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Author's Notes

"These stories relate the exploits of teenage girls Judy and Kate, and Kate’s mother, Ruth. It is a wider story of love touching on many themes, but with spanking at its core. If you want to catch up, the first four parts are all quite short. I hope you enjoy!"

It was the Easter holidays, and Kate and I were enjoying coffee and cake in the Coffee Bean café – our favourite haunt when we were back home. As I returned from the ladies' room, I noticed that Kate had been joined at our table by another woman.

She stood as I approached. “Judy – look who I’ve found!” exclaimed Kate.

I belatedly recognised the lady – it was Mrs Griffiths, headmistress of the school we had left the previous year.

“Hello, Mrs Griffiths,” I said warmly as we exchanged polite bisous.

As the ex-head girl, I knew Mrs Griffiths well. She was a no-nonsense, well-proportioned, mature woman whom I liked and respected very much - though I couldn’t look at her without recalling the one time she had punished me very thoroughly over her desk with her fearsome cane.

“Hello, Judy. How nice to see you – I couldn’t believe it when I saw Kate sitting at the table here. You both seem to have matured so much in such a short time.”

“Thank you, Miss.”

I added the ‘Miss’ instinctively, even though it had been months since our graduation, and I could feel my back automatically straightening as we sat back down. Mrs Griffiths had that effect on her students. Kate smiled at me in mutual realisation as we exchanged glances.

“So — I heard on the grapevine that the two of you had become good friends and were at university together?” she asked. 

“A bit more than that, to be honest, Mrs Griffiths,” said Kate. “We’ve been going out together for over a year now.”

“Well, I didn’t want to make assumptions,” Mrs Griffiths replied. “I had heard that, yes. Goodness me - and the two of you used to be mortal enemies at school if I remember correctly?”

“Yes,” Kate laughed. “Miss Goody Two-Shoes here wasn’t my favourite person, I’ll admit. Well, not until that last term…” Kate looked at me and laughed again.

Mrs Griffiths looked between us, slightly mystified. “What am I missing?” she probed.

“Well, it all started the day you caned me in your office, Miss,” I admitted, my face going red.

“Ah Yes. I remember the occasion very well. I’ll admit I was very surprised at you, Judy. I didn’t expect to have to punish my head girl – certainly not for the sort of behaviour you exhibited that day.”

I could feel my blush going deeper as Kate sniggered.

“She didn’t really do anything that wrong, to be honest, Miss.”

“What do you mean?” asked Mrs Griffiths, puzzled.

Kate looked at me. “Are you going to explain, or should I?” she asked, arching an eyebrow.

“Well, I hope someone is going to,” said Mrs Griffiths, unable to hide a hint of irritation.

“I’m sorry, Miss. It’s just – it became such a turning point for the two of us. Judy, why don’t you tell her what happened?”

Instinctively, I swallowed. Did I have to? I didn’t think my face could handle any more heat, and I was still incredibly embarrassed by the whole occasion! Oh, well – in for a penny…

“Well, the thing is, Miss, I – I had a bit of a crush on Kate, and I didn’t want to get her into trouble. Kate and her friend Jo had been fighting over her mum’s plate, and I tried to intervene to stop them, and the plate ended up broken, which really upset Kate.” God, I was gabbling, bordering on incoherent; I realised that the explanation sounded quite weak – which it was.

“I was so mad at you,” said Kate, rescuing me. “But in a way, I was even more mad when you took the blame. I didn’t understand why you did it. Not – not until you kissed me later that afternoon.” She looked at me fondly. “But since then, Judy has kept me on the straight and narrow, so it worked out for the best in the end.” Kate gave my leg an affectionate squeeze under the table.

“Hmm, I see,” said Mrs Griffiths, frowning as she pieced the story together in her mind. She rested her elbows on the table and steepled her fingers. “And that’s all very nice, you two getting together…” said Mrs Griffiths, giving me a very stern glance, “…but it very much sounds to me that you lied to me that day, Judy. Am I right?”

I gulped a bit, suddenly sensing where this conversation might be heading. “Um, yes, Miss, I suppose I did…”

“I don’t think there is any ‘suppose’ about it,” she interrupted, her voice tinged with disapproval. “You know how much I hate lying.”

“Um, yes, Mrs Griffiths - I’m really sorry. But it was only so the others didn’t get into trouble. After all, it was partly my fault the plate broke.”

“I did wonder at the time. Something didn’t quite ring true. If I’d known then what you’ve just told me, I would undoubtedly have given you a more severe punishment,” said Mrs Griffiths with raised eyebrows. “How many strokes did you get?”

I swallowed uneasily at the memory. “Seven - seventeen, Miss – if you include the two extras for standing up when I shouldn’t.”

“And most of them on your bare bottom, if I remember right. It was shocking that I had to mete out such a thrashing to my head girl.” I could hear the disappointment in her voice, and I felt a wave of shame wash over me.

“It’s just as well you’ve left the school and aren’t still under my jurisdiction, Judy,” she continued severely. “I know you meant well, but you and I both know you should have been punished for lying to me. I would…” Mrs Griffiths stopped what she was going to say next, but she was clearly frustrated. She gave a little shake of her head.

There was an uncomfortable silence whilst we all absorbed the headmistress’ words.

Finally, Kate cleared her throat. “Well, I don’t see - I don’t see why you couldn’t still do that,” said Kate hesitantly.

“I beg your pardon?”

“I said, I don’t see why you couldn’t still punish her,” Kate repeated. “In fact, I think you should punish her.”

As she said the words, she looked innocently across at me. “You see, you are right, Mrs Griffiths. She does need taking in hand now and again, as I have found - even now,” Kate said with a wicked glint in her eye. “She needs regular discipline and, if truth be told, she wishes it. I’m sure she would be very grateful for the opportunity to make things right with you.”

My eyes widened at Kate’s words; my mouth suddenly dry. I realised that Kate was setting me up and if I didn’t object, I would likely end up on the receiving end of a severe caning from my ex-headmistress.

“After all, as Mrs Griffiths says, you undoubtedly do deserve it, don’t you, Judy?” Kate added mischievously.

Our eyes locked, and I thought about what was likely to happen next if I didn’t disagree with her. And then I looked down submissively. “Yes, Kate,” I replied quietly.

When I looked up, I saw that Mrs Griffiths’ eyes were fixed on me. Her eyebrows had risen several notches.

“I see,” she said evenly. “Well, I won’t say I’m not surprised by your words, Kate. You are, however, both adults now, so those are the kinds of decisions it is yours to make. If you are telling me that you really want to make things right, then that is up to you, Judy.” She paused and focussed her attention on me. “I certainly wouldn’t object if you were willing to subject yourself to my discipline in this matter. If fact, I would be quite pleased. But…” Mrs Griffiths looked at each of us in turn at this point. “…I want to reiterate that it is up to you. I am in no position to insist, nor would I wish to do so. It is very much your decision.”

She had very clearly put the ball in our court.

Kate cleared her throat again.

“Um, Mrs Griffiths - as Judy’s responsible other, she accepts your proposal. Um, I would, of course, be keen to observe her punishment,” she said diffidently. “I trust that would be okay?”

Mrs Griffiths looked at us both very carefully. “I don’t see a problem with that, Kate – presuming Judy is also content?”

I quickly glanced at Kate who was trying not to laugh. When I looked back to Mrs Griffiths I nodded.

“Yes, Mrs Griffiths,” I said, my voice barely audible. After a few moments, Mrs Griffiths let a long breath.

“Very well. We seem to be in agreement, then. Why don’t the two of you come to the school tomorrow afternoon at 3:40 pm? All the students will be leaving then, and I can deal appropriately with Judy’s transgression in my study.”

“That sounds like a good plan, doesn’t it, Judy?” said Kate.

Feeling like a scolded girl, I nodded obediently. Yet at the same time, I could feel my panties getting damp. I was getting excited at the thought of being caned by the Headmistress again!

“Do you still have your school uniform, Judy?” asked Mrs Griffiths.

Still somewhat in shock, I nodded.

“I beg your pardon?”

My eyes widened at the sudden steel in her tone and I realised that the dynamic in our conversation had suddenly shifted.

“Y – yes, Miss. I still have my school uniform.”

“Good. I’d like you to wear that. If we’re going to do this, we ought to do it properly. Full school uniform as if you were still a pupil at my school.”

God, my pussy was suddenly crying out for some attention…

I saw Kate smile. “Absolutely!” she agreed wholeheartedly.


“What are you doing?” I hissed after Mrs Griffiths had left us to finish our coffees. To be honest I was still a bit shaken by the whole conversation.

Kate laughed delightedly. “Oh, come on, Judy. I bet your pussy is dripping at the thought of being bent over her desk with your knickers down.” She looked at me. “I know mine is,” she added meaningfully.

“But I’ll have to go back to our old school – in uniform!” I protested. “And – and…”

But she was right. My panties weren’t so much damp as saturated. And the butterflies in my stomach at the thought of being in Mrs Griffiths’ study again, waiting to have my bare bottom caned…

Kate was watching me carefully. “See…?” she said, smiling. “You want it, don’t you?”

I pushed out my lower lip. “I’ll get you back,” I promised.

“Oh, will you?” she teased. “I rather thought you’d be thanking me with your tongue,” she smirked.

I drew in my breath. God, she knew how to push my buttons. She knew darned well that if she told me to, I’d get down on my knees right there and then for a taste of her luscious quim.

“Come on,” she added, standing up. “We need to see if you still fit in your old uniform.”

I quickly grabbed my bag and followed her out of the door. She’s still got such a power over me, I thought. And I’m willing to do whatever she wants – and she knows it!

My pulse quickened once more as I thought of tomorrow’s visit to my old Headmistress, and the punishment to come. But first, I would need to find my school clothes. Maybe Kate would have me wear it tonight whilst I knelt between her strong legs and pleasured her succulent honey-pot with my tongue – god, she was so right about that!


“Mrs Griffiths? There are two girls here to see you?”

“Thank you, Rebecca. I’m expecting them. Send them in.”

God, I was nervous. I couldn’t believe we were back in our old school. As instructed, I was dressed in my old uniform and, to be honest, it was a little tight. I had filled out a little in the last year - especially my bust. And as an older girl, I actually felt a little slutty wearing it. Just one more reason why your panties are damp already – you like being a slut, don’t you…?

Mrs Griffiths’ new secretary looked to be in her early thirties, and she’d given me a very odd look when Kate had announced our appointment with the Headmistress. I wondered what she had been told.

“Ah, good - there you are - you remembered how to get here! And Judy, it looks like you’ve found your old uniform. Excellent.” She slowly walked around me, giving me a careful visual inspection. “Hmmm,” she breathed inconclusively, then turned to my girlfriend.

“So, you’ve found it necessary to discipline Miss Adams, have you, Kate?”

My breath caught as the headmistress used my surname. Miss Adams... Mrs Griffiths had obviously had time to consider things and put two and two together about our relationship.

“Oh, yes. As you know, she can be a very naughty girl, Mrs Griffiths,” said Kate. God, she was laying it on a bit thick, wasn’t she? – and yet she still managed to sound so guileless. 

“Hmm, yes, it seems you are right. This is very much a case in point, isn’t it? Do you use a cane on her?”

“Actually, I mostly use a wooden hairbrush – I find it’s a very effective implement.”

“Yes, I imagine it is.”

It was slightly surreal, listening to them discussing my discipline as if I weren’t in the room.

“Well, today, I’m going to be using my senior cane. It’s the one I reserve for those students deserving of a more serious punishment. I thought it appropriate for a girl of Miss Adams’ maturity. Do you agree?”

“Oh, yes, Mrs Griffiths – that sounds most suitable.”

Mrs Griffiths returned her gaze to me. “I’m sure you realise that you have displeased me, young lady. I put my trust in you as head girl and you let me down by lying.”

I swallowed and cast my eyes down. She was right – I had let her down and felt ashamed for putting my own feelings ahead of my duty as the head girl. 

“You will not enjoy a punishment with this cane, Miss Adams, I can assure you. It is meant for severe punishment and will leave you thinking about your transgression for some time afterwards,” she warned.

Her voice softened slightly. “Look at me, Judy.” I raised my eyes to meet Mrs Griffiths’. “You do understand why you are being punished, don’t you?”

Tears pricking at my eyes, I nodded. “Yes, Miss.”

“Good. And as this is a follow-up to events that took place whilst you were at the school last year, your caning will be recorded in the punishment book.” she hesitated. “Just to make things legitimate, however, I require you to sign the book to confirm you have given your consent to be caned by me today.” She paused again. “Judy - I must remind you that I no longer have any authority to punish you. You are here voluntarily but you do not have to be here. Be sure that, if you agree to this, I will cane you, and make no mistake, it will be a strict punishment. If you do not accept that – if you wish to leave - then now is the time to do so. Do you understand?”

The gremlins in my stomach were doing handstands. I swallowed. A small part of me – a tiny part, really - said I should just turn around and go. But a much bigger part – including the unremitting throbbing in my pussy – very much wanted this. Needed this. In my peripheral vision, I could see Kate. She wasn’t saying anything, and I knew she was also giving me the choice to back out if I wanted.

But she knew exactly what I would do.

“Yes, Miss – I understand,” I breathed.

Mrs Griffiths continued to look into my eyes for several seconds. Then she nodded.

“Very well. Now, Judy, I’d like you to go and introduce yourself to my new school secretary and explain why you are here. Her name is Rebecca Stevens. And whilst you’re doing that I’m going to talk to Kate in private for a moment, okay?”

Oh God – I had to explain to her secretary! Now I really felt like a naughty schoolgirl, whilst Kate was the grown-up talking like an adult to the headmistress about my behaviour. Submissively, I left them to chat whilst I reluctantly went to see Mrs Stevens.

She looked up brightly from her desk as I nervously approached her.

“Er, hello, Mrs Stevens. I — I’m Judy Adams, the ex-head girl from last year, and um, I’m here to be – to be, um, punished by Mrs Griffiths.” I started blushing again as I mumbled the words. Mrs Stevens’ eyebrows rose as I spoke, and I wondered what she thought of my appearance and why I was there.

“Oh yes – Mrs Griffiths did explain something of this to me.” She hesitated, frowning. “I’m still a little confused because I know it’s very unusual to be punished once you’ve left the school - but I understand you are here voluntarily.” She dithered. “Er, as Mrs Griffiths has asked me to enter this in the book, may I ask what the punishment is for?”

“Um, yes, of course. It’s for, um, lying. Mrs Griffiths says to put the entry with my transgression from last year, and um…”


“I’ve to sign the book to say I give my consent.”

“Oh, yes - she mentioned something about that. Please take a seat by the wall over there, then, Miss Adams. I’ll check in the book and prepare a note for you to sign. The headmistress will call you back in when she’s ready for you, and you can tell me how many strokes afterwards.” She looked at me with pity in her eyes. “She really hates lying, you know? You’re probably in for an uncomfortable time.”

Not knowing what else to say, I nodded, then sat down in one of the chairs where those waiting could reflect on their impending punishment.

I still couldn’t quite believe what was happening. Kate was definitely taking advantage of the situation and was undoubtedly getting a buzz from how things were proceeding - though she knew I was undeniably getting a thrill out of it, too.

Some thrill at the moment, though. My stomach was all aflutter. The headmistress was going to cane my bare bottom! ‘You’re probably in for an uncomfortable time…’.

The wait seemed like forever, however, after about five minutes I heard the intercom buzz and then Mrs Griffiths’ voice telling Mrs Stevens to send me in. I rose at Mrs Stevens’ nod and, taking a deep breath to steady my nerves, I walked back into the study and closed the door behind me.

The two women were standing by the large desk in the room.

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“So,” said Mrs Griffiths. “I’ve been discussing your punishment with Kate, and we’ve agreed that twenty-four strokes of my senior cane would be appropriate for lying to me, young lady.”

I gulped. Twenty-four was a lot.

“All on your bare bottom, of course.”

Of course.

“You’ve signed the book giving your consent?”

I nodded. “Yes, Miss.”

“Good. Then let's not waste any more time. Please raise your skirt and bend over the desk.”

I did as I was told and lay over the desk, quietly waiting, my heart thudding in my chest. Even with my panties still on, I felt incredibly exposed. There was a silence as I sensed two pairs of eyes studying me. Then I felt a hand running over my panties. My breathing stopped for a moment.

“Judy, you are wearing non-regulation knickers and I admit that I am also disappointed at the condition of your uniform. Your blouse has not been ironed.”

Damn! I knew I should have made more effort. But Kate had told me not to worry. I swore to myself. I could feel her smirking behind me.

“I - I’m sorry Miss – I don’t have any school knickers left.”

“Be that as it may, you were told to be in full school uniform as if you were still a student here. You have not done this. I believe the state of your appearance warrants an extra six strokes. Would you agree, Judy?”

“I - y – yes, Mrs Griffiths.” I couldn’t really say anything else, could I? I wasn’t exactly in a position to argue, and I’d agreed to whatever punishment she decided.

“Right, well, let’s have these down.” I felt the headmistress tug my knickers until they were just above my knees. Now there was nothing between my bare bottom and Mrs Griffiths’ cane. I felt very vulnerable.

There was another moment’s silence, and then I heard Mrs Griffiths pick up her implement of choice and swish it behind me as she tried a couple of practice swings.

“No leniency today, Judy. You lied to me which, as you know, I abhor. Your responsible other, Kate, has given me her approval for a thorough punishment caning and all strokes will be of a suitable force. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Miss.” My voice cracked as I answered, and I was close to sobbing before she’d even started. I could feel myself shaking with anticipation, and the tears were back at the corners of my eyes.

I heard the click of her shoes as she settled into a position behind and slightly to one side of me.

“Remember, you need to stay bent over for all thirty, Judy, and keep hold of the far side of the desk with your hands. If you let go, that particular stroke won’t count and will be delivered again. Do you understand?”

I nodded into the desk. “Yes, Mrs Griffiths.” The words were Identical to the last time. I remembered them well.

“Good. Right, ready for the first stroke!”

I waited. It seemed like an eternity.

“Stop clenching your buttocks, Judy.”

Just as I relaxed, I heard the swish of her cane.


“Arghhhh!”  Oh, wow, that hurt! I could feel the searing pain right across my bottom! I concentrated desperately on keeping hold of the desk.


“Owwww!” A sob was wrenched from me. Oh, it hurt so much! This cane was thudding into my bottom…




Mrs Griffiths was delivering the strokes slowly and steadily, but also remorselessly, only giving me a few seconds each time to process the pain.



Oh my god, she was caning me hard! This was much more severe than last year. The cane was different – much less bouncy - and she was really laying the strokes on hard. Silently I gritted my teeth and cursed Kate both for her enthusiasm and for getting me into this.


But, I could feel something happening to me, too. Yes, I wanted this. Wanted the headmistress to cane me as hard as she could. Kate was right. I WANTED to be punished like a naughty schoolgirl.

And I wanted to prove I could take it.

Cane me harder! Please, Miss! I thought silently.

Subconsciously, I pushed my bottom out, willing her to increase the power of her strokes.

I heard her intake of breath as she seemed to hear my unspoken plea and, after a short pause, I felt the fury of the next strokes on my bottom.

Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!

“Arghhhh!” Those three merciless strokes caught me off guard. I let go of the desk and half-stood up, my hands automatically going to my poor buttocks.

Mrs Griffiths’ steely voice cut across my cries. “Those last three will not count, Miss Adams! Get back over the desk before you earn even more strokes!”

Sobbing, I quickly lay back down and grabbed the far side of the desk. I was getting THREE more! She really wanted to teach me a lesson!

Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!

This time I managed to hold on as the three were delivered one after the other. With suitable force, as she’d promised. As I’d rather foolishly just willed her to do.

I lost count after that. All I know is that I was crying in earnest now. Each stroke was a thud, followed by a searing strip of heat on my bottom. I let out a yell after each one and desperately tried to keep a hold of the desk.

Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!

I was blubbing now, hiccoughing as the tears flowed freely down my face. My whole bottom on fire.

But I could feel that my cunt was also wet. Wet with desire. I really hoped Mrs Griffiths couldn’t see it.

Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!

Then there was another pause. Mrs Griffiths sounded like she might actually be out of breath.

“The last six coming up Judy. You’ve done really well, but your bottom is looking very sore. The remainder will be on the tops of your thighs.” She paused again. Then I heard her whisper under her breath. “This should give you something new to think about…”

And I squealed as a new area of pain made itself known to me. I couldn’t help it, my back arching as I stood up automatically, crying with the burning.

“That one doesn’t count either. BACK over the desk!”

Snivelling, I did as I was instructed. I had been well beaten now. Mrs Griffiths had clearly made her point – as she had intended.

Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!

Somehow, I managed to stay in position for the final assault on my poor thighs, weeping steadily into the sleeve of my blouse.

“There – all done! You may pull up your knickers and make yourself comfortable now, Judy.”

I couldn’t move. I lay there over the desk continuing to silently sob, my bottom feeling swollen and on fire.

“Come on Judy.” I felt hands pulling me up; Mrs Griffiths on one side and Kate on the other. Kate actually looked worried, but I managed a weak smile for her. I could see the question in her eyes, and I nodded. Relieved, she gently stroked my tear-stained face with her fingers.

Then the realisation struck me. God, it was over! I was almost hyperventilating, and the tears were still running down my cheeks as I tugged my knickers back into place. Then, surprisingly, Mrs Griffiths gave me a big hug.

“Well done,” she whispered in my ear. “We’re all square now – you did the right thing, and I’m proud of you. You were my best Head Girl!”

I hugged her back, still crying into her shoulder. “Thank you, Miss. I know I deserved it and I’m glad you did it.”

Mrs Griffiths stepped back and looked at me. “Any time, Judy. I’d say it was a pleasure, but you’d probably disagree – or would you?”

Her question threw me off balance. Had she, then, noticed my state of arousal?

In reply, I half-laughed. “Anyone would think you enjoyed it, Miss,” I said cheekily.

I swore I could see a gleam in her eye. “Don’t be impertinent, Miss Adams – you can very easily find yourself back over the desk for a repeat thrashing – It is not wise to test me – unless that is what you want?”

She let the question hang in the air, waiting for a response. I was silent for a moment, almost wanting to accept her veiled challenge. I think she could see it, too. Then common sense took over. “Maybe not today, Miss.”

She smiled. “As I said – any time. My cane is always willing and will be waiting.” Then she turned to Kate.

“Now, Kate, are you sure you don’t feel the need for a caning as well? As you’re here…?”

“Ah, no thank you, Mrs Griffiths. I think I’ll pass.”

“Very well. Though I suspect you probably deserve it as well, given the explanation of what happened last year…”

I suddenly saw Kate looking worried. Ha! It would serve her right if she also ended up over Mrs Griffiths’ desk.

“…but I recognise a lost cause when I see one. I can’t see you consenting to bend over my desk – much though I’d welcome the opportunity to set the record straight with you as well.”

For a second I thought I saw Kate waiver – and then the moment was gone.

“Maybe some other time, Miss.”

“I may take you up on it!” warned Mrs Griffiths.

Kate cleared her throat to cover her sudden uncertainty.

“Um, may I call you if Judy is in need of any further punishment of this nature?”

Kate was quickly putting the conversation back where she wanted it. I saw Mrs Griffiths smile at the change of direction.

“Of course, Kate. There’s nothing quite like having a willing bottom to cane… I’ll give you my private number.”

I watched as Mrs Griffiths wrote her number onto a piece of headed notepaper.

“Right, Judy, time to take our leave, I think,” Kate said after Mrs Griffiths handed the paper to her.” Thank you so much, Lavinia.”

As we passed back into the outer office, I saw Mrs Stevens at her desk. She eyed my tear-stained face sympathetically.

“How many strokes?” she inquired.

“Thirty-four,” Kate told her.

“They sounded like hard ones.”

“They were,” I sniffed, rubbing my bottom. Kate laughed. “She got what she wanted, and what she deserved,” she told the slightly taken-aback secretary. “So, I wouldn’t waste your sympathy. I’ve a mind to give her another spanking when I get her home.”

Kate’s words clearly startled Mrs Stevens. Her eyes moved rapidly backwards and forwards between us, clearly trying to work out what was going on. I pressed my lips together, trying not to laugh. Sometimes Kate could be too much.

“What are you smirking at,” asked Kate with raised eyebrows. “I’m not joking. You know a punishment at school is usually followed by another once you get home.”

I stopped smiling. I never quite knew with Kate. Already, though, I could feel the tell-tale heat building at the top of my legs. My pussy was sopping, I could tell. If she wanted to spank me when we got home, I wouldn’t object. In fact, now that she’d mentioned it, I’d probably make damn sure I ended up over her knee. Just so long as she let me cum…


As we walked out of the school Kate giggled. “God, that was hot! Watching her cane you like that — and you just took it!” She eyed me speculatively. “You’re not too mad at me, are you? I thought you’d get turned on by it?” She was concerned by my tears.

I gave her a weak smile. “No, I’m not mad. I love you, Kate, and you always seem to know what I want – or need.”

She beamed at me. “Good – then let’s go, because what I want is your tongue in me – and what I desperately need is to cum! And you, you naughty girl, will have to wait. No orgasms for you until I say so – understand?

“Yes, Miss,” I said, biting my lip. I was sure my panties had just got wetter at Kate’s words. God, I couldn’t wait to get my head between her legs!

“I wonder what Mrs Stevens made of all that,” Kate snorted as we continued walking to her car.

“Telling her I was there to be caned by the headmistress was humiliating,” I admitted.

“Dressed in your slutty uniform? Yes, I know – but you loved that too, didn’t you?”

I coloured up again. “Yes,” I whispered.

“I bet she’s got her hand in her panties behind that counter, imagining she’s in her boss's office on the receiving end. She looked the type.”

She laughed again. “I think I will spank you when we get home, you slut – after I’ve checked how gooey your snatch is…”


Mrs Griffiths

When I got home, I poured myself a much-needed glass of wine  – a lovely little Malbec I’d been saving – slipped off my shoes and sat down to reflect on my afternoon.

Phew – what a fascinating couple of days. Running into Kate and Judy yesterday had proven to be incredibly illuminating – and a real bonus today! The two young women were an intriguing couple and had awoken something in me that had lain dormant for far too long.

I had to admit, I’d thoroughly enjoyed caning the ex-head girl. Yes, my job involved punishing the students when it was necessary, and I carried out my duties diligently. I was careful, however, not to allow any sexual feelings to flourish under such circumstances. I was, after all, a professional.

But Judy Adams! Ah, how she had matured in the last year. She had grown into a lovely young woman – very sexy and desirable, with a delectable full bottom – perfect for spanking or caning. And yet, there was an endearing vulnerability about her, too, that made me want to hug her.

Thinking of the young woman bent over my desk, I found my hand straying beneath the hem of my skirt. Very few people noticed, but I often wore stockings with my school attire - they always made me feel a good deal younger and much less starchy than my fifty-plus-year headmistress persona implied. Almost guiltily I slid my fingers into the top of my knickers, over the salt and pepper down of my pubic hair and down between the moist folds of my stirring snatch; I let out a deep sigh of pent-up release at the intimate touch.

Yes, that felt good…

I replayed the afternoon in my mind.  

I knew I was strict with the girls. But I was firm for a reason. Under my tutelage, I was proud of how my students turned out. Adolescent girls matured into confident, respectable young women. I thought Judy and Kate were both good examples of that. And yes, Judy had deserved the caning I had given her. I wasn’t trying to justify my actions. Caning girls was part of my job. And that was all it was. Today, however, had been different. Judy had been a willing participant - and an adult.

But it wasn’t just that. With Judy, it was that she seemed to crave it. She had wanted the caning. Oh, I knew it wasn’t unique for men or women to seek out such things, only it wasn’t something I normally considered when punishing the girls. But I was thinking about it now because of the sexual feelings it had stirred in me.

My pussy was very wet – just like Judy’s had been! Oh, yes – I’d seen the sheen of moisture on her delightful cunt hairs. And the gusset of her panties when I lowered them had been very damp.

That had aroused me. I had been astonished at the unexpected feeling, and I had had to fight the sudden desire to tug the knickers from Judy’s legs, push my face into the sticky crotch and inhale deeply to savour her musky scent.

It probably wouldn’t have gone down very well with her girlfriend, Kate.

I spread my legs a little further apart at the memory. It had been a long time since I’d cum – far too long - and I was taking a naughty delight in the experience. I allowed my fingers to explore, sliding them further into my slit, probing in and out, up and down, gently brushing my clit at the top of each stroke, deliberately teasing myself. I tried to imagine what the two young women might get up to together when they returned home, and I felt my orgasm building.

I’d had to work quite hard to avoid touching her. I had particularly wanted to run my fingers down the crease of her bottom and stroke her exposed little starfish – for some reason, I desperately wanted to kiss that sexy little ring of muscle. And the sight of her aroused vulva, peeping out at me, had me leaking copious fluid into my own knickers.

God, I was close to cumming now – I needed to distract myself for just a few moments more…

I thought about Kate. Kate was clearly very much an Alpha female. I’d have liked to have had her bent over my desk for a caning as well. The ex-Hockey Captain had been a bit of a handful at school – though she had turned into a very accomplished young woman by the looks of it. Decisive, bold and very confident. She had a certain poise that appealed to me.

Yes, I would have enjoyed caning that presumptuous young bottom. It would still do her good, I was sure.

And the two young women had formed a partnership! Their affection for each other was obvious. They seemed to dovetail very nicely together. I had been surprised by the dynamic between them. They exuded a – a sexuality - that was contagious.

I myself had always preferred women. If I took someone to bed, it was a woman. But it had been quite some time since I’d been with anyone. Somehow, I always seemed to scare people off. I knew I could be a little intimidating, and my job only intensified that impression.

My fingers were circling my clit rapidly now as my climax grew imminent. Images involving the two young women flitting through my head. One final surprising picture surfaced; in it, I was bent over my own desk, knickers round my ankles and bare bottom exposed; I was being caned by Kate whilst Judy watched. She was sprawled on the couch, skirt hitched up, legs apart and fingers playing with her pussy whilst I was thrashed by her girlfriend. Judy’s sodden panties were on my head, the sticky gusset pressed against my nose and mouth. The taste and aroma of her secretions pushed me over the edge as the cane bit into the soft, plump flesh of my deserving bottom…

Oh, oh, oh. Oh. My. God… Yes, Kate, cane me – cane your deserving headmistress as hard as you can…

I came hard, grunting and panting as my quim throbbed and pulsed to that last vision. I was bucking and making very unladylike noises as my orgasm expanded and rolled on and on and on, leaving me shaking and breathless.

Now, what on earth did that mean? I thought as I lay in a ragged, sodden heap on the sofa and drifted into a restless slumber.

Written by TheShyThespian
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