana was excited to see the message from her Canadian friend in her inbox. She opened it and immediately her mind started churning about how they could get together. A lengthy and steamy text exchange that night made up her mind.

The next night she contacted Anne privately. I hear you will be going on a business trip! she texted.

I am, she replied, first week of September, two weeks in Montreal. I asked hubby to come with but he doesn’t want to so I suggested he go visit you for a while!

He told me, Diana texted back. I have an idea. Over the next half hour, the two women concocted a plan that would see Steve get the surprise of his life!

Arrangements were made, and airfare was purchased but at Diana’s insistence, Steve didn’t book any hotels or activities for his week in the UK. Diana said she would take care of all the details. Anne had to leave on Sunday to be ready for her meetings on Monday morning. As they drove to the airport, Anne seemed on edge. She fidgeted in her seat and nibbled at her nails, a disgusting habit she had tried for years to stop.

“Are you okay, Sweetie?” Steve asked her.

“I’m fine,” she replied, but when they got to the Park and Fly lot, she turned to her husband. “You’re okay with all of this, aren’t you?” she asked him.

“I’m okay with it,” he answered. “Look, I know you are probably going to have lots of fun while you’re away and it’s okay. I will be having lots of fun myself.”

“Yes, but you will be having fun with my long-distance girlfriend. If I have any fun it will be with strange men.”

“Or women,” he said. Anne had been with a couple of different women since her discovery that women are as much fun in bed as men. She smiled and shifted in her seat. Little did he know the surprise that awaited him.

“I guess,” she said. They retrieved their bags, got aboard the shuttle bus and went to the airport. Steve checked in and went to the start of the security lineup. “Don’t have too much fun!” she said. “Say hi to Diana for me!” She kissed him deeply. “Give her that for me too!”

“I will,” he said. He looked at her; she still looked nervous, and she was but not she was uncertain about what would happen while she was in Montreal; it was for a very different reason altogether.

Husband and wife kissed once more and he promised to get in touch as soon as he arrived in London. She smiled and watched him disappear through the frosted glass doors before smiling to herself and catching the elevator to the observation area that overlooked the airfield. She was awaiting the arrival of a very special passenger whose flight was due to arrive in a half hour.


Just as her husband's aircraft was being pushed back from the gate, she noticed that the flight she was waiting for was taxiing to a different gate well to her left. She smiled and hugged herself, anticipating a very warm hug from a very different set of arms just as soon as her friend cleared customs.

Steve settled in and paid only passing attention to the pre-takeoff announcements, in both English and French. It irked him that they were flying from an English-speaking city to England but the announcement had to be in both of his country’s official languages. The engines roared, the plane rumbled and settled and just as the fasten seat belts sign was turned off, he thought about Diana and wondered what she might have planned.


At about the same time, Anne’s friend came through the doors of the arrivals area. She smiled as he walked over to her, set his single bag down carefully and took her into his arms. They kissed as long-lost lovers would, and in truth, that is what they were. They hadn’t seen each other in two years.


Steve managed a nap for an hour or so during the six-hour flight. As he napped, the image of his daring wife, naked on a hotel bed, wandered into and around his mind. It was like a series of short clips, each one taken from a different angle and in each, she was with a different man. The one thing they all had in common was their cocks; they were all impressive.

He was startled awake and immediately noticed that he had a very full erection. The images of his wife faded quickly and he excused himself to the other passengers in his row to go to the restroom. They were a couple, a husband and wife he figured, a little older than he was. When he returned he passed the husband as he waited his turn in the loo. The wife stood and let him back into his seat and as he passed her she whispered, “That must have been some dream!” He nodded and smiled politely.

Presently, the engine noise lessened and the aircraft began to descend. He looked out the window at the landscape below and soon recognized some of London’s most famous landmarks lit up in the early evening light as the aircraft turned onto final approach. The nose went up, the wheels touched down, the engines roared again and then came the announcement, “Welcome to London, Bienvenue a Londres. The local time is 9:17 PM.” He became fidgety because he had no idea what would happen when he got through customs. He knew he would be finding a phone shop to purchase a UK SIM card; the first plan was to text Diana that he had arrived.

Diana waited excitedly in the arrivals hall. She had made all the plans, the hotel bookings, the train tickets, everything. What she had not done was to tell Steve that she would be there waiting for him when he arrived. She had disguised herself so he wouldn’t immediately recognize her; a raven wig, large sunglasses and a big hat changed her features enough that she would surprise him. She also was wearing a long overcoat that buttoned up the front. She was wearing nothing else except heels, lipstick, the scent of her sex, and a broad smile.

She saw him immediately and her heart leapt. She lifted the homemade sign with his name on it and watched as he looked around to get his bearings. Then he spotted it but couldn’t see who was holding it. He made his way through the crowd of passengers and greeters until he was next to her. She smiled and stood on tiptoe to kiss him. “HI!” she breathed. It took him a moment to realize who she was and then swept her into his arms.

“Hi yourself!” he said. “I’ve missed you!”

“Mmmm, I’ve missed you too!” she gushed.

“Why the disguise?” he asked.

“I wanted to surprise you,” she said. “To give you a proper greeting, as it were!”

“You surprised me all right!” he said before kissing her once more, deeply and lovingly.

“All right, you two, move along!” came a rough-sounding voice. A policeman wandered over. “You can wait until you get home!” he said more quietly.

Steve just smiled politely but Diana for some reason decided to respond, “I’m not sure I can!”

Before catching a taxi, they went to a phone shop in the terminal and got his SIM card. £30 later, he had unlimited data for thirty days and 100 international calling minutes. That should be enough.

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Hand in hand they went outside to the taxi rank and caught the next available “Black Taxi” that London was famous for. “This must be where they got the idea for the TARDIS,” he said excitedly. “It’s bigger on the inside!” Diana giggled and took off her hat, glasses, and wig. They kissed again for a moment.

“I suppose you’ve got nothing on under that coat!” he whispered.

She kissed him again and felt his erection. “You know me so well!” she replied with a wicked grin. “And I plan on getting reacquainted with you very, very soon!” She squeezed him and licked his earlobe, making him shiver. He forgot all about telling his wife he’d arrived safely.

They arrived at the hotel near Victoria Station. It was fancy, far more elegant than the places he usually stayed in. “Nice!” he said to Diana, “Very nice indeed!” She led him straight to the lift.

“We’re all checked in for the night!” she said. “You must be tired after your flight.”

“Actually, it’s only 6:30 at home,” he said. “I’m wide awake!”

“Oh, good!” she replied. The lift door opened and she led him to the last room at the end of the hallway. She opened the door and stepped back for him to enter. The room was more than a room; it was a full suite with high windows that gave a great view of the bustle of Victoria Square. He wandered into the bedroom suite to see the king-sized bed and in the private bath was a tub easily big enough for two.

“Ahem!” he heard and he turned to see Diana, her coat open and fallen around her shoulders, her mature, nude body on full display for him to see.

“Just as I remember,” he breathed and he went to her, taking her in his arms. He lifted her and her legs wrapped around his waist. Their breath became ragged as they each tried to devour the other with their lips and tongues. After what seemed an eternity, their kiss broke and they looked at each other.

“I wish Anne and Rich were here now,” he said.

“They are doing just fine!” she purred.

“How do you know that?” he asked. She held up one finger and fished her phone out of her coat pocket. He heard the buzz of the ring and then Richard’s voice.

“Hello, Darling!” he said brightly.



As Steve’s plane was about halfway across the Atlantic, Anne’s was touching down in Montreal. Her hand was in her friend’s as they collected their luggage and made their way to the taxi rank. Traffic from the airport to downtown was the usual nightmare so it took all she could handle to keep her hands from him. She would have to be satisfied for now with her hand on his cock and his hand between her thighs teasing her clit. Her orgasm was pleasurable if muted.

They got checked in and immediately on entering the room, began tearing the clothes from each other. There was no pretence of foreplay; he was inside her in half a minute, thrusting himself into her and panting from the exertion. His orgasm came quickly but failed to trigger hers but she was not worried; she was just happy to have his long cock inside her, touching her where her husband’s could not. As they lay together afterwards, he dropped into a deep sleep; he had been awake since midnight her time.

His phone jangled and woke him up. He too had purchased a SIM card so he could make local and international calls but unlike, Steve, he had texted his wife to let her know he had arrived safely, and so she would have his temporary number.

As soon as she was aware that he had woken up, she went to him, crawling up the bed on her hands and knees, peeling back the covers as she went. His cock lay limp against his thigh.

“Is that Diana?” she whispered and he nodded yes. She smiled and using only her lips, took him into her mouth and began gently reviving him.

“Hello, Darling!” she heard.


“Hello, Darling!” Diana repeated back to him. It was their customary greeting. “How was your flight?”

“It was good,” he said.

“And are you comfortable now?” she asked.

“Very comfortable indeed!” he said. He thumbed the icon to switch his camera and Diana was treated with the sight of Anne’s mouth around her husband’s cock and her eyes looking straight at the camera.

“Come here, lover!” she said to Steve, “Say hello to your wife!”

She handed her phone to him and he was stunned to see her with Rich. Anne took her mouth off Rich’s cock and looked at the camera. “Hi, Sweetie!” The light glinted off of her wedding and engagement rings.

He stared at Diana. “Did you set this up?”

“Actually, Sweetie, I set this up,” Anne said. “I knew you wouldn’t be happy if I found a stranger to play with while I’m here and you didn’t want to come so I invited Rich to join me!” She took another long suck on his cock.

“And you were in on it?” He asked Diana.

Her eyes twinkled as she smiled at him. “When Anne suggested that Rich go visit her, she also suggested that you come visit me!” She snuggled over beside him so her face was in the image. “Hello, Anne, having fun, are we?”

“We are!” she laughed.

“Face it, Steve, we are married to two very devious women!” said Rich as he guided Anne’s face back onto his cock.

Steve was dumbfounded, at a loss for words. He kept looking back and forth between the screen and Diana’s face as if he couldn’t comprehend what was happening. Diana brought him back to reality.

“I think we need to leave your wife and my husband alone so they can entertain each other,” she purred. “Good night, Darling,” she said to her husband. “Good night, Anne!”

“It is a good night!” Anne replied. “I will take very good care of your husband, I promise!”

“And I will take very good care of yours!” Diana replied. She ended the call and looked at him. “Now then, where were we?”

She sidled over to him and started unbuckling his trousers. Then she helped him out of his coat and shirt until he was naked except for his socks. She sank to her knees and looked up at him. “I’ve been waiting two years for this!” she purred and she opened wide and engulfed him.

All thoughts of his wife left Steve’s mind as he succumbed to the feeling of his cock sliding into Diana’s throat. Having been teased by her and by his wife for most of the day and evening, he was already nearly ready to orgasm but Diana had other ideas. She teased and edged him for nearly an hour without allowing him the release he so desperately craved.

“Come on, Diana!” he groaned. “Please?” he begged her.

“I’ll bet by now my husband has already filled all of your wife’s openings with his spunk!” she teased. “I’ll bet she’s swallowed what she could and he’s licked her clean of the rest!” She pushed her hand over his and guided his fingers inside her sopping-wet pussy. “And now you are going to do the same to me!” She pushed him onto his back and climbed over him, taking his cock back into her mouth before lowering her hips down over his face.

He was having great difficulty concentrating on her as she sucked on him and her finger played across his asshole. Her finger left his ass and he felt it slip into her mouth beside his cock to wet it before he felt it again at his back door.

His back and legs stiffened as she penetrated him; no one had ever done this for him but discomfort turned to pleasure as her fingertip found his prostate and she massaged it. As much as he wanted to make this feeling last, he could hold back no longer.

His mouth left her cunt. “OH FUCK!” he groaned and his cum shot into her throat. He felt her pull back a little but her lips remained locked around him as he came. Her tongue felt exquisite against his shaft as she milked him, coaxing every last drop from him. When she sensed he was about finished, she shifted her hips to remind him to finish the job he started.

Her mouth remained on him after he was spent, which did not lessen the difficulty he was having in concentrating on her. He fought through it and was soon rewarded with a gushing warmth as she reached the top of the climb to Nirvana.

She spat him out and cried, “OH GOD, STEPHEN!” He redoubled his efforts and she let out another cry as she spurted warm, clear fluid over his face. He did his best to contain it but it was too much, running down over his face, into and around his ears and his hair before ending up on the sheet beneath them. Each little jet of her cum was accompanied by a cry, each one becoming softer as her orgasm arrived, peaked and subsided.

She took one last suck on his cock and moved off him, turning and lying on top of him. Her lips found his and they kissed as they descended down the mountain together. She licked her fluid from his cheek. “You are a mess!” she giggled.

“It’s your mess!” he countered, to which she shrugged. Another kiss and he pushed her face up so he could stare into her eyes. “Thank you for this,” he said earnestly.

“Thank your darling bride,” she replied. “This was her idea.”

“I think I’ll let your loving husband thank her for me!” he said.

“I think he will do just that!” she stated.

Written by CaressofSteel
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